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Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec Bloki pod Słoneczną
5 To tam


4+ Zielony


5 To tu


6B Za mną


6B+ Chodźmy stąd


7A Eurydyka


7A Herkules


6B Przerębla


6B Korzeniowski (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

5+ Korzeniowski (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec

The top can be easily reached from the north and south-east (0 difficulty).

📕Topo on wspinanie.pl

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec Eigerek
6A Easy kancik

HE, to the left of "Kancik mutancik"

VI.1 Kancik mutancik

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Kancik mutancik (wariant pierwotny)

Originally traversed to the right and ended with "Bulinki".

VI.2+ Pinokio

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6C Śmierć ekiperom

SD highball. Start between "Pinokio" and "Trawersik Hinterstoissera", get to the edge and traverse to the right using it. Top out with "Trawersik Hinterstoissera".

VI.4 Trawersik Hinterstoissera

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Bulinki

At the end, go left of the pocket

VI.3+ Przepuklinki

At the end, go straight up with the pocket

VI.4 Akcja na Eigerze

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.5/5+ Przeakcja

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.1+ Muminki

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4 Dotyk

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

7A Start do Kryski

HE, same as "Kryska na Tygryska", but finish in NHR.

VI.4/4+ Kryska na Tygryska

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3+ Tarta

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Dzień odżykonia

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec
Zad Żółwia

🌿Partially covered with moss, unclimbable in the summer because of bushes

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec Zad Żółwia


6C+ Młody wilk na wprost


6C Młody bieszczadzki wilk


Brykam, bo lubię


O kant zadu


Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec
Kursowe Skałki
Kursowa 1

The top can be easily reached from the north (0+ difficulty).

📕Incomplete topo in a PDF (Kursowa 1 and 3 drawn in opposite order), and on 27crags (called Kursowa III).

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec Kursowa 1
V+ A1 trawers bez nazwy

Left to right, exiting with "Kłapouchy"

V Od pn.-zach załupką


7A+ Kto pierwszy ten lepszy


7A+ Kto się popieści to się zmieści


7B+ Kto pierwszy się spieprzy


7B Night Club


7A Trikowy ekspres


7B Fight Club


7A Ukryty smok


7C Kula w głowie


7A Bazyliszek


7A+ Bazylea 2


7B Przyczajony Tygrys (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

7A Przyczajony Tygrys (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

7A Sunrise


7A Sunset (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6C+ Sunset (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6C Diretka


6C Śmierć Kłapouchego


6B Tata Kangurzątka


6A+ Kłapouchy (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6A Kłapouchy (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6A Puchatek (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

5+ Puchatek (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

5+ Prosiaczek (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

5 Prosiaczek (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec
Kursowa 2

📕Incomplete sport climbing and bouldering topo on wspinanie.pl. Incomplete bouldering topo with photos on 27crags. Incomplete sport climbing topo on portalgorski.pl and in a PDF.

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec Kursowa 2
III Północna grzęda

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Nessuś

Pretty much never climbed, but more often as a boulder.

VI+ Nessi

Sometimes climbed as a boulder

6B+ Szkaradny Jose (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6B Szkaradny Jose (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.3 Jose Vargas

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Czujny jak pies podwójny

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.2 Szkaradny cyckogniot

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

8A Przeskok (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

7B+ Przeskok (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

7C Pucek (SD)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6C Pucek (HE)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

7A+ Zdążyć przed Juszczykiem


5+ Start do Dragona


VI.2+ Dragon

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6A Start do Telesfora


VI.1 Loch Ness Monster

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI- Pora na Telesfora

Groundfall potential before second bolt. Second clip can be hard to reach from a safe position if you are short.

5+ Start do Teodora


VI+ Teodor

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Teodor (z obejściem początku tarciowej płyty)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI Pankracy

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

III Przyjemnościowa

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

V Pankracy (start po prawej)

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

7A Historia żółtej ciżemki


IV+ Lewy szeroki komin K2

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV- Prawy szeroki komin K2

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

IV Kupiszon

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

6B+ Litania


VI.2 Oczy kobry

Boulder version called "Ale"

VI.1 Dancing Cobra

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

5+ Bomb


Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec
Kursowa 3

The top can be easily reached from the east (0 difficulty).

📕Complete bouldering topo on an rkw.org.pl PDF (archived, Kursowa 1 and 3 drawn in opposite order) and on wspinanie.pl/topo. Incomplete bouldering topo with photos on 27crags (split between two pages, called Kursowa I). Incomplete sport climbing topo on portalgorski.pl.

Skałki Czarnorzeckie Kamieniec Kursowa 3
6C+ Dejv trawers


War. lewym skrajem przez przewieszki

Attempted by Andrzej Śmiały with aid placements around 1980, still unclimbed

6A Pogrzeb Kłapouchego

HE, start on a foothold on the pillar and traverse to the right until the jug. Feet should not go off the rock.

VI.3 Oczy ważki

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

VI.4/4+ Espresso

🦅Check in with the "Ptaki w skałach" spreadsheet for routes with nesting birds.

Showing 201 - 300 out of 1,913 条目.

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