
등정들 Agterpakhuis에서

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등정 필터들 :

  • Milestone
  • Protection
  • Wearable
  • Journey

루트 필터들:

등반가 필터들:

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{수} {대상들}에서 {별}-{끝} 보이기

등급 루트 장비 스타일 등반가
화요일 4번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA 볼더
Kelly Thorpe
6B+/C Gamelan 볼더
Kelly Thorpe
화요일 4번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
6C Joke of the Day Left 볼더
Kelly Thorpe
6B Joke of the Day 볼더
Kelly Thorpe
5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더
Kelly Thorpe
5C Ice, Ice Baby 볼더
Kelly Thorpe
6A Desert Rose 볼더
Kelly Thorpe
월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley F: Hole in One
7C/C+ Hole in One 볼더 완전 구식
Mo Mirza
7C/C+ Hole in One 볼더 완전 구식
Mo Mirza
월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain de Pakhuys Sectors L: Sneaky Monkee
6A Scoopy 볼더
Drew Olden
월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain de Pakhuys Sectors M: To Siemay
6C+ ~7A To Siemay - 누구와 nick 볼더 클래식
Drew Olden
Super hard in my opinion

월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain Jungle Bar Sector R: Golden Virginia
7B The Skink — 5 attempts 볼더
Matthew Robinson
월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain Hidden Valley Boulders U: Arete Boulder
7A Finders Keepers — 5 attempts - 누구와 Ollie Rattue, Hanna, Zoe 볼더 클래식
Matthew Robinson
7A 어려움 Finders Keepers — 6 attempts - 누구와 Matthew Robinson 볼더
Ollie Rattue
A whole lot of try hard went into this one. First 7 in Rocklands 😎

월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy V: Safe And Secure
6A Safe and Secure 볼더
Bill Mansfield
월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy S: No Late Tenders
7A+ Dirty Lies 볼더
Bill Mansfield
월요일 3번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy P: Warmup
6A/A+ Einar 볼더
Bill Mansfield
6A+ Pop Corner 볼더
Bill Mansfield
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Powerlines B: Perfect
7A More Than Perfect 볼더 완전 구식
Mo Mirza
2nd Go

7A More Than Perfect 볼더 완전 구식
Mo Mirza
2nd Go

일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley E: Long Wall
7A+ Schnoiza 볼더
Bill Mansfield
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Powerlines Overhang Jugs
7A+ Ramskop 볼더 클래식
Awesome, burley roof problem. Took a bit to figure out all the moves but managed first link go!

일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Powerlines B: Perfect
7A More Than Perfect 볼더 클래식
More committing on the exit getting horizontal, awesome

6C+ Perfect 볼더 클래식
Such a nice line, managed 2nd go with tall beta

일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Powerlines D: Sublime
6C+ Sublime 볼더 클래식
Super cool, warm in the sun at the end of the day but managed 2nd go

일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Sassies Malleus
6C ~6C Incus 볼더
Bill Mansfield
7A Stapes 볼더
Bill Mansfield
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Sassies W: Warm-ups
5B Sassies Warm-up Left 볼더
Bill Mansfield
5C - 6A Sassies Warm-up Right 볼더
Bill Mansfield
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Sassies T: The Great Escape
6C+ Great Escape 볼더
Bill Mansfield
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Sassies L: Pinotage Boulder
6B+ Animals on Wheels 볼더
Bill Mansfield
6A+ Attack of the Dassies 볼더
Bill Mansfield
7A+ Springbok 볼더
Bill Mansfield
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy L: Shiraz
6A Extreme Peer Pressure 볼더
Alec Landstra
6A+ Dinosaurs and Penguins 볼더
Alec Landstra
6B+ Scorpions and Mushrooms 볼더
Alec Landstra
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy Q: Barracuda Rail
7A+ Marc's Line 볼더
Alec Landstra
6B Sensual Kitten 볼더
Alec Landstra
6A Booboo to the Bimbo 볼더
Alec Landstra
6A Kisses Like Candies 볼더
Alec Landstra
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy S: No Late Tenders
7A+ Dirty Lies 볼더
Alec Landstra
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Fields of Joy V: Safe And Secure
6A War and Peace 볼더
Alec Landstra
6A Safe and Secure 볼더
Alec Landstra
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
6A Dimwitty 볼더
Alec Landstra
6C Stinky 볼더
Alec Landstra
6B Pre-teen Bikini 볼더
Alec Landstra
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau E: Lower Cave
7B+ Louder Than Bombs 볼더
Alec Landstra
Very weird and very cool. Would be extremely hard if you are short

6C/C+ Mountain Goat 볼더
Alec Landstra
Hard start. Good boulder though!

일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Middle Plateau Mika and Maya
5C Maki 볼더 아주좋음
Jessica Weakley
일요일 2번째 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더 아주좋음
Jessica Weakley
토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Powerlines B: Perfect
6C+ 어려움 Perfect — 3 attempts 볼더 아주좋음
Carla Rohm
토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley The Arch
7B Arch Babysitter - 누구와 Zoe, Tzlil 볼더 아주좋음
Matthew Robinson
6C Down With Words — 3 attempts - 누구와 Ollie Rattue 볼더 아주좋음
Matthew Robinson
토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki — 9 attempts - 누구와 Ollie Rattue 볼더 완전 구식
Matthew Robinson
Trashed my body. Worth it.

토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
5A Bad Boy for Life - 누구와 Ollie Rattue 볼더
Matthew Robinson
5C Ice, Ice Baby - 누구와 Ollie Rattue 볼더
Matthew Robinson
6A Desert Rose — 3 attempts - 누구와 Ollie Rattue 볼더 좋음
Matthew Robinson
5C Plateau Stem - 누구와 Matthew Robinson 볼더
Ollie Rattue
6A Desert Rose - 누구와 Matthew Robinson 볼더
Ollie Rattue
5C Ice, Ice Baby - 누구와 Matthew Robinson 볼더
Ollie Rattue
토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Far Plateau B: Minki
7B Minki — 6 attempts - 누구와 Matthew Robinson 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Refined some beta. Understood a bit more about this problem. Felt trashed in the evening after this session. Got to get to this boulder on a day 1!

토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain Jungle Bar Sector P: Todd's Sloper Problem
7A Todd's Sloper Problem 볼더 아주좋음
Very tricky and cool, took quite a few goes to find the balance and latch that top left hand

토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain Jungle Bar Sector K: Yosemite Slab
7C Yosemite Slab 볼더
So cool to try, couldn't really do anything though

토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain Jungle Bar Sector O: Crazy Leg
7B Crazy Leg 볼더 클래식
Super cool, worked over a full session. Dropped the top jump the first time I got there but managed it the next attempt

토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain de Pakhuys Sectors B: Warm-up Boulder
6C Golden Rail 볼더 클래식

토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Coal Chamber 볼더
Bill Mansfield
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 볼더
Bill Mansfield
토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau D: Warm Up
6B Joke of the Day 볼더
Bill Mansfield
5A Bad Boy for Life 볼더
Bill Mansfield
5C Ice, Ice Baby 볼더
Bill Mansfield
토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Middle Plateau Mika and Maya
4A - C+ Mika 볼더
Alec Landstra
토요일 제 1 7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley E: Long Wall
6B+ Eating is Cheating 볼더
Alec Landstra
6B Crack Junkie 볼더
Alec Landstra
6A Questionable Kliphuis 볼더
Alec Landstra
7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Champagne Livin' Large
8C+ Livin' Large 볼더 8m
Ryuichi Murai
7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Sassies L: Pinotage Boulder
7B+ Pinotage 볼더 8m
Paige Claassen
7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis Sassies V: Paula Abdul
7C+ Paula Abdul 볼더
Paige Claassen
7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain de Pakhuys Sectors I: Barracuda
8A Barracuda 볼더
Paige Claassen
7월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain de Pakhuys Sectors G: Black Mango Chutney
7C+ Black Mango Chutney 볼더
Paige Claassen
금요일 30번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Roadkill Cafe Fire of Love
6B Marula Life 볼더
Gen Giddings
7B/B+ ~7B+ Night Sesh 볼더
Gen Giddings
금요일 30번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain Hidden Valley Boulders U: Arete Boulder
7A Finders Keepers — 5 attempts - 누구와 Ollie Rattue 볼더 클래식
Matthew Robinson
7A 어려움 Finders Keepers — 4 attempts - 누구와 Matthew Robinson 볼더
Ollie Rattue
Refining less powerful beta, a few send burns. Short session, wet rock and then lights out.

수요일 28번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Dihedral Boulders L: Shout it All Out
6C D-day 볼더
Alec Landstra
수요일 28번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Dihedral Boulders G: Salty Egg
6B Sweet Egg 볼더
Alec Landstra
7A Salty Egg 볼더
Alec Landstra

수요일 28번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Dihedral Boulders K: The Castle
7A+/B Like A Squirrel 볼더
Alec Landstra
No dyno needed

6A Egomaniac 볼더
Alec Landstra
6A King of my Castle 볼더
Alec Landstra
6A This Could be Heaven 볼더
Alec Landstra
수요일 28번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau B: Weichei
7C+ Weichei 볼더 클래식
화요일 27번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders B: Human Energy
7A+ Human Energy 볼더
Alec Landstra
화요일 27번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Hidden Boulders A: Zanzibar
7A+ Zanzibar 볼더
Alec Landstra
화요일 27번째 6월 2023 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Arch Valley The Good Seed
4A - C+ 10 볼더
Alec Landstra
5C Pole Position Left 볼더
Alec Landstra
5C Pole Position 볼더
Alec Landstra
5B It Will Do the Job 볼더
Alec Landstra
5C Micah 볼더
Alec Landstra
5C Window Licker 볼더
Alec Landstra
5A Sneak 볼더
Alec Landstra

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