
Ascensiones en Moesano teniendo Beta

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Mostrando los 32 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Sáb 4.º Nov 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Guinness
6A Compressor - con Dino Collalti, Nico Búlder
Again failing at the mantle. A weakness!

6A+ Tallontecnica - con Dino Collalti Búlder
Did the first part 2nd go, exit proved to be too tricky.

4 Joy Full Joy - con Nico, Anna S., Dino Collalti, Flavia, Julia, Lisa Búlder Buena

Vie 3.º Nov 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Guinness
5 Stromboli - con Nico, Dino Collalti, Anna S., Flavia Búlder Muy buena

Vie 3.º Nov 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Spit
5 Quadrato Punto - con Nico, Dino Collalti Búlder Buena
Footslip on the start move during first ascent.

Mié 3.º Mayo 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Brezza sottile
8A Brezza Sottile Búlder
Mr. Topishko
Mié 3.º Mayo 2023 - Val Calanca
Giova The Great Walk in Babylon
8A The Great Walk in Babylon Búlder
Mr. Topishko
Such a cool traverse

Mié 3.º Mayo 2023 - Val Calanca
Laura Laura
7C Traumalix Búlder
Mr. Topishko
Mié 3.º Mayo 2023 - Val Calanca
Laura Roky
8A Cold Smoke Búlder
Mr. Topishko
8A Gangya Smoke Búlder
Mr. Topishko
8A Plasma Búlder
Mr. Topishko
Feels even better than Cold smoke, especially first move) https://www.instagram.com/reel/CryqFsWLoHv/?igshid=ZWIzMWE5ZmU3Zg==

Dom 23.º Abr 2023 - Val Calanca
Giova From Top to Top
8A From Top to Top Búlder
Mr. Topishko
Much more funny than König

8A Wein Der Könige Búlder
Mr. Topishko
Tried to connect both way with from top to top but it didn’t work😅

Dom 23.º Abr 2023 - Val Calanca
Grono Guru
8A No Guru no method no teacher — 2 intentos Búlder Buena
Mr. Topishko
Fell on top out on my flash try. Cool line as well as pianist https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrammLMsxFg/?igshid=ZWIzMWE5ZmU3Zg==

8A The Pianist Búlder
Mr. Topishko
Really nice moves, sadly stupid fall on my flash try https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrammLMsxFg/?igshid=ZWIzMWE5ZmU3Zg==

Mar 11.º Abr 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Guinness
7A Scent of Mushroom — 14 intentos - con Nico, Flavia, Julia, Rafael, Laura, Rob Búlder Muy buena
Stuck the „crux“ move every time today, but could never do the final move out left to the jug. Think I need to weigh the bad left foot more. Sad not to have sent it this trip, but the progress I made on it was very enjoyable. 7A is definitely possible for me!

4 Joy Full Joy - con Nico, Flavia, Julia, Rafael, Laura, Rob Búlder Buena
Warmup go #2

4 Joy Full Joy - con Nico, Flavia, Julia, Rafael, Laura, Rob Búlder Buena
Warmup go #1

Dom 9.º Abr 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Guinness
7A Scent of Mushroom — 5 intentos - con Dino Collalti, Nico Búlder Muy buena
Stuck the crux shoulder move to the good hold on the right today! Now only the top move is missing.

5 ~5+ Corona di Redorta — 2 intentos - con Dino Collalti, Nico Búlder Buena
Very hard starting move for a five. I vote 5+ at least.

5 ~5+ Che cosa c'è — 3 intentos - con Dino Collalti, Nico Búlder Medio
Very hard for a 4+ (Bimano app). More like 5/+.

Dom 9.º Abr 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Spit
5 Dülfer - con Dino Collalti, Nico, Flavia, Julia, Rafael, Laura Búlder Muy buena
Nice. Start crux (feet).

6A Dolores - con Dino Collalti, Nico, Flavia, Julia, Rafael, Laura Búlder Clásico
Start with hands outstretched, then left-and-right bumping up before climbing up and to the right. Super nice, slightly morpho if you have short arms.

6B Crossfit — 5 intentos - con Dino Collalti, Nico, Flavia, Julia, Rafael, Laura Búlder Muy buena
Start with arms outstretched, then cross into the left holds. Nice problem. Flashed it, but with matched hands on the left, thus climbing it wrongly. Doing it right cost me a few attempts.

6B A Long Carabine - con Dino Collalti, Nico, Flavia, Julia, Rafael, Laura Búlder Muy buena
Flashed the traverse, but sent the problems in the middle first (crux), so technically not a flash.

Vie 7.º Abr 2023 - Val Calanca
Selma Guinness
4+ Sable - con Dino Collalti, Nico, Julia, Flavia, Rafael, Laura Búlder Ni te molestes
Very spicy topout for a 4…

Lun 13.º Mar 2023 - Monticello
5c L'angolo degli Dei — 2 intentos - con Anika Deportiva 15m
The grades are totaly random and the bolting of the first 3 bolts is odd

5a+ Y capovolta - con Anika Deportiva 15m
The grades are totaly random

6a Congiunzione finale - con Anika Deportiva 15m Muy buena
The grades are totaly random

Sáb 11.º Mar 2023 - San Vittore
Sass di Cherp
5c Herbstsonne - con Anika, Jakob Deportiva 260m, 12 Muy buena
Beim Zustieg noch 2 Sl über die untere Platte

Lun 16.º Mayo 2022 - Monticello
6a Doris - con Esteban Deportiva 30m Muy buena
First pitch

6a Y capovolta - con Esteban Deportiva 15m Buena
I felt the grade is wrong.


Mostrando los 32 ascensiones.

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