
线路 in Tripeiro

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Showing all 10 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
6a Tripas à moda do Porto

Start left in the concavity, hard start boulder on small holds, then easy.

运动攀岩 12m
6a Penso logo desisto

Start right in the concavity. Hard start, don't escape to the holds right.

运动攀岩 12m
4 Penso logo desisto (right)

Like "Penso logo desisto" , but using the corner to the right instead of the crimpy wall.

4+ 1. ?

Start left of "Acção indirecta" then traverse left and climb up the chimney until reaching the anchor of "Penso logo desisto"

5 2. ?

Start left of "Acção indirecta" and then continue straight up and finish on the anchor of "Acção indirecta"

6a+ Acção indirecta 运动攀岩 10m
6a+ Acção indirecta (Variante) 运动攀岩
6b+ Enche a queca 运动攀岩
7a InforFut 运动攀岩
6b+ Unha d'aço 运动攀岩

Showing all 10 线路.

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