




The Tweedledum boulder

准入问题 取自The Enchanted Forest

This area is closed on days of extreme fire danger. Do not drive your vehicle into the Native Forest Reserve if gate is unlocked. Park outside the gate, ensuring the road and gate are not blocked to Forestry SA traffic. Overnight camping and campfires are not permitted at any time. The Reserve is open from sunrise to sunset every day. Do not feed the wildlife and stick to marked trails as much as is possible. Scrub off all tick marks before leaving and pack out all rubbish.

行为准则 取自Wonderland

Leave no trace...


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start on poor underclings left of bad alice. left hand to high crimp, find balance to move right hand around arete to sidepull. gain good feet to stand up to left hand crimp. use good right footer to get upper side pull. finish direct and exit through crack

首攀: Heath Dalziel

Stand start left of Alice using RH sidepull and LH high edge. Pull on, then LH to gaston and RH to another crimp. A couple more moves (crux) lead to the 'good hold' at the end of the Jam & Bread With Alice traverse. Traverse off right to finish.

首攀: Redanon

Sit start with left hand side pull sloper and right hand crimp following left side of arête to top out at the boulders highest point in crack. Highball!

Stand start pulling up on horizontal fault and follow the line to the top out.

Stand start using right hand side pull and left hand small edge following vertical fault to top out slightly left on first ledge.

Sit start on two underclings and make a strong move to a LH sidepull then follow up bulge trending right via small edges and smears to top out on good holds. An instant area classic!

Stand start matched in vertical sidepull. Head up using vertical fault lines and crimps to top out on good holds.

Sit start as for 'Jabberwocky'. Make the first big move of this problem and head into the start hold for 'I'm Late Stand Start' and up this.

Stand start right of Jabberwocky holding a sloper RH and better sloper LH (jump start or pull on from boulder opposite). Pull on and blast to a high RH sloper on the face then switch to the thin crack/seam and press it out to the top. Easier said than done. You can also jump start from large left hand side pull to the high sloper.

Stand start with right hand on good pinch and left hand just above it. Follow trending horizontal slopers out left and continue to trend left to top out on high left hand side of flake. Most will probably finish direct though!

Sit start in crack and follow the crack slightly left to top out.

Start matched on side pull heading up to another side pull and top out.

You will if you fall off it. Straight up via big moves to gain the horizontal cracks and top out directly.

首攀: Redanon, 2014

Start on good crimps on horizontal seam traversing left for 2 metres then up over black bulge horn and top out.

Same start as for 'Painting The Roses Red' traverse left and commit to big left hand throw to jug then top out.

Sit start in arête on small right hand crimp and left hand left hand nubin crimp. Compress your way up into the stand start and finish up this.

Stand start then big move to jug under break then hand traverse right along fist jam horizontal crack to finish up the arete of Alice.


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