
条目 in Atherton Tablelands

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Atherton Tablelands

Encompassing the climbing areas near Cairns but situated on top of the tablelands.

McDonald Track

Some great bouldering in a beautiful mossy rainforest.

McDonald Track
The Mystic Forest

Boulders located at around -16.8515204, 145.6398015

McDonald Track The Mystic Forest
V2 Mystic Aura

Be wary at any coastal or riverside crags for the potential of crocodiles and if you're in the water marine stingers.

V3 What Goes Around

Sit start at the low left corner of the wall, head up and right to climb the arete.

V1 In The Loop

Start as for What Goes Around but exit straight up.

V2 Shard

Sit start low on jug, up face.

Forest Domes

Also known as Bare Hill Conservation Park. Many indigenous rock art sites to not be climbed on. Other scattered blocks to explore.

Davies Creek

Davies Creek is located in Davies Creek National Park in Far North Queensland on the Atherton Tableland, 20 kilometres from Cairns. Davies Creek Falls are a spectacular attraction in the park.

Davies Creek
V9 Amethyst

Stand start on pinches

Callum Mather

V3 Treacherous

Located in the Davies Creek National Park.

V1 Waterfall Problem

Stunning problem at the top of the falls.

19 Crack Job

Located in the Davies Creek National Park.

21 It Can Be Done

Located in the Davies Creek National Park.

24 Pumping

Located in the Davies Creek National Park.

26 As Good As It Gets

Located in the Davies Creek National Park.

Kahlpahlim Rock

Kahlpahlim Rock is the highest point in the Lamb Range, at a height of around 1300 metres above sea level. It is located along the Kahlpahlim Rock Trail in Dinden National Park.

Kahlpahlim Rock
Potential Crack

Obvious crack on South face of North-West Peak. Long walk in, sharp rock. Possibly no gear on this crack from 3/4 of the way up. Has another crack on the west face of the same peak which looks better and longer. Access top via fixed ropes on North face of NW peak.

Emerald Creek

Emerald Creek is located along the Lamb Range in Dinden West Forest Reserve in Far North Queensland. It's source lies in a rainforest, the creek eventually ends in a eucalypt woodland. An old bouldering guide for this area is available.

Emerald Creek
V3 Pullover

Heads up corner to right of tree. Pull out of water via nice holds into corner. Becomes slopey up top, as well as committing due to boulder in water below to left. Be wary of this. Is a nice wander up.

V1 Meanderings

Heads up obvious feature. A relatively safe meander up.

V4 Bump, bump bump it up

Sit start lower left with heel, throw hands to upper holds working to big rail then to triangular edge. Fancy footwork helps, spicy topout above just right of start holds.

This climb is located right across the creek/carved out white-rock as you enter the area near the falls.

Jared Tyerman Arlen Breeze

V7 Fault Line

Start on lowest set of opposing gastons where the two seams meet. Work your way up the thin crack, following it diagonally up and right.

This climb/boulder is partly tucked away right by the main waterfall, same side as (but a little upstream of) BBBIU.

V2 We Left Arete-y

Start with left arete and right hand in seam. Use slopey right side pull and hand-toe match on arete to balance your way up and out on slopey goodness.

V1 Unnamed

A good traverse along the front of the boulder that could be continued all the way around the boulder.

V3 Down and Dirty

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V0+ Mono

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V3 Enigma

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V0 The Smooth Machine

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V2 The Smooth Machine DS

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V2 The Smoth Machine LHV

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V0+ The Smooth Machine RHV

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V4 Wonderbra

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V3 Because He Didn't Have Weet-bix For Breakfast

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V3 I Guess He Did Have Weet-bix For Breakfast

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V1 Sideswipe

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V2 Slapstick

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V3 Slapevil

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V2 Depressions In The Roof

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V2 - 4 Unnamed 2

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V1 Stung

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V0- Unnamed 3

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

V2 Crimpers In The Closet

Located in Dinden West Forest Reserve.

Mareeba WS

Along side of tableland Barron River just North of Mareeba.

Mareeba WS
River Cottage Mareeba

5 - 6 meter cliffs above deep freshwater river.

Mareeba WS River Cottage Mareeba
12 Rum & Rasin

Enter from in the water, a little slippery rock to get started but once up above the water some nice holds and a a big crack to work your way up. Come up the left side of the big overhanging tooth to reach the top. Enjoy the jump from the top into the deep water below.

10 Wet & Fatty

Quite a difficult first couple of moves with little holds on offer. once over halfway up, an abundance of secure holds makes this ones easy to finish.

9 Mrs Leal's Sausage Rolls

Nice big holds coming all the way up. Not much clearance from rocks below so falling outwards would be ideal.

关闭的 Turkey Hill

Turkey Hill is a 339 metre high hill in Far North Queensland. Private property, no longer has any access open to public.

关闭的 Turkey Hill
22 What Finger Nails?

No access. Private property.

17 (Unknown 1)

No access. Private property.

19 Heartburn

No access. Private property.

17 Crackerbarrel

No access. Private property.

15 Cheese Slice

No access. Private property.

18 Mellow Yellow

No access. Private property.

12 (Unknown 2)

No access. Private property.

23 Entranced

No access. Private property.

16 (Unknown 3)

No access. Private property.

16 (Unknown 4)

No access. Private property.

23 Direct Start

No access. Private property.

15 (Unknown 5)

No access. Private property.

11 No Cheese Please, We're British

No access. Private property.

7 Comfort And Joy

No access. Private property.

20 Cheese Gobbler

No access. Private property.

18 Cheese Grater

No access. Private property.

17 (Unknown 6)

No access. Private property.

16 to 18 (Unknown 7)

No access. Private property.

14 to 18 (Unknown 8)

No access. Private property.

17 Rearviewmirror

No access. Private property.

Granite Gorge

Trad climbing on Turks Head (located where the yellow track meets the red track) with more potential, and plenty of established and not yet discovered bouldering. A climber playground. Granite from super smooth, to solid and chunky, cracks to edges, blank eggs and super sharp texture. Everything under the sun. Nice swimming holes too. Friendly people and awesome wildlife.

Granite Gorge
V4 Beginnings

Stand start arete and rail. Works boulders both sides of crack to gain left topout. A bit tensiony in the uppper middle. Pad hole.

V3 Endings

Stand start with right rail and left edge. Use low feet, as well as perfectly situated lefter later, to gain crack opening. Up trending left looking for thin high hold to get body stable, before coming right to topout above crack.

V0 - 1 Tufa Love

Head up compression over prow. Almost reminiscent of climbing on limestone tufas. Stand start.

Just near metal bridge upstream of main reception. Downstream of the weir.

V1/2 Planking Isn't Illegal

Traverse left to right, topping out after corner. Start low on sideways edge and square foot crystal. Boulder is just up from TL.

V0 - 1 Dem Legs

Sit start at base of small boulder with "weir" written on it (just across from PII) to gain leg dominated line to top. Small but fun.

V2 Just For Now

Stand start with left sidepull, right edge, low left foot rail, low right nubs or vertical feature. Work up to flake then slightly right through groove to topout. Pad well.

V1 The Rock

Head up the mild arete from standing. Topout up mild slab. Come down via jumping onto pad or down climbing. Boulder is just near PII.

V0 Amazonica

Traverse right to left with large features. Tops out with Rock Wallaby sh** (clean prior).

V0 Water Iris

Head up from sit start along mild arete to lip and topout.

V0 Water Lily

Sit start arete and edge. Gain height and catch lip. Stellar one move wonder. Topout.

These boulders are found just before you cross the metal bridge that gets you to TL.

V1 Lotus

Sit start around upstream face and traverse right to left onto face with V-shaped lip. Topout top left prow.

V1 Water Velvet

Sit start at opening. Press up into large scooping feature and find good holds for delicate topout. Surreal location, setting and movements. Right in the middle of the creek near PII, TL, TR and DL.

V2 Antsy Pantsy

Sit start arete with good left edge and (just) right of arete sidepull. Boost up to semi-micro edge and then up to feature on arete. Cruisy climbing to prow for topout. This boulder is a large fin feature, so be mindful of this on the topout as is not a platform up there.

Located to the back and left (down the bulges) when looking at Turk's Head from above on the Yellow Track.

Arete proj

Stand start on sharp edge and arete sidepull with good foot to gain height on arete and pull into upper lip for topout. Tension-y.

Edgey proj

Stand start just to right of tree matched on high micro edge. With two wide-spread feet work up to right small feature and upper left edges to gain lip for topout.

V0 - 1 Hands for Feet

Stand start corner with edges to work into higher edges. Use tension or pop straight to jug and topout. Edge at a shoulder's width left of the jug helps for the top.

Near EP and the two APs

V2 Peanut Butter Hand Jam Time

Sit start stellar hand crack with finger lock. Work jams to top, avoid tree but keep using crack. Root near foot for sit start is annoying. Climb would be sick if longer.

One Finger Left Behind

Sit start finger crack right of PBHJT. Head up into wider sections for easier upper section. Lacking feet for the sit start makes getting off the ground a pain.

14 Unnamed

Right hand climb up tall pillar called Turks Head. Follows trending cracks. Raps off top boulder.

13 Turkish Flat Bread

Follow offwidth through to 2nd shrub at top to set up anchor. Rap off boulders on top. Start at base of rock or on boulder. A tad awkward but fun short and sweet.

V2 Fig Splitter

Sit start with cracks/edges/smears of 'Fig Tree Splitting Rock' along the red track. Working two right-side cracks (primarily right-most crack) to gain upper prow and topout under dead tree branch.

V2 Ficus

Start right crack sit start. Trend up crack 2 moves then left and finish top left corner.

V2/3 Pleistodontes

Sit start spread on two left-most cracks on higher-ground side of arete. Work upside-down V crack system to topout top left prow.

V2 Manbornde

Stellar piece. Sit start with feature on vertical crack and edge. Feet are fun. Gain higher edge/ horizontal crack and vertical crack/arete. Once off the ground keep to left side of crack and to left of crack. Top out left prow.

V1 Arachn-or-baso-phobia

Head up chossy arete through large features topping out to right onto boulder or up slab (not advisable going up left face as large holds could ping and the fall could be bad).

Watch for St Andrew's Cross Spiders (Argiope keyserlingi) in features.

V2 Roundhouse

Stand start flake and follow up and left to topout by flake's prow.

(This boulder is located along the red track, downstream side of 'Dinosaur Rock' - icon of the actual property).

V3 Micro-sloper

Sit start edges and head to micro edges to gain gentle arete. Head up and right to slopers and flat feature for topout.

V2 Majuscula

Stand start far left, work up edges and rails to micro edges up high. Topout on slopers. One foot placement directly above your hand mid climb is prime.

V4 Ideal Ultimate Result

Start on the right side of the ledge, mantle and tip-toe your way to the meat hook. Finish up the mini fridge.

Project Split

Sit start on crimp rail, up and left on sharp crimps. Not outrageously hard, just only let's you have a couple goes before it splits your tips.

Showing 1 - 100 out of 124 条目.

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