
Ascensiones en Joe's Valley teniendo Beta

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 117 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Escalador Fecha
V10 Finger Hut Búlder Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Wei Gao
Vie 7.º Abr 2023
Wanted to test myself on a world-class boulder. First v10 established in Joe's I believe? Beautiful problem.

V5 Walrus Búlder Joe's Valley
Mar 14.º Jun 2022
Reckon this might go with another sesh

V2 Hole Mine Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Mar 14.º Jun 2022
Think this might be slightly harder than V2, but very cool

V6 V7 Pocket Rocket Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mié 15.º Jun 2022
Awesome Dyno from perfect pocket. Think I probably need to knock off a grade for ape index

V4 Self Service Búlder 2m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mié 15.º Jun 2022
Amazing line but by God it's greasy

V5 Smoothie Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Vie 17.º Jun 2022
Tricky slab

V4 Indian Steps Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Vie 17.º Jun 2022
Beautiful climbing, but a hold has broken off which made the topout a bit sketchy for me

V3 Stand Up Búlder Joe's Valley Buena
Sáb 18.º Jun 2022
Beefy campus start

V4 K-Town Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Lun 19.º Mar 2018
Soft if you're tall.

V5 Kelly's Arete Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Mar 20.º Mar 2018
Really fun moves in a scenic area.

V4 Indian Steps Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Mar 27.º Mar 2018
Top out was the trickiest part.

V5 Pimper's Paradise Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Jue 29.º Mar 2018
This is a super neat line. Found the top out tricky, but it could have been that I was super tired.

V1 Lamar Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Medio
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
Maybe I started this wrong, but that first move was not v1 IMO.

V4 Self Service Búlder 2m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
What a fun boulder!

V3 Desperate Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Clásico
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
Great line

V7 Planet of the Apes Búlder 5m Joe's Valley
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
Wow! What a fun line to work!

V3 Dem' Bones Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Mar 27.º Mar 2018

V3 Bad Genes Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Clásico
Dom 18.º Mar 2018

V4 Pimpin' Jeans Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Clásico
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
I enjoyed this climb, even though I almost muffed the top out ha ha

V5 Reading Rainbow Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
The first move was super squishy.

V5 Mono E Mono Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Mar 27.º Mar 2018
It is enjoyable for how short it is.

V5 Kill by Numbers Búlder 2m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Mié 21.º Mar 2018
This is such a classic boulder problem. So fun!

V3 Joe Cool Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
A good way to finish the day!

V2 Hole Mine Búlder Joe's Valley Buena
Vie 23.º Mar 2018
The rock is slick. Slipped out of the second pocket on first burn.

V5 Roll the Dice Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Muy buena
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
I enjoyed this slab climb.

V3 Don't Leave Too Soon (Don't Leave Too Soong) Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Clásico
Sáb 24.º Mar 2018
Fantastic climbing!

V4 A Bobcat in the Kiparoo Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Mar 20.º Mar 2018
Barn doored on the first attempt. Got it second burn with different foot beta.

V4 Indian Steps Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Mar 27.º Mar 2018
Top out was the trickiest part.

V5 Kill by Numbers Búlder 2m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Mié 21.º Mar 2018
This is such a classic boulder problem. So fun!

V2 The Angler Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Medio
Lun 19.º Mar 2018
Looks beautiful and it was probably fun to climb on the first ascent. Even knowing the first foot was glassy, I still slipped off first go ha ha

V3 V3/4 K-Town Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Lun 19.º Mar 2018
Soft if you're tall.

V5 Kelly's Arete Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Mar 20.º Mar 2018
Really fun moves in a scenic area.

V6 Planet of the Apes Búlder 5m Joe's Valley
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
Wow! What a fun line to work!

V1 Lamar Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Medio
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
Maybe I started this wrong, but that first move was not v1 IMO.

V3 Bad Genes Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Dom 18.º Mar 2018

V2 Admiral Nelson Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Dom 25.º Mar 2018
Do this climb!

V1 V2 Ankle Deep In Gasoline Búlder 6m Joe's Valley Clásico
Vie 23.º Mar 2018
Decent highball. Jug hauling to the moon.

V3 Dem' Bones Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Mar 27.º Mar 2018

V2 V3 Desperate Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Clásico
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
Great line

V5 Reading Rainbow Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
The first move was super squishy.

V3 Joe Cool Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
A good way to finish the day!

V2 Chexmix Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Vie 23.º Mar 2018
A beautiful climb!

V4 Pimpin' Jeans Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
I enjoyed this climb, even though I almost muffed the top out ha ha

V5 Roll the Dice Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Muy buena
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
I enjoyed this slab climb.

V4 Self Service Búlder 2m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Mié 28.º Mar 2018
What a fun boulder!

V5 Pimper's Paradise Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Jue 29.º Mar 2018
This is a super neat line. Found the top out tricky, but it could have been that I was super tired.

V6 Great White Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Vie 23.º Mar 2018
Fantastic movements on great rock. A must do!

V2 Hole Mine Búlder Joe's Valley Buena
Vie 23.º Mar 2018
The rock is slick. Slipped out of the second pocket on first burn.

V2 Obscelete Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Muy buena
Dom 25.º Mar 2018

V5 Mono E Mono Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Mar 27.º Mar 2018
It is enjoyable for how short it is.

V3 Michelangelo Búlder 6m Joe's Valley Clásico
Vie 23.º Mar 2018
Loved the committing move at the top. A couple more pads would have made this feel less exposed.

V3 America’s Playground Búlder Joe's Valley Buena
Sáb 24.º Mar 2018
Rock quality is super suspect on this climb, but it climbs fairly well.

V5 Pockadoodle Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mié 21.º Mar 2018
Beautiful climbing that doesn't feel v5 IMO. I broke off a what I thought was a foothold on my flash attempt. It was way underneath and not needed. Had to settle for sending on the second go using the regular foot pockets.

V2 Stinky Jeans Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Clásico
Dom 18.º Mar 2018
Good fun

V1 South Slab 1 Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Clásico
Mar 20.º Mar 2018
Really neat.

V5 Dyno Time Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Dom 25.º Mar 2018
A fun one move wonder.

V10 Resident Evil Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Max lesoine
Jue 26.º Sep 2019
From the OG start on the 2 tiny crimps. Still felt soft for V10

V7 SPAM Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Sáb 19.º Mar 2005
Super Cool

V5 Pimper's Paradise - con Maria, Morgan and Alex Búlder Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Jue 30.º Oct 2014
OMG, what a rock! So we had no idea about the climbs at Joe's, because nobody was selling the guidebook, not even at the food ranch (local market and eatery). So at the fork, we see this CO license plated car, and we ask if they are bouldering, and it turned out not only that they were, but had a guidebook, so we tagged along and met really cool buddies First place these guys took us to was Pimper's Paradise, which I should've flashed but couldn't aim right. Maria was really close XO

V8 No Substance - con Maria, Morgan, Alex, and owners of an angry dog. Búlder Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Jue 30.º Oct 2014
So Alex takes us to this crazy V13 he was gonna try (dyno from sidepull crimps with little smears for feet to a one pad sharp edge) and I saw a few guys trying this classic testpiece. Decided to try it for the sake of exercising that day and surprised myself- I got a lot further than I expected, and I am sure I can actually do this boulder if I spend a couple of days on it! Made me realize that progression really has happened

V2 V2 to the left - con Maria, Morgan, Alex and other owners of a couple 'dogs. Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Justin Case
Vie 31.º Oct 2014
Very hard for V2... Had to skip the pocket and aim for the big slopers on the lip of the boulder. Too uncoordinated to ace that pocket

V3 Bad Genes - con Maria, Morgan, Alex, and owners of a hostile but submissive dog. Búlder Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Sáb 1.º Nov 2014
Did this with hiking boots on. Skipped all of the bad crimps and did big moves to better holds instead. Hardest boulder ever done on boots for me... Maria was one easy move away from sending it with the hard (crimpy) beta, but slipped and got slingshot back

V5 Stumblebum Traverse - con Maria, Morgan and Alex Búlder 7m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Sáb 1.º Nov 2014
Great moves to great holds. Perfect Joe's rock texture. Shoulda come to New Joe's before! Less cold and more scenic. Also, hanging around is easier and less crumbly (in other places of Joe's I felt like in a mix of Brooyar with Slider just hanging around). Gotta keep the body tension on this one! Just about not pumping out. Power endurance! Stoked about the flash

V6 Fig Fart (Fart Fig) - con Maria, Morgan and Alex Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Sáb 1.º Nov 2014
Fastest V6 ever! Probably on the low end of the grade. Sit start on slopey crimps to a big crimpy undercling move followed my a crimpy deadpoint and you're done! Felt like it was flashable, actually. Very happy to get this before leaving Joe's!

V1 Whopper - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Justin Case
Vie 3.º Abr 2015
After flashing Self Service, I decided to check this line to the right. Hard start for V1 for sure. Not sure if the sit start is V1. Also, potential for a bad landing. Nevertheless, quite good.

V4 Self Service - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 2m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Vie 3.º Abr 2015
After driving from Farmington, NM, we arrived at the paradise that is Joe's Valley. Pitched the tent on New Joe's and went exploring. Found some guys with guidebooks and they let us take photos of it (thanks guys!). After that, I flashed this outstanding techy line with heel-toe cams and technical mantle. Awesome start of an awesome trip

V1 Stinky Jeans - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Clásico
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
First proper day at Joe's. Went straight to this boulder because it's the first one you encounter in the (very pleasant) approach. Nice arete climbing with a somewhat techy mantle. Enjoyable.

V4 Pimpin' Jeans - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
Last time I was here in November, I got denied on this climb because I was attempting it in boots. Climbed it easily this time in climbing shoes. Crimpy and slopey with a techy mantle. Awesome line! Maria got soooo close to sending too! Such a good social environment here, you will always find nice people in this boulder (and in Joe's in general)!

V1 Sphere - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Buena
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
Was kinda bored, so got on this chossy but nice line. Fun!

V5 Reading Rainbow - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Muy buena
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
Hard sit start. It bunches you up a bit if you're not short. Hard getting off the ground and sticking the first two crimps, and then it's a cruise. First V5 this trip

V1 Lamar - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Muy buena
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
Awesome slab boulder. You actually find people in the US who enjoy slabs. Not used to that because in Australia everybody seems to hate 'em. Could finally come out of the slab closet

V7 Chips - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Vie 10.º Abr 2015
This was probably my best line of the trip- only 5 hard and technical moves- crossover to a crimp, slapping the face, slapping the rail, grabbing the bad pinch, and launching for the dyno. Powerful, yet very technical. I even did it with a day of climbing to spare. When I stuck the dyno, even though I didn't know what to do next, I just held on and blood blistered my hands. So worth it. So good. Bring on "Tendon de Aquiles" in Bernal!

V7 Planet of the Apes - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Mar 7.º Abr 2015
OMG, hadn't been as psyched to work a boulder since Human Energy... Such an incredible line! Powerfest for sure. First V7 since Mr. Moran back in November. Compression, slopers, crimps, power, and a strong mantle. Went from not being able to do the moves to sending using a sloper at the top nobody uses. The fact that people kept coming to this boulder (padding the f*ck out of it) relentlessly sending the line helped mentally for sure. Did it in my last possible attempt that day. Soooo happy!

V1 Desperado - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
This side of the boulder looks like a lot like the bark of the trees at Joe's. Very aesthetic for sure. Gotta squeeze a bit at the start, but flows very well afterwards. Loved it.

V3 Desperate - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 4m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
Right hand variant of Desperado. Also very enjoyable but exposed!

V5 Roll the Dice - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Sáb 4.º Abr 2015
Probably the best slab I've done on a boulder. Technical, thin, slappy on the feet. Highball also. But, slab climbing at its best. 2nd shot.

V1 Easy - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Clásico
Justin Case
Dom 5.º Abr 2015
More like not so easy. I think this is more of a V2/3, unless I did it the wrong way. Little feet, either crimps or slopers. Really good line, though.

V5 Blender - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Dom 5.º Abr 2015
After working on Planet of the Apes and running out of power, decided to give Pocket Rocket a visit (unsuccessfully). Happily, I found this little gem on the back of the boulder. Scrunched up start leads to powerful moves right and left, into hard readjustments and powerful throw to a sloper, into a technical heel hook and thin (two finger quarter pad pocket) finish before the easy mantle. Probably my favorite sequence of the trip. Hardest V5 so far done at Joe's.

V3 Snake Mouth - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Justin Case
Dom 5.º Abr 2015
Awesome thin and slopey vertical climbing. Love the techy lines at Joe's!

V1 V1/2 Warm me up Scotty - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 6m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Vie 10.º Abr 2015
What can I say? Perfect name. Steep jugs into a slopey and crimpy mantle. Probably one of the best V1's in the Universe.

V3 Get Shorty - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Vie 10.º Abr 2015
Also pretty awesome- love the horizontal pinch feature! Start is easier than it looks, and the mantle harder than it looks.

V6 Lowtide - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Dom 6.º Sep 2015
Probably the prettiest boulder ever! Super mega physical. Flat slopers on one side, small crimps on the other. Mega compression. Can't wait to go back to send it!

V5 Kelly's Arete - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Muy buena
Justin Case
Dom 6.º Sep 2015
Hardest V5 ever! Every move is hard, and the top is psychological AND hard! Had been a while since a V5 took me more than a day! Very satisfying to complete!

V5 Kill by Numbers - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 2m Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Vie 16.º Oct 2015
Really good. Completely my style, shoulda flashed it! Always good to go to Joe's

V3 Joe Cool - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Muy buena
Justin Case
Sáb 17.º Oct 2015
While Maria sent her first V6 (Fig Fart)!!!!!! SO PSYCHED!!! She found very smart beta for it and sent quickly after. Only 3 sessions! WOW!

V6 V7 Stink Eye - con Maria Jose Tamayo, JuanMa Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Justin Case
Jue 3.º Dic 2015
Really good arete climbing, but don't think it's V7- more like hard V5 or V6 tops. Did it in cold conditions- great movement, but always in the shade

V6 Attention - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Justin Case
Vie 13.º Nov 2015
First flash at the grade, albeit soft Great holds for your hands on the sitstart, bad foot, throw for a tiny pocket with the right, then throw big to the jug, then it's over

V5 Mono E Mono - con Maria Jose Tamayo Búlder Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Justin Case
Vie 9.º Jun 2017
Excellent boulder. Not sure about the exact date. Harder topout than expected! Can't wait to go back to Joe's!

V8 Feels Like Grit Búlder Joe's Valley


Isabelle Faus
Mié 22.º Jul 2009
hardest slab ive ever done in my life. felt like v12


V7 Baldwin Bash Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Henry Maguire
Mié 7.º Oct 2020

V7 Chips Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Clásico
Henry Maguire
Sáb 24.º Oct 2020

V9 Bubbatronic Búlder Joe's Valley Buena
Henry Maguire
Lun 16.º Nov 2020
Used a right knee bar to work my hands to the top incut crimps (5'10'', +1).


V6 Great White Búlder 3m Joe's Valley Clásico
Henry Maguire
Sáb 17.º Oct 2020

V7 Dyno Time Low Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Henry Maguire
Lun 23.º Nov 2020

V5 Eurosize Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
Henry Maguire
Sáb 21.º Nov 2020
Fun climb. Felt easier than Rug Rat / Kill By Numbers / Contact.

V6 Wills of Fire Búlder Joe's Valley Megaclásica
Henry Maguire
Mié 14.º Oct 2020
2nd Go

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V6 Raiden Búlder Joe's Valley Clásico
Henry Maguire
Jue 8.º Oct 2020

V7 Planet of the Apes Búlder 5m Joe's Valley Clásico
Henry Maguire
Dom 25.º Oct 2020

V7 V7 - 10 Phoney Baloney Traverse Búlder Joe's Valley Buena
Henry Maguire
Mar 17.º Nov 2020
Not grabbing the juggy crimp feels a bit forced. Ended up exiting early.

V3 Snake Mouth Búlder Joe's Valley Muy buena
ethan jensen
Sáb 1.º Mar 2003


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 117 ascensiones.

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