
Via come trad in Rainmaker

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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
17 Rainmaker
1 17 20m
2 11 30m

To the right of 'Gringo Face' is a red face capped by a large overhang. The route goes up the centre of the face and then traverses to the right edge to avoid the upper overhang. The face above is then climbed to the top of the cliff. Start immediately below the overhang. Scramble up to an alcove in the centre of the face.

  1. 20m 17 Climb 8m up a pillar of perched blocks on the left of the alcove to reach a ledge under a small overhang. Traverse right 12m to the arete on the skyline. Awkward and poorly protected. Climb the arete for a few meters and then move right to a ledge and belay.

  2. 30m 11 Continue diagonally up the left to the top of the cliff.

FA: A. Firth, P. Goodridge & David Hughes, 1974

Trad 50m, 2

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