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The Playground

The original! Both steep and slabby drytooling routes can be found here, as well as a large number of locals whiling away the months between the first snowfall and when ice starts to form.

M5 Mountaineer's Route

On the far left, climb slab past bolts to a (bolted) crack system. Follow this up to an anchor.

M7 U Crazy Roundeye

Climb up sketchy slabs left of the Mountaineers Route.

M6 Get to Know You

All routes are drytooling routes (despite the tag "Ice"). Wear helmets and expect rockfall from the garbage rock.

M7 Trumpsters

Very comp-style. Climb corners, sidepulls and stein pulls with big reaches in between up a sustained vertical face left of the Single Malt seam.

M8 Single Malt

Steep climbing with good holds up to the prominent crack system. Follow this until the bolt line breaks out up and left to the top.

M8 Amrut

All routes are drytooling routes (despite the tag "Ice"). Wear helmets and expect rockfall from the garbage rock.

M9 Shropshire Blue

Climb out of the back of the main cave on the left wall. Long moves between thin holds await, up to a burly pull through the roof and to easier ground above.

M9 Swiss Cheese

Climb up the central rib of the cave, on deep pockets all the way to the roof.

M4 Rat's Nest Route

Climb good holds on a diagonal seam heading up and left towards the big rat's nest. Hold your nose and clip the chains.

M5 Baptism (variation)

Climb the corner immediately right of the start of Rat's Nest, and once below the roof step left and climb a slabby finish.

M5 Baptism

Climb the corner right of the start of Rat's Nest, and once below the roof step right across the slab and finish up the last few bolts of Prowler.

M6 Prowler

Climb the arete past 3 bolts, and continue up slightly left to the anchor.

M6 Mutt

Starts just right of the arete. Short, thuggy and steep.

M8 Jeff

Start in the prominent corner as for Glenfiddich. Climb left across big pockets to a crack, and follow this up to a roof. Cross the roof with a big move or two, and traverse slightly left to a big crack and the anchors.

M7 Glenfiddich

Climb the prominent right-facing, overhanging corner system and pull through onto the upper wall. Follow the continuation of the corner up and right on a thin crack to a hidden clipping hold at the anchor.

M8 Wild Turkey

Start up the right facing corner just right of Glenfiddich, and continue up blocks and cracks past the roof onto the upper slab. Climb this slab on drilled pockets to the chains.

M8 Triple Sec

Start up an overhanging block, and continue up a left facing corner/crack to finish up the slab overhead.

M7 Nothing but Pride

Start at the back of the small cave at the right side of the area, and climb up and out of it using stems and 3D moves to an anchor above.

M4 No Prejudice

Just right of the Nothing but Pride cave, climb a slab up a shallow corner system to an anchor on the wall above a ledge.

M4 Dodgeball

Climb the slab right of No Prejudice.

M4 Red Rover

Another slabby climb between No Prejudice and The Monitor.

M5 The Monitor

Climb the mossy crack left of the prominent roof, through a smaller roof and finish up a corner system.

M6 The Bully

Climb up a corner to below the prominent roof. After clipping a bolt above, traverse right across the roof then pull over it and climb the slab above.

Showing all 24 条目.

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