
등정들 World에서 Onsight로서 Gareth Llewellin에 의한

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  • Journey

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{수} {대상들}에서 {별}-{끝} 보이기

등급 루트 장비 스타일
토요일 18번째 12월 2004 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Auntie Jack Area
19 Auntie Jack 혼합 고전등반 27m, 1 클래식
금요일 17번째 12월 2004 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Walk-Down Gully
16 The Gates of Janus 전통등반 50m 좋음
14 Gently Mine 전통등반 50m 아주좋음
목요일 16번째 12월 2004 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area New York East (Right) Side
18 Deathburger Highway 혼합 고전등반 10m, 3
18 Tall Dwarfs 혼합 고전등반 10m, 2
18 Terror Couple Kill Colonel 혼합 고전등반 10m, 6
토요일 11번째 12월 2004 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Fang Buttress
14 Mantis 전통등반 33m
also 8.10.01

17 16 Kamikaze 전통등반 20m
with Brad Hopkins and Mark

18 Fang 전통등반 25m
with Brad Hopkins and Mark OS: 1998

금요일 19번째 11월 2004 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
19 Moonlight Fantasia 혼합 고전등반 18m, 1 아주좋음
금요일 13번째 8월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Castor 전통등반 22m 아주좋음
2.7.04:with Liv & Andre. OS: 1996

17 17 R Gangrene 전통등반 15m 좋음
hasn't seen much action for a while. Nice airy step around the arete.

화요일 10번째 8월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Cock Corner 전통등반 30m 클래식
what a great route!

21 Fluid Journey 전통등반 40m 아주좋음

20 Piranha 전통등반 45m 완전 구식

23 Epic Journey 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
9.6.04: seconded Adam barefoot this time. So good i've done it heaps of times

월요일 19번째 7월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
23 Satanic Majesty 전통등반 30m 클래식
OS 5.4.03 with Vickie

20 Egotistical Pineapple (Egotistical Pinapple) 전통등반 14m 클래식
OS 2.8.97 Lots of times since

일요일 18번째 7월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Infinity 전통등반 40m 완전 구식
OS 3.6.98. I've done the DS aswell

일요일 11번째 7월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
19 19 R Cheetah 전통등반 10m 형편없음
with Susy. What a shoddy piece of crud

금요일 9번째 7월 2004 - Mt Tibrogargan
NE Buttress Sector
19 Sunburnt Buttress 전통등반 190m 아주좋음
with Ross and Kev. Bolts need replacing! will be done soon. also 22.5.02

일요일 4번째 7월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Dunston 전통등반 12m 좋음
with Alison. Good crux section

15 Holy Ghost 전통등반 15m 안하는 것이 좋음
only good when you get to fat matress

17 21 R A Hundred and One 전통등반 12m 평균
with Alison. A bit contrived to start

18 Blood of the Christ 전통등반 25m 좋음
not too bad.

금요일 2번째 7월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 16/17 Wasp Nest (Wasp) 전통등반 6m 좋음

18 Angel Rider 전통등반 50m 아주좋음
with Andre. Good but some loose bits make it scarier than it should be. Awesome finish!

15 Devil's Wart 전통등반 27m 클래식
with Liv & Andre, great OS: 11.12.96

18 Bay Play 전통등반 10m 좋음
Liv & Andre

금요일 2번째 7월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Sacrilege Crack 전통등반 25m
with Liv & Andre

금요일 2번째 7월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Straight Man's Fear 전통등반 13m 좋음

18 Iron Mandible 전통등반 24m 클래식
with Liv & Andre. also 1997, 1999, 2002, 15.2.04

화요일 29번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Liquid Laughter Layback 전통등반 38m 클래식
1996 + other times

18 Borderline 29 전통등반 15m 완전 구식
23.12.01 + other times

월요일 28번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Devils Dihedral 전통등반 45m 완전 구식
one of the best route there is...anywhere OS: 3.6.98

목요일 24번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Famous Cosmetics 전통등반 40m 좋음
with Mick 'the gardener' Haffner.

목요일 24번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
14 14 R Arknamton 1 전통등반 30m 형편없음
with Mick H. The 'blocks of doom' are a bit off-putting

수요일 23번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Erg Variant Finish 전통등반 5m 아주좋음
nice bouldery finish

20 Yokomo 전통등반 15m 좋음
would be great if the ledge wasn't there

18 Thing 전통등반 5m 좋음
21 Not Another Bowie Name 전통등반 8m 아주좋음
hard to find but good, packs it in for 8m

일요일 20번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Back Row 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
I finished out in a hanging finger crack in the arete. Great position!! Way longer than 12m the way I did it!!

18 Kronk 전통등반 6m 좋음

16 Horse-drawn Zeppelin 전통등반 12m 아주좋음
OS 3.8.97 also 28.12.01

20 Rickety Kate 전통등반 15m 클래식
OS 20.7.97..it's great! I've done it a few times

15 Hanging Tree 전통등반 20m 좋음
cool mantle

15 Iron Butterfly 전통등반 28m 아주좋음
OS 8.12.96

17 17 R The Big O 전통등반 12m 평균
not much gear (ie none) in the last half

월요일 14번째 6월 2004 - Brooyar
Eagle's Nest
18 Digit Crucifixion 혼합 고전등반 10m, 1 평균
good start

17 The Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill 전통등반 8m 좋음
일요일 13번째 6월 2004 - Brooyar
Point Pure
12 The Forgotten Name RHV 혼합 고전등반 12m, 3
19 Reid 혼합 고전등반 15m, 3
great rock in second half

22 Figjam 전통등반 8m
packs it in, but pox rock

12 Don Juan's Appendix 전통등반 12m 좋음
토요일 12번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Decade 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
three stars in my book

수요일 9번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Fluid / Epic Link Up (Fluid-Epic Connection) 전통등반 30m
수요일 9번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Lead-lined Lothario 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
pretty hard, but good. shit to get off.

화요일 8번째 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! 전통등반 28m 평균
화요일 제 1 6월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 17 Chunder Crack 전통등반 30m
good grovelly fun

일요일 30번째 5월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Dream of Purple Peach Popsicles 전통등반 32m
2nded this time. Also 22.9.98, 18.4.04

22 24 Suicide City 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
22 Yankee Go Home 전통등반 26m 클래식
woo hoo! awesome!

21 Run With the Pack 전통등반 20m 좋음
a bit run out to start. Top half is great

22 Satsang 혼합 고전등반 5m, 1
2nded this time. Also 22.9.98, 18.4.04

토요일 15번째 5월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
21 22 Black Light 전통등반 25m 클래식
can't believe I took this long to get on this one. Great!

목요일 6번째 5월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
14 Orchid Alley 전통등반 20m
also 8.9.01

일요일 2번째 5월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 24 Suicide City 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
I found the start pretty hard in new (mighty tight) shoes and after slamming the ground a few times, the rest was fine. Pretty much a bag at 22 (IMO)

19 Hollywood Rattlesnake 전통등반 18m 아주좋음
3 or 4 times

토요일 24번째 4월 2004 - Mt Beerwah
Short Cool Ones Wall
18 Cut Short 혼합 고전등반 20m, 3 좋음
13 Chocolates VS 혼합 고전등반 25m, 3 좋음
big bolt plates needed

16 Guillotine 혼합 고전등반 15m, 3 좋음
16 Chocolates 혼합 고전등반 18m, 1 좋음
heaps of gear

일요일 18번째 4월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 If 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
Did it to rescue Guy's gear! also 1997

월요일 12번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Golden Fleece Wall
15 Beautiful Possibilities 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
To commemorate one year previous. Seconded by Andy and Alex. also in 1998

월요일 12번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
Bushranger Bluff Main Wall
14 Hangman 전통등반 25m 좋음
with Rob and Susy

일요일 11번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock North Mitre
18 Roadside Attraction 전통등반 20m 좋음
with Suzy

일요일 11번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock South Mitre
19 Acapulco Gold 전통등반 10m 아주좋음
with a cast of 4 others. 7 ascents in all!

일요일 11번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Skydiver Wall
21 Skydiver 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
with Susy - the skydiver

일요일 11번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock North Mitre
17 Beelzebub 전통등반 27m 좋음
with Susy

20 21 Beelzebub Direct Start 혼합 고전등반 10m, 1 좋음
with Susy

일요일 11번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
King Rat Area Lizard Procrastination Pinnacle
21 English Ethics 혼합 고전등반 15m, 1 아주좋음
with Susy

토요일 10번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock North Mitre
14 Witch Hunt 전통등반 40m 좋음
with Alex Mac

목요일 8번째 4월 2004 - Arapiles
Atridae The Flight Deck
24 23 Orestes 전통등반 40m 완전 구식
Did it with tony from Colorado. Onsighted on the 8.4.98 super good

수요일 7번째 4월 2004 - Mt Rosea
Main Cliff
20 Hard Times Variant 1 전통등반 50m 아주좋음
better than the original

19 Hard Times 전통등반 150m 클래식
Led pitch 1 &2 and 3&4 as one each with wendy

일요일 21번째 3월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
23 23 R Cracks in the Pavement 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
good commiting climbing. Hadn't been done for a while.

토요일 20번째 3월 2004 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
23 Bass Drum 전통등반 35m 아주좋음
Obvious corner then arete to R of S&S. Massive hollow flake in corner. Top arete is 8 or 9m runout!

18 Sticks And Stones 혼합 고전등반 33m, 4 완전 구식
목요일 18번째 3월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 20 R Right Side of the Shield 전통등반 15m
fragile feeling. Would be better if the upper crack was longer.

22 Slippin' Away 전통등반 13m
Thin as. With my stubby fingers anyway.

22 Snipe 혼합 고전등반 23m, 2
tempted to step into pollux but didn't. Good climbing

화요일 9번째 3월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Sabrasucker 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
Hard for 14. Would be better if it were longer.

화요일 9번째 3월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 O Lucky Man 전통등반 12m
probably wouldn't want to fall off this one.

월요일 8번째 3월 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Witches Covert 전통등반 12m 좋음
also 1998

19 Jigsaw 전통등반 35m 아주좋음
also 1998

18 Harlot 전통등반 12m 안하는 것이 좋음
19 Humility 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
This time I did the little VS to the left (also 1997 normal start)

일요일 29번째 2월 2004 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
11 11 R Condor 전통등반 18m
Got a booty cam, with Alison. Also 2001

17 Dynamite 전통등반 18m 아주좋음
good but you wouldn't want to just be leading 17's.

20 Erg 전통등반 25m 클래식
I'd only ever done the direct before.


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