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등급 루트 장비 스타일
목요일 2번째 3월 2023 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Coyote Wall
15 Coyote - 누구와 Jess 전통등반 40m
Somehow I’d never done this before. One move

토요일 제 1 10월 2022 - Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
Central Buttress
23 Missing - 누구와 @1293 혼합 고전등반 75m, 2 완전 구식
Great climbing. A little bit heady off the couch especially with brand new shoes. Why has it taken me so to do this route? I climbed Simpleton 25 years ago!

일요일 11번째 10월 2020 - Coffs Harbour
Glenreagh Fort Knox Pooh Wall
17 Eeor's Tail - 누구와 Matt Dal Santo 혼합 고전등반 12m, 1
일요일 12번째 7월 2020 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
21 Clear the Pipes 혼합 고전등반 25m, 2
Discontinuous but climbs pretty well.

14 Tremulo 전통등반 25m
Surely i've done this before and not recorded it.

일요일 23번째 9월 2018 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Wailing Wall
13 Sob Story 전통등반 16m 좋음
Somehow I'd never done these ones!

일요일 제 1 7월 2018 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
15 Smeagol 전통등반 110m
Seems a litttle contrived here and there. If it was the only route in the area it'd be popular and clean! The rock is good.

토요일 16번째 6월 2018 - Arapiles
Grotto Wall Area Grotto Wall
21 Amazing Lace Direct Start 전통등반 23m 좋음
I got 5 rp's in on the lower wall (including a #0 that Mark happened to have on his rack). Surely one of them would've held. The middle section of this is quite nice but not long enough and then there's the dodgy block.

19 19 R Amazing Lace 전통등반 23m 평균
토요일 2번째 6월 2018 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
18 Riding the Quayle 혼합 고전등반 130m, 2 좋음
The second and third pitch are quite good, better than the first pitch I think. Rough idea of pitch grades P1 17 one stand up move at the bolt P2 18 P3 16

월요일 9번째 4월 2018 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
20 Antiques Road Show 혼합 고전등반 25m, 2 좋음
일요일 제 1 4월 2018 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
19 Velvet Green 전통등반 25m 좋음
일요일 26번째 11월 2017 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
20 Mother Brown 혼합 고전등반 25m, 3 좋음
Three good sections. The slabby crux is fun. Well protected if you look for it.

토요일 18번째 11월 2017 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Right Fork
21 Rats in the Ranks - 누구와 adam demmert 전통등반 22m 좋음
A couple of good grunts through the steep bit. The headwall is good I thought. Slightly overhanging and keeps going

토요일 18번째 11월 2017 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Skydiver Wall
23 Dead Metaphor 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
Double ropes are great on this! Ran it out between the bolts. It would be a long but ok fall.

일요일 12번째 11월 2017 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
19 Pacemaker - 누구와 jess 혼합 고전등반 110m, 3 아주좋음
A couple of racey but well protected bits. Really good. You could link 2 and 3 but probably better to link 3 and 4.

토요일 11번째 11월 2017 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
22 Exit Stage Left 혼합 고전등반 35m, 1 좋음
A much friendlier alternative finish to BaL.

23 Break a Leg 전통등반 35m 좋음
Committing up the last 5m. You definitely want a 0.4 or 0.3 camalot size piece after the crux to get you to the anchor. You might not break your leg but it probably wouldn't be fun to fall off. You can get down with a single 60 if you do a short rap leftwards to GB's anchor then a second rap from there. You might reach from the top anchor on stretch (we didn't try).

19 Little By Little 혼합 고전등반 32m, 2 좋음
Got down with a 60 just.

20 Greasy Burritos Extension 혼합 고전등반 10m, 1 좋음
nice climbing. Feels a little run out.

수요일 8번째 11월 2017 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Ethereal Buttress
18 Today 전통등반 15m 좋음
I was sure I'd done this before but now I'm not sure. Steep but a bit short. I stayed left after the ledge and went direct up the little wall to finish.

수요일 8번째 11월 2017 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Cheops Buttress
22 Family Food 전통등반 20m 좋음
Light on gear but nice climbing.

목요일 14번째 9월 2017 - Squamish
The Chief Tantalus Wall
5.11a Express Lane 전통등반 110m 클래식
The offwidth on the original looks like it would mean most people do this finish. Fantastic position!

5.11c 5.11c R Freeway 전통등반 350m 완전 구식
Really really good. Lots of great bits and pretty continuous at the grade. Tried to get on this 15 years ago but it wouldn't stop raining!

월요일 12번째 6월 2017 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Huey and Satellites Upper Pharos Gully
20 Bitchy and Itchy 전통등반 13m 평균
The start is a bit goey

19 Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Gentleman 전통등반 18m 좋음
Why had I never done this before? Great! and steeper than I thought.

금요일 9번째 6월 2017 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
18 Miss Moneypenny 혼합 고전등반 20m, 3 평균
A few sections at the same-ish grade. Pretty consistent.

20 Pussy Galore 혼합 고전등반 20m, 2 평균
I found the crux more awkward than hard. Maybe I didn't find the best way. Unfortunately has a ledge half way.

19 The G Spot 혼합 고전등반 23m, 1 좋음
Worth doing. A good addition for sure.

화요일 31번째 1월 2017 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
20 Better Than That 혼합 고전등반 25m, 1 좋음
Found it a bit tricky to figure out where to go after the bolt. Not obvious moves.

토요일 22번째 10월 2016 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Brick Wall
22 Squeakeasy 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
Waited 20 years to onsight this one. Super cool. The crux was wet and I got rained on in the top half. Exciting! With Jess

토요일 15번째 10월 2016 - Arapiles
Voodoo Area New Image Wall
22 Blackguard 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
Unlikely looking but worthy. Gear and holds are actually there.

토요일 15번째 10월 2016 - Arapiles
Voodoo Area Voodoo Buttress
19 Pyrrhic Victory 전통등반 40m 클래식
How had I not done this route before!?! Better than Tarantula.

21 Aussie Logic 혼합 고전등반 23m, 2 아주좋음
Probably stiff. Worth doing for sure.

화요일 9번째 8월 2016 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
20 Renovation Nation 혼합 고전등반 20m, 4 아주좋음
수요일 15번째 6월 2016 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
20 Renovation Nation (Renovation Revolution) 혼합 고전등반 20m, 4 아주좋음
I nearly put this up a couple of years ago but chose not to. I wish I had now. It's quite good.

토요일 7번째 5월 2016 - Arapiles
Central Gully Upper Central Gully Garden Wall
20 Indecisivity 혼합 고전등반 15m, 5 평균
Not the best route at Arapiles.

23 Misunderestimated 혼합 고전등반 15m, 1 아주좋음
Great rock and nice techy climbing. Not very long, the business is about 5m.

금요일 22번째 4월 2016 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
20 Harrier 전통등반 100m 좋음
The first 5m are great then it turns into nothing.

토요일 9번째 4월 2016 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
16 Absolutely Fabulous 전통등반 88m 좋음
금요일 제 1 4월 2016 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
19 Grand Design 혼합 고전등반 54m, 1 좋음
화요일 24번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Fern Buttress Orchard Wall
5.10b Springboard 전통등반 21m 클래식
The start is a bit burly and then it's easier.

5.10a Triple Treat 전통등반 21m 아주좋음
A bit awkward around the roof and then good to finish.

월요일 23번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Bridge Area Crags Bridge Buttress
5.10b 5.10b R Angel's Arete 전통등반 18m 완전 구식
Amazing rock and great climbing and fantastic line.

5.11b Englishman's Crack 전통등반 21m 클래식
Classic but only in a "classic line" kind of way.

토요일 21번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Endless Wall Diamond Point
5.11d Leave It To Jesus 전통등반 34m 완전 구식
They don't come better than this!

5.11a Raging Waters 전통등반 27m 클래식
Great hidden nut on top of a flake at the crux (near the ground)

5.10c Can I Do It 'Til I Need Glasses? 전통등반 29m 클래식
Quite cracky.

5.10d Straight Up And Stiff 전통등반 27m 클래식
토요일 21번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Endless Wall Fantasy Area
5.10a Black And Tan 전통등반 26m 완전 구식
Engaging classic.

금요일 20번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Endless Wall The Undeserved Area
5.10c The Undeserved 전통등반 27m 클래식
Loose block is exciting!

5.11a Mig Squadron 전통등반 25m 완전 구식
Tricky trav but not too bad. Great moves.

수요일 18번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Beauty Mountain Burning Buttress
5.10b Rod Sterling Crack 전통등반 23m 완전 구식
Super unlikely and intimidating for the grade! A great climb.

5.10b Spider Wand 전통등반 21m 아주좋음
Blue camalot crack in a steep dihedral to a roof section.

5.10b Wham, Bam, Thanks For The Jam 전통등반 21m 클래식
Cool swinging around the arête

5.10b Burning Calves 전통등반 23m 완전 구식
Such a great route! Technical finger crack with perfect nut slots the whole way.

수요일 18번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Beauty Mountain The Brain
5.7 Brain Wave 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
5.10a Out Of Mind 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
화요일 17번째 11월 2015 - New River Gorge
Junkyard Junkyard Wall
5.10d Realignment 전통등반 21m 아주좋음
Nice thin facey crack.

5.11a Stuck In Another Dimension 전통등반 23m 완전 구식
Amazing route! Steep bulgy line. Crack skills required.

5.10c Rapscallion's Blues 전통등반 18m 클래식
Feels a bit goey in one spot. Cool line.

5.10b Team Jesus 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
Great rock. A couple of nice locks on this one.

토요일 24번째 10월 2015 - Red River Gorge
Natural Bridge Region Roadside Crag
5.11a 5.10d Synchronicity 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
It's only crack climbing for the first 4m then back to face.

일요일 18번째 10월 2015 - Devils Tower National Monument
South Face
5.11d Direct Southeast 전통등반 66m 클래식
Nice techy incipient finger crack

일요일 18번째 10월 2015 - Devils Tower National Monument
East Face
5.10c Hollywood and vine 전통등반 84m 클래식
Great slab crack with hardly any features. Memorable route.

5.9 Soler 전통등반 79m 클래식
Great if not a big polished and a loose section up high.

토요일 17번째 10월 2015 - Devils Tower National Monument
West Face
5.10a Tulgey Wood 전통등반 100m 클래식
I only had one #3.5 and one C4 #4. Not a recommended rack haha. Pitch 3 could happily take 7 or 8 #3.5's!!

5.11a Mr. Clean 전통등반 150m 완전 구식
This route is in my top five crack lines of all time. I love it! Mostly 0.75s and 1s. I mostly placed nuts though. There are lots of constrictions.

금요일 16번째 10월 2015 - Devils Tower National Monument
South Face
5.6 5.7 Durrance 전통등반 150m 클래식
Scooted up this from 3-5pm after arriving. Great place!

화요일 13번째 10월 2015 - Paradise Forks
The Gold Wall
5.9 Grievous Angel 전통등반 15m
5.10 Waterslip Down 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
Short but good

화요일 13번째 10월 2015 - Paradise Forks
The Prow
5.11- The Prow 전통등반 20m 완전 구식
Great physical climbing! 0.75 - everybody's favourite right?

5.10 Jolly Roger 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
Weird crux move. Strange foot jam mantle.

5.10- Ship Of Fools 전통등반 20m 좋음
I broke some holds off the start. It's now solid 10? For a couple of moves. The rest is good but a little loose feeling in spots.

화요일 13번째 10월 2015 - Paradise Forks
Raindance Buttress
5.10 Raindance 전통등반 클래식
Steeper and better than it looks from the other side. A great route

월요일 12번째 10월 2015 - Paradise Forks
The Prow
5.9 Fool's Game 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
일요일 11번째 10월 2015 - Paradise Forks
The Pillow Wall
5.10 Pillow Fight 전통등반 15m
5.11+ Davidson Dihedral 전통등반 25m 클래식
Perfect finger corner. Very clean line. Virtually no feet but in the finger crack! Mostly first knuckle.

5.9 Pillow Talk 전통등반
5.9 Geekus Amongst Us 전통등반 15m
5.9 Pillow Case 전통등반 15m
5.10 Ivory Snow 전통등반
목요일 8번째 10월 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Tuolumne Meadows Mariuolumne Area Drug Dome
5.10d Oz 혼합 고전등반 150m, 10 완전 구식
The 3rd pitch is pretty outstanding! No laybacking required contrary to what some say. Amazing rock and route overall.

월요일 5번째 10월 2015 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Half Dome Southwest Face
5.7 5.7 R Snake Dike 전통등반 550m 완전 구식
Somehow I had never done this!?! It's really really good. Well protected where it counts.

수요일 30번째 9월 2015 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap East Wall
5.9 Scimitar 전통등반 120m 아주좋음
화요일 29번째 9월 2015 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap West Wall
5.10a Hospital Corner 전통등반 73m 완전 구식
Great sustained crack on the second pitch.

화요일 29번째 9월 2015 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap Main Wall
5.7 Corrugation Corner 전통등반 140m 완전 구식
Amazing arête section for the grade and when it was first put up!

월요일 28번째 9월 2015 - Plumas National Forest
Silver Lake
5.10a Right of TN 전통등반 좋음
Steeper (and harder) than it looks

토요일 26번째 9월 2015 - Trout Creek
The Main Wall
5.10+ 5.10 The Ruiner 전통등반 클래식
Every route here is good. This one gets ignored but is fantastic.

5.11- Dame El Oro 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
5.10 Gold Rush 전통등반 24m 클래식
5.10 JR Token 전통등반 클래식
The top is a bad size for me.

5.10 5.10b/c Mr. Squiggles (Mr. Squiggle) 전통등반 24m 클래식
Great wiggly crack

5.10+ Suzuki 전통등반 23m 클래식

5.10 Wonder Twins 전통등반 완전 구식
My favourite all day.

금요일 25번째 9월 2015 - Smith Rock State Park
Morning Glory Wall Area Overboard Area
5.11a Lion's Chair 전통등반 아주좋음
Steeper and pumpier than I thought it would be. Did an actual Houdini move for real! The rock deteriorates up higher but it's smith so what do you expect. Escaping into the shade for a bit before going to rope de dope.

금요일 25번째 9월 2015 - Smith Rock State Park
Rope De Dope Block
5.8 Rope De Dope Crack 전통등반
일요일 20번째 9월 2015 - Smith Rock State Park
The Lower Gorge West Columns Wildfire Wall
5.10b Cornercopia 혼합 고전등반 24m, 1 클래식
5.10b Badfinger 전통등반 25m 완전 구식
Like the creek but steeper and with jugs along the way.

목요일 10번째 9월 2015 - Squamish
The Chief The North Walls The Sherriff's Badge
5.10c Angel's Crest Direct Finish 전통등반 20m 클래식

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