
접속점들 Black Mountain Bouldering에서

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폐쇄 Black Mountain Bouldering

Black mountain consists of the same type of rock found around Kambah and Mount Coree. Like Coree, it is less polished than the river crags; unfortunately it is also somewhat prone to breaking just like the other areas. Like Coree, the rock also has good friction.

폐쇄 Main area

The main area for Black Mountain, accessed around a 150-200 metre walk from the first parking bay (asphalt) that you find on your left as you drive or walk up the hill. The boulders/climbs are described from right to left facing uphill - they form a broken ridge that ends at boulder 8 (see topo)

폐쇄 Main area
V0 Problem 0.1

Up face crack on right side; boulder is second (of three) on right hand side facing the lake coming down the unpaved road.

V0 Problem 0.2

Up left hand side of same boulder for Problem 0.1, nice right hand pinch to pull up orange exposed section

V2 Preoccupied

Sit start with a high heel hook and fingers in the small notch, push for the shelf and go from there to rock over your heel

V1 Distraction

Sit start. Pull through the good face hold and you’re away.

V0 Problem 0.3

Up right side arrete, easy layback up to top; boulder is the third (furthest from road), next to Problem 0.1 boulder with a small roof section

V1 Problem 0.4

Same face as Problem 0.3, small right hand finger pocket to start

V1 Problem 0.5

Start slightly left of roof (opposite side of Problem 0.4), reach past roof to mantle finish

V0 Problem 1

Sit start on positive holds then throw for the absolute apex of the boulder.

V1 Problem 2

Eliminate - sit start as for problem 1, right hand to the sloper then use that hold to steady yourself for the throw to the top.

V3 Problem 2b

Sit start at the very right hand edge, traverse through the slopes and finish by mantling at the apex of the boulder (i.e. eliminate the good horizontal break for hands). Contrived but climbs OK.

V0 Problem 3

Up and over the bulge. Sketchy mantel.

V1 Oral highness

Sit start, sitting on detached rock. Start on good high jug and same finish as AM

V1 Anal majesty

Sit start on far left using orange part of rock as foot holds. Go diagonally to the right and up. The small rock under the good starting hold on far left is off for feet. Avoid standing on ledge.

V0 Problem 4

Up the crack and its nearby features. Bonus points if you use only the crack. Sit start.

V1 Problem 5

Contrived eliminate - climb up the left arete without using the rest boulder. Tensiony and a bit crimpy.

V3 Problem 5a

Eliminate. Sit start in crack and climb face left of crack. Crack and left arete are in, all other boulders to the left are out.

V0-/0 Problem 6

Sit start, then up and stay to the right using the easy holds.

V0 Problem 7

Sit start and fairly directly up but to the right side of the arete, rather than the left.

V2 to V3 Problem 8

Sit start then head left around the arete on small holds and incuts. The crux is getting up over the ledge at mid height. Roughly v3 if you eliminate a few holds.

V3 Voracious

Silly eliminate. Using only the toe-hook on the left side (the incut notch on the right side is out), slap your way up the arete and then take the big swing (tiny swing) before campussing your way to the ledge then mantling your way to the top. Sit start.

V5 Problem 9

A vicious sit-start problem using the crimp hold at about head height when sitting (which just fits a few fingers of each hand), then executing a large dynamic move to reach the ledge above. Your fingers may not survive; you have been warned.

V1 CB's new pants

Sit start on other side of arête. Match on obvious jug at head height. Traverse left around arête then move up to top out. Don't use ledges to mantle up on final moves and the left crack constrains the route.

V0-/0 Problem 9 & 3/4

From a standing start, get your hands high up on the right edge of the arete and your toes into the crack running along the bottom of the rock. Shuffle your hands up the edge until you reach the jug, get your left foot onto the crimp hold from 'Problem 9' then swing your right foot up onto the ledge and convince the rest of your body to follow it. Continue to the top.

V0 Problem 10

Climb the boulder without mantling.

V1 Problem 11

Climb the boulder and mantle at the ledge. If you're feeling crazy like me, execute a scary heel hook out wide and blindly reach up for a semi-crimp, trust that it's bomber and use it to lever yourself up. Do not go around the right side; this problem is for checking your head.

V2 Ascension

Difficult to grade. From a standing start, use the lovely hand-grip at shoulder height, place your feet at either side as high as you can get them, and dyno to the second ledge above your head - that is, the higher one. While it takes some strength to accomplish, much more of the climb is about trusting you can do it and won't body-slam the rock.

V1/2 Problem 12

Stand start. Up the right side of the boulder using the crimp then trending left to a rail and up.

V1/2 Problem 13

As for 12, get set on your feet using the crimp then head left around the corner using the rail to steady yourself and up from there.

V3/4 Problem 14

Sit start underneath the rooflet, then head right using the odd volume for a side/undercling and finish for problem 12.

V2 Problem 15

Sit start underneath the rooflet, then climb up the arete, hugging both sides and top out.

V3 Problem 16

Sit start underneath the rooflet, then climb the arete using only the holds on the left side.

V4 Not bad for a local crag

Sit start on triangle undercling. Traverse left and finish up Problem 16.

V5 Stupid is as stupid does

Start with left hand on low jug in back of roof and right hand on decent crimp just over the roof. Campus to the obvious flat ledge about 3 metres up. Stupid.

V3 Coming Back to Life

Start matched on the big triangular undercling (slightly awkward). Use the diagonal slot at about head height with your left hand before reaching directly up to the rail (no other handholds allowed here). From here trend up diagonally right topping out over the small bush.

V3 Affrighted

Like Ascension, hard to grade. And massively sketchy. Using the rail on the very right hand side of the boulder, get your feet under you (do not use the mercy boulder just to your right) and dyno up onto the horn. If you manage to make it, congratulate yourself that you've averted broken bones, ponder why the hold isn't just a liiitle bit more juggy, then figure out how you're going to get up the top as you're not done yet.

V0-/0 Section 59

Same Boulder as the topo above

From a standing start, grab two big jugs on the arete and get your feet onto the sloping blocks underneath. Swing a lft foot into the little orange incut notch the the left, stand up on that and head on up.

V0 Problem 17

Start as for 'section 59', but instead of staying left at the top, swing out onto the slabby face and go straight up.

V1 Dont touch the jizz

Sit start, up the guts, over the bulge, rounded top out.

V1 Does this count as highball?

Start as for 'Dont touch the jizz' right to the arrete then up and over the bulge to top out

V0 Disregard the Constabulary

Bouldering on Black Mountain is prohibited.

Black Mountain is CNP land, the Plan of Management can be found here. This sets out the management priorities for the reserve, and bouldering's impact on the small remnant population of the Pink-Tailed Worm-Lizard is too great a risk.

V0 Bear hug

This climb is about 50m down the hill from section 59.

V0 Railway

Pull up using the rail/side pulls, then gain the step before committing to the top out.

V0 Tension

Pull up then move out right before topping out.

폐쇄 Room with a view

Single boulder on the opposite side to the main boulder field, good view of the city

폐쇄 Room with a view
V1 Room with a view

Sit start under slabby portion, traverse right and come up corner of boulder.

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