
등정들 North America에서 Derek Smalls에 의한 trad-cpr 또는 ascent-date를 가진

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등급 루트 장비 스타일
금요일 28번째 6월 2024 - Calabogie
Skywalk Skywalk Main Cliff Upper Wall
5.10a 쉬움 Chilli Flakes 전통등반 클래식
Worth bringing the cams for, I promise!

금요일 28번째 6월 2024 - Calabogie
Skywalk Skywalk Main Cliff Star Wars Sector
5.10c 쉬움 A New Hope 전통등반 16m 아주좋음
Threads and passive pro are the way go on this one, but rest-assured you can sink a couple cams along the way. It'd be a 9+/10a at most older trad venues, but 10b/c is more consistent with Calabogie sport grades. Interested to see what others think.

일요일 16번째 6월 2024 - Calabogie
Sullivan Lake Snowshoe Lake Boulders
5.10c God of War 전통등반 10m 아주좋음
Very fun bouldery movement complete with knee bars, ample hand jams, and some solid laybacking.

5.9 ~5.8 Hungry Hungry Hippos 전통등반 6m
Rare opportunity around here to practice fist jams on a moderate.

5.9 Lord of the Flies 볼더
Biffed the first go. Cleaned out the crack and found a hand jam instead of a fist. Did it on gear and stemmed at the start with feet just left of the crack and on the block to the right. Dialed things back a fair bit.

토요일 8번째 6월 2024 - Calabogie
Norcan Lake / Cave of Wonders Cave of Wonders Cave of Wonders
5.10b/c 어려움 Friendly Fire 혼합 고전등반 8m, 1
Fun sequence into the stance beneath the bolt.

일요일 2번째 6월 2024 - Calabogie
Wabun Lake Lake Cliff aka Ant Hill
5.8 Eggcellent 전통등반 22m 아주좋음
Great consistent line with a cool finish.

5.9 Juicy Ass 전통등반 22m 클래식
Worth doing for the comedic novelty of the squeeze, for sure. Don't let your guard down, though.

5.8 쉬움 Bleeding Green 전통등반 19m 아주좋음
월요일 20번째 5월 2024 - Adirondacks
Cascade Pass Pitchoff Chimney Cliff Roaches Terrace
5.10b Roaches on the Wall 전통등반 30m
5.10c G Rock and Roll Star 전통등반 30m
월요일 20번째 5월 2024 - Adirondacks
Cascade Pass Pitchoff Chimney Cliff Above the Practice Wall
5.8 The El
2 Second
3 전통등반
전통등반 60m
5.6 The Lonely 전통등반 18m
월요일 20번째 5월 2024 - Adirondacks
Keene Spider's Web
5.10a G On the Loose 전통등반 49m 클래식
5.8 Mr. Roger's Neighborhood 전통등반 43m 아주좋음
5.10- TR 전통등반 30m 클래식
5.10a Esthesia 전통등반 27m 클래식
5.10c G Dacker Cracker 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
수요일 제 1 5월 2024 - Shawangunks
The Trapps Guides' Wall
5.8 Three Doves P1
1 5.8 전통등반
전통등반 70m
5.7 Thin Slabs Variation 전통등반
5.8 ~5.8 Columbia P1
1 전통등반
5.5 Hawk
1 5.5 전통등반
2 5.5 전통등반
3 5.3 Second
전통등반 70m
수요일 제 1 5월 2024 - Shawangunks
The Trapps McCarthy Wall
5.7 G Something Interesting 전통등반 완전 구식
수요일 제 1 5월 2024 - Shawangunks
The Trapps The Uberfall
5.5 Sixish 전통등반 58m 아주좋음
5.6 Maria 전통등반 77m 아주좋음
5.5 Jackie
1 5.5 전통등반
2 5.3 Second
전통등반 40m
5.7 Ken's Crack 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
월요일 28번째 8월 2023 - Calabogie
Norcan Lake / Cave of Wonders Cave of Wonders Cave of Wonders
5.10b Straight Fire 혼합 고전등반 8m, 1
Short but sweet. Cruxy finish. Trust your instincts (or your belayer if they're the FA haha) and go. Probably 10b.

토요일 5번째 8월 2023 - Calabogie
Lake Cliff Left Side
5.10b Brokedown Palace 혼합 고전등반 25m, 5 클래식
Excellent route on great gear above the bolts. A cool sequence of committing moves above bomber gear makes up the high crux. The top needs to be recleaned, but it's climbable as is if you're okay with a little crunchy lichen.

5.10b ~5.10a Termagant Dihedral 전통등반 20m 클래식
Tricky start - lots of climbing up and down to find beta I was comfortable risking my ankles with. A BD #4 stopper can protect the start pretty well, though. I opted for a harder finish through the roof rather than left up the face but soon regretted it when I ran into some wasps and a loose block. It goes, but I can't recommend it hahah

목요일 27번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.10d Climb and Punishment 전통등반 20m
Welp, gonna have to come back.

목요일 27번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Smoke Bluff Wall and Environs Mosquito Area
5.8 Mosquito 전통등반 25m
수요일 26번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron Squamish Buttress
5.10c The Squamish Buttress
1 5.8 Second
2 5.5 Second

Linked with P1

3 5.7 전통등반
4 5.7 전통등반

Linked with P3

5 5.9 전통등반
6 5.10c 전통등반
7 5.6 Second
전통등반 210m
수요일 26번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron Above Broadway
5.9 Memorial Crack 전통등반 35m
수요일 26번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron North Apron
5.10b Karen's Math 전통등반 20m
5.9 Long Time No See
1 5.9 10m 전통등반
2 5.9 35m 전통등반

Linked with P1

3 5.7 35m Second
4 5.7 40m 전통등반
5 5.4 25m Second
6 5.7 35m Second

Linked with P5

7 5.8 45m 전통등반
전통등반 230m
일요일 23번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron Squamish Buttress
5.9 Butt Light
1 5.8 전통등반
2 5.5 전통등반

Linked with P1.

3 5.7 Second
4 5.7 Second
5 5.9 전통등반
6 5.8 전통등반
7 5.7 Second
혼합 고전등반 190m, 4
일요일 23번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron Above Broadway
5.9 Memorial Crack 전통등반 35m
일요일 23번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron North Apron
5.10b Karen's Math 전통등반 20m
5.8 Calculus Crack
3 5.6 Second
4 5.8 전통등반
5 5.7 전통등반
6 5.0 Second
전통등반 150m
5.9 Calculus Crack Direct
1 5.9 25m 전통등반
2 5.8 55m 전통등반
전통등반 80m
5.9 St. Vitus' Dance
1 5.7 전통등반
2 5.8 Second

Followed the 5.9 direct variation.

3 5.8 전통등반
4 5.9 전통등반
5 5.9 전통등반
6 5.5 Second
전통등반 150m
목요일 20번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Murrin Park Up Among The Firs
5.9 Wicker Cranium 전통등반 30m
5.10c 쉬움 A Little Testis 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
Probably closer to 10b, but it doesn't matter - it's awesome either way!

목요일 20번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Murrin Park Lakeside-in-the-Woods & Commonwealth
5.9 The Reacharound 전통등반 25m 완전 구식
5.10a ~5.8 Hungry Hungry Hippos 전통등반 22m 안하는 것이 좋음
Contrived at 10a - just step a little right. I'm not sure it deserves all the stars or the grade.

화요일 18번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Blind Channel Crags High Cliff
5.10b Twenty Minute Workout 전통등반 8m
화요일 18번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Blind Channel Crags Free and Easy
5.8 Dance, Eat, Sleep, Repeat 전통등반 15m
5.10b Free and Easy 전통등반 10m
화요일 18번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.10d Climb and Punishment 전통등반 20m
Slipped just before the crux then finished it off.

화요일 18번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Neat and Cool
5.7 Mousetrap 전통등반 25m
5.7 Cat Crack 전통등반 20m
일요일 16번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Blind Channel Crags The Zip
5.10a The Zip 전통등반 20m

일요일 16번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Blind Channel Crags Burning Man Corner
5.9 어려움 Outside Edge 전통등반 25m
5.10b ~5.10a Right Corner, Name Unknown 전통등반 6m
일요일 16번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Shannon Falls Shannon Falls Wall
5.8 Skywalker
1 5.7 30m Second
2 5.8 25m 전통등반
3 5.7 30m Second
4 5.6 20m 전통등반
5 5.4 30m Second
혼합 고전등반 140m, 6
Excellent. Spirit of Squamish was mobbed, but no one was on this classic!

일요일 16번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.9 Penny Lane 전통등반 30m
5.10c 쉬움 Popeye and the Raven 혼합 고전등반 25m, 4
5.8 Quarryman 전통등반 25m
5.9 Witch Doctor's Apprentice 전통등반 25m
일요일 16번째 7월 2023 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Neat and Cool
5.10a Neat and Cool 전통등반 30m
5.10a Flying Circus 전통등반 25m
5.7 Cornflakes 전통등반 25m
토요일 26번째 11월 2022 - Calabogie
Lake Cliff Left Side
5.10 The Falcons Strike Back 혼합 고전등반 26m, 2
Cool route. Hard start.

5.10b Brokedown Palace 혼합 고전등반 25m, 5
Blew the onsight. One fall at the crux.

5.9 YDB 혼합 고전등반 24m, 2
5.8 R Steady as she goes 전통등반 15m
I enjoyed the early runout and finicky, marginal gear, but I don't think everyone's going to feel the same way haha. Not sure I'd wanna bet my ankles - or legs - on those janky nut placements. IMO, it's okay without a bolt, but it needs a PG13 rating at least.

금요일 28번째 10월 2022 - Red River Gorge
Eastern Gorge Region Eastern Skybridge Ridge
5.9 The Underling 전통등반 30m
금요일 28번째 10월 2022 - Red River Gorge
Lower Gorge Region Long Wall
5.9 Hot September 전통등반 30m
수요일 26번째 10월 2022 - Red River Gorge
Upper Gorge Region Moonshiner's Wall
5.10b Oberon 전통등반 20m
수요일 26번째 10월 2022 - Red River Gorge
Middle Gorge Region Tower Rock
5.8 Dog Days 전통등반 27m
5.9 Africa 전통등반 24m
5.8 Arachnid 전통등반 27m
화요일 25번째 10월 2022 - Red River Gorge
Lower Gorge Region Indian Creek Crag
5.10a Jim's Dihedral 전통등반 30m
5.9 Crack Attack 전통등반 24m
월요일 24번째 10월 2022 - Red River Gorge
Eastern Gorge Region Funk Rock City
5.10a Cruising Lane 전통등반 25m
5.9 Rite of Passage 전통등반 25m
5.10a Headstone Surfer 전통등반 27m
5.9 Up Swift Creek Without A Paddle 전통등반 18m
일요일 23번째 10월 2022 - Red River Gorge
Northern Gorge Region Fortress Wall
5.8 Bombs Bursting 전통등반 18m
5.8 Snake 전통등반 18m
일요일 9번째 10월 2022 - Adirondacks
Keene Spider's Web
5.9 Slim Pickens 전통등반 27m
일요일 9번째 10월 2022 - Adirondacks
Keene Creature Wall
5.8 5.8 G Jump Bat Crack 전통등반 24m
5.8 Arachnid Traction 전통등반 24m
5.10b Christine 전통등반 27m 좋음
5.7 Gob Hoblin 전통등반 27m
일요일 18번째 9월 2022 - Adirondacks
Keene Beer Walls Lower Beer Wall Pegasus Area
5.10a Turbocharge
1 5.10a 150ft
전통등반 46m
일요일 18번째 9월 2022 - Adirondacks
Keene Beer Walls Lower Beer Wall Rockaholic Area
5.8 5.8 G Rockaholic 전통등반 24m
토요일 17번째 9월 2022 - Adirondacks
Deadwater Right End
5.7 Buffalo Bob 전통등반 21m
5.10- Reach For The Sky 전통등반 21m
토요일 17번째 9월 2022 - Adirondacks
Deadwater Main Cliff
5.10a Tombstone
2 5.10a
전통등반 43m
5.6 Bozeman Bullet 전통등반 30m
5.9 Sundance 전통등반 21m
토요일 17번째 9월 2022 - Adirondacks
Deadwater Left End
5.8 Incognito 전통등반 23m
5.7 Cowpoke Chimney 전통등반 24m
일요일 11번째 9월 2022 - Calabogie
Calabogie Main Cliff The Far End
5.9 5.10b Live Rust (direct finish) 전통등반 20m 클래식
Can't believe I waited so long to do this route! Absolute beauty. 10b is very soft, though. With good jamming I think 5.9 is appropriate. Maybe Bogie 10a max.

월요일 5번째 9월 2022 - Bruce Peninsula
TV Tower Crag East Face
5.9 Strange Bee-haviour 전통등반
5.9 Good Clean Fun 전통등반 12m
5.9 Two-Faced Monster 전통등반
5.9 Heart of Stone 전통등반 17m

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