
Begehungen in Australien von Koalapie

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Zeige 801 - 900 von 2,082 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität
Mo 10. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside DR Easter Egg Escarpment Jabba
V0- Wide Crack Boulder 2m
V0- Middle Slab Boulder 2m
VB+ Hand Crack Boulder 2m
V0- Right Arete Boulder 3m
V0- Blunt Arete Boulder 3m
VB+ Right Slab Boulder 3m
V0- Right Slab Left Arete Boulder 3m
V0- Finger Crack Boulder 3m
V0- Left Slab Right Arete Boulder 3m
VB+ Left Slab Boulder 3m
V0 Left Arete Boulder 3m
Mo 10. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside DR Easter Egg Escarpment Yabby 1
VB+ Right of Tree Sit Boulder 1m
VB Right of Tree Boulder 1m
VB+ Between Trees Boulder 2m
VB- Left Arete NW Boulder 1m
VB Right Arete Boulder 1m
VB- Left Arete Boulder 1m
Mo 10. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside DR Easter Egg Escarpment Yabby 2
V0 West Arete Right Sit E Boulder 2m
VB Short Offwidth Sit E Boulder 1m
VB- Short Offwidth Boulder 1m
V0+ West Arete Right Sit B Boulder 3m
V0 West Arete Right Sit A Boulder 3m
V0 West Arete Right Indirect Boulder 3m
V0- West Arete Right Boulder 2m
V0 West Arete Left Sit B Boulder 2m
V0- Weat Arete Left Sit A Boulder 2m
VB+ West Arete Left Boulder 2m
V0- Right Arete Sit B Boulder 2m
VB+ Right Sit A Boulder 2m
VB Right Arete Boulder 2m
VB+ North Slab Sit B Boulder 2m
VB North Slab Sit A Boulder 2m
VB- North Slab Boulder 2m
VB+ Left Arete Sit B Boulder 2m
VB Left Arete Sit A Boulder 2m
VB- Left Arete Boulder 2m
Mo 10. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside DR Easter Egg Escarpment Yabby 3
VB+ Slab Sit A Boulder 2m
VB Left Arete Sit A Boulder 2m
VB- Letf Arete Boulder 1m
VB+ Slab Sit B Boulder 2m
VB Slab Boulder 1m
VB Right Arete Sit B Boulder 2m
VB- Right Arete Boulder 1m
VB+ Gentle Offwidth Sit B Boulder 2m
VB Gentle Offwidth Boulder 2m
Mi 5. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Tabletop
V0- Two Pocket Mantle Boulder 1m
VB- Diagonal Boulder 1m
Mi 5. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Seashell Boulder
V4 Sail-on-Seashell Boulder 5m
Mi 5. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Flaked Boulder
V0 Flake Right Boulder 2m
VB+ Odd Arete Boulder 2m
VB Chossy Face Boulder 2m
VB- Short Corner(Descent) Boulder 1m
Mo 3. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Lord of the Vines
V0 Crimpcrack Sit Boulder 3m
V0+ Fu LE Sit Boulder 3m
V0 Fu RE Sit Boulder 2m
V0 Fu Sit Start Boulder 2m
VB+ Crackcrimp Boulder 2m
V0- Fu LE Boulder 2m
V0 Fu RE Boulder 2m
V0- Fu Boulder 2m
V3 Rock Vine Rain Boulder 3m
V2 Lord of the Vines Boulder 3m
V2 Duo Duo Boulder 2m
V0 Duo Boulder 2m
V0- Short Steeper Wall Boulder 2m
VB+ Bulgy Slab Boulder 2m
VB+ Stepped Slab Boulder 2m
VB Right of Crack Boulder 2m
VB- Crack(Descent) Boulder 2m
VB- Left of Crack Boulder 2m
V0- Right of Vertical Rail Boulder 2m
VB+ Left of Vertical Rail Boulder 2m
V0- Ridge Boulder 3m
VB- Short Slab Boulder 2m
Mo 3. Apr 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Fine China
V2/3 Great Wall LR Boulder 7m
V3 Great Wall Boulder 8m
V2 Tellacotta Boulder 3m
V0+ Left Wall Boulder 3m
V3 March of the Terracotta Army Boulder 6m
V2/3 Terracotta Army Boulder 3m
V1 Great Wall Direct Sit Boulder 3m
V0+ Great Wall Direct Boulder 3m
V1 Mango Boulder 2m
V1 Concrete Boulder 2m
V0 Earthenware Boulder 2m
So 26. Mär 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Phallic Boulder
V1/2 Centurion East Rlght Arete Boulder 3m
V1 Centurion East Slab Boulder 3m
V1 Centurion East Left Arete (Descent) Boulder 3m
Di 21. Mär 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Crescent Crater Boulder
V0+ Black Slab Boulder
V1/2 Crescent Crater LHV Boulder 3m
Mo 20. Mär 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector Crescent Crater Boulder
V1/2 Crescent Crater Boulder 3m
V2 NW Arete Boulder 3m
V0 S Arete Boulder 2m
V0- Scoop Boulder 2m
VB+ SE Slab Boulder 2m
Di 14. Mär 2023 - Lake Copeton
Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area Eastside CDS Sector FF Boulder
V0 Bulge Left Boulder 3m
V0 Black Slab Boulder 3m
V0- Black Flaky Slab Boulder 3m
V0- Flaky Slab Boulder 3m
VB+ Stepped Slab Boulder 3m

Zeige 801 - 900 von 2,082 Begehungen.

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