
Kick Start Area

  • 难度体系: AU
  • 攀登: 20



准入问题 取自Tasmania

Many locals continue to use community run website thesarvo.com for crag/route updates and noting any access issues. The associated app can be downloaded and used offline!


Gerry Narkowicz also produces hardcopy guides to numerous venues across the state via the 'Climb Tasmania' website


行为准则 取自Mount Wellington

Crag Stewards

Rock climbers please contact the Crag Steward (kunyani@climbersclubtas.org.au) if you have any queries or concerns regarding social or environmental impacts of rock climbing at this crag.

Do not email regarding general travel, seasonal advice, or lost property - this is not the Steward’s role. If you have important safety information to communicate (e.g. risks due to recent and large rock falls) please also consider updates on thesarvo forum, Facebook group and/or online guidebooks as appropriate. Please copy in cct@climbersclubtas.org.au if you feel you have a high-level concern which may imminently impact the crag or climbing community.

Non-climbers, other users, land managers: please also contact cct@climbersclubtas.org.au if you have important climbing related queries at this location.


• The operation and use of drones by park visitors on reserved land including national parks is not permitted

• Peregrine Falcons nest from July - December each year. It’s important that climbers don’t climb near active nests during this period. Known sites (non exhaustive) are: Sand River (Far East, The Panopticon), Bare Rock (R of the Boneyard, L of Bisso of Orange), Rocky Cape, Pubic Wall/Duck Reach, Hillwood, Gunners Quoin, Lowdina.

• Please note that Tasmania has notoriously patchy phone reception for particular service providers. Telstra is the most reliable. An emergency Personal Locator Beacon or similar is recommended kit when climbing in remote locations.

• For more information - follow the link below for some local tips + tricks on how to better reduce your impact during your next Tassie climbing holiday https://www.cragcaretasmania.org.au/learn


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Grade 线路

Hard line up the good looking arete, great boulder problem.

首攀: garry phillips

Slightly overhanging wall R of Kickstart. 5 Bolts to lower off. Technical crux midway leading to juggier finish.

首攀: A. Lewis & S. Young, 2010

Line of bolts leading from the small ramp at the base of the wall to the DBB just right of the Ice House corner.

首攀: G. Phillips, S. Young & 5 Mar 2007., 2007

Two converging cracks in the corner R of Frigid Digit. Climb either crack then layback the thin flake and traverse R under final headwall then up the headwall - or go right to bolts for lots of box.

首攀: P.B. Steane & P.A. Steane, 1981

The line of 5 bolts up the wall and roof just right of the Andre Zanada corner.

首攀: Jon Nermut, 2012



Selected Guidebooks more 隐藏

作者: Gerry Narkowicz

日期: 2021

国际书号: 9780646841946

Cracks, sea stacks, big walls, remote exotic locations, volcanic columns, no crowds and your choice of the predominant dolerite, some quartzite and a little sandstone to remind you of the mainland. Many a wilderness climbing experience can be had within a 2hr car trip from the main centers. By Gerry Narkowicz. This guide features 1280 routes.

附近的住宿 more 隐藏


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