
Routen in Natural Bridge Area

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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
Whalestooth Area
21 Tiger Snake

S-shaped flake on short overhanging wall on large boulder in center of Whalestooth area. Access via Natural bridge and Orca sectors. Climb starts virtually at sea level however is protected from waves by Mousetrap boulder. Still, only climb on very low seas. Always be aware of King waves.

Erstbegehung: Andreas Roilo, 1989

Traditionell 7m
21 Mousetrap

Diagonal corner crack on boulder that protrudes out from the ocean. Getting off the boulder is not easy and is part of the climb. Only climb on very calm days and always be aware of King waves.

Erstbegehung: Andreas Roilo & Tom von Burg, 1990

Traditionell 8m
10 Southern Comfort
Traditionell 12m
14 Black Russian
Traditionell 12m
19 Sabretooth

Sabretooth 13m 19* Start as for ‘Whalestooth’ then follow the twin parallel cracks branching right halfway up (the cracks above ‘Thinker Skinner’) and top out once you can reach the ledge. Nice lay-backing with an unsuspecting crux. Jonas Hollingworth – Apr 14

Traditionell 13m
15 Whalestooth
Traditionell 13m
18 Thinker Skinker
Traditionell 14m
15 The Plank
Traditionell 15m
18 My Bent Friends
Traditionell 10m
Orca Wall
20 Dolphin

Erstbegehung: Tim MaCartney-Snape, 1985

Traditionell 14m
10 South Coast Dogma

Erstbegehung: G.Brammer & T.Bradshaw, 1973

Traditionell 14m
18 Flaked In

Erstbegehung: Mike Smith & Richard Rathbone, 1978

Traditionell 14m
24 Orca

Start on slightly overhanging lay-back crack (the belly of the 'diving killer whale'). When crack peters out, cross short face section diagonally left (crux) towards shallow corner crack. Top out on this.

Erstbegehung: Andreas Roilo, 1990

Traditionell 9m
21 Bronze Whaler in Memoriam

Start one meter right of 'Orca'. Up crack to small no-hand-rest at the arrowhead ('fin'). Traverse left (crux) to shallow corner crack and climb out as for Orca. Note: There are two variations as to how crux can be climbed - a low traverse (as in FA) and a high traverse. Both options are of similar difficulty.

Erstbegehung: Andreas Roilo, 1988

Traditionell 14m
9 Skinny

Erstbegehung: J.Remynse, 1973

Traditionell 10m
4 Fat

Erstbegehung: V.Delgado, 1973

Traditionell 10m
6 Gangway

Erstbegehung: V.Delgado & J.Remynse, 1973

Traditionell 25m
20 Flake

Erstbegehung: unknown

Traditionell 10m
20 Mondo Trasho

Erstbegehung: M.Colyvan & G.Pritchard, 1983

Traditionell 12m
20 Multiple Maniacs

Erstbegehung: M.Colyvan & G.Pritchard, 1983

Traditionell 10m
The Bowl Area
16 R.I.P. Corner
Traditionell 10m
7 Periscope
Traditionell 14m
9 Warren
Traditionell 10m
14 Firecat
Traditionell 12m
23 Softly Softly
Traditionell 12m
20 Flaked Out
Traditionell 12m
8 Flintstone
Traditionell 10m
24 Don't Petal Me
Traditionell 12m
16 Custom Belay Left-hand Finish
Traditionell 12m
14 Custom Belay
Traditionell 12m
8 Don't Look Down
Traditionell 7m
18 Purple Haze
Traditionell 10m
16 Clochemerle Indirect

'South Coast Rock': "The bottomless corner/crack. Abseil to a hanging belay, then climb the corner direct to the top"

'The Guide': "Climbs the southern inside corner of the Natural Bridge. Abseil to a hanging belay. Straight up the corner"

Erstbegehung: Lowe, Gibbs & Rathbone, 1986

Traditionell 10m
16 Off The Deck

"The Guide" 2nd Ed: "The hanging corner [20m R of Purple Haze] which drops into the wave washed platform at the NE corner of the rock bridge itself. Abseil to a hanging belay. The Crack."

Erstbegehung: H. Butler & P. Hooper, 1989

Traditionell 10m
Amityville Area
19 Mother of Meat

The crack and corner to the left of the gully. Awkward off-width moves to finish.

Erstbegehung: M.Colyvan & G.Pritchard, 1983

Traditionell 22m
20 The Amityville Horror

Erstbegehung: M.Colyvan & G.Pritchard, 1983

Traditionell 22m
19 Over Indulgence

Rap to large belay edge. Start on left side of ledge (very strenuous) Climb left facing flakes.

Erstbegehung: M.Colyvan & G.Pritchard, 1983

Traditionell 16m
21 Noosa

Same start as 'One Step Beyond' but at half way mark continue straight using a series of flakes on left side of arete.

Erstbegehung: Andreas Roilo & K.Bennet, 1991

Traditionell 12m
14 One Step Beyond

Climb starts on same large ledge as Over Indulgence but on the opposite side. Climb crack for 6 meters then step to right around arete and continue up hand crack to top.

Erstbegehung: M.Colyvan & G.Pritchard, 1983

Traditionell 16m
Surf's Up Wall
17 Pipeline

The right side of the arete that forms the boundary between Amityville Area and Surfs Up Wall. Start from 'ground level' (ie wave washed platform only on very calm days and low tide), else from good ledge about 6m up.

Erstbegehung: unknown

Traditionell 22m
15 Surf's Up

Build belay on right side of boulder, facing east, about 3m from arête, and rap down to sea-level ledge. It is advisable to build an anchor. Climb crack 3m right of arête.

Erstbegehung: K.Carrigan & R.Rathbone, 1986

Traditionell 22m
14 Curl Curl

The thin crack 2m to the right of Surf's Up.

Erstbegehung: unknown

Traditionell 20m
13 Dumper

The obvious crack 3m left of corner.

Erstbegehung: R.Davidson & Andreas Roilo, 1990

Traditionell 17m
13 Welsh Corner

Climb the corner and finish up on crack to the left.

Erstbegehung: B.Campbell & M.Campbell, 1990

Traditionell 19m
20 Val Halla

Start at the arete on the right of the wall (as for Ivory Tower). Follow flakes up and left to eedge, then layback the obvious flake/ crack to top (crux). (Note: fixed rope was used as protection of crux on first ascent).

Erstbegehung: K.Bennet & D.Moon, 1991

Traditionell 25m
23 Ivory Tower

A powerful line capturing the full atmosphere of the Gap. Start on same wave-washed ledge as for Welsh corner or two meters up on hanging belay. Climb the right trending lay-back flake which turns into a corner crack that in turn leads over a 1.5m roof(crux). The elephant tusk 4m above the roof offers a good no-hand rest necessary to tackle the spicy finish - a 7m off-width body crack.

Erstbegehung: Andreas Roilo, 1990

Traditionell 25m

Zeigt alle 46 Routen.

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