
线路 in Cascade Mountain

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Showing all 16 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
5.4 Minihapa
1 5.2 25m
2 5.3 30m
3 5.4 30m
4 5.2 10m

Photo Topo

首攀: Brandon Pullan & Alyssa Acchione, 6月 2019

运动攀岩 95m
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
{AU} WI3 Cascade Falls 攀冰 300m
WI2 Rogans Gully

Take the drainage to the left of Cascade Falls. Climb up ice steps to the top, where you may go either left or right.

Follow the climbers trail on the right of the gully to descend, one short rap is needed.

攀冰 45m
5.8 At the 115th Meridian
1 5.3 15m
2 5.6 30m
3 5.8 33m

Starts roughly 5 meters left of Wheat King.

  1. Start 5m left of Wheat King, climb to a belay visible from the ground (3 bolts)

  2. Follow the bolts to a hidden belay behind a small tree.

  3. Climb past 1 bolt (extend this bolt) to an obvious corner. Climb the well-protected corner to the top. Take care to not dislodge any loose rocks traversing to the anchor (9 bolts)

From the top of pitch three, it is possible to join the top of Wheat King's third pitch. Step right on the ledge and traverse right around the arete to rejoin the last two bolts of P3. The traverse is unprotected.

自由首攀: S Craig & B Spear

运动攀岩 78m, 3, 9
5.7 Wheat Kings
1 5.5 30m
2 5.6 35m
3 5.7 35m
4 5.4 20m
5 5.6 40m
6 5.6 30m
7 5.5 35m

Wheat Kings is a 7 pitch bolted 5.7 that climbs to the top of Buffalo Crag in just over 200 metres. Buffalo Crag is a south-facing wall on Cascade Mountain north of Banff to climber's left of Rogan's Gully.

The route follows low-angled rock up a buttress for seven pitches. The third pitch is the crux with interesting fins and underclings. The stippled stone offers great friction. Overall, the climbing is mostly 5.5 and 5.6 and while the route is bolted, it is not a sport route. Wheat Kings is named after the hit song by the Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip.

Approach: Park at Cascade Falls parking area on the Lake Minnewanka Road. Take trail south past air strip into a forest heading west past one path up a slope. After 15-20 minutes take a trail right past a rock with a cairn that is flagged with orange tape. Follow the trail up a slope rising left past two sets of boulders to a big boulder on the left of the trail after about five minutes.

Follow the flagged path up to the base of the wall. . About 45 minutes from the car.

Some pitches are between 30 and 35 metres, but they are rounded up to 35. The route is new for July 2016 and has dirty sections. Beware of loose rock.

Gear: Eight quickdraws, two extendable draws and 70-metre rope.

Pitch One: Climb up and left past two bolts and follow a foot rail up and right past a third bolt. Climb the corner to a bolted belay at a tree. (5.5 30 metres, four bolts)

Pitch Two: Climb good rock left of the corner past two bolts and up and left avoiding dirty rock on the right. Angle up and right to a fourth bolt. Follow a crack up and right to a break in the rock and left to a ledge with a tree and belay. (5.6 35 metres, seven bolts)

Pitch Three: Step up and left and then follow fun features to a ledge. Take a faint crack right up to a belay. (5.7 35 metres, eight bolts) Note: There is an endangered whitebark pine far left of the second bolt, don’t damage or remove.

Pitch Four: Step up and left to a bolt. Continue up to a ledge and head left to a belay. (5.4 20 metres, two bolts)

Pitch Five: Up two short walls past two bolts to a ledge. Up and right to a corner that you climb for a few moves and then step left onto pillar. Up pillar to a bolt and then right on low-angle rib to belay. This is the Pretty Things belay ledge where you can see Mount Louis and most of the Bow Valley. (5.6 40 metres, five bolts)

Pitch Six: Up a steep move to a ledge and up the corner above past a hard-to-see bolt. Continue up easy ground to a belay near a tree. (5.6 30 metres, four bolts)

Pitch Seven: Up the rib past bolts to a break in the rock on the left. Up easy climbing to the final anchor. (5.5 35 metres, five bolts)

Descent: Walk off a flagged trail by heading up about 100 metres after the route and then left over small rock steps until you take a flagged trail through the forest down and back to main trail.

The route can be rappeled with 70-metre rope using a rappel-only anchor between the top of pitch five and three. However, due to loose rocks and some rope eating features the walk-off is recommended.

首攀: Brandon Pullan & Gaby James, 1 7月 2016

运动攀岩 230m, 7, 8
5.9 Valleyview

Great afternoon out. 6 fun pitches.

Pitch1 40m 5.6

Pitch2 25m 5.9

Pitch3 25m 5.8

Pitch4 25m 5.9

Pitch5 25m 5.8

Pitch6 50m 5.7

运动攀岩 190m, 6
5.6 Mother's Day
1 5.4 40m
2 5.3 25m
3 5.6 40m
4 5.4 50m
5 5.5 40m
6 5.5 40m
7 5.4 40m
8 5.5 60m

Take the Trans-Canada Highway to Lake Minnewanka Road and drive east for 0.6km to a small paved turnoff on the right side of the road, where an old cadet camp used to be. Hike 0.2km further down the road to a gravel wash-out on the left side of the road. Hike up this and follow the trail, keeping on the right of the drainage gully until you reach a slab with two bolts on it at the base of the route.

  1. Climb the slab (2 bolts) to a ledge.

  2. Traverse left on ledges then angle left up a broken groove to a scree ledge with trees. Alternatively, climb straight up into the corner (5.7) to a separate anchor.

  3. Climb a short crack then traverse right to a steep bowl. Head towards the large corner and then pull out awkwardly onto the face, clipping a piton. Climb past another piton to an anchor.

    If you climbed the P2 5.7 variation, you can either rejoin P3 shortly from the P2 anchor, or you can take a 5.8 variation up the large yellow corner, rather than pulling out awkwardly onto the face.

  4. Climb along the ridge to another bolted anchor.

  5. Climb series of right-angling ledges to an anchor above a tree. Alternatively, there is a 5.8 variation that goes up the large yellow corner and ends at the same anchor.

  6. Either take the left corner or the right corner for two different variations (both 5.5) that rejoin before the anchor. The anchor for this pitch is hidden behind a tree on the left.

  7. Climb along the ridge to another bolted anchor.

  8. Climb the right-angling corner on gear, or a bolted line on the left. There is an anchor at about 50m, or you can keep climbing to a second anchor at the top (60m).

To descend, take a trail along the top of the cliff heading towards Rogan's Gully. Scramble down, find a rappel station (20m rap) then hike back down towards the Cascade Falls tourist trail. The descent takes about 1.5-2 hours.

首攀: Lloyd MacKay & Gunther Boehnisch, 1965

混合传统攀岩 340m, 8, 9
5.7 Lion's Layback 传统攀登 170m, 6
5.10c Oedipus Complex

200m right of Mother's Day. Some pitches protected by bolts

传统攀登 130m, 4
WI2 - 3 Urs Hole

Take the drainage two to the right of Cascade Falls. A ramble up multiple steps varying from WI2 to WI3. Near the top branch left for the WI3/3+ finish or keep going straight for the WI5

攀冰 100m
5.8 Lena cave 传统攀登 430m, 9
5.6 Battle of Seven Oaks

Gear: 6 quickdraws, 4 extendable runners, 60-meter rope

Pitch 1: 5.6 - 48-meters - Head up steep wall past two bolts. Make a 5.6 move onto the upper face of the rock. Clip 4 pitons with bolt-on top of the cliff then step across a small stream (dries up mid-summer most years). Follow compact rock protected with a bolt and a couple of pitons.

Pitch 2: 5.5 - 30-meters - Step out right on the compact rock. Friction your way up past three bolts and a piton.

Pitch 3: 5.5 - 30-meters - Step right into a steep corner. Clip 5 pitons to a protection bolt at the 20-meter mark. From the bolt angle up and right.

Pitch 4: 5.6 - 30-meters - Climb up past three bolts and a piton. You will reach the final station up on the wall. This is the ice climbers standard first pitch

Descent: Rappel or walk off climbers left with careful routefinding to the trees

(via Tom Gnyra)

首攀: Mike Barter

运动攀岩 140m, 4, 8
5.6 Back to Batoche

首攀: Mike Barter

运动攀岩 140m, 4
5.6 Keeping it Riel (Since 1885)

Approach: Park at the airport parking lot base of Cascade Falls. Climb Minihapa or work the lower benches crossing the waterfall on the second bench. Once on top stay on the (right) North side of the waterfall. Follow any one of the braided trails till the rock gets steep.

Pitch 1: 50 meters - 5.3 - 4 bolts Start just left of the Buffalo Hump right of the running water. Follow the comfortable scramble style rock bench to bench. You will find two bolt hangers on the left (waterfall side).

Pitch 2: 30 meters - 5.4 - 5 bolts Continue up and slightly right to the base of that big orange block.

Pitch 3: 30 meters - 5.5 - 5 bolts Move left to the bolt you see 10 meters away. From there continue straight up trending a slight right.

Pitch 4: 26 meters - 5.6 Climb over some exciting rock left of the corner. 2/3rd the way up step right onto the rib. Make the final move or two on steep rock to the anchor.

Descent: Rap off ring bolts to the last anchor. You can go 3 meters lower from last anchor (ring bolts) and walk off lookers right (north). It is also possible to rap two more pitches.

(via Tom Gnyra)

首攀: Mike Barter

运动攀岩 150m, 4
5.6 Super Slaborama

Approach: Park in the Cascade falls parking lot. Cross the airstrip field and follow a well defined trail, proceed 120m after the "avalanche sign" to the mothers day buttress walk off. From here follow the trail which can be quite faint. Continue traversing up and left aiming for the climb Arch Typical. At the drainage below Arch Typical climb the right bank and find a belay bolt and small platform.

P1: 20m 5.4 - From a curved tree move left to a bolt in a shallow grove near the aerate. Climb over the bulge and into a shallow corner. Move up past two more bolts till the station.

P2&3: 60m 5.6 - From the belay move right into a big left facing corner. continue up the corner following the bolts. Stay on the left slab face. There is a mid way station at 30m to facilitate Repelling.

P4: 30m 5.4 - Climb the broken corner past two bolts to a large treed ledge (bring slings for protection). Find the next belay at the bottom of the slab.

P5: 30m 5.6 - Move left onto the broken aerate and follow it to a tree with slings that is the belay.

P5 Var: 25m 5.10c - Move directly up off the belay up the steep slab on small technical holds, move up and left following bolts till you reach the belay.

Descent: Rappel the route, and either retrace the approach or follow the Arch Typical drainage down to the air field.

首攀: Al Ducros, 2004

运动攀岩 140m, 5
5.7 Arch Typical

Approach: Park in the Cascade falls parking lot. Cross the airstrip field and follow a well defined trail, proceed 120m after the "avalanche sign" to the mothers day buttress walk off. From here follow the trail which can be quite faint. Continue traversing up and left aiming towards the objective. Once at the drainage follow towards the obvious corner where the climb begins.

P1: 4th Follow the solid rock water worn rock in the corner. Several small steps make for some interesting moves. Continue upwards till a difficult chute is reached. Move right onto easy slabs to avoid difficulty, traverse back in to a small scree patch and rope up. The climb heads up a crack splitting the left wall from the corner.

P2: 5.7 - Climb the crack, make some awkward move passed fixed pitons until you reach a small ledge with a tiny tree on the right. (bad belay position)

P3: 5.6 - Continue up the crack, over a bulge, and up onto a small belay stance at the the base of three obvious lines.

P4: 5.5 Climb the left most line. As you move higher the climbing becomes easier. Belay off the trees at the top of the cliff.

Descent: Move to the top of the treed ramp. Follow a game trail over the arch against the cliff, Down climb easy terrain onto the the next arch (this would be the top of super slaborama). Walk west following easy scramble terrain aiming for buffalo crag and 40 mile creek. once its possible to go directly down do so. At the valley floor find a large game trail and follow it directly to the airstrip.

首攀: Lioyd Mackay & Jim White, 1970

传统攀登 200m, 4

Showing all 16 线路.

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