
Ascensiones en The Grotto teniendo Beta

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Mostrando los 25 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Escalador Fecha
5.12b Grotto Monkey Deportiva 8m, 4 Sonora Pass
Sáb 1.º Jun 2019
Reachy, bouldery, power. Not good timing to climb around noon!

5.12b Dwarf Toss Deportiva 8m, 4 Sonora Pass
Sáb 1.º Jun 2019
Bouldery traverse to the right at the the first bolt is the crux

5.12a Men's Crisis Center Clásica mixta 15m, 4 Sonora Pass Buena
Pavel Burov
Dom 20.º Oct 2013
A good enough route with a distinctive crux and solid protection.

5.11b Snake Bit Clásica 12m Sonora Pass Muy buena
Sáb 12.º Mar 2011
Top roped after blowing onsight attempt. A bit contrived with the off-limit holds on the right, but nice sustained sharp finger crack.

5.11b Geronimo Deportiva 6 Sonora Pass Medio
Pavel Burov
Sáb 27.º Abr 2013
The only 5.11- move and solid protection. A very gym-style moves and protection.

5.11b Geronimo Deportiva 6 Sonora Pass Buena
Sáb 1.º Jun 2019
Crux at third bolt, a little tricky

5.10d Rawhide Clásica 12m Sonora Pass Megaclásica
Dom 27.º Mar 2005
awsome finger crack!

5.10d The Giving Tree Deportiva Sonora Pass
ben reardon
Dom 1.º Jun 2008
tree in the way, had to start on Calomine and then tranverse right to route

5.10d A-C Devil Dog Deportiva 15m, 6 Sonora Pass Clásico
Dom 27.º Mar 2005
very unique.

5.10d Rawhide Clásica 12m Sonora Pass Muy buena
Pavel Burov
Sáb 12.º Oct 2013
A very fun and super solid protected route.

5.10d AC Devil Dog Deportiva 15m, 6 Sonora Pass Clásico
Sáb 1.º Jun 2019
Unique style, a must do. Getting easier as you climb up.

5.10d AC Devil Dog Deportiva 15m, 6 Sonora Pass Clásico
David Jefferson
Dom 6.º Abr 2014
Such a unique line!

5.10d AC Devil Dog Deportiva 15m, 6 Sonora Pass
Luca Giovagnoli
Sáb 19.º Nov 2022
Fell/rested once on the rope

5.10b Rawhide Variation Clásica 12m Sonora Pass Clásico
Kurt Clement
Mar 6.º Abr 2004
The crux is half way up this variation uses men's crisis center as a well as main crack. The crux is as men's crisis center crack disappears.

5.10b Color Coded Quickdraws Deportiva 10m, 4 Sonora Pass Buena
Kurt Clement

5.10b Color Coded Quickdraws Deportiva 10m, 4 Sonora Pass Buena
Lun 28.º Mar 2005
jug city

5.10b Three Fingered Jack Clásica 18m Sonora Pass
Sáb 1.º Jun 2019
Not using trad skills at all

5.10b 5.10a Chicken Ranch Bingo Deportiva 24m, 9 Sonora Pass Buena
Jason Liebgott
Good after a rain

5.10b 5.10a Chicken Ranch Bingo Deportiva 24m, 9 Sonora Pass Muy buena
Mark Hateley
Sáb 1.º Nov 2003
Very good, but a bit "shitty" in places

5.9 Table Manners Clásica 12m Sonora Pass Buena
Kurt Clement
Mar 6.º Abr 2004
First Trad Lead. This is an easy 5.9, I would even downgrade to 5.8. A great beginning trad climb. The climb is pretty consistent all the way up.

5.9 Table Manners Clásica 12m Sonora Pass Muy buena
Dom 27.º Mar 2005
fun stembox

5.9 Sidesaddle Deportiva 10m, 5 Sonora Pass Muy buena
Kurt Clement
Mar 6.º Abr 2004
A great warm-up. Very different from climbs on opposite wall. The crux is stepping up on the obvious pillar without losing balance. There is no solid hold for the left hand. Anchors are simple slide in for quick lowering and top-roping

5.9 ~5.8 Table Manners Clásica 12m Sonora Pass
Luca Giovagnoli
Sáb 19.º Nov 2022
Stemming on the 5.11 crack

5.8 Bandito Clásica 15m Sonora Pass Muy buena
Dom 27.º Mar 2005
another fun stembox

5.8 Bandito Clásica 15m Sonora Pass Muy buena
Kurt Clement
Mié 31.º Mar 2004
Harder than what it should be crux first 20ft. Lieback and rest the whole thing


Mostrando los 25 ascensiones.

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