
攀登 in The Gold Mine by Alec Landstra

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Showing all 55 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量
星期一 24th 4月 2023 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Rick Roller's Rap in Area
22 Who's Who in the Climbing Zoo - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 20m
18 Hypocritical Has Beens - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 20m
24 Table Dancer - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 20m
25 ~24 High Roller - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 20m
No beta flash, but you rap down beside it

25 Jungle Love - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 25m, 10
This thing was super fun!

23 Crash Test Dummies - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 20m
20 3D Disco - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 20m
22 Protein Pill - with Elliot Kals 运动攀岩 22m
星期二 8th 11月 2022 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Cafe Cruiser Wall
23 97% Fern Free 运动攀岩 25m
must have forgotten to log

星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Descent Gully Walls
16 Thin Edge of the Wedge 运动攀岩 13m, 5
Nice features

17 Forlorn Bowls 运动攀岩 14m, 6
Nice feature, shame it is so sandy

15 Token 运动攀岩 13m, 4
15 Rock Dodgin Lawn Bowlin Granny 运动攀岩 6m, 5
星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Wringer Wall
21 Through the Wringer 运动攀岩 15m, 8
Pretty good! one long move, the rest is pretty easy

星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Sandpaper Wall
22 Fair weather trainer 运动攀岩 26m
sustained indeed! But struggles a bit for independance. Pretty thin, stoked to get this at the EOD

星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Wasp in the Willows
23 After the Rapture 运动攀岩 15m, 8 很好
nice route

24 Snitch 运动攀岩 13m, 7 很好
A lot easier than it looks. Proper thin and techy. Was thankful for a bit of chalk for the OS

星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Fernville
25 Powder Burns 运动攀岩 20m 经典
Possibly the best line at the crag! Great sustained climbing on super rock! Second shot

22 Cover Boy 运动攀岩 16m 很好
not as cracky as i expected. Only Jammed about once. Also, not a great warm up. But good for getting draws on PB

24 Tecktonik 运动攀岩 14m 很好
Didnt need to go very far right of the last bolt at all. But had to pull so hard my finger lost circulation for a bit

24 Just Desserts are Not Slimming 运动攀岩 20m
Tricky slab to scary chossy roof

星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Ugly Duckling Wall
22 Waste of Sin 运动攀岩 15m, 8
hard down low. Second shot

24 Pleasure Spiked With Pain 运动攀岩 25m, 12 一般
Hard start on thin fakes. Then long and rambly through ferns. not the best. 2nd shot

星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Cafe Cruiser Wall
24 Short Sharp Explanation 运动攀岩 25m 很好
it it indeed hard without chalk on the holds. Second Shot

23 Drop Tongue 运动攀岩 32m
nearly fell off. But kept it together. Linked it with Blackbutt for a 2 in 1

21 Blackbutt (Bromance Direct) 运动攀岩 30m
星期一 1st 11月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Amazonia
25 Amazonia 运动攀岩 30m, 11 经典
couldnt figure out that boulder

星期六 6th 3月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Wasp in the Willows
21 Beetle Juice 运动攀岩 15m 很好
Nice climbing.

21 The Bunga Bunga Climb 运动攀岩 18m
星期六 6th 3月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Fernville
21 Resurrection - with Thomas Maxted 运动攀岩 12m
Bit dirty

25 Very Thick Piece of Toast - with Thomas Maxted 运动攀岩 15m, 9 很好
Exactly what it says on the tin, thin techno and sustained. Great climb

星期六 6th 3月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Rock'n Tree Cave
25 Jerkyll & Hyde - with Kezzadawg, Thomas Maxted 运动攀岩 30m, 13 经典
Nearly got the flash, but happy to clean up second shot. Great climb!!

星期六 6th 3月 2021 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Sandpaper Wall
17 Hung Out To Dry - with Kezzadawg, Thomas Maxted 运动攀岩 25m 很好
18 Sandpaper Sally - with Kezzadawg, Thomas Maxted 运动攀岩 24m, 7 很好
20 Air Active - with Kezzadawg, Thomas Maxted 运动攀岩 25m 很好
19 Ocean Views - with Kezzadawg, Thomas Maxted 运动攀岩 28m 很好
星期二 17th 11月 2020 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Wasp in the Willows
22 Truck stop Party Girl - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 22m 很好
Great. Would be mega if the rest didn’t exist

18 Wasp in the Willows - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 25m, 10 经典
Great 3D climbing

19 Skirt Wearing Nancyboy - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 15m
Good fun

16 Foreplay - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 15m
Be careful of second clip. Past that it is goof

20 Espresso - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 15m
Would be better if the start climbed better

21 Buckingham Bunga - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 22m 很好
Great climbing

18 After Dinner Sex Games - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 18m 一般
Would be better if it didn’t traverse. Great features and climbing though

17 Zis is KAOS - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 15m, 7
Better than it looks

22 Battle of the Bulge - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 15m, 6
Great fun nicer than its neighbour

22 Dragon Fly - with Nick Eastment 运动攀岩 15m
Fun end thin sharp crux

星期五 20th 3月 2020 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Fernville
23 Pocket Shot - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 16m, 6 很好
felt easier than the 22

22 What's This Button For? - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 15m 很好
cool pockets

21 Caught Napping - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 15m 很好
nice route. Pretty good warmup

星期三 5th 2月 2020 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Cafe Cruiser Wall
20 Bromance - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 30m
Warmup 2.0 I think I enjoyed this more than cafe cruiser, maybe because I extended the draws more

20 Café Cruiser - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 30m, 10 经典
Warmup, great fun!!

21 Sucked in Spartacus - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 25m, 12 经典

22 You Can't Handle Me Ruth - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 30m, 12 经典
Another great route!! Might be harder if you are short

23 Forest Stump - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 28m 很好
Nice route. Little tricky up high

21 Bumpin' Peepees - with Mattia Fornari 运动攀岩 23m, 11 一般
Good middle, but start and end are not so good


Showing all 55 攀登.

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