
2e secteur

  • 难度体系: FR
  • 攀登: 8




Routes does not have names, only numbers according the climbing guide "Falaises de Corse", edition 2015

准入问题 取自Conca

3,6 km from the village Santa Lucia di Pontivechju and then follow small asphalt road to the antenna building Obs: As of Feb2024, the road is in bad conditions 500m before the top. Low cars may have a hard time. There's another parking area just before that, around 750m before the top.

行为准则 取自France

Park where indicated, take care of the environment, buy the local guidebook when possible (this is one of the ways you can help local route setters), clean up your shoes before climbing, don't spray beta, be polite.



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Grade 线路
1 6b+
2 7a


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Selected Guidebooks more 隐藏

作者: Bertrand Maurin & Thierry Souchard

日期: 2022

国际书号: 9782957118021

This is a comprehensive guidebook describing the single pitch sport routes on the island of Corsica, along with a few selected bolted multi-pitch routes and some bouldering, covering over 2,700 routes are detailed across a wide range of grades.

作者: Bertrand Maurin & Thierry Souchard

日期: 2021

国际书号: 9782957118014

Selected from the hundreds of known, documented multi-pitch routes located on the island’s crags and cliffs, this guidebook describes 110 routes of all levels, from pure trad to fully-bolted and everything in between. They are scattered across all massifs in Corsica except Bavella, for which a specific topo guide has been created (the Bavella-Corsica guidebook). This extensive geographical coverage allows wandering climbers to go in search of varied climbing styles, surroundings and fun, and for climbers based in a specific location to find suitable muti-pitch routes close at hand.

Of course the guidebook features the key, famous routes, but also contains newly-established routes and rediscovered gems. Our aim has been to give as reliable and precise information as possible for each route. We provide a photo with the route traced onto it, details of the walk-in, the necessary gear and a precise description, particularly for trad routes. We have also set aside space in the guidebook for a large number of photos, to give you a taste of what is to come in your next vertical adventures.

作者: Nicole Kuzar, Volker Roth

日期: 2020

附近的住宿 more 隐藏


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