
攀登 in British Columbia as Tick by Brandon Workman

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 175 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Pixie's Corner
5.8 Pixie Corner (Pixie's Corner) 传统攀登 15m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Zoë
5.10a Zoë (Zoe) 运动攀岩 25m, 7 很好
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Cheakamus Canyon
Rogues Gallery The Slammer
5.10b Natural Selection 运动攀岩 12m, 5 一般
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Smoke Bluff Wall and Environs Upper Levels
5.10a 5.10b Jabberwocky 传统攀登 20m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
The Malamute Closed Routes
5.10b Caboose 传统攀登 25m
I didnt enjoy this as much as I thought I would. Awkward, but demanded good technique

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Petrifying Wall DOA Wall
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.10c Even Steven 传统攀登 35m 很好
Nice varied climbing, long pitch with a couple cruxy sections. The top out was the harder part for me. Sequence hands differently next time

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall Base Grand Wall Base South
5.10b Arrowroot 传统攀登

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.9 Clandestine Affair 传统攀登 25m 很好

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Crag X Lower Crag X
5.10c Side Street 混合传统攀岩 45m, 2 一般
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Betazoid / The Milkman's Wall
5.11c El Indio 混合传统攀岩 20m, 1 很好
Start on the left, direct is way hard. keep your eyes open and climb to the rests.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Brunser Area
5.11a The Brunser Overhang 传统攀登 20m 很好
Very strange back handed back to the wall press out to a reachy jam then fun pull around the corner. I went through the crux fine and then ran out of gas at the juggy finish. Use the jugs out right not the big flake jug out left.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Betazoid / The Milkman's Wall
5.11a Xodus 传统攀登 20m
Heady lead which luckily I didnt have to do. A fun one to toprope but It is a tough lead. Bring some small wires or RP's. Kind of blind placements

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Nightmare Rock
5.11a Perspective 传统攀登 25m 很好
#1 camalot at the roof, awkward above there, face crack didnt feel as bad as the bottom section. Ass kicker for the grade.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Petrifying Wall Almost-At-The-Pet
5.11d The Karma Police 未知 15m 一般
Its a tuff one, especially when a little damp

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Zoë
5.8 Oscar's Slab 运动攀岩 12m, 5 一般
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Smoke Bluff Wall and Environs Upper Levels
5.9 Wonderland 传统攀登 30m 很好
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds Quartz Pillar
5.10d Pulling Muscles (pulling mussles) 未知 23m, 6
nice climb but like silver surfer awkward and slippery

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.11c Crime of the Century 传统攀登 15m 经典
first nut placement is smaller than first thought. Blue omega. Remember that where it feels a little flared up top it will soon give you a nice pinch then easier finish.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Zoë
5.11c Jeff and the Giant Reach 运动攀岩 25m 很好
both this one and zoe are a really sweet pair right off the trail

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Sugarloaf
5.11b Thriller off the Void 混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds Quartz Pillar
5.11b Silver Surfer 混合传统攀岩 35m, 8
5.11a Howe Unsound 传统攀登 35m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
The Malamute Closed Routes
5.11b Clean Crack 传统攀登 25m 超级经典
left foot in crack at crux, I got fooled into using the face holds instead. Perfect finger jams one of the best pitches Ive done

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds Quartz Pillar
5.8 Free Willy 混合传统攀岩 24m, 3 一般
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Nightmare Rock
5.11a Great Grandaddy 混合传统攀岩 15m, 4 很好
Really fun route, tricky mantle leads to holds that are nice and positive but facing strange directions. Pull around the corner into the easy crack, be sure to rap this route because of nasty edge for rope

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
5.10c 5.10c/d Right Wing 混合传统攀岩 150m, 4
BURLY! Damn tuff, wide, and long, long pitches. two 200 ft pitches, and the Filibuster is pretty sustained. Turn right shoulder in the first offwidth section and utilize face crack better. The top "bird beak" pitch is a wide undercling to a straddle then a little more offwidth to the top. You can retrieve your #5 from the undercling by reaching down through the flake and pulling it through the top. A memorable climb.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds Quartz Pillar
5.11b Silver Surfer 混合传统攀岩 35m, 8
fun intresting climbing but very slippery

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Sugarloaf
5.11b Thriller off the Void 混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
lean left, crux comes around the 2nd and third bolt, I had a nice foothold with one foot and a little smear with the other and up to a nice jug.

5.10c Hot Wire 传统攀登 18m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Cheakamus Canyon
Rogues Gallery The Slammer
5.11c Meingh 运动攀岩 12m, 5 一般
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Pixie's Corner
5.10b Trixie 传统攀登 8m 一般
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Sugarloaf
5.10c Hot Wire 传统攀登 18m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall Base Grand Wall Base South
5.10b Rutabaga P1 传统攀登
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Petrifying Wall DOA Wall
5.11b No Name Road 运动攀岩 45m 经典
Maybe my new favorite sport climb, hats off to the guys and gals who did this one without the bolts.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.11c Crime of the Century 传统攀登 15m 经典
blue stopper, then .50 camalot, the rest of it is nuts and aliens, dont forget the nice pinch toward the top

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Pixie's Corner
5.10b White Rabbit 传统攀登 10m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Sugarloaf
5.10c Hot Wire 传统攀登 18m
Great warmup. After the roof which is pretty straight forward, feel around on face holds for the good ones. Make sure you double up the pro where you can get it because through the face moves your a bit above your piece

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief The Backside The Solarium Sunblessed Area
5.10b Everything Under The Sun 未知 91m
Nice new route best reached from the top of Sunblessed. 3 pitches With a lot of cool undercling traverse roofs, and big dyke features and a nice airy feeling. First pitch was a little dirty at the start (I think we may have been the first climbers on it this year)up a crack and dyke holds till under a roof, traverse it right thin finger holds, good feet, small gear (blue alien) then around to an airy belay. On up to another roof traverse this time with better hand holds but gritty feet then awsome climbing up juggy dyke holds and nice new bolts to a more comfy belay. The last pitch starts on another roof traverse this time from right to left up a short crack then a low angle face finish with good bolts. Worth doing after Sunblessed or Enlightened for sure.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Petrifying Wall Almost-At-The-Pet
5.8 Heart of the sun 未知 12m
I usually walk right past this little gem, fun for a shorty

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Cheakamus Canyon
Rogues Gallery Hoods in the Woods
5.10a Bout du Monde (Bout de Monde) 运动攀岩 22m, 8
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds Quartz Pillar
5.8 Free Willy 混合传统攀岩 24m, 3
5.11a Howe Unsound 传统攀登 35m
scary thin flake, nice to top rope

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall
5.10c The Flats to Bellygood 未知 50m 经典
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Crag X Supervalue
5.9 Cold Comfort 传统攀登 20m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Crag X Lower Crag X
5.10c Centre Street 传统攀登 45m 很好
Long pitch! Crux above (skip the anchors), pro the crack out right, sweet climb

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds The Valley of Shaddai
5.11b Famous Last Moves 混合传统攀岩 24m, 7 很好
at the pull over at the end of the bulge look for a hold out right dont get suckered left, the slab at the top stay a little left.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall Base Grand Wall Base South
5.11a Rutabaga P2 传统攀登 经典
One of the best at the GW base

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Cheakamus Canyon
Rogues Gallery Hoods in the Woods
5.10b Gravity Can't Dance 运动攀岩 20m, 8 很好
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Betazoid / The Milkman's Wall
5.11c Horrors of Ivan 混合传统攀岩 20m, 2 很好
juggy and steep, dont forget the knee bar after the hand travese, nice rest then thump through to the top, gear is a lttle tricky

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds Quartz Pillar
5.10d Pulling Muscles 未知 23m, 6
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.11b The Yorkshire Gripper 传统攀登 25m 很好
Lay back 1st crux pro is good but a little below the feet woo haa. Upper mantle move is not too bad, move out right a little.

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Nightmare Rock
5.11c Grand Daddy Overhang (Grandaddy Overhang) 混合传统攀岩 30m, 3 经典
Awsome undercling traverse, A little easier than it looks. Crux towards the end with good bolts

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Murrin Park Sugarloaf
5.11b Block and Tackle 传统攀登 18m
Funky burly roof, very first hand jam is tricky to move off of, a little polished and slippery. Then undercling and step over and make a long reach for the horn like thingy which is good, rest, place a piece and thump through the last bit then easy slab to the top. Packs a punch for such a short climb

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Crag X Supervalue
5.10c Supervalue 混合传统攀岩 35m, 4 很好
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Cheakamus Canyon
Rogues Gallery Hoods in the Woods
5.11b Pockets Full of Kryptonite 运动攀岩 18m, 7 很好
should have another star, fun climb

星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Crag X Supervalue
5.10c 5.10c/d Lust 混合传统攀岩 22m, 4 一般
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Pixie's Corner
5.9 Joe’s Crack 传统攀登 15m
星期四 27th 7月 2006 - Cheakamus Canyon
Rogues Gallery Hoods in the Woods
5.10a Chasin' the Train 运动攀岩 22m, 8
星期天 14th 5月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall
5.11a The Grand Wall 传统攀登 300m 超级经典

星期天 14th 5月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief Dihedrals
5.10b Rutabaga p1 传统攀登 30m 很好
5.10b Arrowroot 传统攀登 33m 很好
星期天 14th 5月 2006 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall
5.11a Perry's Lieback 运动攀岩 25m 经典
5.11a The Sword 传统攀登 25m 超级经典
Awsome exposure!

星期天 7th 5月 2006 - Squamish
5.10b Birds of Prey 传统攀登 180m
5.10a Jungle Warfare 传统攀登 120m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Raven's Castle
5.10a Ladies First 运动攀岩 40m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Ronin's Corner Central
5.11b Dreams of Passion 运动攀岩 22m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Crag X Boulder Gully
5.11b 5.11c Turbocharger 传统攀登 12m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park Up Among The Firs
5.10d Poster Boy 运动攀岩 30m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Pink Cliff
5.10d Gender Neutral 传统攀登 22m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park Petrifying Wall Couch Wall
5.11d Burning Down the Couch 运动攀岩 30m 经典
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Backside The Solarium Sunshine Breakfast
5.9 Sunshine Breakfast 混合传统攀岩 110m, 5 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park Up Among The Firs
5.10d The Nose 运动攀岩 45m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Raven's Castle
5.7 Flight Of The Fledglings 未知 50m, 5
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall Base Grand Wall Base South
5.10a Exasperator p1 传统攀登 20m 经典

星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Backside The Solarium Sunshine Breakfast
5.9 One Thousand Holds 未知 150m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Shannon Falls Shannon Falls Wall
5.8 5.7 Klahanie Crack 传统攀登 30m 很好

星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Ronin's Corner Central
5.8 Magical Child 传统攀登 22m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Backside The Solarium Sunblessed Area
5.10b Sunblessed 混合传统攀岩 110m, 3 经典
mere mortals finish....awsome

星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.9 Penny Lane 传统攀登 30m 经典
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds The Valley of Shaddai Soul Asylum
5.10a Pyrix 传统攀登 18m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs 2nd Ave Nubile Woman
5.10a Old Maid 运动攀岩 20m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall Base Flake Ledge
5.8 Mercy Me (Merci Me) 运动攀岩 70m, 7 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds The Valley of Shaddai
5.10d Dreams Descent 传统攀登 20m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park The Murrin Surrounds Seal Cove
5.10b Lost Horizon 混合传统攀岩 45m, 8
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron South Gully
5.10a Rock On 传统攀登 140m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Malamute Grub Street
5.9 Old Style 传统攀登 30m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park Lakeside-in-the-Woods & Commonwealth
5.9 The Reacharound 传统攀登 25m 很好
cool pitch, how come no stars??

星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
5.10a Jungle Warfare 传统攀登 120m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Smoke Bluff Wall and Environs Mosquito Area
5.8 Phlegmish Dance 传统攀登 15m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Apron South Apron
5.8 Diedre (Deidre) 传统攀登 220m
The line up spoils the experience but such is life

星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Neat and Cool
5.10a Neat and Cool 传统攀登 30m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Blind Channel Crags The Zip
5.10a The Zip 传统攀登 20m 很好
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Raven's Castle
5.10a Welfare Daze 未知 50m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Malamute The Cage
5.10a Sparky 运动攀岩 14m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Murrin Park Lakeside-in-the-Woods & Commonwealth
5.9 The Reacharound 传统攀登 25m 很好
cool pitch

星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Shannon Falls Shannon Falls Wall
5.8 Cardhu Crack 传统攀登 40m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Bulletheads Bulletheads South
5.9 Slot Machine 传统攀登 52m
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
Smoke Bluffs Penny Lane
5.11c Crime of the Century 传统攀登 15m 经典
星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Squamish
The Chief The Backside The Solarium Sunblessed Area
5.10c Enlightened 未知 100m 很好
really fun climbing, though a bit grainy


Showing 1 - 100 out of 175 攀登.

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