
Routen in Stoney Creek

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Zeigt alle 23 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
Douglas Track Boulders
V1 1a)

Sit start on jug on arete.

Erstbegehung: Yu Sakma, 24 Jan 2017

Boulder 3m
V1 1b)

Stand start with good LH sidepull, RH edge. Move up slopey crimps and top out to the L. Direct top out harder.

Erstbegehung: Cameron Wycherley, 24 Jan 2017

Boulder 3m
V4 2a)

Crouch start low on arete with LH on good sidepull and RH on low, small, rounded crimp on arete. Move up through slopey ledges and LH sidepull to slopey crimp. Bust out to jugs, out L of the arete to top out.

Erstbegehung: Yu Sakama, 24 Jan 2017

Boulder 3m
V3 3a)

Sit start at middle of boulder on low small holds. Heads up and R.

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 30 Sep 2019

Boulder 3m
V0 3b)

Sit start on jug, far R end of boulder. Up via cool slots and slopers to top edge. head out left to top out at highest point.

Erstbegehung: Yu Sakma, 24 Jan 2017

Boulder 3m
Stoney Creek Boulders
V3 Underdog

Begin squat starting with large undercling rail in mini cave. Has sloper, semi-good hold, and high right jug. Tops out above left sloper on ledge platform.

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 3 Jun 2019

Boulder 3m
V2 Carcharias

Start low under mini roof on small edge and sizable vertical pinch. Pop up a couple of times to gain prow and topout along dorsal-fin-like feature.

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 30 Sep 2019

Boulder 2m
V2 Well, it looked like it had holds...

Start on corner, work pocket and crack looking piece to out far left above dirty crack. Go straight up if you find holds.

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jan 2019

Boulder 4m
V0 Crumble bum

Traverse left to right, top lip is in

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jan 2019

Boulder 2m
V1/2 Direct Diffusion

Start central seated, into layback out right to top (V1 ways of doing climb if starting higher, V2 from low edges)

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jan 2019

Boulder 2m
V0 - 1 Open Hand

Start far right, few moves to top. Mind the loose hold, better small edge for open hand crimp

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jan 2019

Boulder 2m
V4 Skellington

Start low under over hang. Midway jug and far right lip edge in. Work up and left to gain top lip slopers and rail sloper, then to upper edges to gain topout jug feature.

Jared Tyerman

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 21 Jun 2019

Boulder 2m
V0 Compadre

Sit start on 2 edges, rise up to lip and topout (on small boulder just downstream of Skelington).

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 3 Jun 2019

Boulder 2m
V3 Padrino

Squat start with right sidepull and low edge. Gain high hold and traverse into top of Compadre.

Erstbegehung: Jared Tyerman, 30 Sep 2019

Boulder 2m

Can set up a slackline over the water here between the bolted anchor (left of image) and a tree root (right of image). Needs cord and some maillons for bolted anchor. 10m ish.

Deep Water Solo 2m
Stoney Creek Water Soloing
V3 To Fall, or To The Falls

Traverse right to left along wall, top at end above mossy section or fall in where you please. No chalk or shoes required. Shallow far right for start.

Erstbegehung: Lars Kolfen

Deep Water Solo 6m
V1 Rung out

Trek up many good features.

Deep Water Solo 6m
Blue Falls

Up LL to ledge, downclimb left, head under bulge to tooth hold and rad movements to gain top of bloc.

Deep Water SoloProjekt 5m
Leathal Leaper

Up smaller holds, traverse into corner, out roof, up headwall to rail via big move.

Deep Water SoloProjekt 7m
V2 Water Stone

Start on a few thin pinching holds, climb into rails, up through breaks. Matched finish.

Deep Water Solo 4m
V2 Water Rock

As for Water Stone but start 1m to left. Reachy or dynamic first move rail to rail.

Deep Water Solo 4m
V4 Flaker's Footloose

Up flakes, across and under roof, over bulge.

Deep Water Solo 5m
Creek Caving

Water start central left of cave, move through roof, join TFoTTF.

Deep Water SoloProjekt

Zeigt alle 23 Routen.

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