
Ascensions dans World comme Clean par Paul Frothy Thomson

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Affichage de 101 - 200 sur 314 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité
Sam 20 Nov. 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - avec Match, Gavin Sportive 80m Classique
P1 Clean repeat. Great to retick this in only a day, and some less-than-ideal conditions. x3 laps to score the retick. Really fun technical power-endurance climbing.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - avec Match, Gavin Trad 75m Super classique
Another clean repeat, this time seconding Gavin on his successful pink-point. Dreeeeeeeamy

Dim 24 Oct. 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - avec Match, Luke Hef Trad 75m Super classique
Clean repeat. Seconding Luke at the end of a double-send (of this route) day. Awesome!

Mer 6 Oct. 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Super classique
Clean Repeat. Seconding Dave on his successful Red Point of this route. Sweeeeet. Felt pretty gnarly today after all my time on the proj, but fun fun fun.

Dim 19 Sept 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Solomon Area
21 Skinless Chicken - avec Heath Black Sportive 27m, 9 Classique
Clean repeat, seconding Monty. It's been a long time since I've been on this, and I forgot how good it is. Probably the best moderately-graded arete in the Blueys, really.

Mer 8 Sept 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Super classique
Clean repeat. Still freaking awesome. Great to get back on this seconding Dave and just have a pleasant, stress-free lap. Samarkand, Echo Crack, Grasshopper, Top of the Pops and Thin Line of Reprieve... The mega classic must-do list for mid-20's trad climbing.

Lun 26 Juil 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Tank Top
23 Tic Tac Tok - avec Jared Tyerman Sportive 23m, 9 Excellent
Clean repeat. Great upper section.

Sam 8 Mai 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Hocus Pocus Area
23 Wrapt Trad mixte 50m, 6 Excellent
2 Laps Clean on TRS. P2 is where it's at. I made up a start doing a rising traverse up from Sidetracks because it looked more fun. Other than the death-runout start, this is actually quite well protected, and quite a lot of fun. The contrived crimp-crux at the end is rather desperate at the grade.

21 Beginners' Steps Trad mixte 47m, 6 Excellent
2 Laps Clean on TRS. P2 is the business: a rad start and arete crux (felt kinda hard to me... 23ish?), but features a deathy start on the face left of the arete (the crux is essentially unprotected). Possibly you're meant to climb the easier arete more direct at the start, but it was coated with lichen and looked disgusting.

Sam 3 Avr 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass SSCC4 Area
25 Bareback - avec Heath Black
1 23 30m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
2 25 30m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Sportive 60m Classique
The full gamut of emotions on this one. With not a drop of chalk on the crux pitch, I pushed and pushed on the onsight with every trick I had, only to eventually fall off between the last bolt and the anchor, in the final few moves (getting the wrong foot up on the arete).

Both pitches are brilliant in their own right (don't underestimate the 1st pitch, I fell off the first move as a warmup!), but it comes with some giant caveats that make it a mission to climb -not the least of which is the hideously positioned belay bolts, which necessitate a hanging belay, rather than just a semi-hanging belay with a few seconds of forethough as to their position. P2 is certainly one of the top 3 aretes in the Blueys, and reminds me of a more intense version of Teenager for the CIA. Certainly one of the most arete-y aretes in the mountains (and conveniently bolted, unlike Koyaan arete).

Ven 5 Mars 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
23 Subliminal - avec Magdalena de la Torre, Lucas C Sportive 92m, 33 Super classique
Seconding Magui to exit the crag. My patented "15 minute no-resting" speed free lap. Easy climbing or not, its amazing how pumped you can get smashing out 65m without a pause.

Sam 23 Jan 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
20 One for the Old School - avec Heath Black Sportive 17m, 5 Bon
Seconding Monty. A fairly pleasant grey slab with a few proper techo slab moves. Enjoyable in the style.

Dim 29 Nov. 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Oronga Crags Banksy Wall
26 Sanctum Emptor (Linkup) (Linkup - Sanction into Caveat Emptor) - avec Tom Collins, Ludek Sykora, Martin Cankov Sportive 35m, 19 Classique
Clean repeat. The headwall on this is bloody brilliant steep, powerful climbing in an inspiriting position. Coming into it from Sanction just makes the whole affair scrumptious.

Dim 18 Oct. 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Departures (Upper)
23 Destined for Grayness - avec Rob Medlicott Sportive 12m, 5 Excellent
Clean repeat. Always brilliant for a short route.

Dim 11 Oct. 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
25 Microdermabrasia - avec Rob Medlicott
1 23 30m grimpé en tête par Rob Medlicott
2 25 25m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
3 24 30m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Sportive 85m Excellent
Decided to do the full Multi (since its the only one I haven't done on this wall). As a "multi" its probably a 1-star experience (most of the value being from the first pitch), and I definitely don't recommend doing the "mantle top-out walkoff" nightmare.

P1 - Clean Repeat (originally onsight). P2 - 2nd shot. 1 move from the onsight! I tried so bloody hard. Not a drop of chalk on this thing. The last 5m before the ledge is extremely intense techo crimping, but otherwise its fairly easy. P3 - Clean Repeat (originally onsight) - Sections of good climbing, but lots of crap rock to degrade the experience. The crux on this is a proper hard reach. Would be interesting to see a shorty on it.

Sam 3 Oct. 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Walk-Down Gully
16 The Gates of Janus - avec Heath Black Trad 50m Classique
Seconding Monty. Pretty good for a shortish Blueys easy trad route. Kinda hard at the grade. Bring oodles of #1 's.

Sam 5 Sept 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - avec Jared Anderson
1 27 25m
2 26 20m
Sportive 45m Classique
3 x Repeat laps as a part of the mega two-rope link project. Managed P1 clean on the 2nd lap even with the extra weight/screw-around of managing two ropes, but bungled the 1st crux of P2 on the link. Very draining. On an aborted 4th lap I could barely bolt-to-bolt the route, and then struggled to jumaar out afterwards.

Dim 30 Août 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
23 Lulu - avec Heath Black Sportive 30m, 14 Excellent
Repeat. Seconding Monty at EOD. Better than I remember it, and surprisingly hard for an arete that looks comically easy. Very worthwhile.

Dim 16 Août 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass The Birdcage Area
23 Pitch Blank - avec Heath Black
3 23 25m grimpé en tête par Heath Black
Trad 25m Excellent
Seconding Monty. Good steepish crimping in an exposed position, and not too hard for the grade... But difficult to enjoy it when I couldn't feel my fingers at all. Alas, I forgot my down suit and ice axes.

Dim 19 Juil 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
25 Strength is Weakness - avec Heath Black Trad mixte 110m, 7 Excellent
Seconding Monty. Pitches 2 and 3 in particular are awesome, though 1 and 4 are relatively inoffensive

The grade of P2 (my favourite pitch) is somewhat disputed. I broke most of a key hold off at the crux, and had to power-scream my way through the new sequence to get it clean on Second. But whatever .

Lun 8 Juin 2020 - Blue Mountains
Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park Main Cliff
24 Butterflies and Hurricanes - avec Heath Black
1 18 30m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
2 24 35m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Sportive 65m Excellent
Tried to climb this as a 70m pitch from the ground. Despite hideous rope drag, I finally fell off on the last hard move of the route. A rather ambitious effort considering its "untrafficked" nature. Dragged Monty up to the belay, and we both sent the top pitch in a more rational style. Quite good rock and climbing (especially on the second pitch), and brilliant exposure at the grade. Take a 0.4 cam for the top!

Lun 8 Juin 2020 - Blue Mountains
Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park The Rain Cave
23 Vascularity Sportive 14m Classique
Clean repeat. A great warmup, and a bloody great route. Never gets old

Dim 31 Mai 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Bald Head Tiger Stripe Wall
22 The Opportunistic Pathogen Sportive 48m Excellent
Second Clean. Seconding Neilio at EOD to exit the crag. Really quality climbing at the grade, probably the 2nd best route on the wall, all things considered? Hard start, then just sustained and interesting climbing on good holds to the tippy top.

Dim 24 Mai 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Bald Head Tiger Stripe Wall
24 Lunge Cancer Sportive 45m, 14 Excellent
2nd clean at EOD to exit the crag. A very hard start leads to easier (but still sustained) climbing with a few sneaky thin moves thrown in up top. Hard at the grade, as with everything else at this crag. Not as good as the other 24 as the rock quality isn't as high, and the climbing is more in the "painfully thin" rather than "technically hard" vein.

Dim 24 Mai 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Bald Head Advanced Air Studio Wall
21 Comb Over Sportive 35m, 13 Classique
2nd Clean. Much better than Advanced Air Studio in climbing and rock quality (though quite a fair bit harder and with less exposure). A long pitch that just keeps getting harder, with lots of technical thin moves up top. Probably rather sandbagged. Still 22 even for this part of the world, maybe even 23 by modern standards.

Dim 17 Mai 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Bald Head Tiger Stripe Wall
24 A Pill for your Vain Pain Sportive 50m, 15 Classique
2nd Clean at EOD to exit the crag. The route of the day for sure! Very sustained, unerringly thin, and probably the best rock I've seen on this wall. Probably entry-level 25 due to its relentlessness. Very complex moves. Really, the only negative is that the last 6m or so is not great rock.

19 Baldilicious Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
Second clean. At the grade, this is a pretty outrageous position and climbing up cool features. Rock isn't perfect, and access is a bit tricky now that the rap-tree has burned down, but for an easy route its worthy. Scoopy.

Jeu 14 Mai 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Thor Head
26 Flexor and the Albatross Sportive 65m Classique
Second clean. Seconding Neil to exit the crag after a day on this. Awesome, technical, sustained face/slab climbing, with a heart-breaker slab finish right when you're trashed.

Mer 25 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
24 Golden Giles Sportive 70m, 21 Excellent
TRS. Clean repeat. Cruised this as a giant 70m pitch for a warmup. Makes a good warmup Fingery start pitch to a mega slightly steep face middle pitch with loads of cool moves. 70m just flies by!

Mer 18 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
23 Microdermabrasia P1
1 23 30m
Sportive 30m Excellent
Clean repeat. Seconding Goshen rather than trying to clean the route on loweroff. Makes a great warmup, and is a proud line up an obvious feature.

Dim 1 Mars 2020 - Point Perpendicular
Shellfish Area Swordfish Wall
17 The Free Mexican Airforce - avec Heath Black Trad 30m Dans la moyenne
Not worth the effort. A few metres of okay rock/climbing surrounded my lots of crud. Ending up off-route at the start didn't do much to add to the experience.

Dim 23 Fév 2020 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Liquid Insanity Area
22 ~23 Just Technical - avec Lucas C, Magdalena de la Torre Sportive 15m Classique
Repeat x 2. A bloody good warmup for the harder stuff, but quite intense! Just 15m of quality pocket-pulling.

Dim 26 Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Corroboree Walls Teenage Buttress
26 David Hicks Memorial Route Trad 20m Excellent
TRS x 3. Short, but quite intense. Felt desperate in today's heat/humidity. Lots of very thin moves with surprising variety, and an interesting gristone finale.

The bolts are indeed glued-in thread with hangers and nuts. But this is a BYO spanner route, as the nuts undo themselves if a stiff breeze hits them. An absolutely bizarre effort of bolting.

24 ~25 I Was a Teenager For the CIA Sportive 58m Classique
TRS warmup. Disgusting conditions, but still a great climb. Seemed harder than I remember, though that might just be the spooge-factor.

Mar 31 Déc 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - South Side Bent's Lookout
22 Established Anarchy Trad 40m Excellent
TRS. Could be a true classic with a wire brushing and 1 more bolt. In its current state, I wouldn't recommend it. Craaaaaazy mossy at the moment.

The corner is better than it looks, and quite interesting. The face moves are punchy and overhanging, but easier than it looks... just almost entirely unprotected (but for 1 bolt, and bad gear behind detached small flakes).

Gear: 0.5 - 2 for the corner, 1 x bolt plate, fixed hanger, 0.3, a few terrible RP's/tiny wires in a cluster, 0.5, Slung flake, Upward-driven Red C3.

Lun 30 Déc 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - South Side The Oval Area
22 Lift Girls Lament - avec Christopher Glastonbury Trad 10m Excellent
Seconding chris at the end of the day. Not easy for those of us with big hands. Quite feisty for such a short route. I crack climbed it direct, but it might be easier to layback it? Beautiful rock and great position.

Lun 30 Déc 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - South Side The Waterfall South Side
20 Off Coarse - avec Christopher Glastonbury Trad 20m Dans la moyenne
Seconding Chris on the First Ascent. Not super hard physically, but possibly the sharpest crack I've ever climbed, to the point that I even wished I had taped for it (nevaaaah!). The green cam start up the overhanging crack requires some burliness. The rest of it just requires pain tolerance.

Sam 28 Déc 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Hump Area The Hump
23 Redbacks Trad 25m Classique
TRS - Repeat. Probably my favourite single pitch of climbing at Mount Buffalo. Great to get back on this all these years later and cruise up it. Beautiful technical face climbing.

23 Bum Steer Trad 60m Bon
TRS - Excitingly bolted hardcore friction slabbing. More masochistic than fun.

Ven 30 Août 2019 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County The 39 Steps
28 Shimmering Sportive 35m Excellent
TRS Cleanly as part of working the Direct Finish. Absolutely freaking nails. 100% 28 in my mind, and probably the hardest face climb I know of in the Blueys. Finished via the last bolt of Aesthetic Images to make it a bit harder.

Sam 24 Août 2019 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Hanging Rock
25 Oranges Poranges - avec Will Vidler Trad mixte 45m, 10 Excellent
EOD lap clean on 2nd taking off the gear and bolt plates. No time (and mixed motivation) for another lap on lead, so this will have to suffice for the interim.

Dim 18 Août 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Thor Head
25 Horse Meat Disco Sportive 55m Classique
Clean 2nd (TRS). Still had some energy left at the end of the day, so -absent a belayer- I decided to do 2 x laps on this (the 2nd one clean) for some training. A bloody brilliant route. Challenging at 25, but still easier than Raving Bull (despite this being my 4th day on!)

Mer 19 Juin 2019 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
18 The 80 Minute Hour - avec Stephen Varney Trad mixte 30m, 4 Excellent
Clean Repeat. Seconding Stephen. Barefoot and chalkless today, because I couldn't be bothered walking back to my gear to collect both. A great old-school line. Traverse in from the right for the best climbing at the start.

Sam 1 Juin 2019 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County The 39 Steps
20 Candle Power - avec Will Vidler Trad 35m Excellent
Repeat. Just a bloody good corner-crack. The brief patch of vegetation is irrelevant as you bridge your way around on it on good rock with great moves.

Mer 24 Avr 2019 - Moonarie
The Ramparts
13 Kneedeep - avec Emil Mandyczewsky Trad 110m Bon
P1 only. 2nding Emil to gain access to Honour Among Thieves belay. If you like chimneying, this is probably mega classic.

Mar 23 Avr 2019 - Moonarie
Lower Tiers Goat Crag
20 Billy Bunter - avec Gerry Narkowicz Trad 18m Bon
2nding Gerry. Short and sweet thin crack, but pales in comparison to all else here. Good, small fiddly gear throughout.

Ven 4 Jan 2019 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
23 Subliminal - avec Rob Medlicott Sportive 92m, 33 Super classique
Another repeat, this time with Roberto... A speed-lap on Second to beat the approaching stormfront. Dreamy.

Ven 28 Déc 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Atlantis
25 Herminator - avec Heath Black Sportive 25m, 13 Excellent
Clean repeat, srconding Neil to escape the crag at the end of the day. We topped the route and walked off

Lun 3 Sept 2018 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
22 Lulu - avec Emil Mandyczewsky Sportive 30m, 14 Excellent
Seconding Emil. Excellent technical arête-and-face climbing in a nutty position, with a mixture of rock qualities. Maybe tough at the grade, it's hard to say? Worthy as a single pitch in its own right, though,

Lun 20 Août 2018 - Wolgan Valley
Coke Ovens Cliff
22 Flashbacks - avec Emil Mandyczewsky Trad mixte 40m, 5 Bon
2nding Emil Mandyczewsky . An interesting premise, but not so good in reality. Caked with moss, average-to-poor rock (lots of teetering blocks), poor carrots, and average fiddly gear. Has all the makings of a face epic, but was more type-2 fun, in reality. Glad Emil was the one to lead it and not me

Lun 6 Août 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Bald Head Serendipitous Walls
21 Purkinje Arette - avec Heath Black Sportive 75m, 34 Excellent
Objectively this is pretty good (despite some crozzly rock), but by this time of day Neil and I were suffering in our aggressive shoes, and it was hard to fully appreciate it. P1 is a pleasant slab with an old-school vibe (like Barton's effort at The Wolgan) and a few feisty moves. P2 I a proud, slightly intimidating, unrelentingly techo arête which goes on forever and ever, all the way to the moon.

Dim 15 Juil 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Ikara Head
18 Reincarnation - avec Heath Black Trad 30m Classique
Clean repeat, this time Seconding Neil. Still great. Seriously deserves an onslaught of additional traffic.

The epiphany that this ISN'T Aladinsane (read my last ascent of this route on TheCrag) has caused me to question my life choices, where I'm going in my future, and what I really want to achieve. What is the meaning of the life, and the nature of the universe? Does our inability to measure self-awareness in other species actually preclude the possibility that it exists, and if not, do we need to change our perspective of our uniqueness on this planet. If the defining characteristic of self-awareness is the capacity for self-doubt, which can only be instantiated through the existence of other people (to whom we ascribe a value of their opinion great enough that we entertain the possibility that their perception is right, and ours is wrong) mean that the very notion of "self awareness" is a physical impossibility without a society, and thus was Sartre right when he proclaimed "hell is other people"?

Dim 3 Juin 2018 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
17 The Green Eyed Monster - avec Heath Black Trad mixte 22m, 3 Dans la moyenne
Seconding Neil. Some okay airy moves on the arete (that seemed kinda challenging for the grade), but stupidly short (10m?) and kinda crunchy rock,

Sam 26 Mai 2018 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
23 Subliminal Sportive 92m, 33 Super classique
Another repeat, seconding Chris. A speed-ascent, no-resting, no chalking, no shaking, always climbing marathon which makes it quite the pumpy adventure. =)

Mer 9 Mai 2018 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
24 Golden Giles Sportive 70m, 21 Excellent
Clean Repeat. Top Rope Solo lap as a giant 60m pitch as a warmup in the sun. Today, the 2nd pitch felt harder than the first (I'd almost say 23 first pitch, 24 second pitch), but either way, it was enjoyable. Not a classic, but continuous engaging technical face climbing.

Ven 23 Mars 2018 - Bare Rock
Main Face
21 Yesterday's Hero - avec Heath Black Sportive 45m Excellent
Another lap. This time seconding Neil (clean) in rather wet conditions. The weather didn't detract too much, despite it being a techo slab. Long.

Mer 28 Fév 2018 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Walls Lookdown
25 Disco Non-Stop Party - avec Will Vidler Sportive 40m, 13 Super classique
Repeat. Clean on Second (following Will's successful ascent) removing draws. Finger-licking good arete climbing. Get on it!

Dim 28 Jan 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Afghan/Girl in the Mirror wall
21 Querilous Journey - avec Heath Black Sportive 40m Bon
2nding Neil. The climbing itself is okay, but I'm not a big fan of the grainy/crunchy rock. Slightly steep face climbing in a long pitch.

Dim 21 Jan 2018 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Liquid Insanity Area
22 ~23 Just Technical - avec Rob Medlicott Sportive 15m Excellent
Repeat, this time 2nding Rob. Short and punchy, with a particularly boulder finale. Unfortunately this type of rock is always rather grainy, but the pocketed-boulder at the top with tonnes of exposure justifies the effort and makes this totally worthwhile.

Sam 20 Jan 2018 - Point Perpendicular
Bayside Werner Burner Area
21 Werner Burner - avec Rob Medlicott Sportive 25m, 7 Excellent
Repeat. This time seconding Rob. Enjoyable steep-ish climbing, though a touch contrived. Probably more 20 than 21, though.

Dim 7 Jan 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Catch the Wind Area
22 Passing Wind - avec Heath Black Sportive 30m Classique
Clean Repeat. 2nding Neil to escape the crag at the end of the day. It's been a long time since I was last on it (back when this area never got any traffic, and there wasn't a drop of chalk on anything), and I'd forgotten just how rad this is. Surprisingly sustained, steep and pumpy at the grade (probably 23, in reality), and on brilliant rock for the most part. Should be on everyone's list.

23 Static - avec Heath Black Trad mixte 35m, 8 Excellent
Clean Repeat, this time 2nding Neil. I agree with Neil that this route is no harder than 21 (in the style). Cool stemming/laybacking moves, but about twice the number of bolts that it needs.

Sam 16 Déc 2017 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Devil's Work Wall
20 The Devil's Work - avec Heath Black Sportive 92m Bon
2nding Neil on the First Ascent (though I had the auspicious honour of doing the first ascent of P2 - My proudest FA to date!). An enjoyable easy grade short multi, with quite a fair bit of good climbing, marred by sections of bad rock. Inevitably destined to be popular. P1 in particular is worthwhile.

Dim 3 Déc 2017 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Shock Wall/Fire Bug Mall
17 Fire Bug - avec Heath Black Trad 63m Classique
Repeat. This time 2nding Neil as a giant 65m pitch. Speed-climbing up a long crack is a great way to make an easy route very exciting. Firebug has gotten even cleaner in all the years since I last climbed it, and is an absolute Blueys Gem of continuous, varied corner-crack climbing on brilliant rock.

Ven 17 Nov. 2017 - Buoux
Les Fouilles
6a La Conque - avec Stephen Varney Sportive 40m Bon
Top Half only. 2nding Stephen to gain the top of the cliff. Okay climbing up an obvious corner-feature, with a few interesting moves.

6a+ Zephir - avec Stephen Varney Sportive 35m Classique
Repeat. Seconding Stephan to gain the top of the cliff. Still enjoyable even when dead tired

Dim 22 Oct. 2017 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Walls Lookdown
25 Disco Non-Stop Party Direct Start - avec Heath Black Sportive 40m, 13 Super classique
Clean Repeat. Seconding Neil after his ascent, clean taking off all draws and bolt-plates on the link. It will be brilliant once those carrots are gone, hopefully my lap today will be the last time anyone has to take off bolt plates while barn-dooring on an arete. Utterly Mega route!

23 Debris - avec Heath Black Sportive 51m, 13 Excellent
Clean on Second. Another lap today, 2nding Neil after his ascent. Speed climbing ascent, no resting, no stopping. Gymastic fun.

Dim 3 Sept 2017 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Lower
17 St Clemmen's Crack - avec No-Chalk Rob Trad 50m Classique
Repeat. This time 2nding No-Chalk Rob on his ascent. Absolutely brilliant (WAY better than I remember), though definitely harder than 17 in the 2nd half. One of the best easy-ish cracks in the Blue Mountains. Mostly great rock and demanding climbing, though a tiny smattering of loose-rock and inconsequential vegetation. Ummm... Maybe don't do this if you're expecting a gr17 climb, though.

Dim 13 Août 2017 - Bungonia Gorge
South Wall - Main
25 The Bridge to Total Freedom Trad mixte 190m, 48 Super classique
2 x Laps of the entire top (crux) pitch on Second via TRS, taking off the gear as I climbed on every lap. On my 2nd lap I JUST managed to climb it cleanly (by the skin of my teeth). As with my laps on Jump Master, this is not a "true tick", but is still harder than seconding the pitch normally, and I'll have to be satisfied with this if I never come back for the lead. This remains my all-time favourite hard pitch of climbing at Bungonia, with only 1 no-hands rest, and continuously engaging, sustained climbing throughout. There are so many moves you could fall off on this, right up to the very top of the pitch, I'd definitely call this soft-ish 26 (feels a grade harder than Jumpmaster for sure!). I love the moves out of the pumpy jugs, across the thin face, and into the quarryman-esque hanging blade feature. A dream pitch.

25 Jump Master Trad mixte 200m, 60 Super classique
3 x Laps of the entire top (crux) pitch clean on 2nd via TRS, taking off the gear as I climbed on every lap (to make up for my failure to tick the pitch yesterday). Still not a true "tick", but harder than Seconding the route normally, and if I never get back to tick this properly (which, difficulty-wise, is almost superfluous at this point), then I'll just have to be happy with lapping this thing. A great pitch and fun even after so many laps.

Dim 30 Juil 2017 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Penny Arcade
21 Powder Monkey - avec Heath Black Trad 30m Bon
2nding Neil. The rock quality is a mixed bag, and the bolts are disconcerting, but the climbing is quite complex and interesting, and the runouts are spicy.

Dim 23 Juil 2017 - Vaucluse
Rosa Gully Rosa Gully North Side
14 Pornflakes - The second coming - avec Heath Black Sportive 30m, 14 Excellent
2nding Neil. Super-duper easy (not 18!) but really fun climbing up a solid, choss-free feature that goes all the way to the top of the cliff. The challenge is to see how FAST you can climb it!

Dim 9 Juil 2017 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Dress Rehearsal Rag Wall
17 Dress Rehearsal Rag - avec Rene Provis Sportive 35m, 4 Classique
P1 only. Repeat, this time 2nding Rene... An absolute bloody classic (and quite nails at 17... have fun shorties!)... IF this was 30m long, it might be the best slab in the Blueys... As it is, it's like 12m long, so it'll just have to settle for "classic":

Dim 9 Juil 2017 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Black Bart's Wall
19 Sadhu Rum - avec Rene Provis Sportive 30m Excellent
2nding Rene. A tough start, but enjoyable (easier) climbing after that. A nice long pitch on pretty mega rock.

15 Just for Fun - pitch 1 - avec Rene Provis Sportive 50m Excellent
2nding Rene. Actually surprisingly good and varied climbing at the grade. Totally worthwhile, and with a funky finale.

Sam 11 Fév 2017 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Pindari
22 Much of a Muchness Sportive 30m Excellent
Repeat. Seconding Scotty Wearin. Linked into P1 of This Sporting Life as a giant 50m pitch with minimal rope drag. Much more enjoyable than I remembered, but not very hard at the grade. Interesting face climbing on great rock.

20 This Sporting Life Sportive 43m, 15 Classique
Repeat. P1 only, seconding Scotty Wearin. Linked into Much of a Muchness as a giant 50m pitch with minimal rope drag. P1 is a thoroughly enjoyable, reachy, technical slab. Pretty tough at the grade, but worthwhile.

Mar 27 Déc 2016 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Narrow Neck Crags Herbaceous Gully
16 Tol - avec Heath Black Trad 50m Classique
Seconding Neil. A bloody classic route up an inspiring, soaring line... Sure, the exit pitch is grotty, barely protectable and snappy, but even it cannot detract from the spectacular first 40m of crack-climbing bliss. Rather challenging at the grade.

Mer 16 Nov. 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Corroboree Walls Black Gold Buttress
24 Texas Tea Sportive 55m Excellent
Top Rope Solo clean. As close to an Onsight, as a lap can get without scoring an Onsight (since I was essentially Seconding the route). I rapped the face to the hanging belay, didn't suss or tick anything, and set off into the unknown. And kinda cruised the whole thing. A 5m intense arete section after you gain the arete from the traverse, but generally quite easy (though enjoyable) climbing above that. The bolts were in more or less the right places (I practiced placing plates and clipping on the lap, solely for the purpose of providing this consumer advice), though the actual QUALITY of the bolts is hideous. Good thin arete and face climbing in an exposed position, though a tad dirty (unsurprisingly), and with some sections of dubious rock.

Mer 16 Nov. 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
15 Tombstone Wall Trad mixte 30m, 3 Excellent
Top Rope Solo... sussing how slimey this was in the full sun... seems to be okay.

17 Flake Crack Trad 53m Classique
Top Rope Solo as a 30m pitch. Really wanted to free solo this, but decided to suss out the wide top section first. As it was, I felt super solid, but its too damn sweaty in the sun to risk it. I'll come back when its in the shade. Brilliant route.

Ven 11 Nov. 2016 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Katoomba Cliffs Echo Point Echo Point Walls
25 Alive in a Bitter Sea Trad mixte 90m, 8 Classique
2 laps on TRS. This is starting to feel like Groundhog Day. Clean P1, 1 fall on the crazy dyno on P2 (though the move immediately after it is almost as hard), and clean P3. I've got this as sorted as I can on TRS, I just have to hope I climb better on lead with the crazy gear runouts to motivate me (usually I do). Weather permitting, it's red-point time on Sunday.

Dim 30 Oct. 2016 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
22 Subliminal Sportive 92m, 33 Super classique
Clean repeat again. From the Castaway belay. Seconding Neil to exit the crag. The rain that moved in while I was on the top 1/4 of this climb made the top two mantles rather challenging! Still brilliant, even after 6 laps on this thing.

Mer 26 Oct. 2016 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
23 Subliminal Sportive 92m, 33 Super classique
Aaaand again... Seconding Jenga in the dark with a headlamp. Another 70m pitch from the Castaway belay: my favourite way to do this pitch. Always a pleasure.

Sam 22 Oct. 2016 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
26 Sojourn - PROJECT PAUL Sportive 80m, 18 Super classique
2 laps on Top Rope Solo today, both clean! The refined beta for the top crux means that this is not the 26/27 I was expecting, and more of a middle-tier 26. Still thoroughly enjoyable. Bring on the sharp end.

Lun 10 Oct. 2016 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
26 Sabbatical Sportive 80m, 20 Super classique
Seconding Carlos. 3.5 Hours Car-to-car. Climbed as 2 pitches (40m 25/26, 40m 22). Managed to climb both pitches clean on 2nd (though I was working bloody hard). Still an absolute bloody classic. Sure, I'm biased... But it is!

Lun 15 Août 2016 - Nowra
Babylon Areas The Gaza Strip Falafel Wall
19 Humous & Tabouleh Sportive 22m Dans la moyenne
P1 Only. Seconding Carlos to get to the access ledge. Some okay (and rather tough) slab moves, but terrible rock and quite wet in places. Just climb the rungs to get to the ledge instead.

Jeu 21 Juil 2016 - Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
Taipan Wall - North
25 Divided Years Trad mixte 16m, 4 Excellent
Top Rope Solo CLEAN (scary enough and with enough Rope Management to earn a lead tick, right? Hehe) removing the gear as I climbed. It took me 3 laps to get this clean on TRS, as I had issues with the Top Rope running over the crucial hold you dyno to on the lower crux and making it hard to grab. A fun little route, which is quite stout at the grade, and has a nice variety of moves for its short length (marred by the jiggery-pokery to get to the hanging belay). Airy traverse, Funky powerful moves up the slopey steep scoops, then a very thin crimpy finale. I used a #3 Cam and a single Large Wire to supplement the 4 x bolts.

18 Mission Over Tokyo Trad 55m Excellent
Top Rope Solo (clean) both pitches, Seconding myself to get my own gear back after my lead-solo lap to the top of the cliff. Fun!

Dim 12 Juin 2016 - North Sister
Main Face
25 Now, swallow! - PROJECT GERRY Sportive 12m Excellent
2 Top Rope Laps (it's still a Project so there was no point leading it). First lap wasn't clean, due to trying to find the crucial "good" part of the arete slapping section. Very short, and briefly powerful, but interesting arete-slapping and fridge-hugging, heel-hooking around the left-arete, and then again around some sloper-sidepulls to the right. Rad. Will be great when it's finished.

Lun 18 Avr 2016 - Bare Rock
Main Face
19 Tomorrows Dream Sportive 100m Excellent
Repeat. Seconding Daniel with about 20kgs of gear in a backback to get to the belay at the end of Pitch 1, so I could Jumaar up my fixed rope and continue bolting my new route.

Ven 15 Avr 2016 - Bare Rock
The Block
26 Andrew's Project #2 Sportive 8m Bon
Clean on Top Rope. This is still a Project so I couldn't steal the First Ascent. Took me about 8 shots to stick the (softish) V4 boulder start (falling back to the ground each time), then continued clean to the top. Very powerful start on great rock, followed by slopey, groovy weirdness to the top.

Jeu 14 Avr 2016 - Bare Rock
The Block
25 Andrew's Project #3 Sportive 12m, 10 Bon
2nd shot on Top Rope. This is still a Project so I couldn't steal the First Ascent. A solid V3+ boulder problem in the first 5m, then about grade 16 technical slab to the top. Some funky, powerful moves.

Ven 25 Mars 2016 - Bare Rock
Easter Rising Face
27 Green Spandex Sportive 18m, 5 Excellent
2 more laps this morning. This is a brutal warmup! Graded 27 originally, its probably more solid/hard 26. Might be 27 if you cant climb hard cracks. Good linkage on 1st shot (2 falls - 1 more due to lack of commitment than difficulty - I was still scared up here today!), then a rad full link 2nd shot... but this could be tough to tick on lead. The crack is a somewhat crumbly at the back, but the rock on the headwall is immaculate and perfect. Why are all the climbs that suit me so damn inaccessible? I'll be back on lead next.

Sam 5 Mars 2016 - Ben Lomond
Northern Escarpment Local Loser
24 Gerry's New Route Trad 45m Bon
Top Rope Lap on this Project. Clean 1st go. Definitely gr24. Rather bold, but not dangerous. I need Gerry to Send this so I can score the true tick (he offered me an attempt at the FA, but having been on it, I think its too good to take from Gerry after all his effort on it). Ludicrously steep, with some extremely insecure hard stemming leading to outrageous steep climbing up an overhanging fang of rock. 3 stars for sure.

Mer 24 Fév 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
19 Battle Cruiser Trad 74m Classique
With Alex. P1 only. Finished P2 via Space Cowboy. A rad first pitch with entertaining moves through the rooflet and climbing throughout. Totally worth a lap.

Dim 7 Fév 2016 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Whitewater Wall
15 Nice no name 15 - avec Vladi Eileen Trad 50m Excellent
Seconding Vladi. Looks a bit junk from the ground but climbs really well. Mostly well-protected face climbing with a few token jams.

Mer 3 Fév 2016 - Bare Rock
Main Face
25 Godhead's Lament - PROJECT PAUL Sportive 25m, 11 Excellent
2 more laps Top Rope Solo... juuuust to make sure I had it dialled. First didnt feel hard, but I had no power and fell off a few times (not a route to warm up on). 2nd felt calm and controlled and was entirely clean. Cool! Now for the Send tomorrow........

Mer 20 Jan 2016 - Ben Lomond
Pavement Bluff
22 The Howitzer Arete - Open Project Trad 60m Dans la moyenne
I top-roped this to see if it was worth the risk for the First Ascent. 3-star positions, 2-star climbing, MINUS 2 stars for rock quality. I'd heard a lot about this great "unclimbed bold line of Ben Lomond", but the rock is the worst I've climbed in Tassie. Think: dry wheat-bix on a blunt arete. The gear is extremely spaced (the top crux is 6m above the last piece of pro) and on average 5 out of 10 for quality. I was agonising over whether to lead it for the FA, but the weather had other ideas.


Affichage de 101 - 200 sur 314 ascensions.

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