
Routen in Throne of the Gods

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Zeigt alle 51 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
The Throne Room

Follow a corner crack up to ledge and roof crack. DBB at the top of the ramp.

TraditionellProjekt 20m
AID:A1 Unnamed

Aided to gain access to the ramp above.

Elinor Fleming & Peter Zhang 23/12/2018

Erstbegehung: 23 Dez 2018

Technisch 20m
23 A Call To Arms

A beautiful line of underclings and laybacks. 2nd pitch of 3. Starts under the huge roof on the left side of The Throne Room. Recommend to move the belay about 10m to the right to a ledge below the start of the obvious line. Follow series of underclings until it ends, reach across to join the crack system on the left and continue up the steepening crack to the anchor. Double bolt belay. Can be reached by going up the first pitch or rappel down from the top to under the large roof. There's a DBB at the top of the ramp under the roof. Peter Zhang, 30/Nov/2019

Erstbegehung: Zhangter P, 30 Nov 2019

Traditionell 20m
AID:A1 - 2 Zeus

This direct line goes up the main wall on the left side of the Throne Room. The crack goes directly up for 80m through several roof cracks. Done on trad gear aid, with only minor free climbing. It was done in 6 pitches due to drag from the all the roofs. A committing adventurous outing and will be a test piece free route at ~26/27? Bolted anchors were placed before and after the first major roof so people can bail and to make things user friendly as a variant in this roof is being worked that hopefully people will jump on as a separate single pitch route.

Logan Barber, Scott Boladeras, Jan 2010.

Erstbegehung: 2010

Technisch 80m, 6
23 Corruption in High Places
Traditionell 30m
21 Bobby Dazzler
Traditionell 30m
14 Police Brutality
Traditionell 55m
19 Legal Limits
Traditionell 30m
18 Truculent Truncheons
Traditionell 20m
24 Corruption in Higher Places
Traditionell 80m
19 Wet Work
Traditionell 40m
16 Gallery Theft
Traditionell 25m
20 Tinkering Transience
Traditionell 25m
8 Tern
Traditionell 35m
11 Two Whales
Traditionell 40m
13 Sandgroper
Traditionell 10m
9 Exodus
Traditionell 35m
12 Handsome Ken
Traditionell 10m
11 Babie Doll
Traditionell 10m
17 Astroboy
Traditionell 9m
10 Pygmies on Parade
Traditionell 8m
18 Hephaestus

A short hidden gem perfect for a warm up lead, top rope run or when the rest of the Throne Room cracks are wet.

A few moves of face climbing to gain a fist crack. Punch it as it starts to get steep, following the crack up then slightly right to gain the upper hand size crack to top. Stellar climb, just wish it was longer!

Erstbegehung: Chris Miller

Traditionell 10m
Claw's Wall
19 Ice Cream for 4Play

Right trending diagonal handcrack to vertical finger crack before pulling over the lip to the slab. Located on the large left block as you scramble up from The Throne Room towards Elegantly Wasted. Belay from bottom ledge.

Erstbegehung: Brian Tan & Peter Zhang, 14 Feb 2015

25 Elegantly Wasted

Technical face climbing, small-med wires and 3 bolts, 2 ring bolts added at the top for lower off so you don't have to top out amongst loose blocks etc.

Erstbegehung: S. Richardson & S. Aegerter, 1997

Gemischt trad 20m, 3
27 Twitch to Glory

If you like crimps and slabs you'll love this. Twitch up the wall past 7 bolts to a double ring bolt lower off.

Erstbegehung: M. Law & R. Tyson, 1988

Sport 25m, 7
19 Gatling

60m rope needed for lower-offs.

Erstbegehung: R. Weiter & C. Slee, 2013

Sport 30m
18 Pistolero

Follow cracks to lower-offs of Gatling.

Erstbegehung: R. Weiter & J. Gregg, 2002

Traditionell 30m
Watson's Buttress
11 Delicatessen
Traditionell 30m
8 Jon Jon
Traditionell 30m
10 Gannet
Traditionell 40m
Convict's Corner
14 The Golden Years

Abseil down the slab which is roughly halfway along the main south face of convicts corner. Check access topo to locate this rap station (requires bolt plates). Starts in an obvious alcove and climbs the face of the large flake before stepping right and continuing up the slab above. Gear and a few bolts (bolt plates required).

Erstbegehung: J. Herlihy & K. Hartley, 2020

Gemischt trad 20m, 3
20 Welcome Reality

Excellent arete climbing in an exposed position. Abseil further down the slab than the previous route to a semi-hanging belay (bolt plates required). Climb the short corner then step right towards the arete. Climb the sustained thin crack and slab up the edge of the huge wall. As the climbing eases, step left and follow the bolts up the slab to the top. Take a standard rack with rp's, micro cams, and bolt plates.

Erstbegehung: R. Master & K. Seewraj, Dez 2020

Gemischt trad 30m, 4
22 Convict's Corner
Traditionell 70m
14 Yellow Peril
Traditionell 70m
22 Critical Mass

Solid and sustained climbing up an intimidating wall. Two traverses, two roofs and multiple cruxes make it a memorable and exposed outing. Take a full rack up to no.3 camalot, some long draws and a few extra small cams around .3/.4. Abseil 30m down the huge corner system from the top of Beggars wall to belay at the two eybolts on the slab. Step up and onto the face from the belay and traverse left along the rail past three ringbolts to the flake. Up this to the first roof. Bouldery moves up and right to the ledge above then a rightwards traverse passing another bolt to good holds. Up the face trending left following the curving cracks. Jam, stretch and squeeze your way over the roof to finish at the ledge and DBB

Erstbegehung: K. Hartley & K. Seewraj, Dez 2020

Gemischt trad 30m, 4
17 Showpony

Abseil 50m down the south side of the huge flake (yellow peril) from the top of Beggars wall. There is a rap station on the edge of the boulder with the small cave (bolt plates required). The route starts about 15m or so up from the base of the cliff at a DBB. Step left onto the flake at the fixed hanger and climb the edge of the flake up the slab following the thin cracks. At the top of the flake step right and follow the fixed hangers through the steepening headwall with a couple of mid-sized cams along the way. Up through under-clings to the horizontal break then traverse left a couple of metres to a vertical crack. Follow the crack for a few metres then climb the slab past another bolt. Very small wires and micro cams required. Take plenty of draws.

Erstbegehung: K. Hartley & J. Herlihy, Nov 2020

Gemischt trad 45m, 6
18 Lab Rat

A great long pitch up the face to the right of the yellow peril flake. Starts at the same belay as showpony following br's up the steepening slab (bolt plates required). Take gear for the horizontal cracks and after it gets steep, trend-right to a trad belay on the ledge below the huge roof.

Erstbegehung: L. Grieve & J. Herlihy, 2017

Gemischt trad 40m, 8
18 The Next Big Thing

The following routes are reached by abseiling from the two hex bolts accessed from the large vegetated ledge system. The climb starts from the lower ledge on the main face at a natural belay. Climb up and leftwards along hand crack until at the thin crack/seam. Up past a ringbolt to the steepening headwall. Balance up through the horizontal cracks to a thin section and another bolt. Up the short flared groove to finish at a trad belay on the ledge below the large roof.

Erstbegehung: M. Rosser & K. Hartley

Gemischt trad 25m, 2
11 - 13 Pheasant Plucker

An older rambling line on the right of the easy angled slab. Abseil down to the first or second ledge depending on the swell. The lower is a slightly harder line.

Trend left along the diagonal cracks on either line then up through a steeper section with horizontal breaks.Continue straight up or move right to a large crack. Two ropes are useful owing to rope drag. J.Nevin ca. 2001


14 Pheasant Plucker direct

Starts from the lower ledge. Step left and climb up past two ringbolts to a blank section. Run it out up to the vertical crack, then finish straight up the face.

Erstbegehung: J. Nevin, 2020

Gemischt trad 25m, 2
15 Beggars Banquet

Starts from the upper ledge at a double bolted belay (requires bolt plates). Climb up and left from the belay, through the roof then straight up the face above. Gear and a few bolts (require bolt plates).

Erstbegehung: J. Herlihy, 2015

Gemischt trad 20m, 4
21 Stress Test

Climb the thin face past three bolts just right of the belay to a tricky move before the horizontal break. Finish up the hand crack and wall above.

Erstbegehung: R. Master, 2015

Gemischt trad 25m, 2
14 Athena

Starts at the south side of the upper ledge. Traverse right past a bolt to gain the arete. Up this to finish up the scaly face. Great rock and position. Take gear and bolt plates.

Erstbegehung: J. Herlihy, 2015

Gemischt trad 25m, 2
20 Reality Bomb

Abseil to the horizontal crack/ledge at the base of the right trending seam 10m to the left of the Xanthe. This is the narrow wall on the south side of the main slab. You will need a full rack of micro to medium cams and bolt plates. Set up a belay using the bolt and the horizontal crack. Head straight up the sustained wall to the first bolt staying to the right of the seam. Continue on rounded holds towards the second bolt on exposed steep rock (crux). A third bolt is passed before a horizontal break and broken crack system is reached providing the first real relief, small cams can be used here (1-2). Head up the broken crack through a large under cling to the base of the concave wall with good edges topping out at the abseil bolts at the top of the wall.

Erstbegehung: R. Master, 2015

Gemischt trad 25m, 4
14 Xanthe

At the right of the slab is a narrow South facing wall. The climb starts on a narrow ledge directly below the hand jam crack. Move past the bolt to the arete and the crack above. Gear and bolt plates required.

Erstbegehung: J. Nevin, 2014

Traditionell 25m
18 Thick as Thieves

The first route on Theives Wall. Access is via a short abseil from the fixed hangers at the top of the crag down to the large vegetated ledge system, then walk east for 30m or so. Climb the hand crack which starts off a tad wide, through a bulge then continue up and leftward along the curving crack to a lower-off. Steeper than it looks.

Erstbegehung: K. Hartley & A. Separovic, Dez 2020

Traditionell 15m
17 Fingerlox or the Wooden Box

Classic line up the slab following the thin cracks. Clip the bolt after the horizontal break and trend right to the arete. Up the short slab to finish at a lower-off. Take small/medium gear and bolt plates.

Erstbegehung: J. Herlihy & L. Grieve, 2015

Gemischt trad 30m, 1
20 Fingerlox direct finish

Same as the previous route but instead of stepping right to the arete, clip the bolt and climb straight up the thin slab to the top.

Erstbegehung: K. Seewraj & K. Hartley, 2019

Gemischt trad 30m, 1
20 Fear Effect

Abseil to the small ledge at the base of a hand crack 15m below a large ledge Pitch 1, 15m grade 15 Belay in the crack with large cams. Climb the hand crack for 15m up to a large ledge. Medium to large cams for the belay Pitch 2, 30m grade 20 Climb up the vertical wall up horizontal breaks (medium to large cams) towards the first bolt runner. Climb diagonally right towards the arête (crux). Climb the thin corner crack, smearing and bridging on small flakes and features protected by micro cams and wires. Climb past the bolt runner and up into a crack to the base of the final finishing slab to the lower-off above fingerlox.

Erstbegehung: R. Master, 2015

Gemischt trad 40m, 2, 3
17 Too Sexy

Set up an anchor at the base of Theives Wall and abseil down over the huge chockstone to the large ledge below. The route starts at the obvious curving crack at the base of the south facing wall. Climb the handcrack up and through a slight bulge. Traverse left at the roof to a natural belay on med/large cams and either walk off left or continue up Fear Effect (recommended).

Erstbegehung: A. Separovic & K. Hartley, Nov 2020

Traditionell 25m
20 Too Sexy/Fear Effect link-up

Quality the whole way. Climb Too Sexy and traverse left to belay on med/large gear in the corner below the second pitch of Fear Effect. Climb FE and finish at the lower-off above Fingerlox..

Erstbegehung: K. Hartley & A. Separovic, 2020

Gemischt trad 55m, 2, 3

Zeigt alle 51 Routen.

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