
Ascensiones en World como Onsight por Vanessa Wills

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Mostrando 401 - 500 de 1,893 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Fecha
21 Ekeko Deportiva 14m Freycinet National Park Buena Dom 1.º En 2012
Caused a few red spots on the tips. Nice change to jamming

21 Whimsical Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Medio Dom 12.º Feb 2012
One pretty hard move, might be good if was cleaned of lose stuff.

21 Oysterland Deportiva 15m, 12 Joll's Bridge Buena Mié 14.º Mar 2012
Has been rebolted, a bit scary getting to second bolt.

21 The Bunga Bunga Climb Deportiva 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Medio Sáb 28.º Abr 2012
Another long reach on the face...I need arm extensions

21 Potato Pause 2 Deportiva 10m, 5 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Medio Sáb 16.º Jun 2012
Hard start

21 Pot Belly (Johnnys umbilicus) Deportiva 30m, 11 Bulahdelah Sáb 18.º Jul 2009
Did this a few years back

21 Inverted staircase Deportiva 15m, 5 Bulahdelah Medio Mié 1.º Ag 2012
Nothing special but nice to have a route to do I hadnt done.

21 Ned Kelly (Left arete) Deportiva 25m, 11 Bulahdelah Buena Mar 9.º Oct 2012
Trad moves with bolts (and suss rock)

21 Bolted route to right Deportiva 15m Kaputar Medio Mar 23.º Oct 2012
Not bad, but scary rock low down. A cam below 2nd bolt useful.

20 21 Little Jug of Happiness Deportiva 65m Blue Mountains Medio Dom 28.º Oct 2012
P1 only (noguidebook today). Thought it was about 16 to be honest. Dave did it in bare feet. Lots of kneebars!

22 21 Pathetic Nongs Steal Hangers, Yes I'm Talking to You Arsehole Deportiva 10m, 4 Waterworks Quarry Muy buena Mar 6.º Nov 2012
interesting- and excellent -for a quarry!

21 Mustang Deportiva 18m Bulahdelah Buena Jue 29.º Nov 2012
Good juggy pumpy fun

21 Blowing In The Wind Deportiva 20m, 10 Point Perpendicular Buena Dom 23.º Dic 2012
I can cruise 21s.Yay- no cracks!

21 Septic Penguins Deportiva 12m, 5 Narrabeen Muy buena Sáb 5.º En 2013
Felt about 18! Threaded last bolt to be safe to get off

21 Plastic Extras Deportiva 18m Fruehauf Medio Mié 20.º Feb 2013
One very stout move in the middle- bolted OK except for that move....

21 Plastic Erection Deportiva 18m Fruehauf Buena Mié 20.º Feb 2013
Not bad for a quarry

21 Bon Voyage Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Medio Lun 15.º Abr 2013
Roof pretty juggy and fun, but if you stay 2cm right of bolts at top it is an easy slab. May have felt 21 before retroed. Give a grade or 2 to Spartan!

21 Lunar Leopard Deportiva 20m, 6 Waipari Buena Mar 7.º Mayo 2013
Gymnastic start

21 When Cavers go Climbing Deportiva 18m, 5 Mangaokewa Buena Dom 12.º Mayo 2013
A bit contrived

21 Paul-Powell Deportiva 15m Joll's Bridge Buena Sáb 6.º Jul 2013
Quite a nice route to very scenic belay ledge

21 Welcome to Moss Vegas Deportiva 8m, 4 Mount Alexandra Medio Dom 1.º Sep 2013
Was a bit harder than anticipated

20 21 Flash Flood Deportiva 18m, 7 Blue Mountains Buena Dom 17.º Nov 2013
Found this harder than route to r

21 Upper Right 2 Deportiva 12m Watagans Buena Mié 27.º Nov 2013
Bouldery start into scoop

21 Floating Riot Deportiva 8m, 2 Coningham Medio Jue 2.º En 2014
Prob the best one here ,maybe cos it's not a slab.

21 Floating Riot Deportiva 8m, 2 Coningham Medio Jue 2.º En 2014
Prob the best one here ,maybe cos it's not a slab.

21 Pete's route 3 Deportiva 18m Paradise Beach Ni te molestes Dom 12.º En 2014
Major ledge fall potential

21 You wish jellyfish Deportiva 28m, 12 Nowra Buena Dom 2.º Nov 2014
Nice chimney. Steep start with good knee bars. Probably swap grades with DI

21 Whippersnapper Deportiva 20m, 10 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Buena Lun 3.º Nov 2014
Some nice moves down low, though I thought I may be penalised for touching the fern

20 21 Oh Joyous Lobotomy Deportiva 10m, 5 Waterworks Quarry Buena Sáb 22.º Nov 2014
One nicemoveup high

21 Socially Inept Deportiva 12m, 4 Blue Mountains Buena Lun 8.º Dic 2014
Kind of committing putting the draws on

21 Geezer Pleaser Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Buena Mar 9.º Dic 2014
The starts a bit contrived, but fun and then quite interesting to the top

21 Shakes and Flakes Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Clásico Mar 9.º Dic 2014
An old tick that was never logged? Did with k man

21 Ricks route Deportiva 25m Point Perpendicular Muy buena Lun 22.º Dic 2014
Worth the pain of having to climb out banksia corner. Nice rock, nice moves

21 The Dynamic Duo Deportiva 18m The Cathedral Muy buena Dom 1.º Feb 2015
Some nice moves, didn't notice chips

21 Nocturnal Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Medio Dom 8.º Feb 2015
Good through roof but hard to stay out of route to left

21 Perkins Paste (Megan 2) Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 7.º Feb 2015
Draws were on courtesy Lou's and marty

21 Cock Blocker Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 29.º Mar 2015
Some nice sequences

21 Centre of block Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 29.º Mar 2015
Tricky moves at start. Bit dirty at top. Not in guide as far as. I can tell.

21 Chicken Lips Deportiva 18m, 7 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Muy buena Sáb 11.º Abr 2015
Nice feature, except the beak that will kill the belayer if it's dislodged

21 Welcome to Ettalong Deportiva 14m, 4 Blackwall Buena Mié 15.º Jul 2015
Technical onsight, thanks to the stiffy quickdraw

21 Hidden Boobies (Link-Up) Deportiva 13m The Hide Away Buena Dom 19.º Jul 2015
Hmm, how long will that bolted flake last

21 Pebble to the Metal Deportiva 5m, 2 Watagans Medio Dom 26.º Jul 2015
Thin slab

21 Minced Beef Eaters Deportiva 20m Pohlner Track & Smith's Rd Area Buena Dom 4.º Oct 2015
Didn't like the bolting on his

21 Lake Thelma Deportiva 18m, 7 Pohlner Track & Smith's Rd Area Muy buena Vie 9.º Oct 2015
Fun the whole way

21 Never Stop Gibbin' Deportiva 20m, 5 Victoria Range Buena Sáb 24.º Oct 2015
Shame about huge bolts

21 The Jewel Thief Deportiva 28m Blue Mountains Muy buena Mar 29.º Oct 2013
Was a good warmup a few years back. Never recorded.

21 Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Deportiva 12m, 5 Adamsfield Buena Mar 5.º En 2016
Nice position and great view

21 Licenced to Strutt Deportiva 30m, 14 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Clásico Dom 3.º Jul 2016
I thought crux was shared move at 4 th bolt. After this it climbs very independently and the top section is great. I liked it more than FSR. 3 stars, grade seems fair.

21 Amnesia Right Finish Deportiva 25m, 7 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Medio Jue 6.º Oct 2016
Just a bit goey at small roof

21 Lichen Life Deportiva 18m, 4 The Black Range Buena Mar 11.º Oct 2016
Nice slab bing

21 Bulls Head Deportiva 35m Blue Mountains Medio Sáb 12.º Nov 2016
Nice rebolt, with thoughtful fixed hangar. Didn't enjoy the climbing that much

21 Urako Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 13.º Nov 2016
Punchy little beast, haven't been this pumped on a 21 for a long time

21 AeroPress Deportiva 16m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Buena Vie 27.º En 2017
A bit pumpy when trying to find the holds

21 Shades of Grey Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 24.º Sep 2017
This was about a decade ago, missing ticks

21 Sister Moon Deportiva 15m, 6 Alfords Point Buena Vie 13.º Oct 2017
More hand jamming

21 Cherry Deportiva 15m, 6 Alfords Point Buena Vie 13.º Oct 2017
Hard start. Bolts don't protect ledge falls.

21 Consumer Eve Deportiva 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Buena Lun 30.º Oct 2017
Finished up Sundial, nice moves

21 Shady Lady Deportiva 32m, 15 Blue Mountains Buena Lun 30.º Oct 2017
Good moves, shame it was bolted on galvanised bolts, worth a clean and a rebolt. Felt slightly harder than CE

21 El Captain Pants Deportiva 20m, 8 Mount Alexandra Buena Dom 5.º Nov 2017
Some elegant solutions to make this climb easier

21 Lady Luck Deportiva 9m, 5 West Gosford Buena Sáb 17.º Feb 2018
Fortunately had been done recently so was clean enough

21 Leaning off the edge Deportiva 20m, 12 Kaputar Ni te molestes Dom 8.º Abr 2018
Maybe I am just tired, but this line seems confused about its intent and doesn't climb well.

23 21 Stromboli Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 22.º Abr 2018
The start was the hardest thing I did all day, had seen someone on the start but it didn't help me due to height differences

21 Enough Already Deportiva 32m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 24.º Jun 2018
I quite enjoyed the different styles of climbing. Fairly easy at 21

21 Blunt End Blunders Deportiva 25m, 5 Blue Mountains Buena Dom 22.º Jul 2018
One very reachy move mid climb, had me going up and down through the scoops before committing

21 El Rayo-X Deportiva 20m, 4 Wharepapa Rock Buena Sáb 13.º Oct 2018
Felt easier than the 19 and 20s....

21 Heat
1 21 18
2 21 30
3 21 30
4 21 25
Deportiva 100m, 35 Mount Wellington Dom 6.º En 2019
Pretty nice, like 4 separate routes. Pitch 2 and 4 more sustained. A handful of cams for 3 Rd and 4 th pitches doesn’t go astray. It was damn cold, and I think I now have an A 2 pulley strain

21 Who the Fuck is Keith Deportiva 15m, 8 Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 2.º Feb 2019
Climbs nicely

21 Midas' Touch Deportiva 18m, 9 Sand River Medio Lun 29.º Abr 2019
Nice rock, I just found the lower half contrived

21 Totally Awesome Deportiva 21m, 9 Waterworks Quarry Medio Dom 5.º Mayo 2019
Nice moves, crap rock

21 Streamline Deportiva 15m Sand River Buena Sáb 18.º En 2020
Nice line, needs more traffic

21 Solstice Grooves Deportiva 25m Bruny Island Muy buena Jue 20.º Feb 2020
Not as pumpy as the main wall, some nice movement. Feels very traddy.

21 White Noise Deportiva 30m, 14 Bruny Island Clásico Vie 21.º Feb 2020
Rocks still a bit crozzly, but amazing features and climbing, including a thin dyke.

21 Yucadoo! Deportiva 20m, 11 Blue Mountains Muy buena Mar 21.º Jul 2020
Nice varied climbing. On tippy toe coming around the roof

21 Between The Lines Deportiva 48m, 15 Mt Maroon Buena Mar 28.º Jul 2020
Not sure what the description means with the “aid“, lots of good crimps to go straight up

21 Danger Freak Deportiva 38m, 13 Blue Mountains Buena Mié 25.º Nov 2020
Had to be quite dynamic at one point to reach. Rock on top pitch is not great.

21 My Way or the Highway Deportiva 39m, 11 Blue Mountains Muy buena Mié 25.º Nov 2020
Over bolted and over graded, and nice exposure, what’s not to like

21 Pleasure Deportiva 17m, 9 Sand River Buena Lun 8.º Feb 2021
21 Remembrance Deportiva 45m, 20 Mount Wellington Muy buena Dom 14.º Feb 2021
A quick trip up the mountain after a morning of workshopping.First pitch contrived. Second pitch really nice arete climbing that was very solid for the grade.

21 Yesterday's Hero Deportiva 45m Bare Rock Muy buena Sáb 3.º Abr 2021
Beautiful slab, with a few overlaps and some interesting diagonals.

21 Brother in a Lolly Bag Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 1.º Mayo 2021
Hopped on this thinking it was the 18, no wonder it felt hard

21 Vagabond Deportiva 12m, 3 Girraween Muy buena Mar 13.º Jul 2021
Had draws on but no route knowledge. Frozen fingers

21 Celluloid Hero Deportiva 15m Brooyar Buena Sáb 17.º Jul 2021
Fun little number

21 Goofballs and Grease Traps Deportiva 15m Brooyar Dom 18.º Jul 2021
Easier than the 20 for me

21 Right of Passage Deportiva 15m Brooyar Buena Lun 19.º Jul 2021
Kind of contrived, I had o tended to do this but drifted 50 cm left to the bigger holds

21 Hand in the Honey Pot Deportiva 18m, 6 Brooyar Medio Mié 21.º Jul 2021
Didn’t flow that well, a few ok moves

21 Deportiva 25m, 10 Mt Ninderry Buena Sáb 24.º Jul 2021
Nice juggy fun

21 Alfred's Slippers Deportiva 14m, 5 NE Mt Zero Range Buena Vie 20.º Mayo 2022
Turning a roof without a double rack to weigh you down feels easy. This felt pretty soft.

21 Holy Human Fly Deportiva 14m, 6 NE Mt Zero Range Medio Vie 20.º Mayo 2022
May suit the short, pretty cruisy, I just didn’t like the rock

21 Cat in the Hat Deportiva 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Buena Lun 19.º Sep 2022
Some cool sequences. The bolts are a bit spaced but I didn’t really notice it.

21 Butch Deportiva 16m Area 51 Buena Lun 3.º Oct 2022
Very bouldery no chalk hint start. Felt harder than the others.

21 Wagging Deportiva 20m Area 51 Lun 3.º Oct 2022
Fun enough

21 Querilous Journey Deportiva 40m Blue Mountains Medio Dom 18.º Dic 2022
Did as suggested in guide and started at first bolt rather than create a mega cairn.

21 Tree Beard Deportiva 10m Blue Mountains Muy buena Mar 20.º Dic 2022
Nice juggy fun and probably a grade easier if tall

21 ~20 Movin' On Up Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Buena Jue 29.º Dic 2022
Quite a nice climb

7- Himmelspretten P1 Deportiva 9m Himmeldalen Buena Dom 6.º Ag 2023
Found this harder than the N7. The slopers felt super slippery in the sun

21 Guide Dog Deportiva North West Bay River Buena Mar 23.º En 2024
Interesting lower section

21 Game On Deportiva 28m, 10 Mount Wellington Buena Mié 24.º En 2024
Intricate crux at about third height for me that was quite enjoyable. A bit stop/ start from half height

21 Influenza Deportiva 28m, 12 Mount Wellington Buena Dom 18.º Feb 2024
Some nice moves once in the stemming groove. The 9 th or 10th bolt’s nut was quite loose. I finger tightened it, worth bringing a spanner

5a 6+ Red slabs Deportiva 15m El Chalten Buena Jue 11.º Abr 2013
quite nice

6b+ Solution 41 Deportiva 18m, 5 Railay Basura Lun 28.º Nov 2005
sharp and horrible- TR


Mostrando 401 - 500 de 1,893 ascensiones.

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