
Begehungen in Sunshine Coast von Brendan Heywood

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Zeigt alle 41 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität
Do 22. Jun 2017 - Mt Coolum
24 Beer, Boobs and Jerky - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 10m Gut
Figured out the bouldery crux statically but otherwise flailed on this too

26 Three Men and A Ladder - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 10m, 5 Klassiker
Another flail, calling it a day

26 Three Men and A Ladder Sport 10m, 5 Klassiker
Warmup flail

Mi 21. Jun 2017 - Brooyar
Eagle's Nest
24 Central To Blackheath - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 15m, 6 Klassiker
Great burly bouldery route, loved it and we finished playing on this in the dark

22 Johnny Gun - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 15m, 4 Gut
Onsight foiled by an exploding hold but would have had this. Fun little roof moves

23 Fatman Scoop - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 20m, 4
Annoyed a little I messed this up, after finding the right hold this felt easier than 23

18 Up a Rat in a Drainpipe - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 20m, 7 Gut
17 Free Range Heggs - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 20m, 8 Durchschnitt
Cruisy but would not want to fall on it

18 Prima Diva - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 8m, 3 Gut
One move dyno start

22 Prima Donna - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 8m, 3 Gut
Second clip looked high but it's easy

21 Celluloid Hero - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 15m Klassiker
Threaded a sling through the hole for a first clip but isn't needed

15 Miss Manners - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 20m, 5 Durchschnitt
15 Miss Kandy Kane - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee Sport 20m, 5
Di 20. Jun 2017 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
22 Slider - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee, Alan Ezzy, Thor Sport 16m, 7 Klassiker
Great to back to this finally

23 Squealer - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee, Alan Ezzy, Thor Sport 21m, 6 Klassiker
Fell at last bolt on first burn, second almost the same but slightly higher just got hands tangled, third go clean.

24 Howler - mit Ben Vincent, carol lee, Alan Ezzy, Thor Sport 16m, 5 Gut
Clean to the start of the crux and just spanked. Back was feeling rubbish after Coolum

Mo 19. Jun 2017 - Mt Coolum
26 Three Men and A Ladder - mit carol lee, Ben Vincent, Alan Ezzy, Thor, Nathan Sport 10m, 5 Klassiker
Completely intimidated by this but quickly also got very psyched. Wild moves through the roof and proper knee bar tactics are gold. After the second burn a bee stung me on the right calf. Got it third try

20 Dave - mit Thor Sport 12m, 9 Gut
Cleaning draws

25 24 Crazy Horny - mit Alan Ezzy Sport 10m, 4
Watched carol attempt this and wanted to try the start problem, didn't get anywhere. Want to come back to this

24 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? - mit nathan Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
Waited for a while and warmed up on the woodie and then got this first try. Cold and windy

So 18. Jun 2017 - Mt Coolum
24 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? - mit nathan Sport 12m, 7 Klassiker
Was getting tired, got to 4th bolt and pumped out, big fun fall

26 Screaming Insanity - mit Ben Vincent Sport 15m, 9 Mega-Klassiker
Alan got me scared before I started, but got to the 5th bolt on the wicked horns so super happy. Dogged the rest

25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat - mit Ben Vincent Sport 8m, 5 Klassiker
Also fell on the start! Felt less easy the second time but did the top fine. Munted my right ankle a little and Ben and carol both did similar damage

25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat - mit Ben Vincent Sport 8m, 5 Klassiker
Stoked to onsight up to the last hold and fell throwing while juiced

20 Dave - mit Ben Vincent Sport 12m, 9 Gut
Slopey good warmup

So 4. Nov 2012 - Mt Tibrogargan
Carborundum Wall
21 Airtime Over Pumicestone - mit sgodwin Gemischt trad 250m, 24
The first pitch isn't inspiring but from half way through the second until the very end it's high quality fun all the way. Scott lead most of it while I lead the crux pitch.

Sa 6. Okt 2012 - Brooyar
Point Pure
22 The Great Devoid Sport 15m, 4 Gut
Having tasted the sharp rock I taped up, pumped through the cool flake moves and had a good shake on the mid ledge, then powered up the jugs. Very happy with the onsight! Has to redo it cause no one else wanted to second it

22 Orange Flavoured Hand Grenade Sport 8m, 3
Was inspired by this from the ground, but found it just sharp and painful. Was pretty glad to land the juicy jug on the nicer band of rock and top and get of the damn thing.

Sa 6. Okt 2012 - Brooyar
Black Stump Buttresses
25 Little Wednesday - mit sgodwin Sport 8m, 6 Gut
Would be a classic climb except for the crappy band of pebble rock with the sharp side pull. Otherwise big fun juggy strong moves. I loved the undercling throw near the end.

15 My Brothers Keeper (My brothers crack whore girlfriend) - mit sgodwin Sport 10m, 5
Played with an efficient rigging system, was pretty happy. As soon as Scott was ready to abseil already setup.

Sa 6. Okt 2012 - Brooyar
Eagle's Nest
18 Up a Rat in a Drainpipe Sport 20m, 7
17 Free Range Heggs Sport 20m, 8
23 Blinky Bill's American Breakfast Sport 8m, 3 Sehr gut
Really happy with this, even with the dog, had a rest one the big jug, then cleanly did the rest until I tried to mantle over the corner on leaves and sand and spat off. Found the better (but not great) mantle a couple feet left. Solid chunky fun moves.

17 2,4,5 T Sport 42m, 9 Gut
Almost sprinted up it, my goal was to never let scotty catch up belaying (almost but not quite)

Fr 5. Okt 2012 - Serpent
Serpent Wall
21 Harpe - mit sgodwin Sport 6m, 3 Sehr gut
Fun! The hardest moves are the bouldery sequence getting off the ground. I'm counting as an onsight, but I got half way up before scotty informed me I didn't have any draws. Doh! In hindsight I should have got him to throw some up.

22 Stingray p1 - mit sgodwin Sport 20m, 6 Gut
Got through the awkward roofs moves and pumped out at the mantle.

17 Minotaur p1 - mit sgodwin Sport 20m, 6 Klassiker
Awesome route, like Trachyte poured into a mould of Thailand limestone.

So 12. Aug 2012 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
23 Squealer - mit Scott Godwin Sport 21m, 6 Klassiker
Pretty sweet, very happy just to top rope it clean.

17 Blowing Bubbles - mit Scott Godwin Sport 15m, 4 Gut
Easy warm up

23 Monkey Magic - mit Scott Godwin Sport 10m, 4 Gut
Deceptive! All the crimps are really only decent as pinches, but but trying to figure it out.

22 Slider - mit Scott Godwin Sport 16m, 7 Klassiker
Classic! Loved it. My kinda climb. The rock here feels like a mix of Thailand jugs and the big smooth Arapiles 'bums'. Just one pumped out rest on the second last bolt.


Zeigt alle 41 Begehungen.

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