
攀登 in Wyoming as various tick types

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 185 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量 攀岩者
星期二 25th 6月 2024 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Crag 6
5.12a Ultramarine - with Selene Ma, Chelsea 运动攀岩 12m 经典
Tracey Hua
Nearly got the flash with the Canasian spray down! Really cool route!

星期一 10th 6月 2024 - Wild Iris
Main Wall Rode Hard
5.11a ~5.10d Easy Ridin' - with Matt 运动攀岩 经典
Punchy climb to a roof bulge and a challenging finish where you move left and bump off an intermediate to a better jug (which, I didn't do and stuck the clip off a challenging slope-y RH finger pocket 😅🤷🏻‍♀️).

Had to sit and think at the roof bulge but made the top clean which is what punts most people off. Nestled to the RHS of the sector classics, beautiful, solid rock.

Great climb, get on it

星期一 10th 6月 2024 - Wild Iris
Main Wall Wild Horses
5.10d The Devil Wears Spurs - with Matt 运动攀岩 超级经典
Described as one of the best 5.10d's at Wild Iris and I can see why! Big moves (including a dyno for me). Pockets abound, but without working feet/tiny edges, you have 21m of hard work ahead of you. Beautifully vertical with a slight slab treat at the end. Think-fest throughout, but with the right read, I can see how it would just be a physical flowfest.

Had a small whip about half way up and a think-rest towards the top. Beautiful, just beautiful - can confirm 7FH.

Mountain Project has yet to list the climb to the left of this (Mutton Busting), so get fully on the RHS of the face from the beautiful looking corner - 2-Star, The Prospect - to climb this lively piece of rock.

星期天 9th 6月 2024 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Powers Wall
5.12b Soul Bossa Nova 运动攀岩 很好
Bob Green
Just took some victory whips on this after sending scotty

星期五 7th 6月 2024 - Wild Iris
OK Corral
5.10b Hard Doob Loob - with Matt 运动攀岩 超级经典
The line for the grade here!! What a freaking climb 😘👌, probably sandbagged for QLD standards 😅

Deliciously long. The view at the top is a straight out of LOTR.

Varied - crack at the start, a stemmy corner with a bulge/rooflet to work around, delicate pockets, 2 hands-free rests and a roof that made me sit on gear until I could see the Savior.Pocket that takes you to sweets jugs for the anchor.

So bummed I was one move from the onsight.

(Also, the name on Mountain Project is Boob Loob)

5.8 Phat Phinger Phrenzy - with Matt 运动攀岩 15m, 6
Holy Stemming Batman! Was not ready for this as my starter for the day! Felt run out and was not my style, so for me, harder than 5.8. had to have a sit & think. For what I have climbed in the area, it is unique.

I stayed left at the top whereas there are some hectic off width photos on the RHS on Mountain Project.

5.10c ~5.10d Matilda's Last Waltz - with Matt 运动攀岩
Tried this after mis-reading Mountain Project & The Crag. Was looking for Stacked Deck (the next one to the left) Very boulder-y, spanny start. Bailed at the first clip. Matt went up it after - it was basically watching him dog up a slabby, crimpy hug-fest fridge.

Frankly, unless you like to hate yourself to the 6th layer of Hell, I would avoid this one, there are so many other lovely 5.10's and 5.11's within 5-10minutes walk.

星期四 6th 6月 2024 - Wild Iris
OK Corral
5.10d Claim Jumper - with Matt, Shazzy 运动攀岩 15m, 7 经典
5.10c on Mountain Project - could be a 5.10d by Aussie standards/style. I really like the layback start but it caught me in the wrong direction about halfway up. Fine edges for feet/foot jam if you know how to use them, otherwise it’s ruthless. Thin, middle but with rests. Top has lovely jugs if you know where to fine them. Demands commitment throughout. Great climb

星期四 6th 6月 2024 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Powers Wall
5.13a Scotty Don't 运动攀岩 经典
Bob Green
星期二 4th 6月 2024 - Wild Iris
Main Wall Rode Hard
5.12c Rode Hard and Put Up Wet 运动攀岩
Manolo Ruiz
tried the onsight. The weird beta in the roof got me

星期二 4th 6月 2024 - Wild Iris
Main Wall Hot Tamale
5.12c Hey, Mr. Vaquero 运动攀岩 经典
Manolo Ruiz
星期一 3rd 6月 2024 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.13a Dances with cows 运动攀岩 9
Bob Green
Coming back for the send (if my fingers let me)

星期六 1st 6月 2024 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Dry Wall - right side Question Wall
5.12b Question Crack Right 运动攀岩 13 一般
Bob Green
Sharp climbing, not super inspiring

5.11c Question Crack Center 运动攀岩 13 一般
Bob Green
Should've brought crack gloves. Route is very sharp

星期五 31st 5月 2024 - Sinks Canyon
5.12c Addiction 运动攀岩 经典
Manolo Ruiz
星期六 25th 5月 2024 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Mondo Beyondo Downpour Wall
5.12b Happiness 运动攀岩 24m
Bob Green
Pumpy, coming back for the send

星期五 24th 5月 2024 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Powers Wall
5.12a Sharks with Lasers 运动攀岩 很好
Bob Green
Broke off a hold, or I would have had it

星期天 23rd 7月 2023 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Canyon Home Alone Wall
5.11a Character witness 运动攀岩 21m, 6 经典
星期天 23rd 7月 2023 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Powers Wall
5.11d Quasi Evil 运动攀岩 很好
星期天 16th 7月 2023 - Sinks Canyon
Sandstone Buttress
5.8 Gunky 传统攀登 190m
星期六 15th 7月 2023 - Wild Iris
OK Corral
5.10b Aces and Eights 运动攀岩 一般
5.11a Red as a Blooming Rose 运动攀岩 14m, 5 很好
星期天 28th 5月 2023 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Dry Wall - right side Question Wall
5.12b Why you gotta be a Bitch? - with Kat M 运动攀岩 17m, 10 经典
Timothy Prime
5.12b Shoot the Question - with Timothy Prime 运动攀岩 9
Kat M
星期天 28th 8月 2022 - Sinks Canyon
Granite Walls
5.12c Foundation 运动攀岩 经典
Bibi Garcia
5.12c Foundation 运动攀岩 经典
Bibi Garcia
5.12c Foundation 运动攀岩 经典
Bibi Garcia
星期三 24th 8月 2022 - Wind River Mountains
Cirque of the Towers Wolfs Head
5.10c Brass Monkey
1 5.5 700ft
2 5.10b
3 5.10c
传统攀登 210m 很好
Bibi Garcia
Bailed at 3rd pitch

星期六 20th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.13a Dances with cows 运动攀岩 9
Bibi Garcia
星期五 19th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.13b Blue light special 运动攀岩 10
Bibi Garcia
星期五 19th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Downtown Area The Cigar Pillar
5.12c The Gravy Train 运动攀岩 9
Bibi Garcia
星期四 18th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Whiny Baby Wall
5.12c 5.12d Tangerine Fat Explosion 运动攀岩 很好
Bibi Garcia
星期一 15th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Downtown Area The Cigar Pillar
5.13a The name of the game 运动攀岩 8 超级经典
Bibi Garcia
5.13a The name of the game 运动攀岩 8 超级经典
Bibi Garcia
5.13a The name of the game 运动攀岩 8 超级经典
Bibi Garcia
5.13a The name of the game 运动攀岩 8 超级经典
Bibi Garcia
星期六 13th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.12c Kielbasa 运动攀岩
Bibi Garcia
5.12c Kielbasa 运动攀岩
Bibi Garcia
星期二 9th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.11a Lil smokey 运动攀岩 3
Bibi Garcia
星期一 8th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.12d Esplanada 运动攀岩 8
Bibi Garcia
5.12d Esplanada 运动攀岩 8
Bibi Garcia
星期一 8th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Sector D'Or et Bleu
5.12d Pussytoes 运动攀岩 12 很好
Bibi Garcia
5.12d Pussytoes 运动攀岩 12 很好
Bibi Garcia
5.12d Pussytoes 运动攀岩 12 很好
Bibi Garcia
星期天 7th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Downtown Area The Cigar Pillar
5.13a The name of the game 运动攀岩 8 很好
Bibi Garcia
Learning moves again. Feels better than ever!

5.13a The name of the game 运动攀岩 8 很好
Bibi Garcia
星期天 7th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Powers Wall
5.12b 5.12b/c Shaguar 运动攀岩 很好
Bibi Garcia
星期五 5th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.12d Esplanada 运动攀岩 8
Bibi Garcia
Clipped the chains for the first time! Felt sooo much easier than last year but a little tweaky on the fingers, not sure if I'll come back to it..

星期五 5th 8月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Shinto
5.12b Left El Shinto 运动攀岩 14 很好
Bibi Garcia
星期四 4th 8月 2022 - Wild Iris
5.11b Whoa Nelly 运动攀岩 14m
Bibi Garcia
星期天 31st 7月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic The Super Hard Shit
5.13a Tetonka 运动攀岩 6
Renee Rogge
2 hangs first go. Will be back for this one next year. Found on my last day 🥲

星期二 26th 7月 2022 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.13b Super mama 运动攀岩 10
Renee Rogge
All moves except long move in crux. Maybe not the climb for me!

星期天 22nd 5月 2022 - Rawlins
Owl Roofs
V5 V7/8 Polar Project 攀石 5m 经典
Matt Smith
V5 V7/8 Polar Project 攀石 5m 经典
Matt Smith
星期六 11th 9月 2021 - Devils Tower National Monument
East And Northeast Buttress Approach
5.10a New Wave
1 传统攀登
2 传统攀登
传统攀登 67m
Colton Van Dorpe
onsight pitch 1, hung pitch 2

星期六 14th 8月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Crag 6
5.12b Swamp Thang 运动攀岩
Bibi Garcia
1 fall

星期六 14th 8月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Downtown Area The Cigar Pillar
5.13a The name of the game 运动攀岩 8
Bibi Garcia
Felt SO hard even compared to last time. Chose to save some juice for PM climbing since it's my last day.

5.12a Floyd Direct 运动攀岩
Bibi Garcia
Tough start!

星期四 12th 8月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.12d Esplanada 运动攀岩 8
Bibi Garcia
Didn't really like this route to be honest... Don't think I'll be keeping it on the project list.

星期三 11th 8月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Powers Wall
5.13a Not My Bag Baby 运动攀岩 很好
Bibi Garcia
Hanging draws, remembering the moves. Found a better foot for the crux. Feels hard as hell but possible... if I can manage the pump.

5.13a Not My Bag Baby 运动攀岩 很好
Bibi Garcia
LONG beta burn on 8/9/21. Michelle sprained her ankle so no second go

5.12a Swedish Penis Enlarger 运动攀岩
Bibi Garcia
Beta burn on 8/9/21

星期六 7th 8月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Powers Wall
5.12c Shags Very Well 运动攀岩 很好
Bibi Garcia
Fell 2 moves from the chains ;_;

5.12c Shags Very Well 运动攀岩 很好
Bibi Garcia
Working out the moves. Felt great, except for my ring finger going numb on one of the sharp pockets.

星期四 5th 8月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Crag 6
5.12d Deez Nutz 运动攀岩 25m
Bibi Garcia

星期三 4th 8月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Lower Old Road Greenland
5.12b Upernavik 运动攀岩
Bibi Garcia
soo painfully close to the flash :'( one foot slip through the mono sequence.

星期天 30th 5月 2021 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Mondo Beyondo Downpour Wall
5.12b Happiness 运动攀岩 24m 超级经典
Cauli Xiang
Very contiunes route with pockets and a lot of fun movements. Slipped a foot during onsight attemping. Will try it next time.

星期五 13th 9月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Sector D'Or et Bleu
5.13b Stonecrop - with Ethan 运动攀岩 9 很好
Gabe Grayum
Chalked it up lowering over it. The movement is really good! Couldn't do a couple of the moves yet.

星期六 7th 9月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic The Super Hard Shit
5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
New high pt. Fell at 2nd sloper above bolt 4. fuck!

5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
Fell last move of crux again

5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
Fell last move of crux again

5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
Fell at high pt - bolt 4

星期五 6th 9月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic The Super Hard Shit
5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
Ugh foot popped at end of crux

5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
Climbed through crux, clipped 4th bolt. Fell off moving right to bad pocket. fuck.

5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
Fell off going to the right hand crimp at end of crux (hardest move)

星期一 2nd 9月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic The Super Hard Shit
5.12b The Great White Behemoth - with Ethan 运动攀岩 9 很好
Gabe Grayum
Can't believe Ethan got the OS! So much chalk everywhere.

星期五 30th 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.12d Esplanada - with Ethan 运动攀岩 8
Gabe Grayum
Not my favorite.

5.12b Hot dog - with Ethan 运动攀岩 8 很好
Gabe Grayum
Dang so close on the OS.

星期一 26th 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic The Super Hard Shit
5.13a Tetonka (Tetonka (aka: The Ol Wiggly Diggly)) - with Ethan 运动攀岩 6 很好
Gabe Grayum
星期四 22nd 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.13a Dances with cows - with Ethan 运动攀岩 9
Gabe Grayum
feels impossible to link

5.13a Dances with cows - with Ethan 运动攀岩 9
Gabe Grayum
2 hangs. big progress.

星期二 20th 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Whiny Baby Wall
5.12d 5.12c Team whiny baby - with Ethan 运动攀岩 9
Gabe Grayum
5.12d Tangerine Fat Explosion - with Ethan 运动攀岩 一般
Gabe Grayum

星期二 20th 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic The Super Hard Shit
5.13b Skwish Mitten - with Ethan 运动攀岩 很好
Gabe Grayum
pfff, too hard for me

星期天 18th 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic Insect Corner
5.12d The Insect - with Ethan 运动攀岩 11 很好
Gabe Grayum
didn't love the top half but might come back to it.

星期六 17th 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Sector D'Or et Bleu
5.12d Pussytoes - with Ethan 运动攀岩 12 很好
Gabe Grayum
hard boulder!

星期六 17th 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Grasshopper Wall
5.13b Blue light special - with Ethan 运动攀岩 10
Gabe Grayum
Not sure this is enjoyable. Mega crimpy.

星期二 6th 8月 2019 - Sinks Canyon
Main Wall The Killer Cave
5.12a Blue Moon 运动攀岩
Nick Miguel Ducker

星期五 2nd 8月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Superratic The Super Hard Shit
5.13c Hellion 运动攀岩 9 很好
星期六 27th 7月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
French Cattle Ranch Sector D'Or et Bleu
5.14b Porcelain 运动攀岩 9
星期三 24th 7月 2019 - Ten Sleep Canyon
Mondo Beyondo Downpour Wall
5.13d Gold Member 运动攀岩
星期天 7th 7月 2019 - Wild Iris
5.11d 5.11c The Guns I'll Never Own 运动攀岩 11m
Devin McCauley
星期天 7th 7月 2019 - Wild Iris
OK Corral
5.11b Tribal War 运动攀岩 19m, 9
Devin McCauley
星期天 7th 7月 2019 - Wild Iris
5.11c 5.11d Zorro 运动攀岩
Devin McCauley
星期五 5th 7月 2019 - Wild Iris
Main Wall Five-Ten Wall
5.11a Ryobi Wrangler 运动攀岩
Devin McCauley
星期五 28th 6月 2019 - Wild Iris
Main Wall Rodeo Wave
5.12c Bobcat Logic 运动攀岩
Nick Miguel Ducker
Blew the last move (said everyone ever)

5.12c Bobcat Logic 运动攀岩
Nick Miguel Ducker
Not enough juice, tweaked my left hand for good measure!

星期四 27th 6月 2019 - Wild Iris
Main Wall Rodeo Wave
5.12c Bobcat Logic 运动攀岩
Nick Miguel Ducker
10-12 moves of bouldery goodness!

5.12c Bobcat Logic 运动攀岩
Nick Miguel Ducker
5.12c Bobcat Logic 运动攀岩
Nick Miguel Ducker
I'm gonna getcha!


Showing 1 - 100 out of 185 攀登.

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