
접속점들 Mount Mugga Mugga에서

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Mount Mugga Mugga

One lonely but excellent Ryodacite boulder.

The Irish Block

A large Ryodacite block with a mix of excellent problems located directly below the old quarry. Convenient access and quality rock go some way towards making up for the lack of any other boulders nearby. Please brush away excess chalk build up and tick marks. It's in a nature reserve used by walkers and bikers so we need to minimise visual climbing impact. Even though the quarry is a giant eyesore and there are invasive weeds everywhere we can still do our bit to ensure climbers are viewed positively in the area. Also leave the power screams at home; the houses are not far away.

The Irish Block
V0 Fenian Brotherhood

Sit Start on the far left traverse right and mantle onto the ledge.

V3 Pet Rock

Long. Took a while to brush properly. Start as for Fenian Brotherhood but keep going along the lip of the boulder. A big move gets you to the highest part of the boulder then traverse a little more and top out.

V1 Razor Girl

Not a bad book, not a good problem. Sit start between pet rock and wttm.

V0 Wired to the Moon [historical]

Sit start using the detached spike. Up and slightly right before traversing left to the mantle.

Edit 09/21: detatched spike was loose and moving, was removed. Climb no longer exists.

V3 Pet Rock Direct

The arête left of Factor B, sit start and up

V3 Pet Rock Direct LHV

Sit start at arête and trend left.

V6 Factor B Stand

Stand start with your lefthand on an undercling/righthand on a side pull then climb up and top out. Originally climbed using the high right sloper.

V8 Factor B

Sit start from undercling/gaston then climb up using high right sloper and top out. No stacking pads for SS. Note: There was no footer left of the starting holds for the FA. A new footer was revealed after the block to the left became loose and was removed. Now easier/downgraded.

Bevan Ashby Alec Landstra

V10 Factor B direct

Climb Factor B eliminating the good rails out left by heading up through the slopers. Great for the original beta purists.


V8 The Swamp Factor

Sit start as for Factor B and then traverse right through some tough moves to hit the arete. finish as for Moonshine.

V5 Moonshine

Stand start with left hand on the sidepull rail on the left of the arrete and right on the better right dish on the right side of the arrete. Head up the arrete to top out.

V6 Crimson red calm

Sit start with right hand on pinch and left hand on side pull and go straight up the small square shaped arete.

V3 CRCC (link up of the link up)

Sit start as for crc, pull right into ec but instead of finishing up ec pull back left and finish up crc.

V3 Crimson red calluses (link up)

Sit start as for crimson red calm but pull right onto the jug that you throw for on eating calluses.

V6 Eating calluses

Sit start with right hand on good crimp and left on pinch. Throw for the jug and straight up. If you don't like the throw move start matched on the crimps and go straight up on smaller crimps.

V1 Eating Calluses Stand

Same as for Eating Calluses but starting from jug.

V7 Lax ligaments

Sit start on slopers and up. V7 stand start fa by JL. V7.5 sit start fa by BA.

V8 Kicking Against The Pricks

Sit start at Lax Ligaments, and traverse up and left to finish at the very end of the face/start of the arête.

V6 Training Wheels

Stand start with a long span between left hand sidepull/undercling and high right hand diagonal rail. Head straight up.

V1 Lock Stock

Sit start at shelf on right end. Reach for diagonal rail, pull awkwardly onto shelf and top out.

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