
条目 in Lava Boulder

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Showing all 12 条目.

Lava Boulder

Very small boulder just north of The Cube.

V2 Left Left

Climb west face left of "red ball jets"

V2/3 Red Ball Jets

Start with a sidepull/pinch on the right and climb up to the lip

V1 Squeeze Job

Sit start and climb the southern Arete of the boulder.

V1 The Groove

East side of the lave boulder, just climber's right of Squeeze Job. Stand start in the varnish groove and stem/smear up.

V1 Thumbs Up

Start at the right hand sidepull and climb the arete to the right of the dihedral

V2 Thumbs Up (variation)

Climb the face to the right of the dihedral, starting with a left hand sidepull.

Lava Boulder adjacent

There has been some conflict with residents along Calico Basin Road, please only park in designated parking lots and stay on established trails.

Lava Boulder adjacent
V0 left

There has been some conflict with residents along Calico Basin Road, please only park in designated parking lots and stay on established trails.

V2/3 arête left

There has been some conflict with residents along Calico Basin Road, please only park in designated parking lots and stay on established trails.

V2 arête right

There has been some conflict with residents along Calico Basin Road, please only park in designated parking lots and stay on established trails.

V1 right

There has been some conflict with residents along Calico Basin Road, please only park in designated parking lots and stay on established trails.

Showing all 12 条目.

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