

  • 难度体系: AU



准入问题 取自Tintinhull

Both the TSR (Tintin's) and Porky's are public land but please don't cross fence lines into private property, as temping as some of those boulders look.

行为准则 取自Tintinhull

Please keep the gate closed to the TSR (tintin's) cattle on the road is no fun. While we welcome the additions of new routes and projects only ask that contact is made to our group so we may keep things updated (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1442121059411786/) Please ensure you take all your rubbish with you. We as a group are making a conscious effort to clean up this area to ensure future use for everyone.


If you are familiar with Porky's please take the time to add what you know. Thanks!

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星期四 6 7月

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