

  • 难度体系: FR

准入问题 取自Chiang Dao

The National Parks have in the past, roughly 2019, posted signs prohibiting climbing. These have since burnt down but if approached by Park Rangers and asked to stop climbing, happens very occasionally, then politely oblige and come back another day.

Some issues with area farmers/locals in the past because climbers parked on one of their fields and walked on their crops to reach one of the area crags. That crag is no longer accessible. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF THEIR FIELDS/CROPS when approaching the crags. And say hello to them if you see them (“Sawasdee Khrap” is hello in Thai).

The area is in a National Park. So if the National Park is closed then so is the climbing area. Please respect any National Park closure - which is rare and the only known instance was due to Covid19 in early 2020.


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Descend by rappeling to anchor on 2nd pitch (make sure to back clip in order to avoid swinging out away from the cliff). Use 70m rope and tie stopper knots


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