
Vías en North Wales

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Mostrando 301 - 400 de más de 10,300 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad Zona
Año desconocido
E4 6b Blood of an Englishman Clásica 30m Gist Ddu
VS 4a Big Phlash Clásica 16m Denbighshire
7B Hipoposaurus - Direct Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
6c+ Driving the Dumper Deportiva 15m Conwy
6A+ 12 on the Topo Búlder Bala Boulders
VB 4A The Plug Búlder Denbighshire
6C+ Desmond 2:2 Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
4c Jordan Peterson Deportiva 9m Conwy
HS 4b Jenga Clásica 39m, 3 Y Castell
VB 4A Approaching Showers Búlder Denbighshire
6A+ Bear Claw Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
6c White Magic Deportiva 22m Conwy
E5 6a A Point of Snow Return Clásica Bryn y Dyfrgi
VB Low Bulge Right Búlder 4m Denbighshire
VS 5a Wet Roots Clásica Ogwen Valley Area
6b+ The Mankind Initiative Deportiva 16m Conwy
E4 6a Psychopop Clásica 18m Simdde Ddu
HS 4a Mujahideen Moonshine Clásica 8m Denbighshire
V5 Head shot Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
6b The Burning Spinster Deportiva 11m Conwy
VD Left Aisle Clásica 21m Simdde Ddu
6c+ Kamikaze Clone Deportiva 15m Denbighshire
8A Kingdom of Pain Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
V5 Keel Left Hand Búlder Conwy
E2 5c World’s Gone Green Clásica 12m Daear Fawr
8a Highway Deportiva 15m Denbighshire
6A+ Bass guitar Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
6C Major Droop Búlder Conwy
S The Big Yin Clásica 30m, 3 Pen Tyrau
6a Humble Hog Clásica 7m Denbighshire
HVS 5a Dead Mouse Crack Clásica 20m Ogwen Valley Area
V1 The Scoop Búlder Conwy
HVS 5a Ariadne in the Maze Clásica 15m Craig Y Hyrddod
E3 5c Thanks to Ellis Brigham Clásica 11m Denbighshire
E1 5b Funny Bone Clásica 38m, 3 Ogwen Valley Area
6b+ Vitamin Sea Deportiva 18m Conwy
6A Lawr Coed Búlder Moelwynion
VS 5a Tower of Babel Clásica 10m Denbighshire
E2 5c Gawain - Direct Clásica 62m, 4 Ogwen Valley Area
8b Cream of the Crop Deportiva 20m Conwy
7B Dabrat - SD


Búlder Moelwynion
E2 5b Mainly for Pleasure Clásica 12m Denbighshire
6C Shuffle truffle Búlder Conwy
7A+ Gwirionedd Llawn Búlder Conwy
VS 4b Game of Thrones Clásica Moelwynion
HVS 5b Gigolo Clásica 12m Denbighshire
S 4a Pinnacle Wall Clásica Ogwen Valley Area
8a Never Get Out of the Boat Deportiva 19m Conwy
E2 5b The Earl of Meirionnydd Clásica 15m Moelwynion
7b Bug Off Deportiva Denbighshire
VD Solo slab right arete Clásica 6m Ogwen Valley Area
7b Rhinestone Cowboy Deportiva 7 Conwy
S 4b Elephant's Crawl Clásica 24m Moelwynion
S 4a You Wyn Some You Lose Some Clásica 8m Ogwen Valley Area
7a Physical Transaction Deportiva 12m Denbighshire
E2 5c Just Along for the Ride Clásica Conwy
6B Oval Stripe Búlder Moelwynion
6B Cold Feet Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
7a Fraction Fictor Deportiva Denbighshire
5+ No Ants Left Búlder Conwy
E4 5c Swallowed by Amazons Clásica Moelwynion
7A+ Poly the Filla Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
E1 5b Frigorific Clásica 12m Denbighshire
7A+ Why Slug More Slug - SD


Búlder Conwy
6C+ The Rib Búlder Moelwynion
7C Wrestling with a Badger Búlder Ogwen Valley Area
E3 6a Buster Bloodvessel Clásica 2 Denbighshire
HS 4b Natrix Clásica 10m Conwy
VS 4c Shadowfax Clásica 35m Ogwen Valley Area
E3 6a Banana Splits Clásica 12m Denbighshire
7B+ Clockwise Pumpsville Búlder Conwy
7B Break on through - SD


Búlder Moelwynion
VS 5a Hot Wall - Continuation Clásica 12m Ogwen Valley Area
HS 4a Wood Pigeon Crack Clásica 12m Denbighshire
7A+ Sweet Bicep Búlder Conwy
E1 5a The Death of The Witch Clásica Anglesey
S Route I Clásica 3 Ogwen Valley Area
E2 5b Jabberwocky Clásica 12m Denbighshire
7A+ Drag Hunt - SD


Búlder Conwy
E2 5c White Water Wall Clásica 15m Anglesey
VD Pinacle Block Variation Clásica 9m Ogwen Valley Area
VS 4a The Last Fling Clásica 12m Denbighshire
6a The Three Musketeers Deportiva 12m Conwy
VS 4b Sea Slug Shuffle Clásica 10m Anglesey
HVD Popov Clásica 44m Ogwen Valley Area
6b Balling Deportiva Denbighshire
E1 5b Gilbert Clásica Conwy
VS 4c Triffids Clásica Anglesey
E2 5b Hywel Dda Clásica Clogwyn Cyrau
7a Hand In Glove Deportiva 30m Denbighshire
E2 5c Day of the Tripheads Clásica Craig yr Aderyn
6c Penelope Direct-ish Deportiva Conwy
E1 5b The Wild Rover Clásica Anglesey
E2 5b Fatal Attraction Clásica Clogwyn Cyrau
E5 6b Survival of the Fattest Clásica 40m Denbighshire
VD Chucky Vinster Clásica Craig yr Aderyn
V11 Pit of Hell Búlder Conwy
HS 4b Forgotten Clásica 7m Anglesey
HS 4b Way Out West Clásica Clogwyn Cyrau
E3 5c Double Crossbones Clásica 39m Denbighshire

Mostrando 301 - 400 de más de 10,300 vías.

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