
攀登 in C: Poison Dwarf

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Showing 201 - 300 out of 319 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量 攀岩者
星期六 19th 6月 2021 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA - with William Wells 攀石
Tyron Cerqueira
星期三 5th 5月 2021 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石 经典
Varalika Jain
星期天 2nd 5月 2021 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind - with Christina Arnoldy 攀石 超级经典
Rowan Douglas
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind - with Rowan Douglas 攀石 经典
Christina Arnoldy
星期六 24th 4月 2021 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6C Girl Interrupted 攀石 经典
Varalika Jain
Need to piece the first and second half!

6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
Varalika Jain
星期六 20th 3月 2021 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石 经典
Varalika Jain
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
Varalika Jain
星期六 16th 1月 2021 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6C 6B+ Coal Chamber (Coal chamber sit start) 攀石 经典
星期天 29th 11月 2020 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Douglas Bentley
6B RSA 攀石
Douglas Bentley
星期五 2nd 10月 2020 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA 攀石 经典
Jeanre Peacock
星期天 13th 9月 2020 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Ollie Rattue
Lovely boulder. Met Muizenberg residents Mary and Burgen who spotted and shared some pads. Worked it fairly quickly. First proper boulder send in Rocklands.

6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
Ollie Rattue
First go I hesitated, second go I tried and did the top part and third go I sent it. Pads from Burgen and Mary. Second boulder problem in Rocklands. I think I could become a boulderer again!

星期三 8th 7月 2020 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA 攀石
Catherine Honegger
星期六 4th 7月 2020 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Catherine Honegger
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
Catherine Honegger
星期二 24th 12月 2019 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6A+ 6B Bale - with Laura Machholz 攀石
Marcel Czink
6B RSA - with Laura Machholz 攀石
Marcel Czink
星期二 24th 9月 2019 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6C 6B+ Coal Chamber (Coal chamber sit start) 攀石 经典
7A 7A+ Model Robber (Modell robber) 攀石 很好
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
星期二 25th 6月 2019 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Horny Devil 攀石
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 很好
7B Poison Dwarf - with Heidixe, Molly 攀石
6B+ Horny Devil - with Heidixe, Molly 攀石
7A 7A+ Model Robber (Modell robber) - with Heidixe, Molly 攀石
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind - with Heidixe, Molly 攀石
6B+ Coal Chamber - with Heidixe, Molly 攀石
6B+ Horny Devil 攀石
星期四 30th 5月 2019 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6C 6B+ Coal Chamber (Coal chamber sit start) 攀石
星期三 29th 5月 2019 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
6C Girl Interrupted 攀石
6B+ 6B+/C Gamelan 攀石
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
星期六 18th 5月 2019 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6A+ 6B Bale 攀石
Henk van Dyk
星期二 30th 4月 2019 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
Marcel de Beer
星期二 18th 12月 2018 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA 攀石
6B+ Horny Devil 攀石
星期一 17th 12月 2018 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Horny Devil 攀石
Douglas Bentley
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Douglas Bentley
星期天 16th 12月 2018 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
Douglas Bentley
星期一 27th 8月 2018 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石
Camille Coudert
Bloc rigolo plutot gros 7a que 7b

7B+ 7C+ Poison Dwarf Direct 攀石
Camille Coudert
Un gros mouv de biceps bien virile XD pas 7c je pense

星期五 10th 8月 2018 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 经典
星期天 1st 7月 2018 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7C+ Poison Dwarf Direct 攀石 很好
Clément Lechaptois
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石 很好
Clément Lechaptois
星期二 22nd 5月 2018 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
星期二 22nd 8月 2017 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石
Ryan Holmes
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
Igor Khudoshin
6B+ 6B+/C Gamelan 攀石 很好
Igor Khudoshin
星期四 17th 8月 2017 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7A 7A+ Model Robber (Modell robber) 攀石 很好
Ryan Holmes
星期六 11th 3月 2017 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA 攀石
Alessio Alaimo
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 经典
Alessio Alaimo
星期二 24th 1月 2017 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石
Nevin Rajen
7B+ Shift Horizons 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6C New Addition 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B+ Horny Devil 攀石
Nevin Rajen
7A 7A+ Model Robber (Modell robber) 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6C Girl Interrupted 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6A+ 6B Bale 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B+ 6B+/C Gamelan 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B RSA 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6C 6B+ Coal Chamber (Coal chamber sit start) 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6C Girl Interrupted 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6A+ 6B Bale 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B+ 6B+/C Gamelan 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B RSA 攀石
Nevin Rajen
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石
Nevin Rajen
7B+ Shift Horizons 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6C New Addition 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B+ Horny Devil 攀石
Nevin Rajen
7A 7A+ Model Robber (Modell robber) 攀石
Nevin Rajen
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Nevin Rajen
星期四 20th 10月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
6C+ 6B+ Our Week of Bliss 攀石
6B RSA 攀石
星期五 7th 10月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石
Jens Rohloff
7C+ Poison Dwarf Direct 攀石
Jens Rohloff
星期四 22nd 9月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Jens Rohloff
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
Jens Rohloff
星期一 22nd 8月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石
Lucy Watson
6B+ 6B+/C Gamelan 攀石
Lucy Watson
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石
Lucy Watson
星期一 8th 8月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6A+ 6B Bale 攀石
Nicola Clementel
星期一 4th 7月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7C+ Poison Dwarf Direct 攀石
Austin Purdy
星期天 3rd 7月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B RSA 攀石
Nicola Clementel
星期天 19th 6月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
Nicola Clementel
6B+ Coal Chamber 攀石 经典
Nicola Clementel
星期四 9th 6月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
7B Poison Dwarf 攀石
Nick Churchill
星期六 13th 2月 2016 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+ 6B+/C Gamelan 攀石 超级经典
Nicola Clementel
星期五 10th 4月 2015 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6B+/C Girl on Our Mind 攀石 超级经典
Gerhard Human
I came back to this route numerous times, never really getting to spend enough time on it. I finally sent it when I was there with my wife and kids. I met this Japanese climber who offered to spot me and I sent it on the 3rd or 4th go. One of the most satisfying boulders I've ever done.

星期天 28th 9月 2014 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6C Girl Interrupted - with Maria and Colombians 攀石 超级经典
Justin Case
6C/V5. Replaces GoOm´s headwall with a huge outstretched move to a good crimp. The obvious more spectacular variation on an already spectacular problem. This one feels like the ending of a route at Coolum because of the pump!

6C 6B+ Coal Chamber (Coal chamber sit start) - with Maria and the SA´cans 攀石 超级经典
Justin Case
6C/V5. A very hard start followed by cool long moves to crimps and a victory jug. Awesome that this problem always stays in good conditions. 2nd go!

星期五 26th 9月 2014 - Rocklands
Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
6C New Addition - with Maria 攀石 超级经典
Justin Case
6C/V5. Very hard indeed. Tensiony start followed my a big move to a crimp, then small tensiony crimpy moves, concluding with a pumpy powerful finish. Only just!


Showing 201 - 300 out of 319 攀登.

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