
Einträge in Mad World Boulder

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Mad World Boulder

A neat little sunny and protected section of rock. Please be mindful of the many unique and very fragile hollow and pocketed features on this rock. The problems on this boulder are located to the R of these features.

V5 Mad World

Sit start 1m left of OLS. L-hand side pull feature & small R-hand crimp. Bomber rail for feet. Up to tiny R-hand sidepull & big L-hand move up to slopey/crimpy mantle features.

V3 Good Cop, Bad Cop

Start as for OLS. Up crack until it gets awkward & then exit L & top-out on good crimpers.

V4 Ocun's Last Stand

Sit start at base of crack. Up through solid hand jammies until they become loose fists beyond the buldge. 100% crack baby.

V1 Violent Crumble

Start as for OLS. Up crack & exit R on gritty coarse features. Warning: a fair bit of rotten, flexy rock surounds the top-out jugs (avoid the obvious juicy looking low R-hand jug).

Zeigt alle 5 Einträge.

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