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作者: David Atchison-Jones

日期: 2006

国际书号: 9781873665619

A selective guidebook describing nearly 40 separate sports climbing and rock climbing areas around Avignon and Mont Ventoux, including the crags of Saint Leger, Venasque, Clapis Face, Saint Julian and Trois Rivieres.

区域: Avignon (Vaucluse)

作者: Adrian Berry

日期: 2009

国际书号: 12490279

A selective guidebook describing over 2.500 routes at 14 different crags, which are Ceuse, Sisteron, Volx, Orpierre, Bellecombe, Baume Rousse, Ubrieux, St Julien, St Leger, Malaucene, Combe Obscure, Les Dentelles, Venasque and Buoux.

区域: Buoux

作者: Francoise Lepron & Jean-Bastiste Tribout

日期: 2021

国际书号: 9782957978915

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the sport climbing and bouldering at Buoux, covering around 800 routes.

区域: Buoux

Showing all 3 publications.


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