
Ascensiones en World como Onsight por Vanessa Wills

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 1,893 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Fecha
17 26 The Obvious Weakness (The Obvious weakness Pitch 1) Deportiva 36m Babylon Buena Dom 3.º En 2010
It was dry in the rain

5.10b 5.12c Sudden Impact - Long (Low Impact) Deportiva 20m, 9 Cheakamus Canyon Medio Mar 5.º Ag 2014
25 Wind Me Up (Need to Unwind Direct Finish) Deportiva 20m, 7 Diamond Lake Buena Mar 4.º Mar 2008
The guide books crap- but hey I tried hard cos I thought I was on a 23!

6c 7b Carnival, Carnival ext. (Karnaval) Deportiva 34m, 7 Aladaglar Clásico Jue 27.º Mar 2014
Perfect pocket jugging

21 Black Fire
1 21 40
Deportiva 40m Bare Rock Buena Jue 21.º Abr 2022
Pitch 1 only. Was definitely holding onto Bits of rock that don’t get much use. Was hard at Rooflet. Pretty nice slab.

6a+ 7a+ Caveman (Caveman P1) Deportiva 32m, 12 Railay Buena Lun 28.º Nov 2005
hardish start

7b 7a+ Leonidas (Leonides) Deportiva 35m Kalymnos Clásico Vie 4.º Abr 2014
Thin, technical and sustained, just the way I like it.

7a+ Reptil Deportiva 40m Kalymnos Clásico Dom 20.º Abr 2014
A battle with the crocodile. A bit sharp, but full value.

7a+ Reptil Deportiva 40m Kalymnos Clásico Dom 20.º Abr 2014
A battle with the crocodile. A bit sharp, but full value.

6a 7a+ Intouchables (6a to right of crack) Deportiva 30m Rocher Maubert Medio Sáb 14.º Jun 2014
This was pretty hard at one point, and clipping anchors.

6b+ Passaggio Chiave P1
1 6b+ 20 Deportiva

Nice climbing. We came to the crag because its rain sheltered, but it was a Saturday and half of chiavenna seemed to join us, then the sun came out and the temps went up 10 degrees. It was time to leave.

Deportiva 20m Cranna Muy buena Sáb 23.º Sep 2023
24 Wait till Winter Deportiva 20m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Buena Lun 16.º Ag 2010
stars and grade may be slightly overinflated. Nice though.

24 Work Injury (Work Place Injuries) Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 1.º Nov 2009
24 Ophidiophobia Deportiva 26m, 9 Popran Buena Lun 27.º Abr 2009
days of training in moss on Bungonia slabs prepared me for this. Fun.

24 Work Injury (Work Place Injuries) Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 31.º Oct 2009
22 24 Natasha Deportiva 12m, 4 Berowra Medio Mié 14.º Feb 2007
yeah, whatever

24 10 Boy Scouts Deportiva 20m, 8 Hospital Flat Medio Dom 10.º En 2010
kiwis cant crimp

24 Meat Mallet Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Dom 8.º Feb 2009
pommy told me it was onsightable and he was right

23 24 Unity (Rat$ Direct) (Unity) Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 12.º Feb 2011
NIce variant finish, good moves

24 Troc de l’Ile (Red Incuts) Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 11.º Feb 2012
John may feel better after finding this hard. I thought we were on the 23

24 Blowtorch (Roof to Wall) Deportiva 18m, 10 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 11.º Feb 2012
Fun roof to start then lovely technical climbing with some good long moves

24 After Midnight Deportiva 50m Mount Wellington Clásico Mar 6.º Nov 2012
Yeah, yeah. Totally absorbing.

24 Statue of liberty Deportiva 30m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Muy buena Sáb 11.º Abr 2015
A little wet and dirty up high, not bad seeing it as raining.

24 Dead Reckoning Deportiva 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 23.º Mayo 2015
Dave had rapped down and placed draws. Too scared to fall off looking at rusty old piton. Deserving of a revolt. Lovely technical arête

24 The Omen Deportiva 22m, 13 Point Perpendicular Buena Lun 29.º Jun 2015
Nice route, bolts just in the wrong place.....

24 Second Wind Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 5.º Feb 2017
A bit soggy for 24, but it makes up for those nasty bouldery things at other crags. It was pumpier than the 22

24 Everlasting Stars Deportiva 33m, 15 Kaputar Buena Lun 11.º Dic 2017
I hated the start rock quality but the route grew on me, with good technical moves and increasing pump, spent about 15 minutes climbing up and down at 4 th bolt before committing and then somehow held on with lovely slab moves at end. Probably third ascent, so no chalk, and quite dirty and 4 crumbling holds I somehow stayed on

5.11d The Morrigan Deportiva 25m, 12 Ten Sleep Canyon Buena Dom 14.º Sep 2014
Nice steep top section

5.11d Captain Insano Deportiva 28m, 14 Ten Sleep Canyon Megaclásica Lun 15.º Sep 2014
Lovely endurance, technical route

6a+ 7a Circus Oz (Circus Oz p1 / Lord Of The Thais p1) Deportiva 120m, 41 Railay Buena Lun 28.º Nov 2005

8 7a Sun Express Deportiva 28m, 11 Geyikbayırı Muy buena Sáb 22.º Mar 2014
My style, but way easier than some of the 6bs we've done

7a Fuckination Deportiva 19m Olympos Buena Lun 31.º Mar 2014
A bolted finger to hand crack. Monkey face 19 or piddo 20, but still nice

6c+ 7a Omero Deportiva 22m, 10 Kalymnos Muy buena Mié 9.º Abr 2014
Tricky middle

7a Sens Unique Deportiva 40m Kalymnos Muy buena Mié 9.º Abr 2014
A few slippery slopes.

7a Steinpilz Deportiva 30m, 14 Kalymnos Clásico Dom 20.º Abr 2014
Wow,it might be a little friable and wet but it kept me on my toes the whole way.

7a Steinpilz Deportiva 30m, 14 Kalymnos Clásico Dom 20.º Abr 2014
Wow,it might be a little friable and wet but it kept me on my toes the whole way.

7a DNA Deportiva 20m Kalymnos Clásico Lun 21.º Abr 2014
Wasn't allowed to leave without doing this

7a Un Bon Passage Deportiva 32m Camarasa Clásico Sáb 5.º Oct 2019
Almost Blueys feeling, crimps, side pulls and some glue. Climbed up and down at the lower crux about 6 times working out the reachy sequence ( dave didn’t even notice this) and got the top crux well, quite exciting.

23 Keyboard Cat Deportiva 16m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Buena Jue 23.º Jul 2009
23 Fun Police Deportiva 30m, 11 Wingello Muy buena Sáb 25.º Ag 2007
Great moves with welcome rests.

23 A Streaker Named Desire Deportiva 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 21.º En 2007
Shipleys almost as nice as the Freezer

21 23 V Lix The Cat Deportiva 15m Nowra Buena Dom 15.º Jun 2008
tricky starrt

23 Who the Fuck is Nick Cradock? (Who the Fuck is Nick Craddock?) Deportiva 25m, 8 Motatapu Valley Buena Sáb 8.º Mar 2008
nice reachy moves. Probably only 22, but its my style!

23 Bionic Booger Boys (Bionic Bugga Boys) Deportiva 100m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 9.º Nov 2008
Had done other pitches with www, onsight crux pitch, very nice moves and great position

23 Speed Boat Wankers Deportiva 25m Nowra Buena Sáb 14.º Jun 2008
The top bits is good

23 Goosed Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Medio Mar 18.º Abr 2006
not too hard

23 Frankie And Johnny (The acute angle route) Deportiva 25m Bulahdelah Medio Dom 5.º Jul 2009
23 Stuck in the middle with you Deportiva 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Muy buena Lun 17.º Mayo 2010
The coveted first onsight apparently

23 Iceman Deportiva 20m Nowra Muy buena Lun 17.º Mayo 2010
nice slab

23 Bondage and Discipline Deportiva 23m Nowra Muy buena Lun 17.º Mayo 2010
not much more difficult than anyother route on this wall

23 Hobo Humping Slobo Babe Deportiva 15m, 5 Hospital Flat Buena Dom 10.º En 2010
tricky to chose the right crimp

23 Rage And Ruin Deportiva 18m, 6 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Muy buena Mié 5.º Mayo 2010
really great way to end the day

23 Hypoxic Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Dom 8.º Feb 2009
a battle

23 Doris'll Getcha! Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Dom 8.º Feb 2009

22 23 Quaking Deportiva 18m, 8 Blue Mountains Medio Sáb 2.º Abr 2011
an excellent warm up

23 The French Connection (Another JRW route) Deportiva 16m Bulahdelah Buena Jue 9.º Jun 2011
Good at bottom, a bit squeezed higher up

23 After the Rapture Deportiva 15m, 8 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Muy buena Sáb 6.º Ag 2011
Rather thin in places, just how I like it

23 Weaveworld Deportiva 25m Victoria Range Clásico Mié 9.º Nov 2011
Draws were on already. Love the position.

23 Welcome Alex (The Alex) Top-rope 14m, 7 Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 17.º Dic 2011
Apparently first direct nonMcDougall start

23 On the Wagon Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 11.º Mar 2012
If you are short a short stick to clip off the top of the blackboy is comforting before the traverse

23 On the Wagon Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 11.º Mar 2012
If you are short a short stick to clip off the top of the blackboy is comforting before the traverse

23 Quality Junk Deportiva 18m, 7 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Buena Dom 29.º Abr 2012
Cliping 2nd bolt had me sweating scared. Then quite nice pump with one more tricky quickdraw to place- must be Bundys route!

23 Trotting Deportiva 10m, 4 Bulahdelah Buena Mié 24.º Oct 2012
Low jugs a bit flexing but fun moves

23 The Plunge Deportiva 35m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 12.º Nov 2012
via arete start. Good moves. Got mixed up with Brydens route and rope drag after corrected

23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Deportiva 9m, 4 Blue Mountains Buena Mié 2.º En 2013
Felt like I was on the woody.

23 Mild Peril - con Dave Deportiva 110m Blue Mountains Muy buena Vie 4.º En 2013
Second P1 and 2, Led P3 and 4. Nice continuous climbing the whole way.

23 Vertical Smile Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Muy buena Vie 4.º En 2013
Spent some time getting pumped at the crux. ALso tricky off the ledge.

23 Slipstream Deportiva 180m Blue Mountains Buena Jue 25.º Abr 2013
Pitch 5 only today by headtorch. Will come back!

23 Wrath or Revival Deportiva 13m Hillwood (private land) Buena Dom 30.º Nov 2014
Tough start with Sun in eyes, then eased off

23 Wallace & Grommet Deportiva 18m Point Perpendicular Muy buena Sáb 20.º Dic 2014
A few long moves I the middle

23 Leighsageezer Deportiva 63m Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 28.º Mar 2015
Second pitch. One long move

23 Reigning Steel Deportiva 17m, 7 Blue Mountains Buena Dom 24.º Mayo 2015
Felt pumpy in the cold

23 Avenue Jean Jaures Deportiva 35m Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 30.º En 2016
Lower crux pretty reachy. Good length

23 Roche Moutonnee Deportiva 16m, 8 Motatapu Valley Muy buena Sáb 2.º Abr 2016
Great novelty roof with per madras

23 You'll be right Mate Deportiva 30m Kaputar Muy buena Dom 24.º Abr 2016
Would be classic if it wasn't Kaputar rock. Great varied climbing

23 Flesh Light Fantasy Deportiva 26m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Buena Sáb 2.º Jul 2016
A bit squeezed in.

23 Let's Nail God Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 17.º Jul 2016
The draws were on, but with no chalk anywhere this was a nice crimp fest

23 Sting Like a Bee Direct (Sting Like a Bee) Deportiva 19m, 6 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Buena Jue 6.º Oct 2016
Ok, but way too many options

23 Beef in Cider Deportiva 30m, 9 Point Perpendicular Medio Dom 4.º Dic 2016
Someone called chris is threatening to chop the bolts. Although the lower part does climb independently of T O the tide, it doesn't add a lot to the wall.

23 The Mind Boggles Deportiva 40m, 18 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 17.º Dic 2016
Some good climbing, nice and long, and the spaced bolts help the focus. Nice sting in the tail, tricky with buffeting winds

23 Pufferfish Deportiva 20m, 10 Point Perpendicular Buena Dom 29.º En 2017
Some sharp little crimps.

23 The Send Train Deportiva 18m, 9 Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 23.º Sep 2017
Burly start, then some varied good climbing

23 Diagonal du Fou Deportiva 15m, 10 Mount Alexandra Clásico Dom 5.º Nov 2017
Some rather big moves to start and on the slab. The roof was fine, though I missed half the jugs

23 Uncontrollable Urge Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Buena Dom 22.º Abr 2018
Actually liked this. Technical crux, stop whinging people, it is all there. Try a heel toe, flag combo for feet and a matchbox type hold you layoff/ undercling. Apparently flashed this a decade ago, but I don't remember climbing on this wall

23 E Racer (Unknown Left of Racer's Edge) Deportiva 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 19.º Mayo 2018
Well I did detour briefly into shakes as straight up seems contrived and pretty dangerous, and the other way goes into racers edge and is even more dangerous. Still felt enough to be 23, and very pleasant outing

23 Sluj Gulpa - con David Gray
1 20 20m escalada de primero por Vanessa Wills
2 22 15 escalada de primero por David Gray
3 23 15 escalada de primero por Vanessa Wills
Deportiva 50m, 14 Mt Gibraltar Clásico Dom 3.º Mar 2019
Been on the fridge list for a while, nice rock, varied great climbing

23 Desert Raven Deportiva 20m Bruny Island Clásico Jue 20.º Feb 2020
Was pleased to get through the lower cruxes and then found a difficult to reach upper crux. I couldn’t keep feet on ledge to get to crux hold,and did some improbable campusing to prevent falling off. I think the upper crux is definitely harder than 23 for vertically challenged. Great fight.

23 Squealer Deportiva 21m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan Muy buena Mié 12.º Ag 2020
Including a diversion into madder after we clipped the wrong starting bolt. Nice powerful moves but the chalked up holds don’t leave much doubt as to where to go.

23 Way of the Dragon Deportiva 14m, 8 Sand River Muy buena Mar 9.º Feb 2021
Paddling makes you strong

23 Deep Six Deportiva 40m Bruny Island Buena Sáb 20.º Mar 2021
The start seemed extremely grimy with dirt caked in many holds. The climbing a bit contrived to make it a true 23, but some nice bits in there.

23 Heat Wave Deportiva 18m Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 1.º Mayo 2021
I found this easier than BIALB, kneebar and foot cams and a sit down rest everywhere

23 Tomorrows Dream - Variant 2nd Pitch Deportiva 20m Bare Rock Muy buena Dom 1.º Mayo 2022
Nice moves, probably 22 as per the guide when compared to a few of the other 23s here

23 Scatterbrain Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains Buena Mié 12.º Oct 2022
Super breezy, frozen hands more than pump

5.11c Isis in Chains Deportiva 25m, 9 Skaha Megaclásica Mié 27.º Ag 2014
Superb the entire way

5.11c Brow beaten Deportiva 30m Skaha Mié 27.º Ag 2014
Draws on. Quite pumpy.

5.11c Lalaland Deportiva 30m, 12 Owens River Gorge Muy buena Sáb 11.º Oct 2014
Nothing too hard, just steep

5.11c Murder the crows Deportiva 25m Skaha Muy buena Vie 23.º Jun 2017
Nice varied climbing, lovely head wall

5.11c Belgian Dangler, Waffle Finish Deportiva 30m, 14 Skaha Buena Vie 30.º Jun 2017
Nearly came off the awkward start when I got a cramp in my hand jam

5.11c Dog Day Afternoon Deportiva 17m Jasper National Park Muy buena Mar 25.º Jul 2017
Crimpy through roof

5.11c Spirit Fingers Deportiva 21m, 7 Red River Gorge Muy buena Jue 19.º Oct 2023
The crux was definitely the thin seam, felt grade 23, the rest was just pump management and plain fun.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 1,893 ascensiones.

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