
条目 in Colosseum Wall Area

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Colosseum Wall Area

Colosseum Wall is the last significant outcrop as you head South (L along the cliff line).

Emergency Location : Mount Arapiles, Colosseum Wall Area

Comic Strip Wall

The wall about 60m south of Colosseum Wall.

Emergency Location : Mount Arapiles, Colosseum Wall Area

Comic Strip Wall
19 Sausage Of The Century

Bouldery start then move rightwards into the line.

Start at the vague line towards the L end of the wall.

21 Oogie Boogie

A pair of weaknesses lead to a bulge, which succumbs to a layback/mantle. Start just R of Sausage Of The Century.

22 Boogie Boogie

A miniscule direct middle to Oogie Boogie. Straight under the DRB anchor.

18 Limp

In the same vein as Je Suis Un Legend, links all the easiest bits of the existing routes to create a conceptual megaclassic. Unfortunately the climbing is only one star.

Start up Oogie Boogie, go diagonally right to join the top of Asteroids and finish up it. Up the slab (a touch runout) and right up the corner to finish. Its possible to keep traversing from the final corner/groove to the chains of Hyperspace Bypass (below top of cliff).

20 The Wizard of Id

Steep jugs, crack, face. Start R of OB, just L of overhangs, beneath small flake on bulge.

20 Popeye

Start in V corner, soon moving left until under large jammed blocks. Pull through the bulge, then up vertical seam, then step up and left. Soon after, traverse left to the ledge with rap station.

22 Asteroids

Starts at the same corner as for Popeye, then steps up and right to a higher V-corner. Pass the bulge using the big pockets, then higher to where the angle eases. From here you can either traverse far left (to 'The Wizard of Id' abseil station), or veer right up the dirty weakness (to 'Vogon Destructor Fleet' abseil station).

23 Vogon Destructor Fleet

Start right of Asteroids, head up to small V in overhang below bolts. Follow bolts through bulges, then 2 bolts trending right through head wall to shared anchor with 'Hyperspace Bypass'.

22 Hyperspace Bypass

Up short corner 2m right of 'Vogon Destructor Fleet' to bolts, then up right line of bolts in head wall, finishing left to shared anchor with VDF.

22 Hyperspace

Shallow corner then R through bulges.

Start at bushes R of 'Asteroids'.

Letting Go (variant)

The orange flake start, bolted by peter stebbins. Doubtful it's been done.

26 Letting Go

The others noodled around for a few days cleaning up the easy stuff, then Moorhead produced this! Sustained, with a strenuous bouldery crux. In fact, two bouldery strenuous cruxes.

Start at short black flake 10m R of 'Hyperspace'. Flake to grey coloured RB, L to pockets (#4 friend), then R up flake to tough finish.

25 Failing New Romantic

The original start climbed a tree, which has since fallen down. Following this you needed to batman to a the bolt and start at the flake. An independent right hand start which goes free from the ground was later bolted and climbed.

Start at the next flake R of 'Letting Go'. Climb the edges up the face to the R, then layback with difficulty up weakness past another bolt. Originally given 24 with a rumour it was hard for the grade.

28 Slime Time

Originally 26 in the best of Law sandbagging tradition. Quite good, and not particularly slimy. Reachy though, looks way harder below about 6' reach.

Start R of 'Failing New Romantic'. 2 bolts up the seam, step L, then finish past a couple of fixed wires.

The Thimble

15m back up L from Colosseum Wall is this little outcrop. The front face is quite attractive but its a bit short.

The Thimble
16 Yakshini

The line just L of the arete.

Start on the black back wall of The 'Thimble' which faces 'Comic Strip Wall', 1m L of the arete.

19 The Last In Line

The arete.

Start just R of 'Yakshini'.

16 Nothing Too Serious

Short corner then R and up.

Start 1m R of 'The Last In Line'.

24 R Stabbur

Beware loose block. Adequacy of pro is unknown. Join 'Nothing Too Serious' at the top.

Start 3m R of NTS, just L of tree.

18 Thimble

The crack.

Start beneath the R side of the front face.

22 Pinpricks Of Blood

Long moves between good holds. Start direct. Size 3 Camalot handy. Finish right onto the arete.

23 Wingspan

Start on arête up and left past bolt up to break 3cam then straight up to top of head wall small wires, then finishing out right on arête and up to high anchor

24 Drowsy Drivers Die

The arete.

Start 2m R of 'Thimble'.

Colosseum Wall

Colosseum Wall is the last significant outcrop as you head South (L along the cliff line).

Emergency Location : Mount Arapiles, Colosseum Wall Area

Colosseum Wall
26 Fitzroy Street

Wall 5 metres left of 'Crucifixion'. Hopelessly contrived. You can sort of make an OK 21 out of it by zigzagging left and right.

16 Crucifixion

Grunt your way up the offwidth crack on the wall around left from 'The Rack'.

22 Blasphemy

Start at the arete just L of 'Christian Crack'. Up the corner on the arete, trend right past FH, before landing on the ledge. From here you work your way back right, and the theory is that you finish up the arete, but inevitably the holds lead you further right, such that it feels contrived to avoid finishing up 'Christian Crack'.

20 Christian Crack

Excellent sustained climbing up the line with great pro. A borderline classic. There are two striking cracks on the wall on the left side of Colosseum Wall - this is the left one.

Ann Pauligk's 1977 ascent was the first Aussie female ascent at this grade.

18 The Rack

People rave about this being a brilliant jamming testpiece, when in fact its a one move wonder ... so ticking it doesn't prove you're a jamming maestro. It's a very nice little climb though. The crack 3m R of 'Christian Crack'.

21 The Bolt

Start just R of 'The Rack' and go up past the BR.

5 Spasticus

The scrubby corner.

22 X No Wall At All

A low bolt then try not to die above that.

Start: Start between 'Spasticus' & 'Nero'.

14 Nero

The crack requires a bit of jamming.

Start 3-4m R of the 'Spasticus'.

21 Petronius

The steep corner.

Start 6m R of Nero.

24 R Petro-Fy

Arete with poor pro.

Start 3m R of 'Petronius'

14 Tom Thumb

The layback corner.

Start 1m R of 'Petro-Fy'.

19 Brutus

The corner then finish R.

Start 1m R of 'Tom Thumb'.

16 Castration

LH crack in narrow buttress, then R to a pair of thin cracks.

Start beneath the roadside-face of the buttress.

12 What Have the Romans Done for Us?

The provided description is as follows: "Offwidth crack on left side of main nose of 'Colosseum Wall'. Not necessarily that new!" This sounds like it should be near 'Castration'. But how an 8m route could be in this vicinity is a bit baffling. Also it sounds like it might be left of 'Castration', but that area is already pretty packed with routes and they're well harder than grade 12. So, an improved description of this would be nice.

6 Toga

The line.

Start around R from 'Castration', on the wall facing The Pines, at the initial.

15 Flavius Maximus

Try to stay out of the chimney, then finish up the crack on the R. The direct finish has also been done by Peter Lindorff.

Start just R of the descent chimney.

19 Roman Ite Domum

The wall right of 'Flavius Maximus'. This was also written up as 'Tribute To God' in the April 2009 Argus.

Over block to undercling, then straight up wall to top. Protection in crack on left of wall.

20 I've Got A Big Honker

The usual claim of those who don't...

Start 8m R of FM. To break (wire on left), then right to bulge.

16 The Martyr

The bottomless corner.

Start 2m R of 'I've Got A Big Honker'.

12 Welease Wodger

I assume its the grey wall between The Martyr wall and the Welease Witchard wall.

12 Welease Witchard

5m right of 'Welease Wodger' is a small buttress. This takes scrappy line up left.

17 Welease Bwian

The right line.

21 People Called Romans, They Go The 'Ouse

Up the wall 1m right of corner 10m right of 'Welease Bwian'. Continue up crack from ledge at 3/4 height.

12 Incontinentia Buttocks

The jam crack 10m right of 'People Called Romans, They Go The 'Ouse'.

14 Roaming Knows

The nose on the buttress 8m right of 'Incontinentia Buttocks'. Start on the right side of arete, then up and over nose.

11 Hail Spagnum

The rightward leaning crack around right of 'Roaming Knows'.

Showing all 53 条目.

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