
线路 in Scattered Crags

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 112 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
24 Stiff Dicks

The line left of MV. Straight up to clip 4th bolt then traversing to the left of impossible orange streak, up and back to the right again at rooflet trending out right before the anchor.

定线/开线: G Hill, 2001

首攀: Jake Noblett?, 14 2月 2016

运动攀岩 18m, 9
25 Moist Vaginas

Starts at flake right of first bolt, 4m lay-off up to 2nd bolt. Climb through a series of fun and difficult sequences all the way to anchor at top of cliff. Easily one of the sweetest 25's in Nowra.

定线/开线: G Hill, 2001

首攀: Jake Noblett?, 12 2月 2016

运动攀岩 18m, 8
Easy Butt Ride

A line by Steve Bullen. Bolts have rotted away chains are stuffed. Every move was harder than hell. Needs more bolts.

定线/开线: S Bullen

运动攀岩未首攀 10m
23 Absolute Tricky Slab

Fiendishly difficult slab and a bit of route finding to boot .The wall left of corner that makes up the start of 'Double Chock'. Up left wall to the slab section. Get up onto the slab but then head right towards the chimney. Once around the chimney go up and then back left to anchors.

首攀: G Hill, 2000

运动攀岩 8m, 7
19 Double Chock

Ringbolted wall on right side of major corner on left side of crag. Hard start, hard finish.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m, 4
23 Fossilised Fish Farts

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
21 Don't Forget Nounours

Sustained grey wall with a devilish crux that is probably grade 24.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m, 4
23 Charged

A tricky slope move down low provides the crux. Starts 2m right of DFN.

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
23 Mongols On Mountain Bikes

Very good technical wall climbing. Starts 1.5m right of Charged.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m, 4
22 Gorilla's Gonads

A touch sandy with a huge crank near the top from a pocket. Starts 1.5m right of MOMB.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Steve Bullen, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
21 Didier Does Dogs

Start 1m right of GG and 1.5m left of the orange streak.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
22 Donkey Dick

Start 1m right of DDD at bolt just left of orange streak. Up and diagonally right across streak past next bolt. Regain streak and straight up wall and over bulge.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Kent Heffernan, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
21 Salim Salami

Start 2m right of DD past arete, off little block. Overhung start, then wall above.

首攀: Graham Fairbairn, 1989

运动攀岩 9m, 4
21 Mystery Mother

The overhung wall 1m right of SS. Up steep section to pull over onto slabby wall.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 9m, 4
25 Overhanging Project

The slightly overhung wall 2m right of MM or just to the left of the crappy chimney. Jump start then up until the jugs run out near the top.

首攀: G Hill

运动攀岩 8m
10 Rotten Chimney

Natural protection. Worthless.

首攀: Graham Fairbairn, 1989

传统攀登 8m
21 Sheep For Brains

Start on the left end of the ledge, 2m right of the chimney. Nice rock. Up wall to hard bulge at top.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 8m, 3
19 Dougie Dipshit MD

A nice wall 2m right of the tree on the ledge. Lots of classy moves with a bit of a right traverse at the end.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Andrew Phillips, 1989

运动攀岩 8m, 4
17 Orgasmatron

Start 1.5m right of DD. Thin start.

首攀: Mark Woodard, 1998

运动攀岩 8m, 4
19 Dougie Does Dallas

FH for first bolt, then rings.

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 8m
18 Slopers

Start as for DDD and traverse right 1.5m then up.

首攀: Mark Woodard, 1998

运动攀岩 8m, 4
19 Wasted Scum

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
20 Little Grahams Wonder

首攀: Graham Fairbairn & Kent Heffernan, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
21 Canibal Clown Band

Wall before you go under cave just before arriving at chock a block

首攀: G Hill

运动攀岩 12m
The Ammo Dump
26 Open Hill Project 5

Direct to Scam NSV. Starting just to the left follow the line of bolts that lead into Scam.

定线/开线: Graeme Hill, 2004

运动攀岩未首攀 15m, 7
19 Scam NSV

Located on the block between the Ammo Dump and Chock A Block crag. The right hand of the two lines of bolts. Awkward start to gain the main wall where the climbing gets easy. Anchors just over the top on the skyline.

首攀: Graeme Hill, 2004

运动攀岩 15m, 6
21 Hogs From Hell

首攀: G Hill Fat Mark

运动攀岩 15m
24 Going Watertight

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1999

运动攀岩 15m
26 Point Blank

首攀: George Fieg, 1994

运动攀岩 15m
26 Ren

首攀: George Fieg, 1995

运动攀岩 15m
24 Stimpy

首攀: George Fieg, 1995

运动攀岩 15m
23 Latex Lady

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 15m
23 Hotter Than Don

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 14m
23 Lynch Mob

首攀: Andrew Bull, 1993

运动攀岩 14m
26 Sergeant Kickarse

首攀: Rob Lebreton, 1993

运动攀岩 14m
22 Chunkily Challenged

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 14m, 4
23 Dog Sprog

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 10m
22 Captain Kremmin

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 15m
23 Anything You Want

首攀: Sarah Fieg, 1994

运动攀岩 18m
open project


定线/开线: G Hill, 2002

23 Enfant Sauvage

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 10m
22 Alertez Les Bebes

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 10m
20 C'est Toujour Un Mystere

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 10m
19 Attention, Fragile

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1995

运动攀岩 10m
18 Love Parts

首攀: Rob Lebreton, 1994

运动攀岩 12m
Evil Dick Buttress
22 Evil Dick

Start left of the chimney at right hand edge of buttress beneath RB. Up the wall, left and out undercut wall to 2nd RB. Out left over bulge, up wall to arete and up to chains.

首攀: John Passlow, 1992

运动攀岩 10m
George's Route

Ring bolted little roof located a few hundred meters up the creek from Rhino Chaser. Believed to be from George or Sarah.

定线/开线: George Fieg, 1994

21 Rhino Chaser

Start as for Evil Dick to 2nd RB, then straight up right hand of edge of wall. RBs.

首攀: Stuart McElroy, 1992

运动攀岩 10m
Sewer Wall
24 Murdoch Meets Phar Lap

首攀: Paul Westwood, 1993

运动攀岩 9m
25 Real Men Eat Meat

首攀: Paul Westwood, 1993

运动攀岩 10m
21 Pox Sores

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

首攀: Paul Westwood, 1993

运动攀岩 10m
18 Belgian Filth

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1993

运动攀岩 8m
22 Mr Bubbles Goes To Spain

首攀: Paul Westwood, 1993

运动攀岩 10m
22 Gonads To Hell

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1993

运动攀岩 10m
18 Who Gives A Shit
运动攀岩 8m
17 Belgian Filth Variant

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1993

运动攀岩 8m
19 Killer Boost
运动攀岩 12m, 7
Julian Rocks
22 Butt Head

Dirty and runout left most route. Jug broken from the start near the 2nd bolt on 02/09/17 making it harder maybe 23.

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
24 Seppo ln Brine

首攀: Dave Filan, 1994

运动攀岩 10m
23 Adolescent Sump Techician

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
22 Step Up To The Mike

首攀: John Passlow, 1993

运动攀岩 8m
15 Carpet

首攀: Mark Woodard, 1998

运动攀岩 6m
16 Chow Down

首攀: Mark Woodard, 1998

运动攀岩 6m
15 Captain Felcher

首攀: Mark Woodard, 1998

运动攀岩 6m
17 Seamen Donor

首攀: Mark Woodard, 1998

运动攀岩 6m
22 Garrotting The Lizard

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 6m
21 Receiver Of Swollen Goods

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
21 Boiling Bonk Juice

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
22 White Men Cant Hump

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1993

运动攀岩 8m
22 Cream Team

首攀: Graeme Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
20 Bomaderry Reject

首攀: Sarah Fieg, 1995

运动攀岩 10m
17 Five Arse Monkey

首攀: Mark Woodard, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
19 The Power Of Lard

首攀: Mick Bachelor, 1993

运动攀岩 9m
17 Family Favourite

首攀: Stuart Gardner, 1993

运动攀岩 7m
17 Humping in the Garden

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1993

运动攀岩 8m
16 Poussy Poussa

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
17 Rantanplan

首攀: Veronique Hill, 1998

运动攀岩 7m
15 Possum (Felcher)
运动攀岩 7m
15 Possum

首攀: Anthony Bohn, 1994

运动攀岩 7m
F.O. Crag
22 Cowabunga Patties

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
25 Cold Cranking Power

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
26 Kiss The Bit

首攀: Steve Bullen, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
23 Krugg Syndrome

首攀: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1989

运动攀岩 10m
24 Noddy Wobblers

首攀: Garth Miller, 1992

运动攀岩 8m
Scattered Crags Bouldering
V4 What Are You Doing In My Swamp?

Sit start, left hand undercling, right hand pinching square pebble. Head up, trending left to top out. Note that arm barring the low boulder is allowed, but feet are NOT allowed on low boulder.

V5 Pongo Arms

Start with hands matched in good undercling. Go up, finishing at jugs above the sloper. Top out looks mank but might go.

V5 Bum the Witch

Sit start on ledge, facing out from the cave, with hands compressing the large blob above where you scramble up from the stairs. Transfer to the juggy flake and compress your way to the finishing jug slot.

V7 Hold Onto Your Butts

Sit start in back of cave, where the major weakness meets the backwall, with your left hand in dish above your head and right hand on large pinch pebble. Follow slopers along the weakness, which eventually turns right. Finish in nice jug slot with dead plant coming out of it, just above the cliff drop-off.

V0 Break-Action

Leftmost boulder. Sit start at slopey rail at edge of water streak. Up via nice pockets and rails

首攀: Alec Landstra, 2021

攀石 3m
V1 Bird-Shot

Sit start on Jug rail and up through nice edges and pocket

首攀: Alec Landstra, 2021

攀石 3m
V1 Double Barrelled

Sit start on jug pocket and up through the awesome 'double barrelled' pocket

首攀: Alec Landstra, 2021

攀石 3m
V1 Pump-Action

Sit start on slopey rail. Awkward first move then easy upper section and top out

首攀: Alec Landstra, 2021

攀石 3m
V0 Buckshot

sit start at jug rail, then up via nice edges

首攀: Alec Landstra, 2021

攀石 3m
VB Semi-Auto

Up the cool features at the right hand end of the wall

首攀: Alec Landstra, 2021

攀石 3m
V3 Hell Of A Life

Start with right hand in good slot and left hand on gaston. Go up on good holds, making use of arete to reach the top. Mantle.

V6 Imhotep

Gunky low ledge is in. Start left hand on crimp, right hand in undercling. Move out and around roof to top out.

V4 Shinigami Salami

Stand start (crouch if you're tall) on lowest break. Up to the left and top out.

V7 Mathayus

Crouch start to the right of large slabby boulder on tiny boulder (under rooflet) with left hand crimp and right hand jug). Head up diagonally, doing your best not to dab the slabby boulder, and top out above the slabby boulder.

V8 Kali Ma

Start as per Mathayus but traverse left on slopers and finish up the left hand peak of the boulder.

V5 Necronomicon

Contrived start but it forces a nice compression sequence.

Low sit start with right hand in jug side pull and left hand in slot crimp on arete. Slap and crank up to jugs, then head up to arete peak for a top out. Note that the pocket on the right-hand side is only for the right hand, if you put your left hand in it, take V4 (see next climb).


Showing 1 - 100 out of 112 线路.

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