
Heduš Guide

  • 难度体系: SX

A Crag Guide gives an extensive view of all sub areas and climbs at a point in the index. It shows a snapshot of the index heirachy, up to 300 climbs (or areas) on a single web page. It shows selected comments climbers have made on a recently submitted ascent.

At a minor crag level this should be suitable for printing and taking with you on a climbing trip as an adjunct to your guidebook.

This guide was generated anonymously. Login to show your logged ascents against each route.


Rock climbing is extremely dangerous and can result in serious injury or death. Users acting on any information directly or indirectly available from this site do so at their own risk.

This guide is compiled from a community of users and is presented without verification that the information is accurate or complete and is subject to system errors. By using this guide you acknowledge that the material described in this document is extremely dangerous, and that the content may be misleading or wrong. In particular there may be misdescriptions of routes, incorrectly drawn topo lines, incorrect difficulty ratings or incorrect or missing protection ratings. This includes both errors from the content and system errors.

Nobody has checked this particlular guide so you cannot rely on it's accuracy like you would a store bought guide.

You should not depend on any information gleaned from this guide for your personal safety.

You must keep this warning with the guide. For more information refer to our:
Usage policy


Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this crag guide:


The size of a person's name reflects their Crag Karma, which is their level of contribution. You can help contribute to your local crag by adding descriptions, photos, topos and more.

Table of contents

1. Heduš


6 routes in Cliff

所有 传统攀登


(English below) Na TheCrag se znažíme udržovat, kde je povoleno lézt, ale před tím, než vyrazíte do skal, vždy doporučujeme ověřit v Databázi Českého horolezeckého svazu že je daná oblast otevřená pro lezení - nejde jen o povolení od ochrany přírody nebo majitele pozemku, ale třeba i z důvodu rizika pádu stromů, nestabilní skály nebo hnízdění ptáků. Zde je vysvětlení ikonek na jejich stránce:

znamená aktuálně celkový zákaz lezení (často jen sezónní). Když je jen do půlky, tak je zakázáno lezení jen na určitých skalách

🐔 znamená dočasnou uzavírku, která bude brzy vyřešena (většinou hnízdící ptáci). Červeně jde o celkový zákaz lezení v oblasti, Oranžově jde o zákaz lezení jen na určitých skalách.


On TheCrag, we try to maintain where climbing is allowed, but before you go climbing, we always recommend checking in the Database of the Czech Mountaineering Association that the area is open for climbing - this is not only a matter of permission from nature conservation or the land owner, but also could be due to the risk of falling trees, unstable rock or nesting birds. Here is an explanation of the icons on their website:

means currently a total ban on climbing (often only seasonal). When it is only halfway, climbing is prohibited only on certain rocks

🐔 means a temporary closure that will be resolved soon (mostly nesting birds). Red is a general ban on climbing in the area, orange is a ban on climbing only on certain rocks.



Rules, principles and standards

Rock climbing in the Czech Republic is regulated by the rules, principles and set of standards for individual areas and crags. Please respect local traditions and rules.

Accept and make yourself familiar with:

  • principles of sport climbing (climb with the help of your own strength only, don't use artificial aids, etc.)
  • principles of first ascents and installing fixed protection
  • competence of regional climbing commissions of Czech Mountaineering Association (list)
  • prohibition of creating and chopping holds
  • which type of removable climbing gear is allowed and don't damaging rock (roped knots, slings, ufos vs. friends, wires, hexes, nuts and cams)
  • possibilities of using chalk (strictly prohibited vs. tolerated)
  • restrictions resulting from weather conditions (e.g. prohibition of climbing on wet rock (eventually hours or days after rain or during winter)


  1. Rules of climbing in sandstone rock areas in Bohemia (czech)

  2. Rules of climbing in rock areas of the Czech republic (czech)

  3. Rules of climbing in Jizerské hory area (czech)

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Kousavka / Bissiger Weg

首攀: Pavel Lisák & P.Mocek, 2000

III 传统攀登
2 Prdelatka

首攀: Petr Mocek & A. Rosenberg, 2011

IV 传统攀登
3 Hromadný sex (Skupinový sex) / Gruppensex

首攀: Petr Mocek und Stanislav Lukavský & Z.Zilvar u.Gef., 2011

VIIa 混合传统攀岩 1
4 Hrabatůra

首攀: Stanislav Lukavský & P.Lisák, 2001

VI 传统攀登
5 Reklama na pneu / Reklame auf dem Pneu

首攀: Stanislav Lukavský u. Petr Mocek, 2011

VI 混合传统攀岩 1
6 Kozatka

首攀: Petr Mocek & P.Lisák, 2000

V 传统攀登

2. Index by grade

Grade Stars Name Style Pop
III Kousavka 传统攀登
IV Prdelatka 传统攀登
V Kozatka 传统攀登
VI Hrabatůra 传统攀登
Reklama na pneu 混合传统攀岩 1
VIIa Hromadný sex (Skupinový sex) 混合传统攀岩 1
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