
Bower Bird Buttress

  • 难度体系: AU


This Buttress is down from mushroom rock.


As for mushroom rock. Past this for 50 to 100m, when the track turns L you will see the buttress in the gully below.

行为准则 取自Mount Buffalo

Climbing here varies from trad climbing, mainly up obvious lines and features, to sport climbing up slabs and sections of rock impossible to protect with natural gear. Of course, there are lots of climbs protected with a mixture of trad gear augmented with occasional bolt runners. Given that the trad ethic is still strong here, and the continuing need to minimize our environmental climbing 'footprint', please avoid unilateral decisions to retro-bolt and be restrained in using fixed protection when establishing new routes.



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Start up BB, at ledge climb crack through roof-let with some difficulties, then continue wrestling your way to finally join BB at the belay.

首攀: jack jane & Luke Molineux, 2 9月 2023

P.1. Start up easy chimney with loose blocks at top, travers L passing a bolt before stopping at the vertical crack (semi hanging belay).P.2. up crack (seeps after rain) to finger crack in corner and R curving crack to finish.

Alternatively start up Abracadabra, then move R and finish up P.2 of BB. this allows you to do the route in 1 pitch.

Start down and L of BB. Start below new ring bolt in crack. past RB to horizontal, then climb crack to top.

首攀: 1996

Pull onto ledge however you feel to the black often seeping corner. From here move L into century box with some difficulty. Up to undercling, punch out L and up face passing 3 fixed hangers to DBB.

Hidden from view around the arete at the end of the ledge. Climb onto the slab, up chimney and onto ledge (probably best done with a rope). From here you will see the steep finger to hand crack. finish at DBB as for BACINT.

首攀: jack jane & Luke Molineux, 10 2月


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Selected Guidebooks more 隐藏

作者: Simon Murray and Kevin Lindorff

日期: 2006

"The Mt Buffalo - A rock climbers guide is the definitive climbing guide book for the granite wonderland of Mt Buffalo. This area is for adventure climbing and for those that love the higher mountain landscapes and rock formations that are unique to the area. Mt Buffalo offers both single and multi-pitch climbs and mainly uses trad gear for protection but there is the odd sport climb around for those that only want to clip bolts.

The Mt Buffalo - A rock climbers guide is the definitive climbing guide book for the granite wonderland of Mt Buffalo. This area is for adventure climbing and for those that love the higher mountain landscapes and rock formations that are unique to the area. Mt Buffalo offers both single and multi-pitch climbs and mainly uses trad gear for protection but there is the odd sport climb around for those that only want to clip bolts. This 234 page guide is the most comprehensive guide for Mt Buffalo and even though being the 5th edition released in 2006, is the latest version."

作者: Lindorff, Goding & Hodgson

日期: 2011

国际书号: 9780646529387

Get ready to fully experience the rock climbing scene in Victoria with Sublime Climbs, a comprehensive guidebook authored by Kevin Lindorff, Josef Goding, and Jarrod Hodgson. This full-color, 380-page book covers the best climbing locations in the region, including Mt Arapiles, Mt Buffalo, and the Grampians. It features descriptions of over 700 routes, topographic maps, and breathtaking images. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the sport, Sublime Climbs has everything you need to make the most of your climbing experience in Victoria and experience all of it's classic routes.

作者: Chris Baxter & Glenn Tempest

日期: 1994

国际书号: 0646167308

A Guide to selected rockclimbs at Mt Arapiles,the Grampians and Mt Buffalo

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