
루트들 Little Cove 🏄🏼‍♂️🏄🏽‍♀️에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V0 Mantel training right - sand depending

Sit start. Right and left hand match on crimpy edge on middle of the block. Left foot heel hook and mantel over. Fun and short. Must grab middle of the jug at the top for grade send.

볼더 1m
V1 Mantel training left - sand depending

Sit start. Left hand and right hand match on sloper holds to the far left. Right foot heel hook then mantle over. Fun and short. Must grab middle of the jug at the top for grade send.

볼더 1m

Sit start on crimps. Work you way up the juggy goodness.

FA: Lekki Lekki & H

볼더 2m
VB Sandy crack

Sit start. Next line to the left of BPT. Work way up the side pulls and top out.

FA: Lekki Lekki & H, 16 6월 2023

볼더 2m
V2 Crab Boy 🦀

Sit start. Pull up into the under cling. Grab the top then right foot heel hook over the lip to finish with a mantle. Be careful.

볼더 3m
VB Too cool for a legrope.

Sit start. Work way up side pull crack. Top out. Yell at those too cool for leg ropes.

FA: Lekki Lekki & H, 16 7월 2023

볼더 3m
V0 Rocks are our friends

Sit start.Move up to sticking out boulder. Good holds on both sides which makes you hug the rock. Work way up and top out.

FA: Lekki Lekki & H

V0 Sand chose

Sit start. Work way directly up. Big boulder jugs on right are out. Top out.

FA: Lekki Lekki & H

볼더 3m
V1 Probably pretty easy

Nice traverse from sloper start which is the beginning of Bush Turks.

FA: H & Lekki Lekki

볼더 5m
V1 Bush Turks

Start two hands in the sloper slot and work your way up from there to top out finish. Big move at start then eases off dramatically.

FA: 16 7월 2023

FA: H & Lekki Lekki, 16 7월 2023

볼더 3m
V1 Crimpy Mc CrimpFace.

Not a sit start. Left hand start on knobby looking rock with white dot on it. Right hand start on shared sloper with bush turkz. Left hand side wall is out. Go straight up and top out.

FA: H & Lekki Lekki

볼더 3m
V1 A side pull too far 🤷‍♂️

Two hand match on broken part of rock side pull. Double feet below hands on ledge. Then move left to the letter boxes. Keep going left and top out over the mega horn at the top of “eyes wide closed”.


볼더 3m
V3 Arête-d Development

Sit start. Hands and feet on the textured arête, side walls are out!! . Straight up and top out. Watch the middle holds as they are quite sharp.

FA: Lekki Lekki & H

볼더 3m
V2 So I hear you like Deadpoints?

Sit start again… you’ve got three side pulls. From the 3rd and 2nd launch to top to grab a mega two handed jug. Fun times!

FA: Lekki Lekki & H

볼더 3m
V2 Sounds of the ocean

Sit start. Right on pinch block, left half crimp just next to it. Left hand gastone and shoot up for the two letter boxes, then dead point to the top and out you go!

FA: Lekki Lekki & H

볼더 3m
V3 Sand in my eyes

Sit start. Right hand on pinch which is directly next to a small gap in the wall. Left hand on bulge next to it. Rest is up to you. Just get to the top.

볼더 3m
V4 Eyes wide closed

Sit start at the base of “snake hole”. Left hand on under cling which is entrance to “snake hole”. Right hand on sloper block. Bump right to shared start with “sand in my eyes” and then head up. Finish over mega horn block and top out. Toe and heel hooks are important for this one.

볼더 3m
V2 Snake hole

Don’t worry, it’s not really a snake hole. (As far as we know).Sit start. Look for the deep hole under lip the, get about fore arm deep and fist off width lock off to start. Eases off after you get to the jug about half way. Top out.

볼더 3m
V1 Toes before hoes

Start with both feet on the ledge in the cave. Right hand to high right ledge before toes toes toes.

FA: H & Lekki Lekki, 8 10월 2023

볼더 3m
V0 Soft and sharp

Sit start with the undercling horn. Work way directly up from there sidewalls are in. Top out finish.

FA: Ike

볼더 3m
V3 The H special 🇨🇦🍁

Start sitting with two hand match on undercling horn to the right. Work your way up and traverse left over lip and straight up to mantle finish. A nice line.

볼더 4m
V5 Oh no my towel!

Sit start. Same double hand start as “Sandy Streak”. Work your way right through under clings before hitting crimper followed by the pinch block. Bump up to sloper slot then find the nice jug just above. Finish with a top out.

Anything on Sandy streak line is OUT. (Except for start hold).

볼더 3m
V3 Sandy streak

Sit start at the obvious juggy hole and work your way up the sandy streak - feet anywhere, hands only on the sandy streak. Top out to finish.

FA: Dunquan, 27 9월 2023

볼더 3m
V1 Traverse warm up easier option

Traverse warm up. Stay on the high line for jugs and good foot options. Careful of brittle rock on top. Start at “BPT” and finish at “Sandy Streak”

볼더 30m

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