
Einträge in Moon Boulders

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Moon Boulders

Probably the most beginner and intermediate friendly area, other than the mantle cruxes.

High concentration of board style climbs with good landings that aren't too tall

V3 Space Whale

Sit start on good slopers at lip and mantle up. Feels impossible till you figure it out

V3 Mantle Fight

Left-hand side of the wall up good holds to mantle crux

V2 The Moontle

Same start as Mantle Fight but going directly up to similar mantle crux

V1 Small Steps for Man

Stand start on good crimps and up cool crescent feature and good holds to easy ish mantle

V3 A Moderately-sized Leap for Mankind

Stand start on good jug and pinch on arete and big move to top of wall with smear feet

V3 Calma

Sit start on two right facing sidepulls, and move up through small crimps

NOTE: Original sit start right hand is now broken. Start one move in right on small crimp. Original start position goes at approx v7

V8 Crescent Rose

Crouch start on decent slopers and up big moves on slimps (sloping crimps). Slopey jug to the right from J Sun is out. You know which one

V5 J Sun

Start as for A Lo Bien but head left towards the top of Crescent Rose

V7 The Setting Sun

Start as for Cresent Rose, traversing through J Sun to top out as for A Lo Bein

V4 A Lo Bien

Sit start on crimps and up nice incut crimps to hard mantle. Classic

V6 A Low Being

Low start on crimp/pinch brick hold before hard move into start of A Lo Bien

V3 Where the Sun meets the Moon

Awkward sit start with right hand pinching arete and left hand on face or arete. Directly up to awkward mantle

V2/3 Beetle juice

Sit start up good edges

V6 Tranquillity

Sit start on crimp ledge. Hard move to good holds and then easy top out

V7 The Lunar Mare

Sit start on sidepull crimp and move into the start of Tranquility to finish as for that climb

Takeoff Proj

Stand start on incut crimps and dyno to top

V3 Little Moontle

On the small block opposite crescent rose

Sit start on slopey edge before big move to lip and slopey mantle

Zeigt alle 18 Einträge.

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