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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V2 Spooge

Start at small ceiling crack and work your way through jugs, a mega pinch and crimps for a mad dyno finish. This problem is a matched finish on the obvious flat ledge.

볼더 4m
V4 Dredging the Shallows

Start in the crack as for Spooge, Follow the seam and crimps to the right until you can gain mantle to ledge. Holds above the seam are out.

Set: Oliver Rickford & Paul Bucher, 19 10월 2020

V1 Salty Tarantula

Start 1m right of Spooge. Up to salty undercling feature, finish matched on ledge.

볼더 3m
V5 E1

FA: Daz

V1 Big Kahuna

Start on R pocket and L sloping crimp. Bump through good edges to a dyno/dead-point for the high-mid left crimp and finish (matched) on the slopey orange triangle. This is Grace's first outdoor set x

볼더 3m
V2 Crow Vs Crab

To the right of Big Kahuna There is a length of hand crack worth about 3 moves. Sit start below this crack with a small pinch/crimpy nubbin for the right, large stand up move to gain the crack. After the crack match the tentative finishing hold above right.

FA: Nick Foulds, 25 12월 2020

V4 Dirty Looks

Sit-start in ceiling crack to a R semi-gaston and crimpy undercling to progress to the small jug ledge. From here you will work through the face crimps to end on the high flat ledge (matched). This is an original Darren line; we added a sit-start for a wonderful and flowing rooflet section.


볼더 3m
V0+ One Direction

Sit start up the arete. Finish matched on obvious hold below the choss.

볼더 4m
V1 The First Cut

Sit start in the bottom crack make your way up and then trend left to finish matched on big slopey jug.

C1 in Dazza's guide but trending left instead of eight and down.

볼더 3m
C-nic Railway

Sit start as for The First Cut but instead of going up, traverse left on pockets and crimps. Staying below the big break, Finish on big block left of End Result.

V5 The Daz Special

See old school topo

FA: Daz


Start in break under rooflet. Either crimp your way out or reach up to pocket on head wall. Head straight up to finish matched slopey jug under next rooflet. Might be harder for people with T-Rex arms.

C3 in Dazza's guide.

볼더 2m
V4 End Result

Sit start matched on slopey rail about 1 metre left of C3's start. Head out through small roof to crimps on headwall. Finish matched on jug.

FA: Dazza Noosa

볼더 2m
V3 Stack The Crack

Hand stack the crack and hang for 10 seconds (no feet). Will be easier for the crack connoisseurs. Originally graded V4 but probably better at a V3. It's a strange one, add a personal grade! Similar to Zilch in The Rain Cave at Brooyar.

Set: Paul Bucher, 2020

FA: Oliver Rickford, 6 12월 2020

볼더 1m
V2 Fins in

Left of End Result straight up through where the elimanite finishes.

볼더 4m
V4 Undercling away

Sit start 2m left of Fins In straight up to undercling then up to nice sidepull out left to nice jug and up to better jug. finish standing in the good ledge.

볼더 3m
V4/5 The C Special

Sit start on good holds, move to and match sloper plate. Throw Rh to large vertical pinch. Finish matched on good hold above the pinch.

The original 5 in Dazzas guide eliminates the left crimp on the sloper plate with hands matched in the middle. Pure sloper power. Throw Rh to pinch then finish out on good hold right of the pinch.

볼더 2m
V3/4 Hang 10

Traverse both ways. Follow the crack seam under the rooflet. Graded 3 in the original guide. Current V grade is interperated.

볼더 8m
V0 Starman

Traverse left on slopers.

Line B10 (0) - Both directions following main horizontal crack.

FA: Matt Schimke, 2009

볼더 8m
V2 Nam Rats

Starman left to right version.

볼더 8m

Start at main horizontal crack, extend to good hold. Traverse left for commiting throw to final hold. Grade 4 ** as per original guide.


Start on two small holds side by side. Up to next side by side holds. Horizontal crack is out. Up to next two crimps side by side then extend right. Match on good hold. Grade 5 * as per original guide.

V4 Preceding the Now

Sit start on crimps. Directly up to crimps over bulge then bust out left before committing throw to same finish as Blockaholic.

B4 in Dazza's guide. Spotters recommended.

볼더 3m
V3 Blockaholic

Problem is on protruding vertical seam. Sit-start on side-pulls and extend to horizontal crack. Work your way through the large gaston to achieve higher crack hold, ultimately gaining left crimp on the block for the final throw to the big ledge.

Original line (B7 * * *) ends at finish pocket of Benign and Brownies. ~3 more traverse moves -- felt way too dirty and chossy/unsafe. Won't alter the grade but still worth doing! Taken, transcribed and paraphrased from Dazza's Boiling Pot guide.

볼더 4m
V5 Beta Blocka

Sit start as for B9:Benign but traverse right along the horizontal seam until you can grab Blockaholic's LH Gaston as a RH side-pull. Finish straight up the protruding prow using the crimps on the left. This is essentially an eliminate which aims to cut out the big pocket on Blockaholic.

Oliver Rickford


Slightly contrived open project from the original guide. Start as per Benign but continue up to large side pulls, then to an almost vertical crimp above the rooflet, finish matched at victory pocket. Graded 3 with the use of a kneebar under the roof as an alternative problem.

볼더시등 중
V3/4 Benign

Sit start 1.5 metres left of Blockaholic on protruding corner block below vertical seem. Work your way out left on slopey jugs to vertical wall then crank up on pockets and crimps. Finish on big right hand pocket about in line with Blockaholic's finishing hold.

B9 in Dazza's guide. Originally finished by traversing to the right.

볼더 4m
V3 Brownies

Start on good ledge toward the start of Nam Rats and move to sloping pinch/crimp. Up to big crimp ledge and finish at the juggy pocket. Sit-start possible! Please be careful of the easiest beta -- it will hurt your ankle if you fall. Spotter required!

Easier version of Benign / B9

볼더 3m
V7 Iron Cross

Sit start 3m left of Beta Blocka start under small rooflet on protruding good fin and crimps around it. Punch straight up to jug the traverse right along crack line. Line goes up diagonally right to ok left gaston crimp and then face crimps of Beta Blocka and straight to jug to finish.


FA: Reagen

볼더 5m
V0 Wake and Flake

Sit start with both hands in jug. Layback the crack to the top and finish on jug just to the left of flake below break.

볼더 3m
V3 Ong Bak

Starts on slopy matching handhold, work your way left on crimps until big move to finishing jug. Bottom ledge is out.

FA: Matt Schimke, 2009

볼더 3m
V3 The Big Link

Starts up Ong bak, then juggy traverse for 15 metres. Finishes on Nam Rats starting hold.

FA: Matt Schimke, 2009

볼더 15m
V4 Lock In The Heels

Start on block to right of Red Tide straight to crimp at the edge of the roof then straigh up to break and traverse left to finish as per Red Tide.

볼더 4m
V5 Red Tide

Start at ceiling crack, toe cam out to mad ironstone mailslot crimp, and work to big sidepull/pinch. Big campus moves or tricky footwork to gain last two throws for ending shrub ledge. Bring a spotter for the throws!

FA: Michael Garrahy, 2012

볼더 3m
V6 Le Toît de Ben

Starting under the roof stretch yourself to the lip. Finish slightly left and up to bucket.

FFA: Antoine Moussette, 2001

V5 Lobster In A Pot

Sit start on nice ledge bottom the blocks are out. Up and right through roof on crimps, hold up and left side pull is in then up right to good slot hold and higher left jug. Traverse right and finish up Le Toit De Ben. Feels harder than the other 2 lines but both me and James feel V5.

FA: James Hembury

FA: 4 10월 2020

볼더 5m
Arms, Ass, Attitude (project)

Sit start 2/3 metres to the left of Red Tide. Traverse using the holds in the roof to finish in large horizontal break 2 metres right of Red Tide.

볼더시등 중
V5 Wing it

Squat start above fallen dead tree out the first rooflet, traverse right on this finishing up on horizontal block right block is in.

FA: Reagen

James Project

15m right of Lock In The Heels. Start as per wing it left of big roof traversing right top to break and then out to edge of roof and up blankest face using small right crimp pocket and then up to the next break to finish. Right block is out removes the jugs and good crimps.

볼더시등 중
The Crabbening

Sit start up the diagonal break, finish matched at the seam.

Lock Robster

Sit start up the diagonal crack. Finish matched on good hold at the seam.

볼더시등 중
VB+ Crackalackin

Sit start up the crack. Finish matched on good hold.

VB+ Pot Luck

Sit start up the corner, traverse left before finishing matched on good hold.

Walk In The Park

Long traverse on good holds.

VB+ Tourist Sandbag

Used for quick access to the upper section of the Boiling Pot. Many a tourist have attempted to make a quick exit only to find one's self on the Walk Of Shame back to Tea Tree Bay.

볼더 2m
V1 Walk Of Shame

Sit start matched on the sloping hold, straight up the overhung section to mantle.

볼더 2m
Sea Spray Sprinkler
볼더시등 중

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