
线路 in Left Watchtower Face

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Showing all 40 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
5 Rotten Row

Not really a climb, just an escape route. The diagonal ramp leading right from the base of the 'Siren' corner.

首攀: Steve Craddock & Bob Craddock, 1963

传统攀登 60m
19 Argonauts

Nice pitch high on the face.

首攀: Steve Williams & Keith Lockwood, 1986

传统攀登 40m
18 R Roll Dem Bones

Good 2nd pitch with bold and committing crux well out from gear. (A couple of grades have been added to allow for this.) 'Hot Flap Direct Start' might be a better start than the current first pitch. Take doubles of all cams to #2 1/2 and three #2 TCUs or equivalent.

Start as for 'Hot Flap', below the flake marking the left edge of the 'Left Watchtower Face'.

  1. 23m (-) Up to the base of the flake and step L. Follow thin cracks up the face and over a steepening. Follow easy ground up and move R to belay on L edge of the 'Left Watchtower Face' (1st belay of Hot Flap).

  2. 35m (18) Move out R a few metres as for 'Hot Flap' and go up to a flake (if you get to a bolt you are about 3m too far R). Go up 5-7m R of the large chimney until the face steepens after about 20m. Get some wires in a flake then move L and boldly up (crux). Above the steepening, traverse 2m R below a thin overlap and then go back L and pull over the overlap. Easier ground leads up dirty groove to ledge on the 'Siren' traverse.

  3. 20m (-) Up the corner above then directly up to a good ledge below the recessed wall L of 'Siren' Buttress.

  4. 28m (-) An unpleasant crack marks the L side of the recessed wall. From below this crack move out L to an arete. Follow the easy but delightful arete to the top.

首攀: Kieran Loughran, Meg Sleeman & Keith Lockwood, 1997

传统攀登 100m, 4
14 R Hot Flap
1 8 24m
2 13 30m
3 14 R 32m
4 13 50m
5 12 35m

Protection is generally reasonable but pitch 2 is sparsely protected.

Start below the right-leaning flake that leads into the chimney marking the left edge of the 'Left Watchtower Face'.

  1. 24m (8) Up and over right-leaning crack at 5 metres and continue to juggy ground. Belay on right arete.

  2. 30m (13) Step right onto main face and climb diagonally right on clean rock past 2 bolts and belay at third bolt.

  3. 32m (14) Traverse right and go up to big ledge below Siren's corner.

  4. 50m (13) Go up Siren's corner for about 25 metres then traverse right along weakness to bolt, or climb diagonally right to the same point. Either belay at the bolt (bad idea) or climb over horizontal breaks then up right to good ledge. Note that originally this pitch traversed from the bolt over to what is now 'Antigone'.

  5. 35m (12) Go right along ledge to left-leading diagonal crack that leads up through the summit roof.

首攀: John Fahey & Bob Bull, 1965

混合传统攀岩 170m, 5, 3
17 Tauraroa Direct Start

A logical but not very appealing start.

首攀: Chris Baxter & Mike Stone, 1978

传统攀登 25m
16 R Hot Flap Direct Start

This obvious start to 'Hot Flap' is well protected at the hardest point but then has a long runout on mossy rock. Still worth a star though.

首攀: Phillip Stranger & Rob Taylor, 1967

传统攀登 50m
16 R Between the Lines

An interesting exploration that is superseded by other climbs.

首攀: Ed Neve & Nick Reeves, 1978

传统攀登 53m
18 R Sang Froid

Marginal protection on first pitch. Both this pitch and the its next-door neighbour 'Puppet' On A String are very good pitches but possibly the most serious of their grades at 'Arapiles'. Still not sure if they deserve the skull-and-crossbones (have taken them off this climb) but they are very serious.

Peter Watling accidentally climbed this pitch in the 70's thinking it was 'Hot Flap' Direct Start!

  1. 50m (18) Climb up midway between the black moss streaks to join 'Hot Flap'. Belay when rope runs out.

  2. 35m (-) Up to Siren's corner and climb right wall to stance just below Hot Flap's fourth pitch traverse.

  3. 35m (17) Up over traverse line then delicately up on black rock to two horizontal cracks. Step right to runners then back left and up impressive headwall to terrace.

  4. 10m (-) Groove in final wall.

首攀: Malcolm Matheson & Keith Lockwood, 1983

传统攀登 130m, 4
18 X Puppet on a String

Another pitch in a similar vein to 'Sang Froid', possibly the scarier of the two. 'Argonauts' makes a good finish.

首攀: Dennis Kemp, Stephen Hamilton & Dave Mudie, 1987

传统攀登 50m
18 Creon - Tales of Brave Ulysses
1 17 50m
2 18 50m
3 10m
  1. 50m (17)

  2. 50m (18)

  3. 10m

传统攀登 110m, 3
17 Creon

A good climb all of the way. Finishing up Tales Of Brave Ulysses makes it even better.

Start on a platform below a seam about 30 metres right of the left edge of the face and 20 metres left of a deep line (Driftwood).

  1. 50m (17) Hard start into crack. When crack peters out step up to thread in flake at 10 metres (this bit is shared with 'Oedipus' Rex). Delicate climbing to left-leading diagonal flake line. Follow these, then straight up to join 'Hot Flap'. Belay on small ledge when the rope runs out.

  2. 50m (16) Up to the 'Siren' buttress and take the left-hand line up the front of this (right-hand line is Tales Of Brave Ulysses). This pitch can easily be split into two as on the first ascent.

首攀: Hugh Foxcroft, Peter Watling & Nick Reeves (alt), 1979

传统攀登 95m, 2
New Route (name coming soon))

Start as for C/OR but continue straight up mossy wall where they go left and right. We continued straight up and then through Hot Flap. Could do with a clean up.

首攀: Gareth Llewellin & Rob Saunders, 2012

传统攀登 60m
17 R Oedipus Rex
1 17 R 30m
2 13 45m
3 14 42m
4 16 30m

Good long climb but the middle section is nothing special.

Start on a platform below a seam about 30 metres right of the left edge of the face and 20 metres left of a deep line (Driftwood).

  1. 30m (17) Hard start into crack. When crack peters out step up to thread in flake at 10 metres (this bit is shared with Creon). Get some runners, don't rely only on the fragile-looking thread, then traverse right under bulge, veer up right for 4 metres then straight up to belay at old bolt. Not a lot of good protection after the thread.

  2. 45m (13) Up broken area to big ledge and on up to 'Rotten Row'.

  3. 42m (14) Climb black bulge then smooth wall to bolt. On up face to left end of sloping ledge and up left to bigger ledge.

  4. 30m (16) Step right and up small, left-facing corner to the roof. Take flake through ceiling with hard move at lip. Easily up. Original finish took steep flake directly above belay (17) and then up through overhangs.

首攀: Peter McKeand, Gordon Talbett & Clive Parker, 1968

传统攀登 150m, 4
20 Oedipal Wrecks

Not a bad start. Reasonable, if fiddly gear.

首攀: Kieran Loughran, Norm Booth & Ray Lassman, 1994

传统攀登 30m
16 R Home of the Brave

Good climbing with only a short section of nondescript ground at the start of the second pitch.

There are some dangerous detached blocks/flakes on both first and final pitches and the final pitch is quite has some committing runouts. Tiny cams are essential on the last pitch.

Start: Start at the deep chimney line (Driftwood) that is the major feature of the 'Left Watchtower Face'.

  1. 45m (15) Up the chimney (Driftwood) for 12 metres and step left to ledge on arete with large block. Step left again and up to right end of large, bushy ledge. Up clean crack above and then continue up line of flakes around 3 metres left of 'Driftwood, taking care with a fragile section,' to small ledge.

  2. 28m (14) Pretty much straight up to large ledge. Traverse 2-3 metres right to orange streak (Antigone) and climb this to 'Rotten Row'.

  3. 38m (14) Continue up, delicately at first to large diagonal ledge below Hot Flap's final pitch.

  4. 25m (16) From the top of the step halfway along the ledge, climb the wall, moving left at first, to a large detached flake. Step back right and staright up wall and slab to crack in roof and up to join 'Hot Flap'.

首攀: Kieran Loughran, Felicity Rousseaux & Meg Sleeman, 1989

传统攀登 140m, 4
18 Driftwood

A strange, unbalanced climb. Few people will do the climb as a whole, using the initial chimney as the start of another climb or doing the final, evil chimney after starting up something else.

Start: Start at the deep chimney line that is the major feature of the 'Left Watchtower Face'.

  1. 60m (13) Up the deep line to large ledge. Either a 60 metres rope or a semi-hanging belay at some point is required.

  2. 16m (18) Walk 30 metres right into the chimney and belay. Climb the glass-smooth chimney (big cam).

首攀: Ian Speedie, Mike Stone & Garry Kerkin.

首攀: Peter Jackson & John Fahey climbed pitch 3 in earlyby traversing in from Siren., 1964

传统攀登 120m, 2
14 Driftwood/Antigone

首攀: Speedie, Stone, Kerkin / Caffin & Wilcox

传统攀登 120m, 3
15 Antigone
1 13 60m
2 15 48m
3 12 16m

A very nice climb at the grade.

Start: Start at the deep chimney line (Driftwood) that is the major feature of the 'Left Watchtower Face'.

  1. 60m (13) Up chimney to large ledge (as for Driftwood). If you don't have a 60 metre rope there is a comfortable belay niche at 20m [as used on the first ascent] which allows 2 reasonable length pitches.

  2. 48m (14) Up orange streak to ledge then left and up wall to big ledge on left.

  3. 16m (12) Walk 10 metres left and up flake.

首攀: Roger Caffin & Sue Wilcox, 1966

传统攀登 120m, 3
15 Sundance
1 12 42m
2 15 22m
3 13 30m
4 14 48m

Very enjoyable. The fourth pitch is runout but can be avoided.

  1. 42m (12) Bridge the crack (Driftwood) until it narrows at 35 metres. Traverse right to first belay of Wall Of The Afternoon Sun (carrot bolt.)

  2. 22m (15) Clean steep wall and seam directly above to big ledge on left.

  3. 30m (13) Step right and up orange streak to 'Rotten Row'. Move 10 metres right to flake belay under tree.

  4. 48m (14) As for final pitch of Wall Of The Afternoon Sun. Alternatively, escape up 'Rotten Row'.

首攀: Keith Bell & Keith Lockwood, 1976

传统攀登 140m, 4
20 Sunset Strait

Start as for 'Wall of the Afternoon Sun'. Where 'Wall of the Afternoon Sun' traverses right, continue straight up. Belay on ledge between 'Antigone' and 'Sundance'. Either rappel from bolt anchors or continue up one of the other climbs off this ledge.

首攀: Stuart Hollaway & Dale Thistlethwaite, 2012

混合传统攀岩 60m, 1
19 Afternoon Delight

The best way to start Sunset Strait and a worthy pitch in its own right. Starts as for Wall of the Afternoon Sun. Up the easy stuff, then step up and R on to the red streak. Past the bolt and up to stand on the big holds. Move up L to the bolt on Wall of the Afternoon Sun (if joining Sunset Strait) or disregard moving up L to the bolt and instead step up and R to eventually join the last section of the first pitch of Wall of the Afternoon Sun. After its second bolt move across R and up to the ring anchors above Red Sky at Night.

首攀: Glenn Tempest & Karen Tempest, 6月 2018

混合传统攀岩 35m, 2
19 R Wall of the Afternoon Sun
1 19 40m
2 17 27m
3 17 R 22m
4 14 48m

A neat route featuring a classy and thought-provoking first pitch.

Start: Start just right of the chimney splitting this face (sundance).

  1. 40m (19) Up the slab to the crack and good gear and a funky mantle to bolt (2nd bolt spins in the hole but can be backed up with a pink Camp tricam). Step right (pocket, small profile cam or tricam) and slabby moves lead to more good climbing and another bolt and on to ledge and belay bolt.

  2. 27m (17) Move right to the prominent nose, bridge past its left side and up to ledge. Move 6 metres right to belay below tiny, right-facing corner.

  3. 22m (17 R) Up the little corner with marginal gear until it fades and continue boldly up wall. Technical bulge leads to 'Rotten Row'.

  4. 48m (14) Up easy flake behind conifer then steeply up to horizontal break at 20 metres. Short left-leading corner then veer left and up.

自由首攀: Peter McKeand

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 1969

传统攀登 140m, 4
20 Red Sky At Night

首攀: Glenn Tempest & Karen Tempest, 9月 2015

自由首攀: 9月 2015

混合传统攀岩 30m, 2
23 If You're Lucky

Up short seam 5 metres right of Wall Of The Afternoon Sun. Hard moves lead past a peg runner (if it's still there). Traverse left 2 metres and over bulge to flake. Up then left to first belay of WOTAS.

Start: Not a bad line but doesn't see much traffic.

首攀: Chris Shepherd & Cathy Blamey.., 1982

传统攀登 40m
19 The Burning Fields

自由首攀: Glenn Tempest & Karen Tempest, 9月 2015

混合传统攀岩 33m, 2
20 R Take Five
1 20 R 45m
2 19 40m
3 17 48m

Great climbing up the clean streak starting 15 metres left of 'Watchtower Chimney'.

  1. 45m (20) Straight up the clean streak passing small bulge to tiny stance level with base of chimney on 'Watchtower Chimney'. There's an unprotected move of about grade 16-17 at 7 metres.

  2. 40m (19) Up short crack then slab to ledge. Straight up left-hand streak then step right to tricky last move to 'Rotten Row'. Alternatively, from the ledge take the right-hand streak (21) to 'Rotten Row' (WOTAS is just to the right). Graham Sanders, Steve Howden 10-10-1982.

  3. 48m (17) From the tree, move left a little then follow the clean streak to the top, crossing Wall Of The Afternoon Sun at the horizontal break.

首攀: Robin Miller (solo).., 1982

传统攀登 130m, 3
5 Tschumpel

Botanical line behind large dead tree at right end of 'Rotten Row'.

首攀: Bruno Zeller & Anne McKenzie, 1969

传统攀登 42m
7 Senile

Crack 5 metres right of 'Tschumpel', 1 metre left of 'Bindi'.

首攀: Bruno Zeller & Anne McKenzie, 1969

传统攀登 40m
5 Bindi

Chimney line 6 metres right of 'Tschumpel'

首攀: Chris Baxter & Derek Lord, 1967

传统攀登 25m
15 Pantouflage

Good finish but the crack is awful.

Start: At the end of the first pitch of 'Watchtower Chimney'.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Jim Bright, 1973

传统攀登 96m
21 The Last Kind of Hunger

Thoughtful and aesthetic climbing with good protection on brilliant rock. Harder and perhaps a bit more committing than 'Take Five' but without the runout at the start (although you want to concentrate for the start of pitch 3). The line is obvious in the photo on p273 of the current Tempest/Mentz guide.

Start up 'Watchtower Chimney Direct Start', the bottomless crack 3m R of Take Five.

  1. 45m (21)Take 'Watchtower Chimney Direct Start' to the base of the corner, step left and head up the water-smooth slab (21) between the corner of 'Watchtower Chimney' and the obvious streak of 'Take Five'. At one point high on the pitch you can reach right to place a runner in the corner but continue climbing directly up the slab to belay on the small ledge as for 'Watchtower Chimney'.

  2. 20m (19) Head up left across the 'Pantouflage' crack. Either climb seams up the blunt arete - excellent protection but hard with a slopey finish (24? not lead cleanly on 1st ascent), traverse further left to follow 'Take Five' (19) or step back into the crack (the crux is the forestry required to exit back left onto the slab) to reach the ledge.

  3. 25m (18) Move the belay into the bottom of the 'Driftwood' chimney. From the base of the chimney, initially move up left towards 'Wall Of The Afternoon Sun' with poor pro for 5-6m, then step back right to head directly up the streak (18) to the hanging R facing corner leading onto Rotten Row'.

Follow 'Rotten Row', continue up the wall above or rappel from the rings about 8m R of the corner. There is a single U-bolt overhead at the base of the 'Driftwood' chimney; a 60m abseil from this reaches the ground.

Description taken from Stuart's post on Chockstone

首攀: Stuart Hollaway, Peter Arch & Alice Arch, 2012

传统攀登 90m, 3
20 R Watchtower Chimney Direct Start

Originally named "Pantouflage Direct Start", with the directions to continue up Watchtower Chimney. From this you can deduce hat we thought of one climb and which guidebook editor lacked a sense of humour.

Crack 3 metres right of 'Take Five' and 6 metres left of 'Watchtower Chimney'. When it fades continue boldly up to join 'Watchtower Chimney'.

首攀: Neil Barr & Peter Watling.., 1980

传统攀登 15m
12 Watchtower Chimney
1 12 45m
2 8 17m
3 12 31m
4 8 18m

A climb which gets the heart going no matter if you're on lead or seconding, with the first pitch, by itself, being a great line!

Start: There are two deep cracks at the base of the Watchtower. Start at the left-hand crack.

  1. 45m (12) Up the fading crack to a ledge, traverse left past an old carrot bolt and climb the corner to small ledge.

  2. 17m (8) Up the rest of the corner to base of chimney

  3. 31m (12) Up the chimney without taking the detour. Belay just above

  4. 18m (8) A bouldery start leads to an easier finish.

首攀: Michael Stone, Ian Speedie & Garry Kerkin, 1965

混合传统攀岩 110m, 4, 1
10 Chicken Express

The express route to Mr. Chicken!

  1. 40m (12). Start as for Watchtower Chimney, but veer right and up on surprising jugs at the start of the slab (close to the end of the first pitch; this is particularly great for rainy days when the slab is wet). Belay from giant ledge.

  2. 20m (8). Traverse slightly right, then follow the juggy staircase until you reach a roof.

  3. 15m (10). This is the money pitch. Traverse around the roof and climb the blocks on the right hand side until you reach Mr. Chicken. There is good gear in the cracks.

定线/开线: Ewa Siedlecka, Jacob Bridgeman & Josemalene Ruaya, 28 9月 2016

自由首攀: Ewa Siedlecka, Jacob Bridgeman & Josemalene Ruaya, 28 9月 2016

首攀: Ewa Siedlecka, Jacob Bridgeman & Josemalene Ruaya, 28 9月 2016

传统攀登 75m, 3
20 Radio Days

An excellent test-piece pitch and a very bold onsight lead by Maureen back in the day. The grey seam on the slabby wall immediately L of Watchtower Chimney is gained via the concave slab and wall just L of the bulging nose. Awkward and unprotected moves gain the nose, then the seam is climbed until it runs out. Take a deep breath and keep going boldly up the slab to the traverse on Watchtower Chimney. At the ancient carrot bolt, continue straight up the enjoyable crack to a narrow ledge. The original route moved L and finished up the easy arete but it is much more enjoyable to climb the unlikely wall directly above to the lower-off (35m) anchors. There is a 50m wandering finish that no one does. David Gallagher and Sue Baxter seconded the second half of the described pitch as they originally split the pitch at the carrot bolt. Glenn Tempest added the independent start and straightened the pitch near the top in July 2018.

首攀: Maureen Gallagher, Chris Baxter (alt) & David Gallagher, 1987

混合传统攀岩 35m, 1
18 Watchtower Days

An enjoyable combination pitch (Watchtower Chimney and Radio Days) which has already become quite popular. Climb Watchtower Chimney's initial crack to the traverse. Move 2m L to the ancient carrot bolt. Straight up the crack above (Radio Days) to a narrow ledge. Directly up the wall above (avoiding the easier climbing up the arete on the L) to the big ledge and lower-off / rappel anchors.

混合传统攀岩 35m, 1
22 Shingleback

A good pitch which essentially straightens out the first pitch of Tiliqua. Up Watchtower Chimney to the traverse. Step L one metre and climb the crack and balancy smooth wall above. After all the drama, step up L on the undercling and pull the final bulge to the ledge and lower-off anchors (35m).

首攀: Glenn Tempest, Karen Tempest & Geoff Little, 7月 2018

传统攀登 35m
19 Tiliqua

The first pitch meanders a bit but it does offer some very pleasant climbing. It ends at the shared lower-off / rappel anchors of Shingleback . Originally climbed with further juggy pitches to the top of the Watchtower but they’re probably not worth the wander. Climb the seam immediately R of the start of Watchtower Chimney, which it joins near to its traverse. At the traverse, step 1m L and climb the lovely crack above (same as for Shingleback). After 4m leave the crack and traverse R across and up the wall to to gain an orange L-facing corner. Up this and move over L to the belay / rappel anchors on the ledge.

Or... start up Watchtower Chimney and on the traverse left, go up the seam over bulge, and lower off at 30m.

首攀: Tim Lockwood & Keith Lockwood, 2009

传统攀登 43m
18 Man Overboard

Start: At foot of Chimney on 'Watchtower Chimney'.

  1. 27m (18) Climb past left side of horizontal overlap. Up wall then veer right. Up wall and over horizontal flake near arete. Traverse right to below orange corner.

  2. 28m (18) Up wall on left of corner, over bulge, then up.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Steve Williams, 1985

传统攀登 55m, 2
15 colonal's eleven

No idea where this is supposed to be

传统攀登 30m

Showing all 40 线路.

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