
线路 in Big Bend Boulders

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Showing all 53 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Lost World Boulders Yellow Dot Boulder
Yellow Crack

Up central crack.

攀石 4m
V2 Yellow Slab

Slab on R side of Yellow Dot Boulder

Lost World Boulders Res Gestae Boulder
V3 Tools

SDS - LH line up spaced jugs to top out

V0 Pull It Off

20m uphill from Res Gestae, is a boulder with a sharp detatched flake up top. Climb the central line.

Lost World Boulders The Pinnacles
V3/4 V3/4

SDS. Sitstart off the block, and climb the thin face to the left of the overhanging crack

V6 - 8 Restless Ambition

Sit start the front of the left hand pinnacle is a very hard looking 30 degree overhanging finger crack. Hard to grade V6-V9?

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2017

攀石 5m
V2 V2

On the wall left of The Horn start at the left end head up to the scoop then to the top. Pikers version is V0. Landing is OK with two mats.

V5 Small Things

Start in the hollow below the left arete of The Horn. Move up to delicate moves on the arete and the top jugs. The stand start is a grade easier.

攀石 4m
V1 The Horn

The right hand arete of the right hand pinnacle. There are quite a few variations of this quite nice problem: One starts on the left and goes to the top at the arete (using whatever) and the other (the original and most obvious line) starts on the right. Also on the right side one can climb the face (heading slightly up right instead of left to the arete). All are about the same grade.

Lost World Boulders Highball World
V0 V0

Nice diagonal flake 5m left of Heart shaped box.

V1 Heart Shaped Box

SDS. Right edge of short face, 2.5m left of Chicken wings to hell.

V0 Chicken wing to hell

High ball crack line. Don't pull off the loose blocks, they're not that loose and you don't need to pull on them..

首攀: Mike Hitchcock

攀石 8m
V5 Brexit

Same start as Period of Transition, but head left and up the slopers.

首攀: Mike Hitchcock

攀石 4m
V5 Period of Transition

The belly of the incredible, near horizontal pillar. Hang start at the back of the column using the obvious sloper on the left and right hand low on the ok slopey rail on the right. Get a heel up and climb out the column, topping out at the very end by pinching your way up the arête to gain the lip.

首攀: Marco D'Alessandro, 2月 2018

攀石 6m
Lost World Boulders Lost World Ampitheatre Boulders
V0+ Survivor's Guilt

Three stars if enjoy 4m of fully horizontal fist crack. Great training for something.

首攀: Tim Othy, 1月 2024

攀石 5m
V3 The Crowd-Pleaser's Guide to a Slippery Death

Precise climbing up a 90 degree arete at the edge of the ampitheatre. Landing is a steep slope, so bring a couple of pads and a spotter shaped like a bowling pin. From the base of Atlantis, face the city. Walk forward and slightly right, till at the edge of the ampitheatre. Either rap in (gear in crack at back of block) or throw down pads and scramble in.

首攀: Ewan Barry, 15 1月 2023

攀石 3m
Lost block
V8 Left arete

SDS the left hand arete

攀石 3m
V9 Right arete

SDS the right hand arete. Stand start is ~V3

攀石 3m
V2 Slap Happy

Up the middle of the slab 30m right of the Lost block

Western Front 1st Boulder

Left side of face

V1 V1

Arete and slab to left

V1 V1 (2)

Nice slab with good edges right of arete

V0 V0

Little pinnacle to the right

Western Front Shell Shock
V3 Shell Shock

SDS. Thin shallow crack in middle of face of boulder right at top of hill. Only use crack

Western Front Passchendale
V10 Time Flies

The very slopey bulge, head up and right.

攀石 4m
V1 Passchendaele

Stand start to the right, up to incut then long balancey reach to top

攀石 2m
V6 Passchendaele SDS

SDS to Passchendaele

攀石 3m
V5 V5

Thin vertical cracks up face. Originally Stand (v3), now sit.

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2018

攀石 5m
V1 Capitan Scary-pants

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2018

攀石 5m
V3 The Dab Prince

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2018

攀石 3m
V1 Dolerite Bite

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2018

攀石 5m
VB Sneazy

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2018

攀石 5m

SDS. Up flakes


SDS. Up front of prow



Western Front Skinless
V3 V3

Sitstart on rail then straight up on slopes

V5 Skinless

Sitstart on rail then right around arete on slopes then up. Dont use jugs at top until the finish

攀石 4m
V2 V2

SDS off jug then left to arete and up, avoid block

攀石 2m
V1 V1

Traverse horizontal break from far right around arete then up

攀石 2m
Western Front The Somme Boulder
攀石 5m
V1 The Somme
攀石 5m
V0 V0
攀石 5m
Western Front Verdun Area
V3 Verdun
攀石 5m
V1 V1

SDS. 15m left of Verdun is a boulder with a half-height juggy rail. Start on middle jug and finish right.

V0 V0

SDS. Just left of the previous problem. Start on juggy rail and straight up.

Western Front Slab a Dab Boulder
V0 V0

SDS. North Western arete of the bloc

V0 V0

SDS. Two metres left of the arete is a large layaway edge.

V0 V0

SDS. Starts on the next layaway line, one metre left of previous problem.

V0 V0

SDS. Starts on the jug on the eastern side.


SDS. One metre left of previous.

V0 V0

Starts on jug on the southern side of the boulder. Finish straight up or traverse around the boulder and finish up4.

V0 Slab a dab

Hands free ascent of the slab (no hand dabs!)

V2 Get off the couch

Opposite slab a dab boulder. Sit on the pineapple grass couch. Pull up using the sidepull and left arete.


Showing all 53 线路.

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