
Ascensiones en Aragon como Hang dog

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 1,556 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Escalador Fecha
8c Código de la gioconda Deportiva Rodellar Clásico
Ryan Holmes
Vie 10.º Mayo 2024
2 tries with beta from Doug. Another one to come back for.

8b+ Philipe Cuisinère Deportiva Rodellar
Laura Rogora
Dom 26.º Jul 2020
Fell just before the chain.

7c+ No limit
1 7c+
Deportiva 40m Rodellar Clásico
Paul Steinig
Vie 3.º Oct 2014
I just checked out this impressiv Route in the first shot to the first anchor.

8a+ The Kings of Metal (with extension) Deportiva 35m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Dom 2.º Nov 2014
This thing is AWESOME, got to through bulge after 7c+ anchors and lowered.

8a+ The Kings of Metal (with extension) Deportiva 35m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Dom 2.º Nov 2014
A redpoint burn of the 7c+. Got quite high on the last tufa. It was dark.

8a+ La Magantina - con Matt Cojean, Annie Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Vie 1.º Sep 2017
8a+ Paideia - con Annie Haag Deportiva 40m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Mié 20.º Sep 2017
Warm up. BTB working the moves. All came together ok.

8a+ Paideia - con Annie Haag Deportiva 40m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Mié 20.º Sep 2017
Dropknee crux. Not tight enough on setup. Pulled on and went to last rest. Quick sit then to anchors.

8a+ La Magantina - con Brecon Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Dom 24.º Sep 2017
Missed the bump from the heel before the crux. 2 sits to the top.

8a+ La Magantina - con Heather Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Sáb 23.º Sep 2017
Did all the moves straight up after someone 'warmed up' on it putting my gear in.

8a+ La Magantina - con Brecon, Dave Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Dom 1.º Oct 2017
Highpoint. So powerful

8a+ La Magantina - con Brecon, Dave Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Dom 1.º Oct 2017
Highpoint. Marginally higher. 2 more sits to the top.

8a+ La Magantina - con Brecon Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Jue 5.º Oct 2017
Strong burn. 1 hang. From pre crux to anchors. Very encouraging.

8a+ La Magantina - con Brecon Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Jue 5.º Oct 2017
Worst. Effort. Ever.

8a+ La Magantina - con Brecon Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Jue 5.º Oct 2017
No kneebar pad no send.

8a+ La Magantina - con Brecon Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Jue 5.º Oct 2017
Took bat and ball and went home. Dismal attempt

7b+ 8a+ 6.5 Variante 7b+ - con Josep Canós Deportiva Embalse de Santolea Megaclásica
Quique Jimenez
Mar 6.º Sep 2022
8a+ El corredor de la muerte — 3 intentos Deportiva 40m Rodellar Clásico
Jonas O
Lun 22.º Mayo 2023
8a+ El corredor de la muerte — 2 intentos Deportiva 40m Rodellar Clásico
Jonas O
Mar 23.º Mayo 2023
8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Lee Cujes
Lun 1.º Nov 2010
First burn. Jumped off the top. Why are the anchors all the way out there?

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Lee Cujes
Lun 1.º Nov 2010
Surprisingly good 2nd burn. Made it to the dyno (8th bolt). Then shagged for the top bit. That's where you'll fall. The top.

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Lee Cujes
Mar 2.º Nov 2010
First burn today fell just above kneebar, but figured out the top better.

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Lee Cujes
Mar 2.º Nov 2010
4th burn. Bloody pumped, and fell off the top after the dyno. Sigh! Very close...

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Lee Cujes
Jue 4.º Nov 2010
Fell after the dyno again. Sooo tired.

8a Rebelion en la granja Deportiva 15m Rodellar Muy buena
Paul Steinig
Mar 7.º Oct 2014
Wow, very good short route with big moves on slopers an tufers, I needed 6 shots to find the perfect beta where I didn't need to much power indurance...

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Paul Steinig
Sáb 11.º Oct 2014
Climbed up the hole route this time with to short rests at the crux.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Sáb 11.º Oct 2014
Matt told Lucy and I to get on this so we did! Ahh the crux was so cool the top slab is so scary when you're pumped silly! Just bolt to bolted to just get a feel of the full on power endurance steepness..

8a Gracias Fina - con Tracey Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Sáb 11.º Oct 2014
Such a great climb. No wonder the masses want to get on it! Got to he hard moves on the flash attempt. haha

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Dom 12.º Oct 2014
To the flake rest before main crux.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Dom 12.º Oct 2014
A slow burn to workout the main crux better. All sorted using the high thin pinch. Going to be tricky getting the finger slot accurate. That'll be the redpoint crux I think

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Vie 17.º Oct 2014
Lazy attempt at getting into the first pocket. 3 sits to the top.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Vie 17.º Oct 2014
Fumbled the pocket AGAIN. 1 sit to the top.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Vie 17.º Oct 2014
May have been just a bit tired by now. Pocket fumble shenanigans

8a Gracias Fina - con Matt Pascoe Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Lun 20.º Oct 2014
1 week ago I had several goes at both cruxes, took a huge whipper, made lots of girly whimpers and got so scared.. Today I got through everything first shot, sitting at every bolt but hey pulled the moves now the decision to commit to this project or not...?

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Lun 20.º Oct 2014
Just another pocket fumble. A trend is forming. Pulled on and went o the top. Changed sequence.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Matt Pascoe
Lun 20.º Oct 2014
Another burn to redeem the ordinary attempts.

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Mar 21.º Oct 2014
Warming up on route. Struggled getting over the bulge. Lowered once that was figured out.

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Mar 21.º Oct 2014
Messed the approach to the crux. Pulled crux easily and worked moves to top. Ready for RP

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Mar 21.º Oct 2014
Messed crux approach again. Two moves before throw I had forgotten how to climb.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Mié 22.º Oct 2014
So today my goal was to link both cruxes and maybe climb to the anchors.. big call considering I sat on pretty much every bolt last time. Matt Pascoe has given me some coaching and has advised that I sit at the first first knee bar rest and then climb gracias fina to the top before clean before attempting any red point burns. So first go sat at the knee bar rest, went for it and managed to link 3/4 of the crux I was super happy. Worked the top section but still felt really reach.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Mié 22.º Oct 2014
Again sat at the knee bar rest. This time fell off the last move of the crux yeow.. progress... found better beta for the top and worked it into my brain... still have not taken that whipper.. so run out to the top... also found a few more knee bars

8a A Cravita - con ICU Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Jue 23.º Oct 2014
Remembered beta. Got to the pinch for throw setup. Missed dyno. I love falling off these classic lines. Such good climbing.

8a A Cravita - con ICU Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Jue 23.º Oct 2014
Fell at same place, Refined beta with a heel for throw and leaving the ledge.

8a A Cravita - con ICU Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Jue 23.º Oct 2014
Tickled the throw hold. Tired

8a Gracias Fina - con Lucy Pascoe Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Jue 23.º Oct 2014
Second day on shit fest! Couldn't pull through the crux... so i changed my beta and was still freaking out at the top because i couldn't relax into the rest.

8a Gracias Fina - con Lucy Pascoe Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Jue 23.º Oct 2014
New beta didn't work so well so changed it back, tweaking the feet and took the fall from the top yeow... see how we go after a rest day...

8a Gracias Fina - con Lucy Pascoe Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Sáb 25.º Oct 2014
With some extra knee bar beta off Lucy, I was able to rest before the crux and after.. pretty good go, worked out some more foot beta and finally went to the top without sitting.

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Lun 27.º Oct 2014
Elephant ball warmup. Felt strong but slipped out of the bulge crack. Spoogey today.

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Mar 28.º Oct 2014
Warm-up play.. Everything felt good!

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Mar 28.º Oct 2014
It was time to give it everything... Screamed my way through the bread slice and got past the crux. I was so nervous, I forgot my beta and only made it 4 more moves... It should have been finished off... brain fart...

8a Gracias Fina - con Eric Godfrey Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Mié 29.º Oct 2014
Warm-up burn

8a Gracias Fina - con Eric Godfrey Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Mié 29.º Oct 2014
High point, fell off one move from the final rest to the easy end last day with no send booo!

8a Gracias Fina - con Eric Godfrey Deportiva 30m Rodellar Megaclásica
Tracey Hua
Mié 29.º Oct 2014
Last ditch effort but was wayyy to tired for the pitch move.

7c+ 8a Delocalisation - con Matt Cojean, Annie Deportiva 30m Rodellar Buena
Matt Pascoe
Lun 11.º Sep 2017
Fell at slimpers at the top. Good friction required. Or super strong digits. Finally found the path through.

8a Les cadres regenerent - con Brecon Deportiva 25m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Lun 2.º Oct 2017
All moves sorted. The top will be the heart breaker.

8a Les cadres regenerent Deportiva 25m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Mar 3.º Oct 2017
All moves sorted. The top will be the heart breaker.

8a Les cadres regenerent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Dom 8.º Oct 2017
Warm up to halfway.

8a Les cadres regenerent - con Lucy Deportiva 25m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Dom 8.º Oct 2017
Foot slipped going to underling first crux. All sorted to to the top. Bomber knee bar before final moves to anchors.

8a Coliseum - con Brecon Littleford Deportiva 40m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Lun 9.º Oct 2017
Easy idle up scoping the moves.

8a Alambra - con Paul Steinig Deportiva 25m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Lun 16.º Oct 2017
Couldn't clip at gaston. Easily sorted the rest of the moves out.

8a Alambra - con Paul Steinig Deportiva 25m Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Lun 16.º Oct 2017
Fell short of L/H bump in crux. NB: Doing it the same way as everyone else.

8a Les cadres regenerent - con Matt Pascoe Deportiva 25m Rodellar Muy buena
Paul Steinig
Sáb 28.º Oct 2017
Good flash beta from my friend Matt! Got close to sending it, but without the draws in it felt like much harder...

8a A Cravita Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Nick Miguel Ducker
Mié 22.º Mayo 2019
8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Nick Miguel Ducker
Sáb 25.º Mayo 2019
Got all the beta this time

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Nick Miguel Ducker
Sáb 25.º Mayo 2019
Linked into the first rest, shitty clip if you're a weakboi

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Nick Miguel Ducker
Sáb 25.º Mayo 2019
Linked almost into the deadpoint then made some good progress on the upper headwall

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Nick Miguel Ducker
Sáb 25.º Mayo 2019
High point & then one hung it, #surprised

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar
Nick Miguel Ducker
Sáb 25.º Mayo 2019
Despite feeling tired, managed to get halfway through the redpoint crux before blowing off. Took the draws off to head to Siurana tomorrow, will be back for this one!

8a Gracias Fina Deportiva 30m Rodellar Clásico
Jonas O
Vie 20.º Mayo 2022
To the first anchor.

7c+ El Delfin Deportiva 18m Rodellar Muy buena
Lee Cujes
Dom 26.º Sep 2010
7c+ Made in Mascun Deportiva Rodellar Muy buena
Lee Cujes
Lun 25.º Oct 2010
Wanted the OS badly. Went in artic conditions (dumb/numb). Clean to 2 clips from the end. I swore a lot.

7c+ El Delfin Deportiva 18m Rodellar Medio
Chris Beric
Mié 6.º Jul 2011
I definitely cant climb 29`s yet haha was fun to play around on though, the climb doesnt appeal to me as something i would work though

7c+ El Delfin Deportiva 18m Rodellar
Sáb 20.º Jul 2013
7c+ Iva (Spasiba extension) Deportiva Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Lun 6.º Oct 2014
2 low percentage moves = a long project. Nice climbing though. Need to get a coach for some kneebar techniques

7c+ Iva (Spasiba extension) - con Paul Deportiva Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Mar 7.º Oct 2014
Two moves that the 7a+ to a c+. Soooo much fun. Putting the draws up and familiarizing myself with the move.

7c+ Iva (Spasiba extension) - con Paul Deportiva Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Mar 7.º Oct 2014
Missed the first huck.

7c+ Iva (Spasiba extension) - con Paul Deportiva Rodellar Muy buena
Matt Pascoe
Mar 7.º Oct 2014
Tickle the second landing jug.

7c+ Coach ou Tryan Deportiva 28m, 9 Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Mié 15.º Oct 2014
Took ages to figure a way to do the crux.

7c+ Coach ou Tryan Deportiva 28m, 9 Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Mié 15.º Oct 2014
Which didn't work.

7c+ Coach ou Tryan Deportiva 28m, 9 Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Mié 15.º Oct 2014
Then forgot what to do after.

7c+ Jovenes promesas - con Annie, Matt Cojean Deportiva 35m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Mar 29.º Ag 2017
Pumpy climbing with a less than secure finish. Felt strong until I went the wrong way at the roof then got an instant pump. Several sits afterwards.

7c+ Jovenes promesas - con Matt Cojean, Annie Deportiva 35m Rodellar Clásico
Matt Pascoe
Vie 1.º Sep 2017
Warm up.

7c+ El Sepes - con Lucy Deportiva 30m Rodellar Buena
Matt Pascoe
Mié 6.º Sep 2017
Somehow got to the top. Powerful climbing through a short roof then it just keeps on coming.

7c+ El Sepes - con Lucy Deportiva 30m Rodellar Buena
Matt Pascoe
Jue 21.º Sep 2017
Stumped by the top....until I found the obvisious hold.

7c+ Coach ou Tryan - con Heather Deportiva 28m, 9 Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Mar 26.º Sep 2017
Tricky crux sorted with a little twist here and there.

7c 7c+ Coach ou Tryan - con Nick Deportiva 28m, 9 Rodellar Buena
Matt Pascoe
Mié 27.º Sep 2017
Foot slipped in crux.

7c+ Akelarre Deportiva 28m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Vie 6.º Oct 2017
Fell at flakes. Wasted too much gas down low. Pulled on and went to the top.

7c+ Argo - con Dave Carson Deportiva 35m Rodellar
Matt Pascoe
Mié 11.º Oct 2017
6m of 7c+ over 30 meters of climbing... Found the crux hard to work out until I figured out how to hold one of the holds.

7c+ Argo - con Dave Carson Deportiva 35m Rodellar Buena
Matt Pascoe
Jue 12.º Oct 2017
Got the back 3 pocket very badly and couldn't power through it. Higher crux sorted and is now waaay easier.

7c+ Akelarre Deportiva 28m Rodellar
Nick Miguel Ducker
Mar 21.º Mayo 2019
7c+ la vara de florentino Deportiva 25m Rodellar
Anzhela Malysheva
Mié 20.º Nov 2019
7c+ Made in Mascun Deportiva Rodellar Muy buena
Mié 2.º Oct 2019
7c+ L'oreille cassée Deportiva Revilla
Vie 13.º Ag 2021
7c+ L'oreille cassée Deportiva Revilla
Vie 13.º Ag 2021
7c+ Geisha Deportiva 30m Santa Ana
Dom 3.º Abr 2022
Nice climbing with a hard but nice crux at the top! Even though it is long you have a few good rests

7c+ El Delfin Deportiva 18m Rodellar
Reed Welsh
Vie 15.º Abr 2022
7c+ El Delfin Deportiva 18m Rodellar
Reed Welsh
Vie 15.º Abr 2022
7c+ Amistad p1 Deportiva Rodellar Buena
Jonas O
Dom 15.º Mayo 2022
7c+ Amistad p1 Deportiva Rodellar Buena
Jonas O
Mar 17.º Mayo 2022
7c+ Amistad p1 Deportiva Rodellar Buena
Jonas O
Vie 20.º Mayo 2022

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 1,556 ascensiones.

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