
Ascensions dans World comme Clean par Paul Frothy Thomson

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 314 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité
Dim 16 Juin 2024 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area The Hill Shadowlines
25 Amicus Sportive 30m Classique
3 x Early-morning TRS laps clean for training. Very cool, IMHO.

Subjectively, the start for me probably makes this route 26, but I suspect more compact climbers might find this not too bad, as there are plenty of options (making this not a "reachy" climb) but it is awkward and bunchy at my height.

Dim 9 Juin 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County The 39 Steps
23 Gentlemens Drag Trad 28m Super classique
Clean repeat on TRS. There was a toprope hanging down it, so I did a second warmup on TRS. Felt about gr22 today, and just a joy to climb. I also found 3 no-hands rests in the top 2/3rds! Maybe the Blueys best pitch of crack?

Sam 1 Juin 2024 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area The Hill Shadowlines
24 The VIII Sportive 30m Classique
My favourite of the routes on this wall. A rad start up a corner/crack feature, then continuous climbing on great rock, with quite a few tricky moves. The pockets near the top are wickedly cool.

23 The 7a Sportive 25m Classique
Great climbing. Reminds me of Theory of Negativity -albeit, less funky features- though longer. Only a brief crux.

23 The E3 6a Sportive 35m Bon
Seconding Neil to exit the crag. The moves were great, but the rock was friable at times (which meant I was more concerned about breaking something, than enjoying the climbing itself).

Dim 5 Mai 2024 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Falling Water Wall Lower Cliff
26 Facile Gaze a Gazely Stare Trad 55m Classique
2 laps on TRS for training. Trying to build some steep fitness again! Despite being bell-quality-rock, I just find this super steep pupper so much fun!

Mer 3 Avr 2024 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath The Sporting Complex
25 Difficile Being and Nothingness (2nd Edition) Sportive 35m, 12 Classique
Clean Repeat TRS.

After chopping the original (crappy) start, re-jigging the bolts in the upper section, repairing a super key broken hold (that was forcing a weird "round the world" sequence, and meant the crux bolts were all in the wrong place), and developing a whole new (gr21) start, I needed to see if my efforts had borne fruit.

In short, this is now one of my favourite routes on the wall. I'd call it 2nd best after Life of Riley. Its rad that with a bit more route development experience, and a bit of time and effort, this route -that has always frustrated me for having a crappy lower half, and a good but poorly arranged upper half- is now one of my favourite sporty sport routes I've put up.

I really hope this gets more traffic now, because it deserves it.

Incidentally, the gr21 Bottom section (25m to the first anchor) is proper good climbing, and would happily stand next to such contemporaries at Cosmic County.

Dim 10 Mars 2024 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Liquid Insanity Area
24 Mister Bean Sportive 30m, 10 Classique
Repeat. 2 Laps. Truth be told, I fell off the bulge-boulder below the arete on my first lap, but corrected it on the second. A mixed bag of quality, and the arete itself is really easy, but it was still fun enough. Pretty much every hard move is escapable if you stray from the bolts a bit.

23 Fuzzy Logic Trad 25m Excellent
Repeat. Been a long time since I onsighted this. Though I found it easy today, I didn't really enjoy it. Very contrived, and on average (grainy) rock. A few cool moves, though.

22 ~23 Just Technical Sportive 15m Classique
Repeat. 2 Laps for training. Damn I love this thing

Sam 9 Mars 2024 - Point Perpendicular
Seaside Windjammer Wall
22 R Memorable Moves Trad 30m Super classique
Repeat. My favourite route at Windjammer. Felt super relaxed and in control on it today, and got to the top without a pump.

Sam 9 Mars 2024 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Rex Hunt's Area
20 Bad Luck Streak Trad 30m Classique
Repeat. I remember this feeling nails, but I absolutely cruised it today. Super obvious, and super pleasant crack climbing.

22 Northern Exposure Trad mixte 30m, 6 Classique
Repeat. I forgot how sustained this was. With my current form, I just barely squeaked it, to be honest.

21 Rex Hunt's Love Child Sportive 30m, 10 Classique
Repeat. This is just a really fun climb, and not too hard at the grade. Feeling good on the slow return-to-form after 5 months on the couch.

Jeu 28 Sept 2023 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
20 Wizard of lce - avec Jacques Beaudoin Trad 35m Excellent
Seconding Jacques. Hardly a proud or inspiring line, but it is a worthy challenge that had both of us grunting with effort.

Dim 24 Sept 2023 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Starless Buttress
17 Oh Bondage - avec Gerry Narkowicz Trad 15m Bon
Seconding Gezza. Man, what a rad finish at the grade. Committing, despite appearances.

Jeu 21 Sept 2023 - Arapiles
Northern Group Kachoong Area
21 Kachoong - avec Lucas C Trad mixte 25m, 1 Classique
Clean repeat. Seconding Lucas to get the gear back. Campused the roof for a laugh. What an iconic route!

Jeu 21 Sept 2023 - Arapiles
Northern Group High Dive Gully
21 A Taste of Honey - avec Ben Jenga Trad 27m Classique
Clean repeat. Seconding Jenga to get the gear back. Just goooood fun!

Mer 20 Sept 2023 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Dunes Buttress
12 Dunes - avec Ben Jenga Trad 100m Classique
Clean Repeat -seconding Jenga. Route 2 of 2 of our speedy early morning ramble. Probably better than Eskimo Nell (and much better than I remember it).

10 Eskimo Nell - avec Ben Jenga Trad 130m Classique
Clean repeat -seconding Jenga. Route 1 of 2 in a speedy before-breakfast push to work up an appetite. Just a classic easy outing.

Dim 17 Sept 2023 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Reaper Buttress
20 Wild Arts Trad 40m Classique
Seconding Simmo. Climbed as a giant 50m pitch. Absolutely awesome in this manner, eith a super cool finale up the face.

Dim 10 Sept 2023 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Blackheath Area Mt Blackheath Northern Walls
25 The Terrible Truth About Time - avec Heath Black Sportive 35m, 14 Classique
Stacked! So many dropable moves the whole way up. A face-climbing connoisseur's delight! Seconding the First Ascent clean -I almost came unstuck when the FA decided to use a locked locking bina bolt-side at the hardest crux, resulting in some mid-crux desperation. A classic for sure.

Dim 9 Juil 2023 - Kiama
Bombo Quarry Bollocks wall
17 ~18 Drowning In a Sea of Bollocks - avec Simmo, Stephen Varney Trad 19m Excellent
Seconding Simmo. Wasn't planning on doing this, but Simmo made it look super-fun, and so I followed him up it. Really interesting, varied and insecure climbing (especially at the start) that packs a punch for such a short route.

Jeu 15 Juin 2023 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ghidrah
25 King Geedorah - avec Match Sportive 70m Super classique
Same-day TRS repeat (clean) to climb out. Dreaaaaaaaaaaaamy.

Dim 14 Mai 2023 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Falling Water Wall Lower Cliff
26 Facile Gaze a Gazely Stare Trad 55m Excellent
TRS lap to retrieve my trad gear from this route. Good casual pumping. I'm back up to having 3 racks of gear now! (its been a few months of sparsity with only 1 rack of gear in my posession).

Dim 16 Avr 2023 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
23 Subliminated Sportive 110m Excellent
Repeat. Clean TRS lap for fitness. Probably prouder than the original Subliminal, but shares too much of the same climbing to usurp its classic status.

Sam 15 Avr 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Pindari
23 The House of Meat Sportive 40m Excellent
Clean Repeat. TRS. This was probably the best of the routes I did here today. I found the two cruxes on this kinda hard -though it might just be post-covid fatigue.

22 Much of a Muchness Sportive 30m Excellent
Clean Repeat. TRS. Not much harder than This Sporting Life, really.

21 Rampaging Roy Sportive 30m Excellent
Clean repeat. TRS. A really cool steep section.

20 This Sporting Life Sportive 43m, 15 Excellent
Clean Repeat. TRS for fitness after 2 weeks sick in bed. Pleasant face climbing on the 2nd pitch, with nice rock!

Mer 5 Avr 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Toni Schmid Gedenkwand
9- Mambo Cavallero - avec Simmo, Stephen Varney Sportive 18m, 7 Excellent
Cool feature, though not as proud as it looks from the ground. Given how much climbing it shares with its righthand neighbour, it wasn't substantially harder (maybe a grade, or so?) Last climb of the trip, and down to the wire, so no time for the proper red point, though its not any harder than the cheeky toppy.

Dim 26 Fév 2023 - Point Perpendicular
Seaside Windjammer Wall
25 Mr Logistics — 2 essais Trad mixte 15m, 4 Excellent
Now this was the surprise of the day!

Looks kinda ordinary, feels a bit contrived, is short for a Point P route, and has rather gritty/grainy rock... But damn is it action packed from start to finish. I'll come back to do a proper tick on lead for this one!

Super strenuous and technical arete climbing, with some very demanding moves (I used 2 very improbable back-heels, and a drive-by cutloose as the secret to my success).

Dim 26 Fév 2023 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Liquid Insanity Area
22 ~23 Just Technical — 2 essais Sportive 15m Classique
2 Laps to warmup -the second with 10kgs of extra weight for training.

Still hard at the grade, but still super awesome for such a short route. Steep technical pocket cranking in an exposed position FTW.

Dim 26 Fév 2023 - Point Perpendicular
Seaside Windjammer Wall
26 ~24 Seamstress — 3 essais Trad 30m Excellent
Really cool climbing on some of the best rock on this wall, with better gear and easier moves than I expected (not much harder than Dirty Dancing's finale placing, IMHO). A shame its not an independent line, or it would surely earn "classic" from me. Should see more ascents, though

Dim 15 Jan 2023 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Adventure Park Ecstasy
24 On a String and a Prayer
4 En second

Still hard at the grade!

I was pretty psyched to get this done straight up, though it was by the skin of my teeth... that last sustained crimp section is tough!

5 24 En second

Not too hard at the grade. A short pitch, but just awesome climbing from start to finish. The mono-crux is very unlikely, but bloody awesome. Pretty chuffed to punch it out without any real troubles.

6 En second

Clean Repeat.

7 En second

Clean Repeat. Even tired at the end of the day, this was hilariously fun

Sportive 140m Classique
Coming back to try and clean up the pitches I didn't get clean last time.

Unfortunately, the ropes I brought weren't long enough to get to the belay below P3, so for now that pitch will have to remain un-sent.

It was bloody hot out here today, but the route was still great.

Lun 9 Jan 2023 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Katoomba Cliffs Malaita Wall Merl Wall
24 ~24 Merl - avec Heath Black
1 En second grimpé en tête par Heath Black
2 24 En second grimpé en tête par Heath Black
Sportive 70m Classique
Seconding Niel to exit the crag. Second clean P1 and P2 -at least this gave me a chance to climb P1 clean (albeit on second, though taking off the bolt plates). At the end of the day, I was bloody tired, and this felt like hard work.

Dim 18 Déc 2022 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Falling Water Wall Lower Cliff
22 Rookies of the Future - avec Match Sportive 120m Classique
Supporting Mitch on the First Ascent

An awesome, mid-length multi, with no boring bits, and nothing too hard. Might be one of the best multis in this grade range (I guess the competition would be routes like Saccharine Nightmare or Yak Banquet?).

P2 was my favourite

Jeu 1 Déc 2022 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Falling Water Wall Lower Cliff
24 Textures of Consciousness - avec Simmo Trad 70m Classique
Clean Repeat. Seconding Simmo after the First Ascent. Still bloody great.

Mer 19 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Adventure Park Ecstasy
24 After Life - avec Heath Black Sportive 150m Classique
All 4 pitches clean on second. Seconding Monty on the First Ascent. A bloody great line, where access is a cruise, and the first 3 pitches are all worth a full 3 stars. Great rock, great position, and quite sustained. Happy to have been a part of this process.

Sam 8 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Swinging In The Rain - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 20m, 13 Excellent
Clean repeat. Haven't been on this in years, and I was pretty chuffed to have no real troubles with the crux on it. Just a bloody great route, Jenga!

22 La Niña - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
Clean repeat. Still a well-conceived quest around the face.

Sam 8 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Oronga Crags Banksy Wall
22 Sanction of the Victim - avec Gerry Narkowicz, Simmo Sportive 22m, 13 Excellent
Clean repeat. This has got to be one of the coolest steep sport routes at the grade, right?

Ven 7 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Left
20 Kraut Pleaser - avec Simmo, Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
Clean repeat. Just the right amount of warmup

Jeu 6 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
24 Driven - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 20m Excellent
Clean repeat. My favourite of the mid-grade routes here. Always happy to chuck a lap.

21 Flash Flood - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 18m, 7 Excellent
Clean repeat. My favourite of the easy routes. Climbed this after up-climbing and down-climbing La Nina for a ~60m easy epic.

22 La Niña - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
Clean repeat. Downclimbed clean for some extra pump.

21 Thirty Three Years - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 15m, 7 Excellent
Clean repeat. Cruisy and oozy.

18 Please Dry - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 12m, 5 Bon
Clean repeat. Good for what it is.

Mar 4 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Bunny Bucket Buttress and Hotel California Area
18 Bunny Bucket Buttress - avec Gerry Narkowicz Sportive 270m Classique
Clean repeat. Giving The Mullet himself the guided tour of the Blueys.

Still a great romp at the grade.

Lun 3 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath Valley Farm
23 22 Street Legal - avec Gerry Narkowicz, Stephen Varney Sportive 30m Classique

Sooooooo good! Gotto be one of the best, right? From the 3rd bolt up, this is all pure class.

Lun 3 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath Colosseum
23 Wake of the Flood - avec Gerry Narkowicz, Stephen Varney Trad 50m Classique
Clean repeat. Climbed as a giant pitch from the ground. Man, that top boulder is still nails (I fell off it all the way back to the ledge, then reclimbed the top pitch clean from there placing gear).

I used 2 ropes, but only clipped one for the first 2 pitches, and the other for the final boulder. With a bit of strategy with gear placements and runners, there was no drag whatsoever.

For the giant single pitch, bring a double rack 0.3 - 2, and a single #0.2 and #3, as well as an extra 0.5, 0.75 and 1. Wires optional.

Dim 2 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Black Site
23 Funky Venga Bus Sportive 15m Classique
Clean repeat. Cruised it this time. Great warm up.

Dim 2 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Sharon Stone
23 Sensory Overload - avec Simmo Sportive 20m, 12 Classique
Clean repeat. Dreamy for a sport climb.

Sam 1 Oct. 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Black Site
23 Funky Venga Bus Sportive 15m Classique
Clean repeat. It'd been quite a few months since I last did this, and I almost fell off today!

26 25 Locus of Control Sportive 20m Classique
One the best here, for sure. Just bloody great pocket-oozing up the crux finale, followed by a burly, engaging crux. Rock is just unerringly cool! I did this with a "gentleman's sit" at a no-hands rest while it was still a project.

Dim 18 Sept 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Bald Head Serendipitous Walls
21 Spring Loaded - avec Heath Black Trad 60m Bon
Seconding Monty.

P2 is genuinely good, but P1 and P3 are rather junk (even regarding them as "access pitches".)

The money pitch is varied, steep, exposed, well-protected, and super funky. Probably quite hard at the grade, in reality.

Beware: the FH at the end of P1 is in a barely-attached teetering block (don't trust it!), and P3 is basically a bolted pitch... except for the unprotected start off the belay on the hardest move of the pitch.

Sam 3 Sept 2022 - The Woolwash
The Junkyard Cave
23 Early Bird - avec Stephen Varney Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
Clean repeat. Been a long time since I've been on this one, and I was pretty happy just to punch it straight out, given the rather bouldery start (post hold-breakage). Quite good!

24 22 Smack Crack - avec Stephen Varney Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
Repeat. Basically, 3 mantles, to a no-hands rest, followed by an utterly brutal boulder problem that I'm calling 24. Not a good warmup!

Mer 31 Août 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
12 Constipation Chimney Variant Start Trad 19m Excellent
2 laps on TRS today to access the upper ledge.

Sam 20 Août 2022 - The Woolwash
The Junkyard Cave
24 The Junkyard Dog - avec Stephen Varney, Tom Collins Sportive 17m Excellent
Clean repeat. Fun fun fun!

Mer 10 Août 2022 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Glenbrook Gorge South-Eastern Wall
21 The Venom - avec Glen Thomson
1 18 40m
2 17 20m
3 21 30m
4 18 15m
Trad 110m Excellent
Surely one of the best lines in the Gorge? Even quite wet today (after all the rain) this was really rad -and quite gripping. Though untrafficked and a touch loose (it is Glenbrook Gorge, after all) the rock is generally pretty good, and the route takes the plum line up the proudest part of the raddest wall.

Onsight but for P2, which I'd actually climbed previously as part of another route.

I definitely found committing to the crux on P3 quite intense, as it's not obvious where it goes. All I'd say is: follow the gear.

Dim 7 Août 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Lower
17 St Clemmen's Crack - avec Heath Black Trad 50m Classique
Seconding Monty. I still love this route. Sure, it has a few sections of average rock, but I'd say they're offset by far more interesting climbing than your usual easy-grade crack fare.

Lun 1 Août 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Juice on the Loose - avec Simmo Sportive 12m, 9 Excellent
Clean Repeat. Draw retrieval lap. Still good steep fun.

21 Thirty Three Years - avec Simmo Sportive 15m, 7 Excellent
Seconding Simmo to get to the upper ledge.

Dim 24 Juil 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass La La Land Area
23 Legoland - avec Heath Black Sportive 25m, 9 Classique
Clean repeat. Even running with water, this thing is bloody brilliant. So many cool features.

Mer 13 Juil 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Thrustblock Area
23 The Mind Boggles - avec Will Vidler Sportive 40m, 18 Super classique
Clean Repeat. Just the first ~30m (to the lower anchors) as a warmup. Even better than I remember! Damn, this has to be one of the best 3 23's in the Blueys! You know its good, when it's so cold I can't feel my fingers, but I'm still frothing the climb!

Sam 9 Juil 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
25 Kizashi - avec Simmo Sportive 20m, 12 Classique
Clean Repeat. One of my favourite 25's in the Blueys. Good training.

23 Reigning Steel - avec Simmo Sportive 17m, 7 Excellent
Clean repeat. Great warmup as always. OMG, the conditions were amazing!

Ven 24 Juin 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Corroboree Walls Teenage Buttress
24 ~25 I Was a Teenager For the CIA - avec Mattyj Sportive 58m Classique
Backlogging (lost ticks on TheCrag... again). Clean repeat. Seconding Matt on both pitches. Amazing climbing, but bloody hard at the grade!

Mer 1 Juin 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
12 Constipation Chimney Variant Start Trad 19m Excellent
TRS to gain the upper ledge. Even in approach shoes, this is just a beautiful crack climb at the grade.

Mer 18 Mai 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
22 Thai Virus - avec Michael Moore, Will Vidler Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
Seconding Michael and Will! A few hard moves, but great climbing and pleasant rock.

Dim 15 Mai 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Logan Brae Main Cliff
23 The Never Believers - avec Heath Black Sportive 15m, 8 Excellent
Clean repeat. I haven't been back on this years, which is weird, cause its loads of steep, juggy, thuggy fun!

Jeu 12 Mai 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
25 Neon God
1 22 25m
2 25 25m
Sportive 50m Classique
TRS Clean both pitches. Good to get back on this years after I last did it, and repeat it without too much difficulty even sans chalk. P2 is quite sustained and continuous in its two halves, with very rad moves up an incipient series of seams. I enjoyed this way more today than I did last time.

23 The Holy Road Sportive 25m Excellent
TRS clean. Surprisingly worthwhile, and not as contrived as I was expecting from some of the comments here (certainly no more contrived than Neon God P2). Challenging thin sequences between good stances. This didn't seem too hard in the style even absent chalk.

Mer 11 Mai 2022 - Bare Rock
The Block
26 Stiff Upper Cock Sportive 12m, 10 Classique
TRS Clean 2nd shot. I wanted to give this a lap now that it's no longer a closed project, but absent belayer, TRS will have to do. I've given this little gem classic, because I just can't imagine 12m of climbing getting much better (Great rock, super sustained, complex, technical moves, a very obvious line... even the initial gr21 crack section was engaging with bombproof rock).

Ven 6 Mai 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Whitewater Wall
12 Apline - avec Stephen Varney Trad 70m Super classique
Clean repeat. An evening lap before dinner. Heavenly.

Mar 3 Mai 2022 - Bare Rock
23 Fire in the sky - avec Stephen Varney Sportive 30m, 16 Excellent
Clean Repeat. Even after all these years and laps, this doesn't get any easier. Damn its sustained!

Lun 2 Mai 2022 - Bare Rock
23 Smoke on the Water - avec Stephen Varney Sportive 30m Excellent
Clean repeat. Totally worthwhile technical face climbing. This has cleaned up well over the years.

Dim 1 Mai 2022 - Fortescue Bay
The Totem Pole
27 The Sorcerer - avec Jared Anderson
1 22 10m
2 25 15m
3 27 40m
Trad mixte 65m, 9 Classique
Early birthday present! What a rad outing. Like the Free Route, but with proper physical, burly climbing. The crux pitch is very sustained in the bottom half. Gale force winds made this a griping, shivering, barn-dooring experience.

P1 - Self-belay shennanigans after the belay got dumped by waves. After self-belaying to the end-of-pitch anchor, I fixed the rope there, and back-tracked to undo my self-belay anchor so Jared could rap all the way to the P2 belay from the mainland.

P2 - Hard fought, unchalked onsight. The top 5m is fierce arete slapping. I almost gave up at the last bolt as I struggled to clip mid-barndoor, but just squeaked it.

P3 - 4th shot total (including onsight attempt and a TRS lap). On my 3rd shot I fell off on tbe last move of the last hard sequence. Stacked techo climbing, with no shutdown crux.

Jeu 28 Avr 2022 - Bruny Island
Cloudy Bay Hidden Zawn Maelstrom Wall
21 White Noise - avec Michael Lehmann, Jared Anderson Sportive 30m, 14 Classique
Seconding Michael. Yep, deserves the rep. Quality rock, classy climbing, very unlikely at the grade. A total joy to climb.

Jeu 28 Avr 2022 - Bruny Island
Cloudy Bay Hidden Zawn Bull Pinnacle
21 Zugzwang - avec Michael Lehmann Sportive 20m, 12 Excellent
Seconding Michael. The rock is a bit crunchy, but the climbing is rad, insecure and gripping. The bottom half is the money, and seemed hard at the grade to me. Be sure to make the most of the arete through the crux.

Mar 5 Avr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
12 Constipation Chimney Variant Start - avec Will Vidler Trad 19m Excellent
Clean repeat. TRS to get to the halfway ledge. This is a really good pitch of climbing, with nice rock and interesting moves. Probably deserves more traffic as an introductory trad route.

19 Birthday Bolts - avec Will Vidler Sportive 20m, 9 Excellent
Clean repeat. Climbed to get to the upper ledge. Man, this has cleaned up really well from when I last did it.

Dim 3 Avr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
21 Thirty Three Years Sportive 15m, 7 Excellent
Clean Repeat. Seconding Gavin to get to the upper ledge.

Dim 27 Mars 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Armistice - avec Heath Black Sportive 14m, 6 Classique
Kinda a retro-flash (thanks to Monty's draws, chalk, and perfect beta), but I didn't do the moves onto the headwall. If it ever stops raining, hopefully I'll improve the style by doing the last move, but regardless, it was a bloody great experience to have again (9 years after joining Monty on the first Ascent!)

Despite being a bit annoying to get to, this is certainly one of the best quality routes at Binary Cave. Crazy steep climbing in a rad position, with really interesting moves the whole way.

21 Thirty Three Years - avec Heath Black Sportive 15m, 7 Excellent
Clean Repeat. Seconding Monty to get to the upper tier.

Sam 26 Mars 2022 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Katoomba Cliffs Echo Point Echo Point Walls
25 Echo Crack - avec David Dearnley Trad 190m Classique
Clean Repeat (mostly -the tippy top move was a muddy waterfall, so I stood on a carrot bolt to mantle out) in proper torrential conditions to escape the bottom of this wall at the end of a long day of adventuring. Top tip: Echo Crack is climbable after (and during) record-breaking rain, but it's quite a bit more exciting.

Climbed in via a left hand variant (around the other side of the left arete where we were sussing a new gear line "ground up") to arrive in the final moves of the ordinary gr25 crux. This version was probably harder than the original, and certainly scarier.

We were rather undergunned in the #3 cam department, and I climbed the top (gr22 pitch) using 4 x #3s, 2 x #4's and a #5 in 40m... I'll readily admit that I was rather gripped. If you could scrounge like 7 x #3's for the top pitch, it would be a pleasant cruise.

Mer 9 Mars 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
21 Thirty Three Years - avec Michael Moore, Will Vidler, Nathan Kenny, Luke Yerbury, Matt King Sportive 15m, 7 Excellent
Clean repeat. Seconding Willby to get to the half-way ledge. Has one move that you have to pull on.

Dim 20 Fév 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Colliery South Cliffs
19 FIFO Hooker - avec Heath Black Trad 35m Classique
Clean Repeat Seconding Mont. Even all these years later, this is just a bloody great crack climb. Quite a fair bit more demanding than similar graded routes at Piddo or Cosmic.

Mer 5 Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Black Site
22 23 Summer of Rain Sportive 15m Excellent
Clean Repeat. Almost fell off the top this time.

Mar 4 Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Black Site
22 23 Summer of Rain Sportive 15m Excellent
Clean repeat. Lapping.

Lun 3 Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Black Site
22 23 Summer of Rain Sportive 15m Excellent
Clean repeat - Warming up.

Dim 2 Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Black Site
22 23 Summer of Rain Sportive 15m Excellent
Clean repeat.

Sam 1 Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Black Site Crags Black Site
22 ~23 For the Fans and Non Believers Sportive 20m Excellent
TRS clean before the route was bolted. Quite enjoyable right-leaning face climbing, with a surprisingly tricky start.

Mer 15 Déc 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Hocus Pocus Area
23 Beginners' Steps - avec Heath Black Trad mixte 47m, 6 Excellent
Clean Repeat, seconding Monty. Still great climbing in a great position, shame it's so short.

Sam 11 Déc 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
19 Call Out Culture - avec Lucy Trad 95m Excellent
Seconding Lucy on her Birthday multipitch. Linked Pitches 1 and 2 into a MegaPitch™ at about 45m in length, and to a more obvious belay.

We felt that an abundance of Large Cams was overkill (more #1's and lots of slings seemed a better option), but we wished we'd brought more Micros for the top of the 3rd pitch (we had 3).

A fun adventure, with lots of Old Skool moves, but some major sections of rubbish rock. Pitch 2 and the top of Pitch 3 were the highlights.

NOTE: Even after multiple weeks of torrential rain, only the top 8m or so of this get wet!

Dim 28 Nov. 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - avec Jared Anderson Trad 75m Super classique
Clean repeat - EOD Pinkpoint lap to facilitate retrieving Marty Doolan 's in situ gear.

Man, sport trad is fun.

Sam 27 Nov. 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Left
24 Fox Force Five - avec Stephen Varney, Jared Tyerman Sportive 15m Excellent
Clean Repeat. 2 bolts of surprisingly hard and sustained bouldering, then easier to the top. Shame the rock at the start is so average, because its great for the majority of it.

22 Shut the Gate - avec Stephen Varney, Jared Tyerman Sportive 15m Excellent
Clean repeat. A rad ending, preceded by okay climbing.

20 Kraut Pleaser - avec Jared Tyerman, Stephen Varney Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
Clean Repeat - Good warmup, great rock.


Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 314 ascensions.

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