
线路 in Dog Rocks

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 114 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Deep South
V5 Lockdown

Sit-start and then move into a high rockover to get the large undercling. Don't use the loose flakes on the right. From here move up and slightly left to finish.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 27 3月 2020

V6 Sandblast

Sit start at low mega jug flake right side of the trackside face. Straight up via some tricky tenuous moves to gain the obvious bulb then mantle. I was all over the show today so grace could be out. These had chalk in them so will see what they thought...

攀石 3m
V4 Erosion

Sit start as for Sandblast but traverse right to gain the Back Arete. Some cool moves.

攀石 4m
V3 Back arete

Climb arete at right end (next to adjacent boulder) from a stand with the cool bread loaf pinch on the arete. Climb topless only if into Fetish. Same grade from a sit-start.

攀石 3m
V4 Pandemic

Sit-start on Back Arete. At the breadloaf move right and use the two dishes in the face to finish direct (no arete to finish). I didn't use the underclings in the overlap as they looked a bit loose. Nice, funky climbing.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 27 3月 2020

Tucked Tail Boulders
V3 Softer with moss

Sit start to right-ward traverse along lip. Top out at tip of boulder.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 2m
V1 Cherry on top

Sit start with right undercling, and left hand on sloper. pull up to good jugs, and top out while avoiding the decaying feet.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 15 5月 2023

V7 Allegiant

Sit-start just left of the crack and move up the crimps, veering leftwards, to a hard finish. [Jump/traverse off].

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 15 9月 2023

攀石未首攀 4m
V1 Turn Tail

Easy hand crack widens to fists before an awkward top out underneath hanging boulder.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 3m
Open project 2

Sit start and follow the exceptionally thin seam then up.

攀石未首攀 4m
V1 Cold Feet

No-hand traverse from the blunt arete up and right-ward.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 2m
V0 Xenolith

Stand start from the prominent xenolith. Stem across onto the main boulder, and top out.

V2 Xenolithout

Stand up on high feet with right arete and make a few moves to top out. subtract a grade if you are tall enough to reach the high left sloper.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 15 5月 2023

Open Project 3

Start deep under boulder and follow finger crack to mantle top-out. Was definitely easier before the good edges blew off.

V0 Highball's pyramid

Left arete of pyramid highball.

自由首攀: VIC

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 5m
V4 Pie crust

Start on the left of the pyramid face. Traverse rightward following two thin seams and top out as for Apple Crumble

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 15 5月 2023

攀石 5m
V4 Apple crumble

Up the face on the right side of the triangular face.

首攀: Bron Holdgate

攀石未首攀 5m

Easy open corner serves as the easiest way to the top, as well as a possible downclimb.

攀石 3m
VB Down

Easiest way down can also be climbed upward.

攀石 3m
V0 Flake and Bake L

Sit start on the left of the large flake, continue to the top.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 3m
V1 Flake and Bake R

Sit start on the right of the large flake, continue to the top.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 3m
V1 Slab

Stand start the slab directly right of Flake and Bake.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 3m
V1 Tall tail

Wonderful clean hand crack. Originally climbed on trad gear, later repeated as boulder.

首攀: John Morris, 2015

攀石 5m
V5 Akela

Climb the overhanging prow from a sit-start. Start on left-hand side but at the halfway point use both sides of the prow. Amazing line but rock is a bit crumbly.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 2 8月 2019

攀石 3m
V5 Raksha

Stand start at right hand arete on obvious right hand hold, left hand on small vertical crimp, move up and finish as for Akela.

首攀: Enrico Seemann, 24 5月 2020

V1 Antechinus

Sit-start the left arete of the slab, continue up easily.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 2 6月 2019

攀石 2m
V2 Tabaqui

On face to the left of Concrete Boots. Stand start matching on the rail, up to arete and second rail, traverse right to top out on the big blobby jug.

V2 Tabi Boots

Start as for Tabaqui but continue the traverse rightward into Concrete boots before topping out.

V4 Concrete Boots

Edited name to reflect FA details from 2003. The open book corner which is quite hard to read. Involves some delicate moves to gain the top. FA thought V2/3 and repeats now suggest V5, so grade set at V4.

首攀: Charlie Creese, 2003

攀石 5m
V0 Slope Story

Start matched on undercling with good feet. Dynamic move up and top out with careful feet

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 15 5月 2023

V1 Book binder

Sit-start and climb the arete.

V0 Pick-a-path

Up the obvious weathered face using the Right arete.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 15 5月 2023

VB Below the Moss

Traverse Right to Left from a sit start. Climb around arete to easy slab and top out.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 15 5月 2023

V1 Mercury 13

Walk up past Mandarin on the path to this boulder. Sit-start and climb the groove and arete.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 20 7月 2019

V4 Man on the Moon

Stand-start and climb the wall right of the arete (don't use arete!). A nice climb. 50 years ago today humans first landed on the moon.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 20 7月 2019

V2 If You Believe

Climb the arete on it's right-hand side from a stand-start.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 20 7月 2019

攀石 3m
V2 Bicentennial

Climb the arete on it's left-hand side from a stand-start.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 20 7月 2019

V4 Dark Side

Climb the wall on knobs and edges from a stand-start.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 20 7月 2019

V3 Mandarin

On the left up the hillside as you walk to the Scottish Reign amphitheatre from the car park. Sit start and head up the groove.

首攀: Peter Reynolds

V1 Miss Lee (Cambridge Breakfast)

This takes the arete right of Mandarin from a sit start

首攀: Peter Reynolds

20 unknown

Up the wall to the left of Ebb and Flow past two carrot bolts.

运动攀岩 10m, 2
20 Ebb And Flow

Start on fallen over log, up obvious crack to direct finish up and over, don't go around the arete. May need to place a directional if top-roping to avoid whipping into tree.

首攀: Neil Monteith, Kent Paterson & Ti, 2005

运动攀岩 10m, 3
21 McDogs
传统攀登 15m
21 Slither

Link up between DM and McD, guide says it's 25+ but nothing like that

混合传统攀岩 1
19 Dick McGinty
传统攀登 15m
22 Old Habits
传统攀登 15m
25 Scottish Reign

Stunning line up the best piece of real estate at the crag. Follow the seam past an awkwardly placed retrobolt, before joining Jacobite higher up.

Originally graded 24, however several key holds have now broken off and there seems to be a consensus that it's at least a grade harder. DO NOT AID THIS ROUTE ON CAMS OR CAM HOOKS. The flake is fragile and prone to breaking when loaded by these devices.

首攀: Jeff Shrimpton John Sherman Charlie Creese, 1986

混合传统攀岩 15m, 1
16 Jacobite

Much easier than it looks and really good climbing at the grade. Beware of your rope catching around the bottom of the flake. Up the first few metres of "Culloden". Clip the FH, then step across L and up to the flake. Undercling L and around into the final crack on "Scottish Reign". Scramble off R or pull over the top.

首攀: Greg Caire & Glenn Tempest, 2011

混合传统攀岩 15m, 1
14 Culloden

Right of 'Scottish Reign' and around the corner, climb the flexing hollow flake behind the stringybarks to the ledge.

首攀: Michael Totterdell & Peter Geldart, 1996

传统攀登 6m
9 Ecosse
传统攀登 6m
13 Ecosse Right Hand Variant
传统攀登 6m
16 Elsie

It may be short but this little crack is actually worth roping up for. The L-leaning finger-crack 4m R of "Ecosse" is fairly tricky.

首攀: Steve Morris & Alan Grogan, 1993

传统攀登 7m
21 R The Slib

No pro. Up slab L of HISP.

首攀: 2005

传统攀登 7m
20 Heroin Is So Passe

Thin face with a single fixed hanger at about 4m.

首攀: kp, nmonteith & ti, 2005

运动攀岩 6m, 1
12 Bouldering Slabs - R Arete

Up the arete above the bouldering slabs, past 2 bolts and tree branch (sling). Double bolt belay towards the back of the block.

混合传统攀岩 9m, 2
V1 A warmup for ants

Sit start (obviously) one move mantle, possible in Blundstones. The shortest route in the courtyard but possible nonetheless. This one is the boulder you'd probably sit on to belay for the above route

首攀: Aiden Ellens, 20 6月 2020

V6 Mother and Child

Climb the wall and right arete just right of the bouldering slabs. Stand start.

首攀: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2012

攀石 3m
V4 McIntyre's delight

Up between the rounded arete and clean white streak right of Mother and Child.

首攀: Cameron MacLeman, 30 3月 2018

攀石 4m
18 Braveheart
传统攀登 10m
17 Tartan

Continue south and uphill past the Braveheart terrace. To the southwest is a corridor formed by two boulders. The western boulder is capped by a split block and has a crack which doesn't reach the ground. Tartan goes up the arete at the north end of the corridor. Breach the cap via the horizontal break.

首攀: Michael Totterdell & Phil Cox, 1997

传统攀登 10m
22 Tam O'Shanter
传统攀登 8m
14 Jewellery
传统攀登 12m
16 bolted line next to 'Jewellery'

Start at Jewellery and step up and left on thin edges to clip first hanger - or stick clip. The second hanger has been removed (???) so you will need to use a nut/wire to clip it and the top bolt is a carrot and needs a hanger. Fixed hanger and small cam to belay.

运动攀岩 13m, 3
10 Chimney Corner

The corner at the back of the deep chimney

传统攀登 10m
7 The Kennel

As you walk into the Courtyard, there is a slab on the right which leads to a narrow chimney. Inside the chimney there is an obvious curving flake. Up this to the top.

首攀: Roy Henderson & terry page, 1991

传统攀登 15m
V7 Julian's Problem

Climb the wall left of Finger Food to top out. High

首攀: Julian Saunders

攀石 7m
27 Finger Food

Traverse seam right then head up thin edges to DRB at the top.

顶绳攀登 15m
29 Stone Cold Bush

Start on stacked rocks to reach first holds (looks like erosion has made this necessary since it was first established). Then up sharp edges trending left following bolts until you reach the DRB.

运动攀岩 15m, 4
20 Semantics

Start at vertical crack on the RHS of the alcove. Up this then traverse L to finish up wide crack. This was originally graded 18 and was later upgraded to 20. If you only use the crack and don't bridge across to the left hand wall, or climb around the start, then this climb is more like 22

首攀: James Findlay, Peter Martin & Hugh Sanderson, 1991

传统攀登 18m
21 Modern Logic

Start at Semantics then continue direct up the arete left of the roof.

混合传统攀岩 20m, 2
25 Mo Money

Start up Semantics, then up to first FH on Modern Logic. Traverse R under the roof to DRB.

混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
25 Rumours

Desperate start to gain flake, then traverse R into Painless. Carrots.

运动攀岩 15m, 5
20 Painless

Popular face climbing past BRs to a DBB.

运动攀岩 10m, 3
V7 Feral Kingdom

This and the next few routes/problems all lie in a cluster of boulders to the right of the main approach path before you get to the courtyard.

Stand-start and climb the obvious groove. Use holds either side to help but finish directly above the groove. Technical. There is a large loose flake on the right at about 1/3 height - use this for your feet but try not to lever it off!

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 18 11月 2019

V1 Uniquely Delicious

Start from the high fallen slab left of The Descendants and stretch left into the corner to a good hold. Finish from here on good holds. A strange but good route.

首攀: Peter Reynolds

25 The Descendants

Located on the wall around the corner left of Mobile Phone. Climb the seam to the break (crux) then traverse left before finishing up the final crack. Soloed after top roping. The first seam to the break is a highball boulder problem at around V6. Soloed on the FA but could be done on gear - gear after the crux though.

自由首攀: Peter Reynolds, 26 9月 2014

首攀: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 26 9月 2014

传统攀登 7m
19 Mobile Phone
传统攀登 8m
25 Severn Tide

The beautiful arete right of Mobile Phone taken on its left-hand side. Solo after top rope. No bolts or gear. Named after the River Severn.

Now has two fixed hangers and a lower off. Retro’d With permission of first ascentionist. Bit scary at the top, extend a sling from the lower off if feeling mortal.

自由首攀: Peter Reynolds, 31 8月 2014

首攀: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 31 8月 2014

定线/开线: 15 7月 2018

运动攀岩 7m, 2
22 Arlo's Arete

Climb the arete of 'Severn Tide' on its right-hand side to a tricky sloping finish. Solo after top rope.

自由首攀: Peter Reynolds, 6 9月 2014

首攀: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 6 9月 2014

传统攀登 6m
24 Sadie's Saunter

Directly climb the wall right of Arlo's Arete. Do not use the right arete either. Crux at the top. Solo after top rope.

Now has two fixed hangers and a lower off. Retro’d With permission of first ascentionist.

自由首攀: Peter Reynolds, 19 1月 2015

首攀: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 19 1月 2015

定线/开线: 15 7月 2018

运动攀岩 6m, 2
V3 Golden Evening

Up the beautiful arete opposite The Descendants. Can be done from both sides. A sit start is also available.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 2012

攀石 4m
V2 Jump Off!

Climb the crack and arete to top out.

首攀: Peter Reynolds

V5 Back on the horse

Traverse the horizontal crack from left to right, and top out.

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 2013

V3 Seam to Slope

Near the Rover...etc slab. Stand start and move from a seam to a slope. Top out.

首攀: Peter Reynolds

7 Unnamed
传统攀登 10m
17 Mercy

Tiny climb with a tough start.

运动攀岩 6m, 2
14 Fido

Crack on the left.

自由首攀: Max Keating & Karen Keating, 1992

传统攀登 10m
15 Sporran

Contrived slab between Fido and Rover.

传统攀登 10m
12 Rover

Nice jamming up the central crack

自由首攀: Max Keating & Karen Keating, 1992

传统攀登 10m
18 Kilt

Hairline crack R of Rover, with very little protection. A no.3 RP protects the slab below the horizontal break.

传统攀登 10m
16 Spot
传统攀登 10m
16 Haggis
传统攀登 6m
12 Black Pudding
传统攀登 6m
22 Old Dogs, New Tricks
传统攀登 20m
22 Jack Russell
混合传统攀岩 20m, 1
13 Fleece

The slab with no gear gets easier the higher you get

传统攀登 6m
15 My Black Sheep

Tricky start leads to nice slabbing past the ugly RBs.

运动攀岩 8m, 3
15 Waiting For Sam

This route goes left of the first FH then up using the ramp for your feet and the arete for your hands. The second FH is well right of the original line, which was climbed with side-runners in My Black Sheep. Add two grades if you climb the wall through the line of the FH and don't use the arete.

运动攀岩 8m, 2
V2 Graceful Dancer

Arete near Little Bo Peep.

首攀: Peter Reynolds

21 Little Bo Peep
运动攀岩 10m, 3

Showing 1 - 100 out of 114 线路.

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