
Begehungen in Morialta

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Zeige 701 - 800 von mehr als 10,700 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität Kletterer
Mo 3. Apr 2023 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
16 Begging for Forgiveness Sport 15m, 8
Caleb Farrell
Mo 3. Apr 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
16 Plexas Traditionell 18m Gut
Toby Nichols
So 2. Apr 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
15 Arev Traditionell 14m Gut
James Thomson
Interesting and varied climbing. Gritty in more ways than one …Phew!

So 2. Apr 2023 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
23 Witch Hunt Sport 15m, 7
LJ Nielsen
Relearning the beta to get clean soon. The step up into the undercling block would be such a nice move if the block wasn’t so keen to visit the creek in the valley below. Individual moves aren’t bad, keen for another sesh soon. With or without blocky boi.

So 2. Apr 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
20 R Digital Input — 2 Versuche - mit Nathan Moore, Jedediah Traditionell 19m
21 Living on the Ceiling — 2 Versuche - mit Nathan Moore, Jedediah Traditionell 17m
Sa 1. Apr 2023 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
16 ~17 Beggar's Banquet Sport 10m
Adam Deverix
Sa 1. Apr 2023 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
23 Japetus Direct Finish — 2 Versuche - mit Uday, Gioele Sport Sehr gut
Bruno Alves Buzatto
tried the redpoint and din't get it this time. Another cledan lap on top rope at the end of the session too, but the redopoint will have to wait...

Sa 1. Apr 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
18 Illequipt - mit Chelsea, Uday, Gioele Traditionell 14m Sehr gut
Bruno Alves Buzatto
This is quite good, but the gear at the start does not feel very good. Make sure to bring small stuff up... At least a bomber 0.5 before the crux (and after!) makes you feel happy to run that section out a bit. Stoked to onsight it!

15 Shedidit - mit Chelsea, Uday Traditionell 13m Sehr gut
Bruno Alves Buzatto
Really nice and well protected. Feels like you still need a bit of good technique.

Sa 1. Apr 2023 - Morialta
The Outcrops
8 YMCA - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 12m Gut
Laurence Judd
Easy fun climbing. Not a massive amount of gear though.

9 Glenfiddich - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 11m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
Pretty average start to a better end. Be a nice warm up next time.

9 Soliloquy - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 13m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
Warm up line, not bad.

13 Trigeminal - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 13m Gut
Laurence Judd
Followed Luke up this, looks like a good lead for next time!

13 Three Step - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 12m Sehr gut
Laurence Judd
Some great jamming early on to an easier finish. Great line.

Sa 1. Apr 2023 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
23 schwer Japetus Direct Finish - mit Bruno Alves Buzatto Sport Klassiker
Ross Paynter
Tough starts leads to a fun cut loose. Surprised I got this. Pump was certainly building by the end. Glad I lowered on to my heel on the platform to rest. This was a flash yet also a pink point with the second clipped thanks to Bruno.

22 leicht Terra Incognita - mit Bruno Alves Buzatto Sport 20m Klassiker
Ross Paynter
Reminds me of Nowra. Brilliant climbing. Always a hold where I needed one although sometimes smaller than ideal. Watch the pump build up. Rad!

21 October - mit Adam Deverix Sport 12m, 3 Klassiker
Carl Schneider
Nice lead today. Tiny bit off, messed up some beta but did ok.

23 Japetus Direct Finish - mit Adam Deverix Sport Sehr gut
Carl Schneider
Another try at this today. For me the heel hooks (I think three all up) are instrumental. Found a new LH large side pull up the top, level with the undercling/ side pull block but further left. Felt no where near as strong as last time.

Fr 31. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
21 Extra G — 3 Versuche Gemischt trad 18m, 1 Sehr gut
Tom Q
Kept messing up the end. gr8 climb

16 Muesli Traditionell 18m
Tom Q
Look forward to leading this.

Do 30. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Outcrops
14 Surely Traditionell 14m
13 Ariel Traditionell 12m
19 X Triad Traditionell 10m
Fr 24. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Outcrops
9 leicht Aleos Traditionell 12m Gut
Toby Nichols
19 X leicht Triad Traditionell 10m Klassiker
Toby Nichols
18 R Voss — 2 Versuche Traditionell 13m
Toby Nichols
Fr 24. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
22 Terra Incognita — 2 Versuche Sport 20m Sehr gut
Tom Q
Mi 22. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
21 Pull Apart - mit Toby Nichols Toprope 19m Klassiker
Ethan Penck
21 Pull Apart — 2 Versuche - mit Ethan Penck Toprope 19m Gut
Toby Nichols
Mi 22. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
16 Asgard Traditionell 15m Gut
Toby Nichols
8 leicht Cinch Traditionell 14m
Toby Nichols
19 A Quiet Chat — 3 Versuche Traditionell 13m Gut
Toby Nichols
15 Shedidit Traditionell 13m
Toby Nichols
Mi 22. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
21 Living on the Ceiling Traditionell 17m Gut
Toby Nichols
18 R leicht Brainrack - mit Ethan Penck Traditionell 19m Gut
Toby Nichols
21 Extra G — 2 Versuche - mit Ethan Penck Gemischt trad 18m, 1 Gut
Toby Nichols
16 Muesli - mit Ethan Penck Traditionell 18m Sehr gut
Toby Nichols
So 19. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
16 Twist and Shout Sport 15m, 4
Elliot Litchfield
Pulled down a massive loose rock like a numpty, almost killed my belayer. He was quick though.

11 1987 Sport 12m, 3
Elliot Litchfield
So 19. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
12 Sheoak Corner Traditionell 15m
James Beck
12 Pedagogue Traditionell 20m
James Beck
Fr 17. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
17 leicht Mt Olive Traditionell 17m Gut
Toby Nichols
Fr 17. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
8 Cinch Traditionell 14m Gut
Tom Q
16 Asgard Traditionell 15m Gut
Tom Q
trad pb

15 Shedidit Traditionell 13m Sehr gut
Tom Q
bit more sketchy in the dark with no headtorch lol

Mo 13. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Billiard Table
21 Fascination Gemischt trad 16m, 3 Gut
Maui Ryan
Did this on lead however mostly used logical variation bolts as there's only the 3 bolts on the route and they're super run out.

Great climb though, it would be spicy only using the 3 bolts.

So 12. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
20 R Digital Input - mit Cliff Barnett, Mark Charles Barnett Traditionell 19m Sehr gut
Carl Schneider
Really struggled on this today. Found it very balancey. Managed to get it clean after failing several times at the crux. I like the top.

20 R schwer Digital Input - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Traditionell 19m Sehr gut
Cliff Barnett
20 R schwer Digital Input — 3 Versuche - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Traditionell 19m Sehr gut
Cliff Barnett
21 Extra G - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Gemischt trad 18m, 1 Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
21 Extra G - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Gemischt trad 18m, 1 Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
21 Extra G - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Gemischt trad 18m, 1 Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
16 Muesli - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Traditionell 18m Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
16 Muesli - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Traditionell 18m Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
16 Muesli - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Traditionell 18m Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
16 Muesli - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Traditionell 18m Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
21 Extra G - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Gemischt trad 18m, 1 Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
16 Muesli - mit Mark Charles Barnett, Carl Schneider Traditionell 18m Klassiker
Cliff Barnett
Sa 11. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
21 Extra G - mit Josh Battersby Gemischt trad 18m, 1 Sehr gut
Bruno Alves Buzatto
So stoked to red point this! I sussed out the gear on top rope first, so had the perfect plan for all my pieces. Gets thin on top, so it's a spicy lead, but once you know the moves and where to protect, it becomes a straightforward mission! It helps that when you are really pumped there is a bolt, and the most likely fall at the top is on that...

Mo 6. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
20 R The Crunge - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 14m Gut
Callum Brett
Not quite sure I can tick this! Guidebook says stay off the arete (which I did) but used one hand in 'Ill Equipt' about 2 feet above the letter box slot. Gonna compromise and tick as a red point, not a flash haha

Whatever the exact intended route is, it's a fairly pointless eliminate with some good moves!

Gotta disagree with the 'R' rating, found 3 great thin wires in the thin crack after leaving IllEquipt, hardest section to protect (for me) was the easy shared start with IllEquipt

Actual climb went really well, took a few false starts leaving the letterbox slot and placing incrementally higher wires before I was ready to commit to moving up to the break and was all sweet from there.

8 Cinch Traditionell 14m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
16 Asgard Traditionell 15m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
0.3 cam found its way into a tiny spot in the horizontal removing the need for run out. Made this lead feel very safe.

18 Illequipt Traditionell 14m Gut
Laurence Judd
19 A Quiet Chat Traditionell 13m Gut
Laurence Judd
A nice line, smooth sailing here.

23 Illequipt Left Side Traditionell 14m
Laurence Judd
Sharp & fingery. Not very enjoyable

18 leicht Illequipt - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 14m Sehr gut
Callum Brett
Found the gear really thin and finicky low down, but you can start getting some bomber pieces in as it starts build up to grade 18.

Crux and beyond went super smooth thanks to my TR rehearsal, would say no single move that felt harder than any on Asgard

16 schwer Asgard - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 15m Gut
Callum Brett
good gear, but packs all the real climbing into like 3 moves

16 schwer Asgard - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 15m Gut
Callum Brett
18 leicht Illequipt - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 14m Sehr gut
Callum Brett
warm up / gear finding mission

So 5. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
13 Hieroglyph Traditionell 21m
Cameron Moyle
12 Pedagogue Traditionell 20m
Cameron Moyle
So 5. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
21 October Sport 12m, 3 Sehr gut
Tom Q
lol, one day

22 Terra Incognita Sport 20m Sehr gut
Tom Q

So 5. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
16 Asgard - mit Callum Brett Traditionell 15m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
Got to the small gear section and had a lot of trouble placing a micro in the slot. Got over pumped and bailed up cinch. Found the spot rappelling down, so it should be much better next time!

15 Shedidit - mit Callum Brett Traditionell 13m Sehr gut
Laurence Judd
6 Cork - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 9m Vergiss es
Laurence Judd
Nothing good to say about this one, dirty and full of webs. A pretty bad line.

So 5. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Throne Room
13 ~11 Palomino - mit Callum Brett Traditionell 14m Gut
Laurence Judd
13 ~11 Palomino - mit Callum Brett Traditionell 14m Gut
Laurence Judd
Lead this after a second with Callum. Guide said 12 and we both thought 12 seemed generous, seemed to just be a jug haul with lots of no hands rests. Good rock and good protection.

Sa 4. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
23 Japetus Direct Finish Sport Sehr gut
Carl Schneider
Another attempt at this. I need to remember the beta, esp the heel hook at the start. I use three heel hooks all up. It’s getting closer.

21 October Sport 12m, 3 Klassiker
Carl Schneider
Nice and clean

Sa 4. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
16 schwer Asgard - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 15m Gut
Callum Brett
15 Shedidit - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 13m Sehr gut
Callum Brett
16 Golgotha - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 15m Sehr gut
Callum Brett
Sa 4. Mär 2023 - Morialta
The Throne Room
13 ~12 Palomino - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 14m Durchschnitt
Callum Brett
13 ~12 Palomino - mit Laurence Judd Traditionell 14m Durchschnitt
Callum Brett
Sa 4. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
18 Illequipt - mit chad Traditionell 14m Sehr gut
Peter Hamnett
Freaked out and ran it out!

Fr 3. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
8 Cinch Traditionell 14m Gut
Laurence Judd
Sent in 3 pitches for some anchor building practice. Some good fun. Lead 1st & 3rd pitch

12 Sheoak Corner Traditionell 15m Gut
Laurence Judd
Leading is harder in the dark...

Do 2. Mär 2023 - Morialta
Far Crag
18 Illequipt Traditionell 14m
20 R The Crunge Traditionell 14m
So 26. Feb 2023 - Morialta
The Outcrops
8 Marzipan - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 9m Sehr gut
Laurence Judd
8 Sylvia's Folly - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 8m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
7 Dandelion - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 8m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
8 Marzipan - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 9m Sehr gut
Laurence Judd
Fav of the day, lead twice.

8 Sylvia's Folly - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 8m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
7 Dandelion - mit Luke Dow Traditionell 8m Durchschnitt
Laurence Judd
So 26. Feb 2023 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
11 1987 - mit Jordy Carr, Andrew Hojem Sport 12m, 3 Gut
James Hart
So 26. Feb 2023 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
18 Terrathea - mit Jordy Carr, Andrew Hojem Traditionell 20m Gut
James Hart
22 Terra Incognita - mit Jordy Carr, Andrew Hojem Sport 20m Sehr gut
James Hart

Zeige 701 - 800 von mehr als 10,700 Begehungen.

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