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Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity 岩场
5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy

One of the best 5.9 routes in the Valley! This stunning route can be identified by the twin crack system of the second pitch just left of the bear bins. Amazing climbing. Most parties rap at the top of the 5th pitch using double ropes. A 70m rope will need to be extended to reach on the first rap (top of 5th pitch).

首攀: Jim Bridwell et al., 1973

传统攀登 170m, 5 Yosemite National Park
5.9 C2 VI The Nose

On the tick list of most aspiring climbers, The Nose is a long, sustained and beautiful climb. An incredible line straight up an intimidating wall with many memorable pitches. The Nose can be done big wall style, or it can be done "Nose In a Day"(NIAD) style.

The climbing has a surprising amount of splitter cracks with many pitches of sustained hands/fists cracks. If you are aiding, it can be done with some mandatory 5.9 climbing and mandatory C2 sections. Much of the C2 on The Nose is actually quite soft for the grade due to the abundance of fixed gear and long pieces of tat which avoids some of the more difficult sections. Don't underestimate the difficulty of a summit however, you need to have many technical skills dialed, such as pendulums, hauling, lowerouts etc. in order to make it. You also need to move fast, most parties bail not because they don't have the ability to do a single pitch, but because they are moving to slow. Practice lots and move quick.

Speed Records

  • 1975 : Jim Bridwell, John Long, Billy Westbay : 17:45
  • 1984 : Duncan Critchley, Romain Vogler : 09:30 (approximate)
  • 1986 : John Bachar, Peter Croft : 10:05
  • 1990 : Hans Florine, Steve Schneider : 8:06
  • 1990 : Peter Croft, Dave Schultz : 6:40
  • 1991 : Hans Florine, Andres Puhvel : 6:01
  • 1991 : Peter Croft, Dave Schultz : 4:48
  • 1992 : Hans Florine, Peter Croft : 4:22
  • 2001-10 : Dean Potter †, Timmy O'Neill : 3:59:35
  • 2001-10 : Hans Florine, Jim Herson : 3:57:27
  • 2001-11 : Dean Potter †, Timmy O'Neill : 3:24:20
  • 2002-9-29 : Hans Florine, Yuji Hirayama : 2:48:55
  • 2007-10-4 : Alexander Huber and Thomas Huber : 2:48:30
  • 2007-10-8 : Alexander Huber and Thomas Huber : 2:45:45
  • 2008-7-2 : Hans Florine, Yuji Hirayama : 2:43:33
  • 2008-10-12 : Hans Florine, Yuji Hirayama : 2:37:05
  • 2010-11-6 : Dean Potter †, Sean Leary : 2:36:45
  • 2012-6-17 : Hans Florine, Alex Honnold : 2:23:46
  • 2017-10-21 : Jim Reynolds, Brad Gobright : 2:19:44
  • 2018-06-06 : Alex Honnold, Tommy Caldwell : 1:58:07

首攀: Warren Harding, Wayne Merry & George Whitmore, 1958

自由首攀: Lynn Hill, 1993

器械攀登 1000m, 31 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Bonaire

A nice lead, though many seem to skip the first bolt, and start right of it to climb to 2nd bolt.

运动攀岩 18m, 6 Red Rock
5.9 Moonbeam
运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
5.9 Commitment

Starts from a tree up the same 3rd class ramp as Munginella, but after having traversed further across the ledge the ramp reaches. Or can be reached from right as well by descending, then re-ascending around the foot of the cliff.

自由首攀: Jim Bridwell, David Bircheff & Phil Bircheff, 1966

传统攀登 100m, 3 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Sunshine
运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
5.9 Buck's Muscle World 运动攀岩 8m, 3 Red Rock
5.9 Jamcrack Route
1 5.7
2 5.9

5.7 hand crack with V at top to ledge; move left a few feet then 5.9 fingers crack to second anchor.

传统攀登 53m, 2 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Sport Climbing Is Neither 运动攀岩 8m, 3 Red Rock
5.9 Regular Route

自由首攀: Wally Reed & Chuck Pratt, 1958

传统攀登 300m, 12 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Grant's Crack
传统攀登 24m Yosemite National Park
5.9 My Name Is Mud
运动攀岩 10m Austin
5.9 Creature Feature

首攀: Kevin Pogue & Elisa Weinman Pogue

运动攀岩 18m, 8 Red River Gorge
5.9 Bon Ez 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Red Rock
5.9 Yoda

首攀: Chris Smith, 1996

运动攀岩 6 Rumney
5.9 Bolt And Run

Climb the bolted face between the chimney and the crack.

首攀: Glen Cilley, 1991

运动攀岩 18m, 6 Rumney
5.9 Flight of the Gumbie

Starts on the right face of the big corner and continues up the arete.

首攀: Gary Beil & Doug Cosby

运动攀岩 24m, 9 New River Gorge
5.9 West Crack
传统攀登 210m, 5 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Over Easy
运动攀岩 14m, 5 Austin
5.9 Lies And Propaganda

首攀: Tom Armstrong, 1987

运动攀岩 21m, 7 Rumney
5.9 Outsiders

首攀: Ryan Lawson

运动攀岩 25m, 8 Smith Rock State Park
5.9 Generic Crack
传统攀登 33m Indian Creek Canyon
5.9 The Line
1 5.9 150ft
2 5.9 120ft
3 5.8 50ft

When looking at the East Wall, this is the obvious, nearly straight up and down, bottom-to-top crack line. When you see it, you know it. Climb the crack. Keep climbing it.

传统攀登 98m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Kor-Ingalls
1 5.6 130ft
2 5.8 100ft
3 5.9 100ft
4 5.8 80ft
  1. 130ft (5.6) Up into an awful tight squeeze chimney. Maybe a better alternative is to start 20 foot right and climb up through blocks. Belay on massive ledge with massive bolts and chains.

  2. 100ft (5.8) Move across to the chimney and double crack system. Ignore the chimney on the left with the bolt (that’s “Black Sun”). Instead, on the right is a double crack system, the left crack is probably best. Climb over some loose blocks at the top to a comfy ledge with bolts and chains.

  3. 100ft (5.9) Layback up the corner, the crack widens and you move into and find a bolt, the crack narrows and you’re forced out for the crux which is protected by a bolt, you’ll stem with thin footholds and gratefully reach a large calcite hold for your left hand. More wide crack/chimney above before being forced out on to the right face just before the belay, bolts and chains.

  4. 80ft (5.8) The obvious line is straight up the off-width crack. However, easier climbing up right to join the North Chimney route, climb flakes up to rappel chains.

首攀: Layton Kor & Huntley Ingalis, 1961

混合传统攀岩 120m, 3 Castle Valley
5.9 Oby-Won Ryobi

首攀: Ed Esmond, 1999

运动攀岩 15m, 6 Rumney
5.9 Binou's Crack

crack narrows from hands to fingers as you climb, then gets very thin when you approach the anchors. Most climbers commit to the awkward off width on the left wall when the main crack thins out. Gear gets very thin at the top.

传统攀登 16m Indian Creek Canyon
5.9 Electric Koolaid

The left-most bolted route.

The first bolt is high, very high. Most of the climbing to it is easy -- 5.2/5.3 stuff, but unless you're quite tall and reachy, one very high up (15' or so) 5.7ish move must be done to clip the first bolt, making the start very committing.

运动攀岩 14m, 5 Red Rock
5.9 Almost Nothing to It
运动攀岩 10m, 4 Austin
5.9 Kampsight
运动攀岩 24m Red River Gorge
5.9 Flakes Of Wrath

Great line at Wall Street. Bring 0.5 to 3 for this one, maybe some nuts.

传统攀登 25m Potash Road
5.9 Chunko Goes Bowling
运动攀岩 27m, 8 Summersville Lake
5.9 Apoplexy
传统攀登 27m Shawangunks
5.9 Child of Light 运动攀岩 26m Owens River Gorge
5.9 War And Peace

首攀: Dawn Shimberg, 1993

运动攀岩 Rumney
5.9 Big Bad Wolf

Featured in Climbing magazine's "America's Best 100 sport climbs" (Oct 2015). The rock is a little hollow in places, but well bolted. All pitches have a 5.9 crux which makes this route a sensational journey up a beautiful wall.

The bolted route between Red Riding Hood and Physical Grafitti, starting off raised platform left of Physical Graffiti.

P1) 70ft, 5.9, steep juggy wall. 8 bolts.

P2) 80ft, 5.8, slabby friction climbing. 8 bolts.

P3) 70ft, 5.8, a little friction, then steep juggy finish to anchor. 8 bolts.


Option 1) climb a 4th pitch of low 5th class past 2 bolts to another anchor, maybe 30 foot, then walk off climber's left and down the descent gully.

Option 2) Rappel from the top of pitch 3, 2 x 60m ropes reach the ground with about 1 foot spare, make sure your 60m ropes are 60m!

Option 3) Rappel the route with 3 single rope rappels.

首攀: Dan Young, L Gallia & E Allen, 2011

运动攀岩 67m, 3, 26 Red Rock
5.9 Golden Locks

One of the few hand cracks at T Wall that's on a face. A burly start to pull the overhang followed by very sustained and challenging hand crack. A must do.

传统攀登 30m Tennessee Wall
5.9 Brother Stair

首攀: Porter Jarrard, 1992

运动攀岩 12m, 4 Red River Gorge
5.9 Slimy Crack

Bouldery off the ground to cruisy moves through to the third clip.......have fun at the top.

自由首攀: Tom Suhler & Bruce Becker

运动攀岩 9m, 3 Austin
5.9 Lena's Lieback

首攀: Kim Schmitz & Jim Madsen, 1967

传统攀登 58m, 3 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Epinephrine

This is it. THE classic red rocks route. And it's just as good as everyone says it is. Original route description said 18 pitches, but it can be done in as little as 11 with some boldish soloing in the upper segments.

  1. 5.8 Start at the base of a steep, gray face Climb past a couple bolts up to a ledge with a few small trees. Continue up a white face, over a small roof, and past a slabby bolt-protected move to the belay. If you place a lot of gear, rope drag will be terrible. So, either use a lot of long runners, run it out, or do it in two pitches.

  2. 5.6 Climb up the chimney to easier terrain. This is your warmup for the more serious chimneys above. Belay at the base of the major chimney system.

  3. 5.9 Follow tricky 5.8 flakes up to the "real" chimney section. Grunt, squirm, and slither your way to the belay 170 ft above. This is probably the most cardiovascularly tasking pitch of the entire climb. Conservation of energy and minimization of effort is critical.

  4. 5.9 I think this is the hardest pitch of the climb. Paste your foot on the slippery chimney wall that's angling the "wrong" way, arm bar in the off-width at the back of the chimney, and worm your way up to a good bucket. Continue over some tricky blocks and cracks to a beautiful 15' hand crack. Belay on a nice (but small) ledge with bolts.

  5. 5.9 A tricky mantle starts the pitch off. Then, the climbing turns to "feet/knees to back" chimneying. Finish at the top of the tower. This is a really fun pitch.

  6. 5.7 Switch into face climbing mode, and cruise the bolt-protected 5.7 face above. Pull the 5.7 roof, and head right to a good ledge.

  7. 5.9 Move the belay right to the base of the "Elephant's Trunk". Head up the Trunk (5.6), past a two-bolt anchor, and up a steep 5.9 face to another two-bolt anchor. The climbing here is exquisite. There are good holds everywhere, but it's steep and really exposed.

  8. 5.9 Climb up another beautiful face/dihedral to an alcove with a two-bolt anchor. More steepness and exposure!

  9. 5.8 Follow the dihedral for 170 ft or so to a two-bolt anchor. This pitch is fun cruising.

  10. 5.9 Continue up the dihedral to a 5.9-ish roof. Pull it, step left, and belay. The roof is probably not 5.9. People think it's that hard because they're so tired by this point.

  11. 5.6 Fly up easy terrain to the end of the technical difficulties.

  12. 5.4 Climb up the right facing ramp to a flat, bushy ledge. Best simulclimbed on a shortened rope.

  13. 5.4 Climb up the right facing ramp to a flat, bushy ledge. Best simulclimbed on a shortened rope.

  14. 5.4 Climb up the right facing ramp to a flat, bushy ledge. Best simulclimbed on a shortened rope.

  15. (4th Class) Head across the slanted ledge to the giant pine tree. Easy but very exposed.

  16. (2nd Class) Unrope at the tree and scramble to victory.

首攀: Jorge Urioste, Joanne Urioste & Joe Herbst, 1978

传统攀登 680m, 16 Red Rock
5.9 G Ant's Line

首攀: Ants Leemets

自由首攀: Dave Erickson & Jim Erickson, 1968

传统攀登 24m Shawangunks
5.9 Touch and Go
传统攀登 25m Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 New Yosemite

5.9 hand crack to bolt anchor.

传统攀登 18m New River Gorge
5.9 Reed's Direct

首攀: Wally Reed, Frank Sacerer, Mark Powell, Gary Colliver & Andy Lichman, 1964

传统攀登 73m, 3 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Crude Behavior

首攀: Steagall, Sandefur, Werner & and Sobocan

运动攀岩 14m, 4 Red Rock
5.9 Fabulous Groupies
运动攀岩 18m, 5 Summersville Lake
5.9 Madrone
运动攀岩 10m Austin
5.9 Send Me On My Way

首攀: Jared Hancock, Karla Carandang, Jenny Wagner & Mark Ryan, 2005

运动攀岩 23m, 9 Red River Gorge
5.9 Four Sheets To The Wind 传统攀登 21m New River Gorge
5.9 Werk Supp
1 5.8
2 5.9

自由首攀: Dave Rearick & Pat Ament

首攀: Ralph Warsfield & Pat Ament

传统攀登 55m, 2 Boulder
5.9 Revelations 运动攀岩 Smith Rock State Park
5.9 Heart of the Sun 运动攀岩 25m Owens River Gorge
5.9 The Yellow Spur

Approach: Follow signs for Regarden wall. The route starts at a ledge with a tree about 15ft higher than the trail, just before the start of Rewritten.

P1: Starts on the short dihedral with a pin about 20ft up, then traverse left and pull a roof. This is a bit intimidating. Traverse back rigth and belay at a tree on a ledge.

P2: Step left and up into the dihedral and then onto the face. Belay on a ledge with a big tree a bit higher.

P3: Climb under the tree and left on cracks and a corner past a ledge with loose rocks, go over the bulge and climb to a big ledge with a broken band that takes some big pro and nuts.

P4: Traverse right about 15 ft and up a dihedral, then arrive at the left side of a huge overhang with a horizontal crack. Traverse right using some pins and the crack for pro (watch for rope drag after the roof!). Then up a thin dihedral to a slanted ledge with a big loose rock. Do not use this rock for pro! It will come down! Use a crack on the floor and a pin on the left wall.

P5: Up the thin crack which you can protect with a #.3. Fun! Then step right around the corner into a wall with a bunch of pins. Either bring lots of slings or skip some of the pins. The moves are delicate here but not hard. After this section you will see a series of bolts that go straight up, this is a direct finish that goes at 5.10. The standard route goes diagonally left on a runout slab, then unto a corner with a pin. You can belay here with some crartive placements a bit higher or continue up to the summit (not recommended, lots of drag).

P6: Up the beautiful exposed arete to the summit of Tower I.

Descent: From the summit traverse right (facing the opposite way of the climb) down to a tree with a sling. Rappel from here to a trail. From there follow the trail down to to a big ledge with big trees that’s the top of Ruper. From there go up a bit through a V notch, then down to a gully with big boulders, Continue down this gully for about 100ft to the end and look for rap rings on the wall on the left. Rap down with 60m rope (barely makes it) to the top of the Upper Ramp. Up the small wall in front to a tree and then down over the ridge to a rap station. 2 single 60m rope raps to the bottom. Then follow the trail left back to the base.

首攀: Layton Kor & Dave Dornan

传统攀登 170m, 6 Boulder
5.9 Red Cabbage
顶绳攀登 15m Shawangunks
5.9 Wherever I May Roam

All belay anchors are bolted.

  1. (5.8) 7 bolts. Climb P1 of 'Adventurous 9904'[301696386].

  2. (5.9) 9 bolts. Clip a bolt and step across the top of a leaning chimney. Follow the bolts traversing up and left.

  3. (5.9) 9 bolts. Continue traversing left around an exposed face, ignoring the bolts leading up for 'The Unforgiven'[16799941] and 'Tears of Rage'[19225339]. Top anchor is also the top of rappel #3.

  4. (5.9) 10 bolts. Follow bolts up and right past a tricky arête to easy slab.

  5. (5.9) 5 bolts. Easy slab leads straight up to jugs on a headwall and anchors up on top.

Descend with 60m rope in 4 rappels.

  1. Rappel off the back (east) side above a 3rd class gully and walk over to chains above the west face.

  2. Rappel to anchors at the top of pitch 3.

  3. Rappel most of the length of the rope and look for anchors to the right.

  4. Rappel to the ground.

Consult a topo (e.g., Watts guide) and know the descent before you start. Climbers have been injured and rescued after rappelling this route from the wrong anchors.

运动攀岩 120m, 5, 40 Smith Rock State Park
5.9 Wadcutter

首攀: Porter Jarrard & Jeff Moll, 1993

运动攀岩 15m, 5 Red River Gorge
5.9 Ankles Away

A balancy face climb between the dihedral and the arrette.

运动攀岩 70m, 9 Foster Falls
5.9 III North Chimney
  1. 40m (5.9) More of a crack pitch than a chimney, it looks intimidating for the grade. A low crux leads to the chimney and a double crack system. Straight up with lay-backing & jamming, well protected throughout, bring plenty of cams. There is a higher crux just before the belay through a bulge. DBB.

  2. 30m (5.9) A short and awkward off-width section just above the belay, bring a BD#5 to protect and ignore the manky old bolt. Continue up chimneying and passing a few loose chockstones. Trad belay with small to medium cams, although there may be fixed pitons in-place.

  3. 30m (5.7) Continue chimneying up, and exit to the right to a loose gravel chute with large loose boulders. Climb over these to a saddle and join the Kor-Ingalis route. Not great gear, but body belay behind boulder is fine.

  4. 15m (5.6) Nice climbing up flakes trending left to the top and rappel chains.

首攀: Burgette & Erickson, 1970

传统攀登 120m, 4 Castle Valley
5.9 Lord Of The Flies
运动攀岩 15m, 5 Red River Gorge
5.9 Nutcracker Right Start

The splitter right trending crack to the right of 'Nutcracker'. Solo 30' up to the top of the shield, then dubious gear to get started in the incipient crack (take great care here - this is the crux and it's poorly protected). The crack widens as it goes right, offering bomber gear, but the slab underneath is very polished, making this a long and sustained pitch at the grade.

自由首攀: Kim Schmitz, Jim Bridwell & Cliff Jennings, 1969

传统攀登 61m, 2 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Menace Alert
运动攀岩 4 Summersville Lake
5.9 La Cosita, Right

Pro to 2".

首攀: TM Herbert & Steve Roper, 1963

传统攀登 27m Yosemite National Park
5.9 Gut Punch the Buddha
运动攀岩 10m Austin
5.9 Frosted Flake

An easy start up a flake, easy slab traversing left under the roof. Use some runners and get ready for it - fire up the long, left arching hand crack. Layback or Jam - its up to you, either way its great!. A 4 inch piece is handy at the top.

首攀: Brad Shaver & Grover Cable

传统攀登 15m Rumbling Bald
5.9 Miss Prissy

Miss Prissy don't know nothin' about birthin' no babies

首攀: Steve Jones, 1993

运动攀岩 12m, 8 Foster Falls
5.9 Loose Lady
运动攀岩 30m Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 G MF
传统攀登 Shawangunks
5.9 Miranda Rayne

首攀: Ron Bateman, Eric Cox & Equipped Matt Tackett, 2006

运动攀岩 14m, 7 Red River Gorge
5.9 Jump For Joy

首攀: Tracy Crabtree & Jeff Ashley, 1993

运动攀岩 15m, 4 Red River Gorge
5.9 Trouble Clef
运动攀岩 24m Red River Gorge
5.9 Easily Aroused

首攀: Tim Kemple Sr., 2001

运动攀岩 15m, 5 Rumney
5.9 The CEL

First bolted route on the left as you enter the corridor.

运动攀岩 15m, 6 Red Rock
5.9 Blood, Sweat, & Chalk

9 bolts, finishing at a set of chains.

自由首攀: George Powell

运动攀岩 9 Franklin Gorge
5.9 Meet the Flintstones

自由首攀: Dave Cardosa, Greg Brooks & Scott Harris, 1988

运动攀岩 4 Austin
5.9 G Directissima
传统攀登 70m, 3 Shawangunks
5.9 Mickey Goes to Vegas 未知 6 Jacks Canyon
5.9 Blonde Dwarf

Starting just right of "Electric Coolaid", climb the right sloping crack until it turns vertical and peters out in the slight scoop in the face, then follow two bolts up and leftwards to the shared anchor.

混合传统攀岩 14m, 2 Red Rock
5.9 Autumn

Great line which stars in a corner. Crux is the upper section on the left of a small dihedral on an awkward bulge. Lieback with high feet until you can reach good feet on the right side of the column. Then cruise on jugs to a 2bolt anchor.

首攀: Martin Hackworth & George Robinson

传统攀登 24m Red River Gorge
5.9 Bonnie's Roof
1 5.9
2 5.7

首攀: B. Prudden & H. Kraus, 1952

自由首攀: D. Williams & J. McCarthy, 1961

传统攀登 60m, 2 Shawangunks
5.9 Clone Call

Start with the left leaning dihedral. Shares last bolt and anchor with Eight Flake.

运动攀岩 15m, 4 Austin
5.9 Crude Street Blues 运动攀岩 14m, 5 Red Rock
{AU} YDS:5.9 Back Flip
运动攀岩 10m Austin
5.9 Souled Out
运动攀岩 21m, 7 Summersville Lake
5.9 Animation

首攀: Richard Rossiter & Gail Effron, 1996

运动攀岩 30m, 10 Boulder
5.9 Physical Therapy 运动攀岩 18m American Fork Canyon
5.9 They Died Laughing 传统攀登 90m Cathedral Ledge
5.9 Fern Bar

自由首攀: Keith Guillory

运动攀岩 14m, 4 Austin
5.9 North Overhang
传统攀登 35m Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 Looking for Lust 运动攀岩 Red Wing
5.9 Bad Moki Roof
传统攀登 20m Potash Road
5.9 Sexy Grandma

Ascends the curving arete right of Double Cross, pulling a roof on large holds halfway up. Enter a gulley, step right over blunt lip onto slab beneath roof, and head straight up clipping three bolts and a pin en route to a two-bolt anchor. Some discrepancyon the grade, but it's a safe lead.

运动攀岩 24m Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 The Upheaval 运动攀岩 26m New River Gorge
5.9 My Dog Has Fleas
运动攀岩 15m Cherokee Rock Village
5.9 III Outer Space

首攀: Fred Beckey & Ron Nicoli

阿式攀登 250m Leavenworth
5.9 Fine Nine 运动攀岩 4 Jackson Falls
5.9 Lewd, Crude, and Misconstrued 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Red Rock
5.9 Absolutely Nothing ( Left Wall )

Many find this one a touch easier than its neighbors

运动攀岩 North Bend
5.9 Higher Stannard

首攀: Jim McCarthy & John Stannard, 1967

传统攀登 Shawangunks
5.9 Traveler Buttress
传统攀登 180m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Thermal Breakdown

首攀: Steagall, Sandefur, Werner & and Sobocan

运动攀岩 15m, 6 Red Rock

Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 线路.

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